Bob Brinker hosted Moneytalk today -- the first day of the year. Happy New Year to everyone!
BOB AND WARREN BUFFET IN THE LAND OF CRITICAL MASS.....Bob explained that critical mass is where you have enough money saved and invested so that you can choose whether or not to work. Warren Buffet and Larry Ellison (and Steve Jobs, until his death) work because they love to work. Bob said: "If you enjoy your work, as I enjoy my work, and I hope you do, because I really enjoy my work, then you should do what you want to do -- make you happy."
Honey EC: I might be more inclined to believe that Bob Brinker is still working on Sundays and some holidays at 70 years of age if he didn't spend so much time on the program "infomercialing" for Marketimer and advertising his son's newsletter.
STOCK MARKET....Bob said: "The reality is the S&P 500 was, not only flat, it was basically unchanged. Taken out to the first decimal point....the S&P 500 started the year at 1257.6. Believe it or not, it closed for the year at exactly that figure, 1257.6. Now as far as I know, that is unprecedented.....Some people will say, look what a coinkidink..... To have a index 500 market weighted stocks go through the course of a whole calendar year and finish to the decimal point.....
.....As I mentioned our income portfolio had an outstanding year because it was the year of income.....We had about a 7% return on our income portfolio which is the one on page 7.....But as I look out at 2012, I would expect, at least as long as the market outlook is positive....and I want to put that in there because we are not talking about what the market outlook will be in the fourth quarter of 2012 because that's too far out, in my opinion. Even in the third quarter is too far out.....I think that the probabilities favor, and this is just my opinion....that as long as the stock market view remains favorable in 2012 -- and anybody who listens to our program is aware that that is my point of view, that it is favorable, I think that the stock market will outperform the bond market in 2012.....Unless there is a sell signal sometime later in 2012, unless there is a change in the market outlook from my perspective, absent any change in that outlook, I would say the stock market has the probability of outperforming the bond market and income portfolios in 2012."
Honey EC: LOL! So Bob is now dangling a new carrot with his "unless there is a sell signal" hokum-pokum. This is perhaps the funniest thing Bob has said in years, and he's gotten off some good ones. Bob's last "sell signal" was in January and August 2000 when he "sold" 65% of his equity holdings. He went back to 100% invested in March 2003, and since then has only issued "buy signals" -- over and over and over again (for "new money" of course.)
In addition to remaining 100% invested through the 2008-2009 mega bear market, he remained fully invested for a correction in 2010 that was close to 20%, and for a 19.6% correction in 2011. Don't be a sucker! Bob never issues sell signals anymore.
EC2: So Bob thinks it's unprecedented that the S&P closed where it started in 2011. I can understand his shock. It's 100 points under what he was forecasting for 2011 and it was as low as 1074.77.
EC2: So Bob thinks it's unprecedented that the S&P closed where it started in 2011. I can understand his shock. It's 100 points under what he was forecasting for 2011 and it was as low as 1074.77.
January, 5, 2011 Marketimer, Brinker said: ".....our new S&P 500 target price range in the mid-to-upper 1300s zone for this year."
EC3: Bob said that the third and fourth quarters were too far out for him to have a market outlook. To my knowledge, that's something entirely new He's never been bashful about predicting even a year ahead.
Bob said: "The best way for you to do that calculation would be to take the durations that are published -- you talk about the income portfolio, and let me say congratulations on the ownership of that portfolio. We just completed 2011, and that portfolio had a total return of 7%. In this zero interest rate world we live in, that's pretty terrific....In terms of trying to figure the price risk of each of the portfolio holdings, and there are five funds in that portfolio. The way to calculate your net-asset-value exposure is to take that duration number for each of the holdings, and that will tell you....what the risk is per 1% of corresponding interest rate increase.....Now if you look at that portfolio we have the weighted average duration that we publish there on page 7......Let me give you an example. If you had a duration of 4....then if rates went up 1%, then you'd have net-asset-value depreciation of about 4%..."
Honey EC: Bob has been touting that "income portfolio on page 7" for the several months: Vanguard Ginnie Mae Fund, 15%; Vanguard Short-term Investment Grade, 15%; Vanguard High-yield Corporate, 25%; Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund, 25%; Double Line Total Return Bond, 20%. This is the first year that Bob has touted that portfolio on Moneytalk, and this is the first year that he has tracked its performance. It will be very interesting to find out how Bob's "on-the-books" three model portfolios performed in 2011.
ECONOMY....Bob said: "Right now the United States is a shining beacon of light in terms of the economy. The economy grew at 1.8% annual rate in the third quarter here. And I'm expecting the fourth quarter Real Gross Domestic Product to grow at 2%+. I think the number will actually be over 2%. It wouldn't surprise me to see the number in the area of 3%."
Honey EC: It's very likely that is still waiting for Economic Cycle Research Institute’s Lakshman Achuthan to apologize. But Achuthan still believes that the economy is "tipping into recession." December 9th on CNBC, he said that it will take a year before we know if he is wrong. I summarized his interview here.
JOBS.....Bob said: "I'm looking for a decent jobs report coming up next Friday when we see the private sector number."
GOLD....Bob said: "For those who want to have a hedge in gold and only for that purpose, and that's going to be a very small figure, obviously, we've recommended on this broadcast that listeners look at the GLD shares."
TREASURYS AND INTEREST RATES....Bob said: "Take a look at interest rates today, they've just about disappeared. Three-month Treasury Bill has a yield of 1 basis point (annual)....Six-month Treasury, 6 basis points....One-year Treasury are yielding 10 basis points....WHOA, who let the dogs out? I mean these rates are hideous..."
GENERAL OBLIGATION MUNI-BOND FUNDS....Bob said, "I don't like the bond funds because there is too much interest rate risk if you buy a municipal bond fund.....However, if you buy a state municipal bond and hold until maturity, that's a different story....A general obligation bond with a date certain."
HULBERT FINANCIAL DIGEST "HONOR ROLL".... Bob said that Marketimer made the HFD "Honor Roll."
Honey EC: This does not mean that he is a top performer compared to other newsletters. Hulbert clearly pointed that out in the December issue of Hulbert Financial Digest. And that fact is made clear in the HFD Overall Performance Scoreboard. Bob Brinker's Marketimer is not among the top-seven in the 5 or 10 year time frames. For complete coverage of this subject, please see my article at this LINK.
MINIMUM WAGE IN SAN FRANCISCO: Bob said that the minimum wage has been raised to $10.24 an hour, the highest in the nation. The Federal minimum wage is $7.25. California State minimum wage is $8.00.
Honey EC: I haven't checked my facts, but I think that unemployment is also extremely high in San Francisco, especially with the teens and uneducated.
SAFETY OF BROKERAGE ACCOUNTS...Bob said they are safe if they covered by SIPC insurance.
HUMOR OF THE DAY, "CIRCUMCISION STOCKS": Caller Ben said: "I've got different portfolios for different children of different ages, and they are fairly well-balanced. They are heavy in tech stocks, financials and heavy in circumcision stocks....." Bob replied: "Ben, let me ask you a question. You mention you are heavy in circumcision stock. What kind of stocks are circumcision stocks? Are they health care stocks? What are they? Hello, Ben! Hello! Hello?" (Ben was gone. Bob laughed and said maybe they could get Ben back on the line.)
Brinker's guest-speaker was Robert Stowe England: "Black Box England: How Wall Street's Risky Shadow Banking Crashed Global Finance.
REGARDING MONEYTALK RADIO STATIONS: For those in the San Francisco bay area: Bob Brinker's Moneytalk was dropped by KGO radio. It is now carried on KSFO 560 radio station out of San Francisco. You can listen live here at this LINK
KSFO has the same hourly archives that you can download and listen to on demand. Go to this LINK and click on "listen" then "7-day archives." From there, it will give you instructions for either listening or downloading each hour -- 1-4pm time slots.
Bob Brinker currently posts the 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 year performance numbers on his three portfolios.
ReplyDeleteIt looks to me that his 1 and 5 year numbers will not be very good on 1 January 2012. Will he continue to report this way or will he change the way he reports to make it look good?
Not a big Brinker fan - I let my subscription lapse after he missed the housing meltdown crash.
ReplyDeleteOTOH, his Portfolio I 10 year performance figures (+106% vs +14% for S&P 500) from his website,
look pretty good. Am I missing something?
Thanks for update honey I appreciate your copying and publishing bobs comments. I noticed that you dont like Bobs informercializing and I didn't either when i could listen to him. Since then I came to realize that we live in a capitalistic society and unfortunately this is how it works.. Capitalism is the owning and operating of businesses by private people for a profit the opposite of capitalism is socialism society owns the businesses and operates for a profit... You can see where the United states government got involved with businesses and how they turned out..NOT a Good Idea..Anyways i appreciate your comments and hopefully Bob is right and it will be a good year for equities.. You have to admit he is entertaining and it is his private business.. ThaNKS jOHN
ReplyDeleteHoney stated that Bob doesn't issue sell signals anymore, and I'd be surprised if he ever did again. Much easier to simply make multiple stock market purchases and boast about those that were fortunate while ignoring or "forgetting" the losers.
ReplyDeleteJust think of him as the financial equalivent of game show host Alex Trebek, who provides the answers (buys) and it is up to the contestants (listeners/subscribers)
to supply the questions (sells).
Announcer to start each show:
Mr B before a commercial break:
"This is Moneytalk"
I wonder why he only mentioned the performance of his INCOME portfolio? Could it be that the stock portfolios underperformed he market, so they get swept under the rug?
ReplyDeleteI laughed when I heard the double talk in response to the question "what is your market outlook for 2012?". He could have just said, "My outlook is favorable unless/until I change my mind".
ReplyDeleteHe was 65% out of the market until March 2003, and has been a "permabull" ever since. So he was beating the market before March 2003 and has tracked the market ever since. What are the begin and end dates of the 10 year period? Like many misleading marketers, he probably chooses his begin and end dates carefully to make himself look better.
PD The 10 year number is good but I don"t believe he is in the top 5 at Hulbert. Look at his new 1 and 5 year numbers that should be out later this week.
ReplyDeleteI see that Brinker has updated his 'Portfolios' link to show data ending 12-31-2011. The older figures I saw yesterday were for the 10 year period ending 2010.
ReplyDeleteThe new figures are not as impressive, particularly the 1, 3 and 5 year returns. Thanks Stoxnbondz & Jeffchristie for clarifying.
Brinker stated that anyone who listens to Moneytalk knows his stock market views. Since he rarely talks about the market one better listen very close. If they miss a few programs they might never know. He only mentions his views a few times each year.
ReplyDeleteHe also says now that his timing model can only see perhaps 6 months out. It seems like it has been 6 months now that he was calling for the S&P to reach 1400-1450. So I guess that means his model was wrong on that call.
Well I guess all the flame throwers were wrong once again when they speculated the Brinker wouldn't post his performance numbers.
ReplyDeleteAll in all, the numbers don't look that bad to me but then I'm not as smart as the average Brinker basher.
Poster John is right when he says Brinker is a capitalist, not some altruistic guru some folks seem to expect.
Happy New Year to you faithful listeners.
JOHN said: "You have to admit he is entertaining and it is his private business."
You mentioned the fact that we are a Capitalist nation. Absolutely, and I'm all "fer it." I love Capitalism and hate Communism."
But for you to equate Bob Brinker's "infomercializing" Moneytalk to a "private business" seems real odd to me. It's the deceptive way it's done. Moneytalk is billed as a financial talk show -- not an infomericial for a "private business."
I would have no problem with Brinker selling Marketimers -- even with the deceptions it contains -- if he did it the same ways that those who don't have a NATIONAL RADIO SHOW do it.
So in conclusion: You and I agree about Capitalism and private business and the need for the U.S. government to butt out.
But what you may be forgetting is that when Brinker deceptively promotes his newsletter during the show, advertisers are paying for his "private business." Why doesn't he just pay for some ads and be honest for a change?
Birdbrain wrote: "Honey stated that Bob doesn't issue sell signals anymore, and I'd be surprised if he ever did again. Much easier to simply make multiple stock market purchases and boast about those that were fortunate while ignoring or "forgetting" the losers.
ReplyDeleteJust think of him as the financial equalivent of game show host Alex Trebek, who provides the answers (buys) and it is up to the contestants (listeners/subscribers)
to supply the questions (sells).
Announcer to start each show:
Mr B before a commercial break:
"This is Moneytalk""
Exactly! LOL!
Answer: How does one take advantage of Brinker's repeated buy-signals?
Question: Inherit money from Aunt Tillie, roll over retirement money from company stock or win the lottery.
StoxNBonds said: "I wonder why he only mentioned the performance of his INCOME portfolio? Could it be that the stock portfolios underperformed he market, so they get swept under the rug?"
ReplyDeleteI like your paraphrasing of his market outlook -- perfect!
Yes, he's been bragging about his "income" portfolio for several weeks now and not mentioning the performance of his three "official" model portfolios.
He seems to have elevated it to a place of importance, whereas it has always been almost a non-event mention in his newsletter.
Yes, as you suspected, the stock portfolios lost more than the total market index. From his website:
1 year ended 12-31-2011 for all Model Portfolios:
Portfolio I: (3%)
Portfolio II: (3%)
Portfolio III: 1% (balanced portfolio of equity and fixed-income securities)
Active/Passive: (2%)
MSCI Broad Market Index: 1% (VTSMX)
Jim wrote: "Brinker stated that anyone who listens to Moneytalk knows his stock market views. Since he rarely talks about the market one better listen very close. If they miss a few programs they might never know. He only mentions his views a few times each year.
ReplyDeleteHe also says now that his timing model can only see perhaps 6 months out. It seems like it has been 6 months now that he was calling for the S&P to reach 1400-1450. So I guess that means his model was wrong on that call."
Good point about how likely it is that people who listen to Moneytalk would know his stock market views. It's amazing how easily these misleading "misconceptions" roll off of his tongue.
He simply refuses to talk about the stock market during corrections -- unless he thinks the correction is over. And he sure never lets callers ask questions about it unless it suits his purposes.
Bob Brinker's timing model© is a complete joke, but he began using it again after the market turned up in 2009.
Yes, he had no problem making predictions out as far as a year before yesterday when he claimed he couldn't "see" the third quarter. ROFLOL!
From Marketimers:
Jan: Mid-to-upper 1300's for this year.
Feb: 1350 to 1400 later this year
March: "low-to-mid 1400's range within this year"
April: low-to-mid 1400's range within next 12 months
May: low-to-mid 1400's range over the next 12 months
June: 1400's range as part of the ongoing cyclical bull market
July: "low-to-mid 1400's range going forward"
(And take a look at this market-timing GEM. LOL):
August: "At this juncture, we are maintaining our fully invested position in our model portfolios in anticipation that our S&P 500 target in the low-to-mid 1400's range can be achieve going forward."
I ask if Brinker would change the way he reports his results. That is exactly what he did by adding the 3 year results. I didn't say he would drop the 1 or 5. Here is what I said:
ReplyDelete"It looks to me that his 1 and 5 year numbers will not be very good on 1 January 2012. Will he continue to report this way or will he change the way he reports to make it look good?"
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely correct. Yesterday, Bob Brinker added the three-year record for the year ending December 31, 2011, which he has left off for many years.
Let's take a look at what his website would show if he had NOT added the three year numbers -- which would have left the one-year and five-year back to back:
5 years ended 12-31-2011 for all Model Portfolios:
Portfolio I: 4%
Portfolio II: 6%
Portfolio III: 14% (balanced portfolio of equity and fixed-income securities)
Active/Passive: (2%)
MSCI Broad Market Index: 1% (VTSMX)
1 year ended 12-31-2011 for all Model Portfolios:
Portfolio I: (3%)
Portfolio II: (3%)
Portfolio III: 1% (balanced portfolio of equity and fixed-income securities)
Active/Passive: (2%)
MSCI Broad Market Index: 1% (VTSMX)
Looks pretty abysmal, doesn't it. But the three-year record gets past the huge megabear in 2008 and shows these numbers:
3 years ended 12-31-2011 for all Model Portfolios:
Portfolio I: 57%
Portfolio II: 55%
Portfolio III: 38% (balanced portfolio of equity and fixed-income securities)
Active/Passive: 48%
MSCI Broad Market Index: 52% (VTSMX)
Certainly nothing to write home about, but better than 4-6% over FIVE YEARS!
He's a very clever man.
ReplyDeleteMelanie Morgan has returned to the Morning Show (5-9am) after being gone for four years. This is great news!
Message from Melanie Morgan
Happy New Year, everyone! And the New Year's rally is ON, that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteThe Dow has broken out of what I'd consider an "ascending triangle" on good volume.
And the S&P500 has broken out of what I'd consider an isosceles triangle at the same time.
These are powerful signs and should not be ignored, IMHO.
The one fly in the ointment that keeps me from becoming wildly bullish is the longer term MACD, which has turned in its third straight monthly drop, albeit only a slight one.
Nevertheless, I would not go "whole hog" (no offense, Mr. Pig!)as long as this indicator remains in a negative condition.
But for now, I'm cautiously optimistic and buying stocks, and 2012 is off to a rousing start!
honeybee sorry I am late getting back to you. I think I understand what your saying.Bob will try to sell his newsletters any way he can. For example I recently received a new credit card in the mail. I called up to activate it and they tried to sell me protection plan in case someone fraudently uses it. I was a captive audience because I was activating my card. I didn't buy it but they tried to sell because they had an oppourtunity..This is what happens in a capialist society they just want to sell and Bobs a super sales person..
ReplyDeleteAt the link below, you can see a graph of 2011 key ETF performance numbers:
ReplyDeleteFriday, December 30, 2011 at 05:54PM
Before the 2012 trading year begins tomorrow, below we take a look at the final 2011 performance numbers for key ETFs across all asset classes. The left side of the table highlights all US based ETFs, which clearly outperformed the foreign ETFs shown in the top right corner of the table. The top performing ETF on the entire list was the 20-Year+ Treasury ETF (TLT) with a gain of 28.82% in 2011. The worst performing ETF was natural gas (UNG) with a decline of 46.09%.
Bespoke Investment Group
Thanks alot Honey. I now enjoy your comments more than money talk.
ReplyDeleteHow the United States fiscally started year 2012:
ReplyDeleteUS Closes 2011 With Record $15.22 Trillion In Debt, Officially At 100.3% Debt/GDP, $14 Billion From Breaching Debt Ceiling
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/03/2012 -
" is now official: according to the US Treasury, America has closed the books on 2011 with debt at an all time record $15,222,940,045,451.09. And, as was observed here first in all of the press, US debt to GDP is now officially over 100%, or 100.3% to be specific, a fact which the US government decided to delay exposing until the very end of the calendar year. We wonder, rhetorically, just how prominent of a talking point this historic event will be in any upcoming GOP primary debates. And yes, technically this number is greater than the debt ceiling but it excludes various accounting gimmicks. When accounting for those, the US has a debt ceiling buffer of... $14 billion, or one third the size of a typical bond auction.
Read more
Thanks again for your comments, Honey. I live in Seattle and Bob's show has been gone for at least 6 months from the Seattle area (I think to be a rather good market). Per your suggestion I listened to him on Sunday on KFNN from my CC (internet)radio. I rather like the station. It was a nice day in Seattle and I was taking down my X-mas lights when the "circumcision stocks" comment came up and I almost fell off my ladder laughing!
ReplyDeleteanonymous from Seattle said: "I was taking down my X-mas lights when the "circumcision stocks" comment came up and I almost fell off my ladder laughing!"
ReplyDeleteAnd I almost fell off my chair when I read how you almost fell off your ladder. LOL!!