''Moneytalk'' Radio Program With Bob Brinker Ending
RADIO ONLINE | Friday, September 28, 2018 | 1:59pm CT | ![]() |
After more than 32 years of hosting syndicated "MoneyTalk," Bob Brinker has decided to step away from radio. He'll continue to write and publish Marketimer, his investment newsletter, and says it's time for him to "take his weekends back and enjoy Sundays with his family." The team at Westwood One congratulated Brinker on his unprecedented radio career as he exits the weekend financial show, and wishes him the best.
Will continue to write and publish his MARKETIMER investment newsletter.
Will continue to write and publish his MARKETIMER investment newsletter.
Followed since 1987...attribute all investing decisions to this man
Even though I haven't listened since Super Bowl Sunday 1986 and 'Da Bears, more like 20 years, this still really hurts, even though not totally unexpected. Since Bob cut back to one day a week, you could tell he didn't have the same passion. And over the last year his heart wasn't in it anymore as evidenced by all the reruns.
ReplyDeleteStill the timing is a bit odd. He couldn't do three new shows a month until Xmas, or better yet, sign off Super Bowl Sunday 2019. That would have made for a more fitting storybook ending.
Ideas on a perfect final guest...Charlie Maxwell?
Great reporting by Honeybee. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm frantically downloading all of the available On Demand shows because when they evaporate, there ain't no more.
ReplyDeleteHis folksy familiar patter is a normal background music for my weekends. Without it, I might feel strange.
But no worries, his audio will show up as background music on some YouTube videos of skateboard tricksters or sport fishermen with Bob admonishing, "No, I don't like annuities because they are SOLD! And a fat commission goes to the salesman."
Thank goodness for YouTube. It keeps the old new.
Kudos to Lt. Frank Bullitt for your September 27, 2018 at 5:24PM post.
ReplyDeleteI couldn’t have worded it better except NOT mixed emotions. Clearly, the loss of a calming, reasoned financial voice in an otherwise largely screaming at you radio and cable financial news atmosphere.
It's a shame what turned out to be his penultimate show last week was such a mess.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteFor a long time when Brinker shared what he felt was important information he always said "That will be on the Moneytalk Final." I can't help but wonder right now if he will turn the last program into something of a Moneytalk final where he may raise certain questions and see if callers can answer them.
ReplyDeleteFor anyone who may want to record the final program off their PC there are a few software programs to try. I have Audacity and Audio Record Wizard on my computer.
I wonder how he signs off? 'The Starship has come home' or 'before they beam me outta here for the last time'. Does he play any clips from the 32 years? Do tributes to folks along the way that have helped out like the late Bill Flanagan.
ReplyDeleterepost since I missed the correct thread. DUH?
ReplyDeleteBluce said...I wish he would check in and grunt a little bit.
Ms Bee notified me of your wishes. All I can say is boB, I beat you again! I finally retired 9/7/18 and you're still working. HAHAHAHAHAHA
I would have retired much earlier but I got scammed by a charlatan SHARK ATTACK and "bought now" the dopey QQQ. How much did you make shorting that call?
This retirement shit really keeps you busy..................
Good Luck everybody....Ms B might have to finally get her feet wet with politics now that Brinker is going....going......GONE.
I don't know what another Jim is responding "Absolutely correct" to but we suddenly have two Jim's. That was not me.
ReplyDeleteJim...I wondered about that too. And since it made no sense (and I don't want people to think you posted it), I have deleted it.
I for one will miss Bob's Sunday show, reruns & all. I will be listening on Sunday to hear his departing words of financial wisdom. Thank you Bob, best wishes:)
ReplyDeleteJim said....
ReplyDelete"For anyone who may want to record the final program off their PC there are a few software programs to try. I have Audacity and Audio Record Wizard on my computer."
I would like to get a program like this.
What are the pros and cons of each, Audacity and Audio Record?
Which one do you like better, and why?
ReplyDeleteI'm copying BobnotBrinker's post here (from the last Summary's comment section) so that I can comment on it:
BobnotBrinker said:
This is a beautiful day!
1) Bluce: Yes, I was referring to our Beloved Bacon Boy!
2) Honeybee: Thanks for notifying Bacon Boy of our wishes!
3) Bacon Boy: Thanks for honoring our wishes during these perilous times!
4) Stinky: Thanks for checking in at M* Binky. I gave you some well deserved atta-boys!
From: M* Binky
Re: Re: Bob Brinker
2 minutes ago | Post #3962789
But it appears Honeybee, stinky, Bobnotbrinker, et al. have had all their hard work rewarded & their wish granted. Bob Brinker's last radio show is scheduled for this Sunday, 9/30/18, as I understand.
You are wrong about "hard work" and "wish granted". All that the folks that you mention have done is tell the truth about Brinker. There are no "wishes" beyond having Brinker stop the deceptions.
If Moneytalk is discontinued, then at least one deception will cease. Brinker played previously recorded shows and recycled calls without identifying them as such. No more Moneytalk, no more deception.
But, as noted earlier in this thread, there are other deceptions that may continue. For example, the "Marketimer" name itself is a deception, since there have been no sales of equities in over 18 years.
We will see just how many of the Brinker deceptions continue, in the fullness of time.
Excellent post! Well said!
I agree with you 1,000% !!!
Honey here:
Bobnotbrinker….I see that over on M*, "Jerry" has a severe case of HDS (Honeybee Derangement Syndrome).
Every one here knows that neither I, nor anyone who posts here, has ever wished for ANYTHING personally hurtful toward Brinker.
All I have ever wished for is that he would become the honest-broker that he sells himself as being. And I have called him out over the years when he has not been honest.
I was talking to a trusted friend yesterday about how I might continue this blog. One possibility would be for me to regularly post Brinker's long and checkered history that I have documented over the past 15+ years.
But as we talked, I sincerely wondered how I would feel about doing that if Brinker is retired.
I'm still searching my conscience for answers as to what I will do with this blog. Whatever happens tomorrow will probably make up my mind for me.
ReplyDeleteThey are both free programs that a person can download after doing a google search. Probably for recording Bob Brinker Audio Record Wizard is the best and easiest. All you need to do is click Record and then Stop when you're done. An Mp3 file is saved to your hard drive. Audacity has more features but is more difficult to use. Audacity might be more suitable for recording music.
The rumor is that his son is taking over. Good Grief!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I first began listening to Bob Brinker in 1996, he was the motivating force for me to start creating my own critical mass, which I achieved two years ago. Had it not be for him, I don't know if I would ever gotten myself together to do that or had any idea how to do it. So, I am grateful that he was around.
ReplyDeleteWhat I did notice was that after he moved to Las Vegas many years ago, he seemed less "in the know" about the market and gradually I stopped listening to him. I also noticed he was often condescending to women, which bothered me a lot.
So, like most things, there are good and not so good things to say. But overall, I do appreciate that he was there. I was also grateful for this blog because I could get a good sense of what Bob was saying without having to listen to the show.
ReplyDeleteSo FritzZener, please tell us where you heard this rumor or provide a link.
I just checked my credit card transactions and BB has charged me for another month of MoneyTalk on Demand - and with only one more week (tomorrow) of the program to go. The transaction was posted on 9/26/2018. The cancellation message I received a couple of days ago said the cancellation was effective 9/27/2018, so he charged me for another month the day before he cancelled the subscription - another deceiving dirty trick (in addition to many unannounced reruns AND cutting back to one day a week without changing the MTOD fee).
ReplyDeleteAdditional note to my recent comment about being charged for another month of MTOD the day before BB cancelled all subscriptions. My recent charges have been on 6/28, 7/28 and 8/27. So he moved the current charge up to 9/26 so that it would be a day before the 9/27 date of all cancellations - a real dirty trick!!!
ReplyDeleteBob Wemer...Where the Brinker's greed is concerned, there is nothing off limits.
I was surprised to read how many of those who follow this blog also subscribe to Moneytalk on demand.
So if that number is timed by all listeners across the country, and they move the date up and charge all those whose subscriptions expire a day before (or on the date), that is a nice bundle of $$$$'s in the family treasury.
Here are the dates they set, as you said: Your subscription with MoneyTalk On Demand has been canceled as of 2018-09-27 and will become inactive on 2018-10-26.
Clearly, they charged you early to get that last month out of you.
ReplyDeleteI know that $5 is not a fortune, but if you are not willing to have someone pick your pocket and take it, I recommend shutting off your bank or credit card to Bob Brinker.
See Bob Wemer's posts above.
The charge can be put into dispute with your credit card company.
ReplyDeleteHoneybee, I called the number 888-596-9279 listed on the MTOD page at (http://www.bobbrinker.com/MOD.asp). A very nice woman (with an accent) answered on the first ring. I asked to cancel my MTOD account and she said that all accounts had been canceled. I told her about being charged for another month one day before the mass cancellations. She said that since it was one day before, she would refund the charge to my account. It was a much faster phone call/transaction than I was expecting. I had expected the response to be that I would be able to access all of the old MTOD podcasts for another month. On another topic, the reason that I monitored your blog while having a MTOD subscription was because I liked the banter about the Moneytalk programs, it provided a summary of what the program was going to be about and I could also find out, before I downloaded a program, whether it was live or repeats. I've enjoyed your blog very much. Thanks so much for the time you have put into providing it.
ReplyDeleteHoneybee, thank you for providing the valuable updates and summaries of MoneyTalk every week. Bob Brinker's guidance over the past couple of decades helped get me to critical mass for a comfortable and fun early retirement several years ago and you made it possible for me to remain in touch with his view of things financial no matter where my schedule and travels took me. Take care and best of luck to you and yours!
ReplyDeleteJim said...
They are both free programs that a person can download after doing a google search. Probably for recording Bob Brinker Audio Record Wizard is the best and easiest.
I just downloaded it. They offer a free trial version, but you are limited to 2 minutes of recording each time.
To get unlimited recording, they charge you $24.95
In some posts earlier today the charge was made that Brinker's MTOD moved up the last credit card pull so that it would be charged early before the 9/27 cancellation date. According to the MTOD website, the agreement with each subscriber is that your credit card or checking account will be billed $4.95 every thirty (30) days as long as your subscription remains active. The dates when Bob Werner's credit card was charged (6/28, 7/28, 8/27, and 9/26) are each exactly 30 days apart. I don't know why I am defending Brinker, but in this case I say it was a coincidence, not a deception.
ReplyDeleteI downloaded a full version a few years ago. Can't remember right now where I got it but it wasn't CNET. Try the version on FileHippo.com. I'd suggest you test it first on any radio station and see if it really does limit you to 2 minutes. If you have no luck with it you could still download Audacity. It's more complicated to use but it does have a manual built into the software for help.
ReplyDeleteNote to Bobnotbrinker and Stinky,
Bobnotbrinker, re your last note on the prior comments section:
I guess at this point, it is too late to warn you that those people over there kissing Brinker's feet will only get more nasty, tell bigger lies, and make bigger threats against you.
They are either paid to do it, or are somehow closely connected to one or both Bob Brinker's.
And notice that not only do they lie about you, me and Stinky, they tell the most egregious lies about Bob Brinker.
Right now, they are wanting to discredit this blog and demean all of us to assassinate our character.
On a lighter note, just noticed that this month has 5 Sundays, so if BB stops by for the Grand Finale Gala and pulls a full shift--no early outs, it means he worked 20% of the available duty hours during this great autumn transition month of September.
ReplyDeleteThen again, give him credit for the two-thirds of the first hour last week before the gremlins got him, so that's 2/3 times 1/3 of the show, or roughly 23% of the potential monthly wages going to his paycheck. Just sign right here, Mr. B.
Everyone loves autumn, right? Oops, wait a minute, how ironic. Bob is bowing out this autumn while he's potentially in the autumn of his life. Gosh, sorry about that. Not intentional.
On the upside, he can spend more time kibitzing with his buddies about the impending baseball playoffs which start in a few days. I hear it's shaping up to be a doozy of a hard-fought month leading to the World Series. That's why they call Reggie Jackson "Mr. October".
BB could be the next Mr. October at his favorite sports book lounge. He'll be able to study the matchups unfettered since that pesky Sunday radio show is "in the history books". I hear they have VERY comfy lounge chairs in those wagering palaces.
As always, "We wish him continued success." And, most importantly, "May the odds ever be in his favor."
Jim said...
I downloaded a full version a few years ago. Can't remember right now where I got it but it wasn't CNET. Try the version on FileHippo.com. I'd suggest you test it first on any radio station and see if it really does limit you to 2 minutes. If you have no luck with it you could still download Audacity. It's more complicated to use but it does have a manual built into the software for help.
OK, the first time I downloaded it...it was from CNET.
So this time I downloaded it from FileHippo.com as you suggested.
I recorded some audio from a You Tube video, and it did great for about 2 minutes 20 seconds or so......then it just automatically stopped and showed a screen that said the free version is good for 2 minutes of recording each time, and that to get longer recording capability, you have to pay $24.95
My guess is that when you downloaded it a few years ago, it was free......
Then it got more popular so they started charging for the "permanent" version.....
Oh well......
About a year ago I downloaded Audacity and did not find it to be user friendly at all, so I uninstalled it at that time.
I do have Chrome Capture, which is pretty good, but it limits you to 20 minutes for each recording, then it automatically saves the file as an MP3.
I guess that will have to be good enough for tomorrow's last Moneytalk broadcast.
I'll just have to make several 20-minute recordings.....
thanks a lot Jim for your assistance in this matter
I say good riddance. Maybe his bosses finally grew a pair and told him to show up for work four times a work or retire already. Jack
ReplyDeleterjb112 does have a point. MTOD subscribers are billed for 30 days at a time which would be a 360 day year rather than a 365 day year (actually a 365.25 day year including leap year every four years) which I was assuming. Consequently, the billing date would move up approximately one month (30 days) every six years. I stand corrected. BB, I apologize for the oversight.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Brinker will continue for another month. Time to squeeze out a few more weeks outta reruns.
ReplyDeleteUnknown...No, Bob Brinker is supposed to have his last live show today.
It may be that one or more stations choose to play "best of" for the next month.
Here is the article at the link you posted:
Brinker to End ‘Moneytalk’ After 32 Years
Posted on September 28, 2018 by Joe Deacon
September 28 – Longtime “Moneytalk” host Bob Brinker has decided to step away from radio, Westwood One announced Friday.
Brinker, 77, has hosted the syndicated weekend financial show for 32 years. He will still publish his award-winning “Marketimer” newsletter but said the time has come for him to “take his weekends back and enjoy Sundays with his family.”
“Moneytalk” has aired Sundays from 3-6 p.m. on WSOY. Westwood One said Brinker’s last new show will be air week, with “best of” programming continuing through October.
Westwood One said it congratulates Brinker on his unprecedented radio career and wishes him the best.
I'm a bit surprised that stations will continue another month of reruns if Brinker says to the audience today that it is his last program. Most listeners won't tune in to hear the reruns because they will think today is the end of it. Maybe only a handful will tune in next week to find out what program replaces Moneytalk.
ReplyDeleteNot sure who wrote what above regarding recording, but I've been using Audacity for years for recording my own guitar playing and recording various things off the web.
ReplyDeleteYes it is a bit complicated, but once you figure it out it works well, you can record forever (or until your hard drive is full) and it's totally free.
What are the best stations for listening to Money Talk today?
ReplyDeleteDo you have am internet link to them?
My guess is they probably had 4 rerun shows in the can for the weekends Brinker was gonna take off the rest of 2018. Might as well air them. Plus, since it sounds like this was dropped on the affiliates at the last minute, it gives them a month to find suitable alternative Sunday programming.
ReplyDeleteAward-winning newsletter? What award?
ReplyDeleteDo you mean the award he invented for himself and gives to himself after slipping Mark Hulbert a few Benjamins and a fifth of V.O.?
Oh that award. Silly of me to forget.
Robert: I usually use WNTK, no huge pages to load, just click and go. And IT IS NOT A DESPICABLE iHEART STATION.
ReplyDeleteThere are plenty of alternatives out there (Honey has some on the front page) however, I absolutely HATE iHeart because of their STUPID commercials that play EVERY commercial break, so I avoid them except as a last resort.
The diehards will know they are reruns. But for the casual/fringe audience, they might keep listening for a while until they get tired of the same 'critical mass', 'saving for the young sprouts', and 'balanced portfolio in retirement' monologues over and over.
ReplyDeleteI record KKOB via Rarmaradio:
Bluce said...
ReplyDeleteRobert: I usually use WNTK, no huge pages to load, just click and go. And IT IS NOT A DESPICABLE iHEART STATION.
Thanks a lot Bluce.
I'll listen on that station......
And even record some of it !
Since my "Dear John" cancellation message said that my MTOD account was cancelled on 9/27 and would become inactive on 10/26, I tried to access the MTOD archives and it won't let me in. However, I did get them to refund their last MTOD charge, yesterday, which occurred the day before the cancellation so maybe that is why I have been shut completely off.
ReplyDeleteI second the post by Mr. Chalmers above. The same goes to the previous post by Lt. Frank Bullitt.
ReplyDeleteAs always, "We wish him continued success." And, most importantly, "May the odds ever be in his favor."
P.S. If your posting using characters from the epic movie Bullitt, you kind of hit one of my sweet spots for movie nostalgia. The greatest car chase scene ever between the 1968 Dodge Charger R/T and the 1968 Ford Mustang GT will forever stand the test of time. Is it possible you were my wingman back in the day?
I will miss this blog far more than the radio broadcast. Thanks Ms. Bee.
ReplyDeleteNot me, I will enjoy having him home on Sundays.
ReplyDeleteRemember, back in April I mentioned that we had a retest and it was a buying opportunity at that time.
HoneyBee:what is your status after BB expires...will you too stop.
ReplyDeleteWill you do another commentary of another BB-like host?
Please keep us updated.
Thanks for your past contributions, especially telling us listeners "live or replays"
Well, most things come to an end.
ReplyDeleteBob has dealt with NUMBERS all his life.
He moved to Las Vegas (where NUMBERS really matter in terms of the odds).
Tomorrow will be Bob Brinker's Birthday: Nice Las Vegas Number: 77 years old !!