STOCK MARKET... The last time that Brinker made any comments about current stock market activity was in September. But....
At various times in the program today, Brinker made these comments in answer to questions: "2012 has been a great year and we are very thankful to the investment gods for the excellent returns this year.....The stock market is very, very sensitive to what is going on in the sentiment ring. We've seen that from the market in terms of the fiscal cliff. Every utterance coming out has resulted in a swing one way or the other in the stock market....And also the stock market is fully aware at this point that we are dealing with a dysfunctional government."
From Marketwatch: The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA -1.21% fell 158.20 points, or 1.2%, to 12,938.11, leaving it off 1.9% from the week-ago close. The S&P 500 index SPX -1.10% declined 15.67 points, or 1.1%, to 1,402.43, also down 1.9% for the week. The Nasdaq Composite COMP -0.86% shed 25.59 points, or 0.9%, to 2,960.31, with the index tallying a 2% weekly decline.(From September 23, 2012 Moneytalk) STOCK MARKET SELL-OFF AHEAD? Curt in San Rafael said: "If President Obama gets re-elected in November, and the stock significantly increasing over the years, do you see a sell-off in the month of December?" Brinker replied: "Well, we are going to have to wait until we get further down the line to answer that question. I certainly don't have forecast changes that I would make months in advance. In other words, I operate in real time so that whenever things change, they change. Doesn't matter who the president is, I can tell you that. The biggest mistake that I have seen investors make is to allow politics to interfere with their investment decisions."
Honey EC: Brinker's Marketimer model portfolios are still fully invested. He is recommending "buy on weakness" for new stock market money. My guess is that if this fiscal cliff thing is not settled and the market tanks, Brinker will call it an "exogenous event" that his Timing Model© had no way to detect. Never mind that he has been talking about it for months now. Of course, he is on record saying he thought it would be resolved "after the election" -- or at least before the end of the year.
FDIC GO BACK TO $100K? Caller Jamie from Santa Clara asked Brinker if he thought the FDIC insurance would revert back to the former $100,000 or stay at the current $250,000. Brinker replied that he thought it would stay at $250,000.
FISCAL CLIFF....This was the main topic of the day for Brinker and most callers. Brinker spent a great deal of time reporting the latest news that is on all the major TV and radio channels.
ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX....Without a patch/fix "it will pick up about 26 to 28 million addition taxpayers in 2013."
MAJOR CUTS IN MEDICARE PAYMENT TO DOCTORS...."Scheduled to drop 26 1/2% in January which means some doctors will no longer take Medicare patients. That's the way it works."
MILK CLIFF: Brinker said: "This has to do with a forecast of a spike in dairy prices due to the absence of a farm bill. Congress has failed to renew farm programs, so there is an underlying 1949 law that they would go back to -- can you believe we run the country this way?....That law forces the federal government to buy up American milk at inflated prices. And the prices are expected to double on a quart of milk are going to have this tremendous government demand by law and it is going to dry up the supply of milk....and create a scarcity."
UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS ENDING...."About 2,100,000 unemployment insurance beneficiaries will lose their benefits starting on Tuesday unless that's resolved."
AUTOMATIC SEQUESTRATION CUTS....Includes: "Big hit to the military budget. Defense would take a 12% hit next year."
Honey EC: November 11th, Brinker went on the record as saying that he thought Washington would make a deal and these cuts would not take place. Brinker said: "They have these across the board cuts in defense spending, in discretionary spending...that are scheduled to go into affect next year. My expectation is that we will see some negotiation, horse trading....on these cuts and some kind of deal handed out."
CHAINED CONSUMER PRICE INDEX....This was called for by Mitch McConnell. Brinker said: "The chained Consumer Price Index reduces the payments for inflation by about 1/2 of 1%. ...It may not sound like a lot, but when you apply it to entitlements, it is a tremendous amount of money, billions and billions over time."
PAYROLL TAX CUT ENDS.....Brinker said: "And there's one more item that we should note which appears to be a slam dunk at this hour. And that is, everybody in the country is going to take a 2% pay cut on Tuesday because the tax holiday for the employee portion of the payroll tax si going to expire Monday night. And at this hour, there is no effort to extend that that is surfacing."
IN EDIT, Honey EC: This morning, I heard that this tax break that targets wage-earners only, will end regardless of what happens with the fiscal cliff.
LARGEST TAX INCREASE OF ALL TIME.....Brinker said: "So here we are less than 32 hours from the expiration of the current law. We don't know what the new tax law will be, but if nothing is done, then we do know what the new tax law will be until they change it -- which they will in January. The new tax law will be higher brackets across the board. A roughly 500 billion tax increase. The biggest tax increase of all time."
Honey EC: Right now, it looks like Brinker misjudged this whole fiscal cliff fiasco. Here is what Brinker said on November 11th: "Let me tell you what I don't think is going to happen. I don't think you're going to see this 300 billion dollar income tax increase across all brackets....This is the biggest single piece of the fiscal cliff. I don't see it happening, but if it does happen, I think they'll roll it back and make it retroactive."
TREASURY DEFAULT WOULD BE TREASON....Brinker said: "I don't think anybody believes that the Treasury would default on its obligation.....If you are a politician and you take action to default on the Treasury sovereign debt, then basically, you are guilty of an act of treason. So it's very dangerous territory to go into.....What would happen if you had a Treasury default. You would have a depression. And it would probably be worse than the depression in the 1930's, so that would result in chaos....If you don't believe the Treasury actually will default, it's unlikely that you would make a (bond) transaction based on that."
UNITED STATES IS FISCAL LAUGHINGSTOCK OF THE WORLD....Brinker did a lot of ranting about what is going on in Washington today. Brinker said: "We are the fiscal laughingstock of the world right now."
Jeffchristie's Final Exam Question:
Bob Brinker told a caller that president Obama was:
A) A flying squirrel
B) A jackass
C) A lame duck
D) A blood sucking leach
Brinker's guest was Carol Loomis. She has been a Warren Buffett fan club since 1966: Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything, 1966-2012: A Fortune Magazine Book
San Francisco, Ca. KSFO 560: 1-4pm (KSFO archives Moneytalk Free on Demand for seven days after broadcast. You can download and listen on the go.)