Most of the other monologues were Brinker preaching about The Land of Critical Mass!
I listened just in case he came back live. In the first hour, there seemed to be some broadcasting trouble - at least on the two stations below.
BEWARE: I heard Bob Brinker replay calls today that contain tax advice that is not up to date because of changes to tax laws this past year.
* Mark from Arizona was one of the most
interesting calls in the history of Moneytalk. He met his future wife
on an online Christian dating service. They will marry in a few months
and she will inherit around $70,000.000. He told Bob that the money was
invested in natural resources. Bob told him to look at the fees that
are being charged. __by Jeffchristie
Honey EC: What this caller said was either a late April Fool's joke on Brinker or he was about to become shark bait. Brinker played him along by asking if he had known about this money coming to his "future wife" BEFORE he decided to marry her. He said he didn't know about it, that her deceased father's attorney had contacted him after they decided to marry, and told him that her father set it up so that she couldn't touch the $70 million until she married. And then.....yep....wait for it....Then the new husband would be given control of it. ROFLOL!
MARK FROM ARIZONA CALL IS JUST AS MUCH FUN THE SECOND TIME AROUND....(This re-run call was from April 5, 2015 - excerpts from my summary.)
A TREAT FOR ALL FROM DRAHME: audio clip of Mark from Arizona
A TREAT FOR ALL FROM DRAHME: audio clip of Mark from Arizona
(we didn't have this the first time around - ENJOY!)
* Mark from Arizona was one of the most interesting calls in the history of Moneytalk. He met his future wife on an online Christian dating service. They will marry in a few months and she will inherit around $70,000.000. He told Bob that the money was invested in natural resources. Bob told him to look at the fees that are being charged.
* Dave from Alabama said he was enjoying todays show. He wanted to know the number for the Christian dating service that Mark was using. He noted the possibility that Mark was being scammed. Bob said if he was ask to wire money so he could get the inheritance he should watch out.
MRC said: "The $70 million Christian dater call was a scam call re run from long ago."
EDIT: Here is the follow-up call warning Mark about the way he could be scammed by this $70 million scam. dRahme Audio Clip: Caller Dave and Brinker discuss Mark's call
EDIT: Here is the follow-up call warning Mark about the way he could be scammed by this $70 million scam. dRahme Audio Clip: Caller Dave and Brinker discuss Mark's call
The 30-stock Dow rose 86.52 points to 26,743.50 as McDonald's and Boeing outperformed. The S&P 500, meanwhile, closed around the flatline at 2,929.67 after rising as much as 0.4 percent. Both indexes hit fresh all-time highs earlier on the day. For the week, the Dow jumped 2.2 percent while the S&P 500 gained nearly 1 percent.Listen Talk Radio:
Is Alvin the chipmunk guest-hosting today?
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to believe, but Bob Brinker just spent the whole opening segment talking about everything economical, including Quantitative Easing and Tightening, without once mentioning the new all-time-highs the Dow and S&P hit last week.
Bob is probably sabotaging the audio so he can go home............ what me work two weekends in a row? That’s preposterous.
ReplyDeleteIs Brinker live in this second hour? The caller who had a company promise him a guaranteed 6% return when the market went down sounded like a call I heard before.
ReplyDeleteI think you again Honeybee. I could quickly see that the show is live and as my local station in Portland, Oregon is preempting the show with sports, I was able to listen to the Connecticut station on line.
ReplyDeleteFinally, I am grateful that I can see a summary of what I missed from the first hour.
The dowry caller is a repeat 237pm
ReplyDeleteThe first call (about the $70 million inheritance) after the 5:30 break is a repeat, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteHasn't Mark called before with his story about marrying a sugar momma? lol
ReplyDeleteJim....I am just noticing this and is now confirmed with the guy whose future wife gets $70million when he marries her.
This hour is NOT live.
How nice (NOT) of Brinker to do this to us!
The $70 million Christian dater call was a scam call re run from long ago.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking Mark forgot to tell Bob that he needs to Western Union the "lawyer" 25k so he can "access" the 70 million after he marries his fiancee:)
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for being so astute when we are all being scammed again.
I relaxed after he gave out the numbers at the beginning of the show, but should have wised up when the second hour started with the Critical Mass Sermon!
He keeps changing his time-off deceptions.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI noticed an audio change at 46 minutes into the first hour, not sure what happened.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if it went to tape then or not.
Third hour probably a repeat, he's taking calls and not reviewing economic stuff coming out this coming week.
ReplyDeleteThird hour sounds old too
ReplyDeleteWell, Mad as Hell! Now playing spliced calls in third hour. FrankJ gets a day off. :)
What I am wondering now is, was the first hour also rerun even though he gave out the phone number.
I know that the opening monologue did not include anything about last week's stock market action. It could easily have been pre-recorded.
If he gave out the numbers on a re-run, that is a new step down in his decent into total deception.
Maybe Brinker decided to leave early so he could go watch Tiger Woods win his first golf tournament in five years. LOL
ReplyDeleteReal shame he used to be real good
ReplyDeleteWhy isn’t the listening audience advised that program is a repeat and not live?
ReplyDeleteAlso, did I hear an ad on KNUS for a new financial talk show at 1 PM next week?
ReplyDeleteI think the first hour was NOT live. He easily could have pulled together his boilerplate discussion of the upcoming Fed meeting a week ago. He gave no updates on the market and only touched generally on the economy in reference to his discussion about the Fed (GDP increase over past year).
ReplyDeleteI hear there was a sighting of a Brinker on 10th Street in Del Mar, CA this weekend ... less than one block from the ocean!
Anonymous Mad as HELL! DID NOT SAY
ReplyDeleteI actually got a little choked up Bob was pulling a fast one only having one live hour!
September 23, 2018 at 3:01 PM
Honeybee, could you please flush the little pretenders post? Maybe flush it twice or thrice. Sorry about his stink.
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThe pretender post flushed. Thanks for letting me know MadasHELL.
First hour thought I heard Bob say "VTI - Veronica, Tango, India". What military language is this from? Or did "Victor" make the change in his wedding tackle to become "Veronica".......who knew?
ReplyDeleteAlso taking exception in his advice to the 80 year old asking about paying off his roughly 4.5% interest mortgage loan. Assuming this 80 year has been in house a long time and is on a 30 year loan, the ever reducing interest he is now paying may be very low. Generally 2/3 of the total interest on a home loan is paid for about half way through the 30 year loan. He may now be paying mostly principal on the loan and therefore doesn't make sense to pay it off. Bob should have first asked for that tidbit of info in my humble layman's opinion.
“Foolhearty and misappropriated!”
ReplyDeleteWhat a sarcastic jerk. Live or Memorex, this guy disrespects people all the time.
Keep up the good work Honey.
Pavlov’s Cat
It's hard to believe, but Bob Brinker just spent the whole opening segment talking about everything economical, including Quantitative Easing and Tightening, without once mentioning the new all-time-highs the Dow and S&P hit last week.
ReplyDeleteIt is no surprise at all. Bob has always been a liberal, partisan hack and he is clearly a Never-Trumper. He will not mention the greatness of the Trump economy until the midterms are over, if at all. And then go silent into 2020.
He also is hoping and praying for a Republican rout in the House, to be followed with market carnage, so he can pull the trigger on a buy signal and then spin it as positive precognitive market timing.
ReplyDeleteOther than those who follow your blog, I wonder how many binky listeners are truly aware of the live or repeat status of weekly programs. Perhaps he just doesn't have that many listeners anymore. In fact, having said that, now I wonder if the decision to run the repeat shows may frequently be guided by the amount of people calling in.
I don't know how soon before air-time people can call in. Let's say maybe a half hour before broadcast to allow for screening time, etc. But that half hour can be very indicative of caller interest.
So, hypothetically if one person has called in (or NO people have called in) prior to the show - maybe that is when the decision is made to go live or go to tape. It would be nonsensical to run 2 hours of call-in if only a couple of people actually call in.
Not only that, but binky would need to consider the "bounce rate" for incoming calls - i.e. "not interesting", "too young", "a Republican and/or Trump fan", "too old", "not a millionaire", "an idiot", "a prank call", etc. I would hazard a guess that binky's bounce rate is at least 50% and possibly as high as 80%. So, if you only have a few call-ins per hour, due to the "bounce rate" that would be totally insufficient to have a stimulating talk show.
So, in a nutshell my hypothesis is that there may be a vault of "best of binky" shows that are utilized both for planned absences as well as "lack of callers" situations.
If I am not mistaken the discussion content of the binky show is essentially controlled at home by one of the binky's (Senior or Junior), and if that is true, a last minute decision to go live or go to tape could easily be made "on the fly".
I trust that my consipacy theories do not sound too outlandish (and apologize if they do).
ReplyDeleteTFB....After listening to the whole program and rethinking that opening monologue, I believe Brinker had recorded that for this show in an effort to make it look like he was there live with the current FOMC information.
There is one problem with that - a simple internet search finds dozens of stories about the FOMC meeting next week. He just managed to stretch it into a 20 minute monologue.
The other monologues were about how wonderful the Land of Critical Mass is....
ReplyDeleteBobnotbrinker….No, your conspiracy theories are not outlandish at all.
After what I heard today, nothing would surprise me.
However, I do wonder when his next contract is up. He will only retire when the junior Bob Brinker is no longer benefitting from the MULTIPLE ads for the "Brinker Advisor" played on the show today.
Oh, and there is also Marketimer, Moneytalk on demand and all those lovely books on the website that Jr runs....
th efolowing link may be very useful for those trying to undestand Bob Brinker's behavior. I know it is hard to accept for may, but the evidence is glaring.
ReplyDeleteProfile of the Sociopath
This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.
I guess we will never know if Brinker was live or not during that first hour because I noticed those audio problems as well. If he was not then that would be the third weekend this month I believe that a recorded show was played. That may be a first.
ReplyDeleteHoneybee said:
ReplyDeleteOh, and there is also Marketimer, Moneytalk on demand and all those lovely books on the website that Jr runs....
Are those binky trucker hats and other tchotchkes still available? Maybe we should "invest" in a few for old times sake.
ReplyDeleteBobnotbrinker….I'm not sure about the hats, etc., but if they are available, anyone who wants one, should act soon. :O)
ReplyDeleteI mean this non sarcastically, but as someone who did 3rd, 4th, and 5th rate radio on and off for decades that involved live calls, that is not how it worked at any station I was at. But then we are dealing with Da Brink, so who knows.
Maybe he can be replaced by Alex Jones, at least that would be entertaining and less injurious to your wallet.
Just tweaked the Brinker Bots again over on M*.
ReplyDeleteThere’s been no Bot activity on that site since early last week, when it was pointed out that the M* thread is now a top 10 result when someone googles “Bob Brinker”. The thread doesn’t paint a pretty picture of Brinker’s honesty.
ReplyDeleteStinky....Did you point out that Brinker played what may have been the dumbest ever call to Moneytalk for the THIRD time today?
I posted links to my summary where it was covered the first time, which was in 2015.
And the second time in 2017, along with an audio clip of the call (by dRahme).
And today, several of us here heard the call again.
It's all in my front page comments for today.
ReplyDeleteI made reference to the dowry call, but didn't go into details.
Unless someone beats me to it, I'll probably add a few more details at M* in a day or two. We'll see if a Bot rises to the challenge first.
Yeah, the re-hash call from Mark about the $70 mil after tying the knot with the 36-year-old ball-n-chain is surely a joke on Bob.
ReplyDeleteMy evidence? When Bob asked Mark for his age, it took Mark a full 5 seconds of uhs and ahems to finally blurt out "mid-fifties" after Bob almost thought Mark hadn't heard the question.
Also, Mark sounds like he's calling from a phone booth near an off ramp from the Long Island Expressway (LIE). If he's such an upstanding gentleman who has patiently courted an apparently very particular mid-thirties "catch", why doesn't he call from home while lounging in the comfort of a La-Z-Boy recliner, although a lazy boy he is not considering the 3-year extended romance plan?
Certainly, his persistence has paid off. He became the happiest man ever invented when he found out that all he has to do is ________ this _______ to reap 70 "large" and roll around on the floor with it when she's not home.
If he's smart, he'll find the most luxurious private air service or car service, or even boat service, and send her home to visit mom ALOT.
But this all generates a bigger head-scratcher. Which is, "Who is selecting Bob's re-run calls?"
If putting outlandish and flamingly questionable calls on-air again is an entertainment strategy, ok then, he's a genius and should run Hollywood instead of milking a dead mutual fund infomercial. Strangely, IT IS a little fun trying to nail down the crap that has paraded past before, similar to recognizing the same car in a demolition derby that you remember from last Saturday night.
But seriously, if Bob or his staff are unwittingly reloading the strange and weird calls from previous strange and weird shows, it seems like they have no self-awareness, or just don't care.
Oh well, I'm betting that every cobbler, not to mention every dentist, reaps some sort of customer feedback eventually. Might even apply to absentee radio hosts.
This has to be "The Binky Day that will Live in Infamy."
ReplyDeleteMike, Kingman from AZ...
OUTSTANDING first comments on the blog.
In the morning, I will add them to the front page. :)
There must be gnashing of teeth and rending of garments over on Morningstar's Brinker forum. 3 repeat shows in one month and one Sunday left to go.
ReplyDeleteIf the show is winding down, this is a lousy way to go out, in my opinion.
My impression was that Brinker was live for about 2/3 of the first hour. When the audio problems became so severe that Brinker's replies to calls became indecipherable was when I think they called it a day and switched to old recorded calls. Makes me wonder what kind of national radio program in this age of technology would not be prepared with a redundant audio feed available in case of gremlins.
ReplyDeleteFrankj and all,
My question is, who thinks that Bob Brinker would actually say good bye?
Or would he continue to milk reruns to sell newsletters, etc., until all the stations replace or drop him, and then just disappear into the sunset?
Face it, his kid would have to get a real job if Bob retired so it is not happening until forced.
ReplyDeleteThink of it, how else could little Brinker peddle his fixed income newsletter without a 3 hours long infomercial each week?
ReplyDeleteTFB...You're right about "his kid."
From the beginning, he has been using Brinker's "coattails" very effectively to sell the "newsletter" he established in 2005. It was a very clever business plan.
1. He started using the name Bob Brinker on the internet.
2. He disguised the identity of the newsletter's true publisher (him and his wife, Lisa) on his website and in the newsletter.
3. He and Dad made the location of Marketimer the same (in Colorado).
4. Mark Hulbert (in cahoots with the Brinker's all along) immediately began covering "the kid's" newsletter, even though others that were doing better were turned away.
5. He runs adds on Moneytalk that give no hint about the true identity of the "Brinker" selling the letter.
And six: Walla! $millions rolling in....
Golfing, skiing and living the high life in pot-smoking Colorado doesn't come cheap - and he won't let dad give it up easily.
I too am shocked and disappointed at how far this once great radio program has fallen. Moneytalk used to be "must listen to" radio back in the day. It's also sad to witness the way in which Bob is apparently winding down his radio career.
ReplyDeleteA once great man with advanced Trump Derangement Syndrome bitterly clinging to his funds and subscriptions . . .
Love this blog and check it regularly. Keep up the excellent work Honey!
I was the first caller, asked Bob about MMT theory.. Show was LIVE 1st hour...Tiger or audio problems must have spurred the replays
ReplyDeleteIrwin...I just looked at my notes and see you there as the first caller.
I did not make the connection when Brinker introduced you as Irwin in Illinois because I did not remember that Skokie was in Illinois. If he said Skokie, I missed it.
Can anyone provide me access to audio of the MMT call from Skokie?
ReplyDeleteI heard it 'live' but was distracted by my multitasking.
ReplyDeleteTRM, no can do. Perhaps Irwin will share more about his call, which was about "modern monetary theory." He seemed to be wondering if perhaps having a large national debt was okay.
Brinker replied that is was okay up to 3% of GDP. He also said we are now at 4.6% - and called it unsustainable.
IMO, he needs to sit down and be patient for awhile. He wasn't in any big hurry during the 8 years of the Obama administration when the national debt doubled - which means it went up more than ALL other presidents combined.
Honeybee , I was not asking you alone for the audio, but thanks much for your brief summary.
ReplyDeleteIt does ring a couple of bells for me. I Hope not to be tempting the fates here, but I tend to agree with Bob B. on this one.
Yes, time for Bob to hang up the radio show. I have done real well by him, not agreeing with everything he says, but that buy-signal in February of 2016 was a big winner for me. However, getting a little tired of planning my Sunday to listen to him, only to hear a 'canned show' made up bits and pieces from the past. Most of the big radio stations in San Francisco-Sacramento region have dumped him. KFBK (Sacramento) used to tape-delay the show, starting it at 6pm, but they got rid of even that, over 5 years ago. The station-manager told me "We just don't make money off him." All you get on KFBK, on the weekends, anymore, are infomercials; usually, the likes of various financial managers that charge a fee. I tried one of them. Not a good experience. Bob remains the best in guidance. He just has to be a little more up-front and advise, at the start of the show, if he is 'live' or not. Since he chooses not to do that, and the one remaining radio station I can find him on has the 49er broadcast as priority in football season, I am about done with his broadcast. I also don't subscribe to Money Talk On Demand.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the blog El Dorado Steve!
Ditto what Honey said to El Dorado Steve.
ReplyDeleteWe can only hope that when Binky hangs up his microphone for the last time, that Honey keeps this blog going!
MartiniGal wrote: "Advanced Trump Derangement Syndrome." LOL, didn't know there was an "advanced" stage, but looking around I would have to agree.
ReplyDeleteBTW, martinis are one of my fav drinks, especially in the hot weather. I always make them "dirty."
It was thus written:
ReplyDeleteA once great man . . .
A once great man - are you kidding?
Brinker was never great and not much of man. In, fact he is sniveling coward. Time after time he had people like Bogle and Swedroe on, only to dishware with them only after their segments aired ad usually a week or two later when thy had no ability to debate Brinker's contention. That is not a mark of greatness, it is a mark of cowardice.
Doe a great man build an entire second career as a con-man? You do know that is what Brinker is, nothing but a con-man? Brinker knows fully well that market timing does not work and he deliberately and knowingly create subterfuge to hide that fact so he can get money from the unknowing, ignorant, lazy, and inept.
It is one thing for those who are mathematically impaired, do not understand statistic and finance to believe that Brinker has actually helped them, but it is another thing to call this despicable human being great.
I'll grant you, Bob Brinker, may be the most successful con artist in our time, but that is not the mark of a great man. It is the mark of a degenerate.
From Merriam-Webster
Definition of Con Man: a person who tricks other people in order to get their money
Good grief, what the kittens is with me and the typos above...
tfb: Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel about Binky?
ReplyDeleteThis isn't the first time Brinker has gone from live to recorded but this was a new low point.
ReplyDeleteMy theory is since there isn't a Vegas radio affiliate anymore, he must do the show from his house instead of a real studio and when there are issues, there are no on site technical support folks to help out.
That's why you always hear him counting down 3-2-1 when coming outta commercial.
MMT, modern monetary theory comes up on Google...Stephanie Kelton, Stony Brook U professor is prominent proponent...interviews, TV on Bloomberg, Barrons.....glad Bob took my ?? but 9-23 show was bizarre
ReplyDeleteI tried to take a look yesterday and again today at the Brinker forum on Morningstar and it is unavailable.
ReplyDeleteM* site is still available. In fact, one of the bots just posted today. And I quote:
“His supposed scheduling issues is a small price to pay in he helping his subscribers to reach critical mass.”
Must be a true believer. Or willfully blind. Or Brinker himself.
frankj & Stinky: The M site is notoriously unreliable. It works for me most of the time but some peeps (depends on browser, mobile apps, etc.) have on-going problems signing on, staying signed on, etc. So you just have to keep trying. Clearing cookies sometimes helps with cantankerous websites.
ReplyDeleteCheck the "Morningstar" section of the forum (just a couple of notches above where the Binky thread is) to get some idea of the site problems and complaints.
ReplyDeleteIf you are still having problems with Binky M*, try this link. It should take you directly to the current page (Page 9).
Bluce asks:
ReplyDeletetfb: Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel about Binky?
My comment:
The ever sultry Hottiebee would not allow such a level of profanity on her blog.
After reading the MorningStar forum I have concluded it is infected with the same type of sycophants that the Boglehead forum is infected with (they are Vanguard sychophants). Apparently it is that team thing that seems pervasive these days.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link Bobnotbrinker.
ReplyDeleteIt worked. So, the usual suspects are over there as TFB pointed out. And Stinky is doing a more-than-credible offense/defense against the bots.
Is this a microcosm of thinking and conflict in our country today? Not to get all philosophical, but it seems like whatever the issue, people are ready to suspend belief to try and make their points. I'm referring to the people who simply refuse to acknowledge that running the repeat programs without announcing it is simply wrong and they need to stop making excuses for Bob Brinker.
The Brinker skeptics, Stinky and others on this blog are not looking for an indictment. I think we're simply looking for a little honesty (from Bob)about the prevalence of the repeat shows and some acknowledgement from the bots that, "yeah that is not OK."
I'm not holding my breath and the fact is, I don't care what they do over there on M-star.
ReplyDeleteStinky, TFB, Bobnotbrinker and all who have made posts on that M* thread to spread the word about this blog - where we tell the truth about Bob Brinker,
You are all great and I appreciate you taking a verbal-beating for me.
Those Brinker-Kool-Aid drinkers have been around for over a decade, and never change the way they operate. It seems likely to me that they are "closely" connected to Brinker.
They follow their leaders (the two Bob Brinkers) and use threats, insults, and even lies to try to get rid of, or shut down, anyone that isn't kissing that Brinker-ring.
When I realized who they were, I left. I think you have done a great job and unless they can get your posts removed, you have left links for any sincere truth-seekers.
So thank you!
tfb: It seems the bovine herding instinct is also prevalent within certain breeds of homo sapiens.
ReplyDeleteAfter 2-3 million years of existence, one would think that homo sapiens would have shed those more base instincts, but apparently not.
The thing that I find most upsetting, isn’t the fact Brinker is a lying, thieving, scum bag; it is the fact that the mere existence of his market timing rag is proof positive of the absolute and total failure of public education.
ReplyDeleteThere is not a shred of credible evidence that market timing is a viable strategy. But there are volumes of academic papers that conclude that market timing is a losing strategy.
It is frustrating to realize how cognitively impaired people are. There is an entire area of academic study built around this, more or less called decision theory that attempts to answer why people persist in taking steps that are detrimental to themselves sin spite of reams of data to the contrary. Moreover, in the case of market timing, there are a plethora of articles and books that disseminate the stogy statistics in ways that are easily consumed by the general populace, such as:
I'll never understand it. Then again, for the same reason, I will never underside why Las Vegas exists. I stands as a monument to the abject failure of public education.
I’ve only been able to get about a 2 1/2% return our portfolio three. Has anyone been able to get 4%?
ReplyDeleteThe thing that annoyed me more than all else is when the Bots on M* came after you. You defended yourself calmly and admirably, then you left the stage gracefully. You are a model of civility and decorum, and everyone on this site appreciates your thankless service in keeping this site running.
I'll probably keep posting on M* occasionally, just to get the truth out. New posts bump the thread on M* for anyone who happens to be casually looking at M*. Maybe more importantly, posting will keep that thread high in the Google search results for "Bob Brinker". I'd hate for any new guppies (or "young sprouts") to be deceived into thinking that market timing, especially Brinker's variety, is worth a flying fig.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Stinky!!!!
ReplyDeleteDRahme sent an audio tape of the follow-up call (nice of Brinker to choose to play it next up from the $70,000 call):
dRahme AUDIO CLIP: Brinker and caller-Dave warn Mark about how he could be scammed!
My 403b stable of funds offers the Vanguard small (VSCIX), mid (VMCPX) and large cap (VIIIX) index funds, but unfortunately not the total stock market index fund (VTSMX) which I would like to invest in.
ReplyDeleteWhat would be the approximate percentage of small, mid and large cap that would compose the total market?
I called Vanguard but the representative was unable to find an answer for me.
Thank you in advance for any information you may have in this regard.
Stan: According to:
to replicate the total stock market index you need
81% Vanguard 500 Index (aka VIIIX)
4% Vanguard Mid-Cap Index (aka VMCPX)
15% Vanguard Small-Cap Index (aka VSCIX)
(Updated 27 Dec 2017)
Congrats on having access to these very low cost institutional funds.
ReplyDeleteVery helpful. Many thanks.
I called Vanguard but the representative was unable to find an answer for me.
ReplyDeleteLOL, what sad excuse for a company Vanguard is transforming itself into of late. That is pathetic.
For Blogger Unknown,
ReplyDeleteYou are correct, the math don't add up as advertised.
In Port3, you have $500,000 in stocks, and $500,000 in bonds (as an example).
So the math says, stock side pays about 2% dividends each year which is $500,000 X .02 which equals $10,000.
And the Port3 claims 3% dividend payout on the $500,000 bond portion, which is $15,000.
As you noted, the total flow is about $25,000, which is 2.5% like you said.
But don't worry, he has a cover story for his wild claims, and it utilizers qualifiers.
He has said, "In some years, you might get some additional capital gains, enough to approach the 4% target. But if not, you can sell a few shares."
So the question becomes, "Where do I harvest another 1.5% from my tax-efficient balanced portfolio?" He might say, "Well, you shouldn't need to do it very much." Great! Another obfuscation for free on the radio.
It's obvious. He's old school. He needs bond rates to be at 3.5% to support his radio patter. That's why he's been pining and whining and squirming and twisting in his own snake skin during this whole low-rate low-rent historical event.
Ain't that a hoot. The guys who make a living from documenting the past in order to claim a skill for predicting the future are always wrong, but sometimes lucky.
I have to give credit to Bob for VTI ETF fund. He thought it would do a tad better than S&P 500 and it does appears so. Time will tell. Also, at one time I thought the guy was nuts giving advice for 50% bonds for retirees, seeing the return disparity and long history of stocks overperformance as compared. I read this article and started to change my mind
ReplyDeleteI did a lot of back testing different portfolios and found the 50% or equal ratios of funds was desirable. Sure, slightly less CAGR, but the 50/50 bested the performance for most of the time periods. As I said before I don't like taking the data to 2018 as we are in an outlier investment cycle. So, if your looking for data that is more apt to portray the future, IMHO, best to stop at 2016.
Also, more and more I'm convinced that passive index funds for bonds is less attractive as compared to performance of active such as Wellesley that has long track record. Sure it is a balanced fund, but well respected replacement for bonds usually besting the passive 30:70 index approach.
It appears the boom and bust cycle works well with the 50:50 ratio. Diversification does buy one a "free" uptick in lunch. Annual balancing will guarantee buying low and selling high. Also, the analysis for retirees for withdrawal strategy proves spending money or withdraw from the gainer will improve your finances. Easy to spot winner side with 50:50 portfolio.
Another thing to consider is technology stocks. I've come to believe that we may be within a economic shift. Technology will change everything in business. As a simple example, I just read my health provider newsletter that claimed the block chain technology will impact healthcare. Basically, provide real time data of your health via sensor technology. Technology solutions are blossoming and this trend will continue at a higher pace. The historic P/E ratios for comparison of risk are screwed up given these teck companies need low capital for their businesses. I know everyone is sick of Brinker guests that claim high tech will impact our lives, but we may finally be witnessing the change. Nice that the U.S. pretty much owns high tech. Also, this trend will continue for our lifetimes at least. Given the U.S. is in the catbird seat, I'm not one that thinks foreign stock ownership is worthy of the minimal bump in diversification.
I'm thinking of VTI or QQQ ETF. Yes, Bob's bad call on buying and selling the QQQ ETF has left a bad taste for us. However, it does have low cost for a tech fund. The funds high growth probably s will set it up for a big fall, but the investments are attractive to investors. With a conservative Wellesley and QQQ may be a good match? The two may have max diversity given Wellesley invests in value dividend stocks.
tfb said: LOL, what sad excuse for a company Vanguard is transforming itself into of late. That is pathetic.
ReplyDeleteI found that surprising also. Every time I've called Chuck with some question, if the person didn't know the answer they would put on someone who did. And hold times are measured in seconds, not minutes.
Those interest rate increases & trade skirmish are just killing the stock market... not
ReplyDeleteStan and Plight: I think the percentages got flipped around on the mid cap and small cap allocations in the above post. Looking at VTI allocations on Morningstar the small cap is 6% of the fund and mid cap 18%.
ReplyDeleteIf Vanguard reps don't know how the Total Market Index fund spreads out over the large cap, mid cap and small cap, they can go to Morningstar, enter the fund symbol and then click on "Portfolio" and that page will show the familiar 3 x 3 box showing the spread among Growth, Value and Core x Large, Mid and Small cap holdings.
Bob used to recommend the S&P 500 Index fund regularly, then he switched to the total market index fund. I there might have been a couple of reasons.
The sp500 index is a "rules based" index so it is possible to discern in advance what companies might be dropped and which added. This enables front runners to get trades done in advance.
When a fund purports to track an index, it would need to buy shares of the company just added. It seems to me that when a bunch of funds are trying to buy shares of company ABC, they'll tend to drive the price up.
If a fund is a total market fund, then it actually owns everything, or enough companies to call itself a total market fund. Additions and deletions to the total market would seemingly take place among the small caps and micro caps, so it is not the same "event" as in a 500 Index fund.
As reported on Fox News:
ReplyDeleteAmerica's GDP advances by 4.2% in 2Q
Durable goods orders hit six-month high
U.S. corporate profit growth moderated in the second quarter versus the first, while consumer spending was steady at a 3.8 percent annual rate, unrevised from the previous estimate. Business investment and global trade were slightly higher than the prior calculation.
The strong growth in the second quarter followed a 2.2 percent increase in the first quarter.
ReplyDeleteOne of the issues the U.S. faces is where we apply our technology. For example, we are still married to teacher lead classroom instruction where as may other countries are rapidly moving to superior, low-cost virtual classroom instruction. It is superior is every measure, allowing children to develop at their own natural rate, allows the same lesson to be presented in several formats, materiel can be repeated, instant progresses checks, etc,etc. And of course as anyone watching the younger generation knows, they are readily attracted to technology.
At this point in time, it is ridiculous that we even have teacher lead history instruction.
If you take a look at your tax bill and zero in on the part that funds your local schools, imagine if the fugue was cut in 1/2 or a third. At this point a great deal of that money is wasted on classroom teachers that are essentially obsolete in many disciplines. That money could be turned loose on the economy, further driving growth. Of course the huge advantage is a virtual classroom does not have pension and health care costs associated with it.
And of course we would finally be able to free those teachers from the low salary jobs they always complain about and they will be able to go into the private sector where they claim they can always earn more money - so win-win.
Vanguard's other mutual funds closing numbers in client holdings are never right. Sometimes wrong into the next day.
ReplyDeleteThe thread so far:
ReplyDeletetfb said: LOL, what sad excuse for a company Vanguard is transforming itself into of late. That is pathetic.
I found that surprising also. Every time I've called Chuck with some question, if the person didn't know the answer they would put on someone who did. And hold times are measured in seconds, not minutes.
It appears that Vanguard may have painted itself into a corner with it structure.
The way I understand this is, when you call in, your call is apportioned, in terms of cost, across the funds you hold. And the funds are run at cost plus, meaning structurally they cannot run a loss-leader fund. So, there is great internal pressure to cut call times as it eats directly into the individual funds (that the caller holds) expense bucket.
So putting this together, Fidelity now has zero expense ratio index funds, Vanguard cannot, structurally match that. Additionally, Vanguard also has to compete in terms of wages and benefits with other companies for customer service reps, and we are going into a labor shortage, bid up the wages period. That does not bode well for the customer service model at Vanguard.
The advantage Fidelity, Schwab, T Rowe Price etc have is they can divert funds from profitable areas to shore up loss leader funds. Structurally, it seems, Vanguard cannot do that, so as wages rise they are going to have to watch their service level expenses carefully. This should be interesting to watch.
I just received an e mail from the Moneytalk on Demand billing
ReplyDeletecompany. Brinker did a massive cancellation for all Moneytalk
on Demand subscriptions.
Is Moneytalk going off the air? I also received the cancellation email. I called Moneytalk but the voicemail came on.
ReplyDelete"bob" said, who I assume is not "Bob," or not "Bob (not THAT Bob)" either:
ReplyDeleteI just received an e mail from the Moneytalk on Demand billing company. Brinker did a massive cancellation for all Moneytalk on Demand subscriptions.
ReplyDeleteWow! That is an amazing development.
I cannot imagine why Brinker would cancel Moneytalk on demand, unless he was going of the air.
Anyone else?
I cannot imagine why Brinker would cancel Moneytalk on demand, unless he was going of the air.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else?
Potential FCC investigations. He is deliberately profiting while deliberating obfuscating the fact that many of his broadcasts are recorded and not new materiel. My understanding is that reflects on any FCC determination.
He just advertised Moneytalk On Demand last Sunday I believe. I guess we'll find out Sunday.
ReplyDeleteFCC should be FTC...sorry,,,see Kevin Trudeau about what happens when you knowingly and purposefully deceive people with a profit motive via the airwaves
ReplyDeleteOnce again, mere speculation,but it would explain that event.
I received the notice also. Here is its content:
Your subscription with MoneyTalk On Demand has been canceled as of 2018-09-27 and will become inactive on 2018-10-26.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact CCBill by E-mail: or telephone 888-596-9279.
Billing services provided by CCBILL, LLC
I sent an email over an hour ago and have received no reply.
He will probably do an internet based subscription talk show like Howard Stern
ReplyDeleteVery interesting on the money talk on demand cancellations today.
ReplyDeleteI was a subscriber to Marketimer at one time, but cancelled many years ago. Today, I received an “invoice“ from Brinker for a new one year subscription to Marketimer for $185.
I wonder if it’s a coincidence that both of these things happened today.
A historic event! Be sure to print a copy of your cancellation notices so that you can frame them!!!
ReplyDeleteI just now checked and the link for newly subscribing to Money Talk on Demand is presently a dead end.
ReplyDelete"Form not Active" to quote the words there.
E mail I received today:
ReplyDeleteYour subscription with MoneyTalk On Demand has been canceled as of 2018-09-27 and will become inactive on 2018-09-28.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact CCBill by E-mail: or telephone 888-596-9279.
Billing services provided by CCBILL, LLC
Perhaps BB is winding down secondary to a health issue or the like.
I don't see anything in the cancellation notice regarding refunds?
ReplyDeleteIs Binky doing a "Mic Drop"?
Due to all the "Moldy Oldie" MoneyTalk On Demand replays Binky should do the right thing and give everyone a FULL REFUND!
Your subscription with MoneyTalk On Demand has been canceled as of 2018-09-27 and will become inactive on 2018-10-26.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact CCBill by E-mail: or telephone 888-596-9279.
Billing services provided by CCBILL, LLC
"Nothing is forever." Not sure where that came from but it's certainly true, and the older one gets the more one realizes it.
ReplyDeleteI've never 'scribed to Marketimer Porn or the podcast. But I do remember him hawking the podcast, and I'm guessing it was around the 1998-2000 era.
I was still on dialup back then, and didn't even really know what a "podcast" was. Binky might have been the first person I ever heard use the word.
Got the CANX notice. Mixed emotions.
ReplyDeleteKinda hate to see On-Demand go away. Relied on it to catch the show without being chained to the radio. Don't watch TV much (a little sports) so some evenings there's nothing on TV or radio so it's On-Demand time. Always challenge myself to give a better answer than Bob.
For $4.95, come on. Could go about normal daily life with eyes on the ground and find $4.95 in dropped coins. Here's hoping the radio show continues.
Granted, the presentation has been a little sketchy recently. Could've spruced it up with a simple, "You're listening to the BEST of Moneytalk". You know, a positive lead-in. It's Presention 101.
Sure hope he's not leaving us for health reasons. Had too many family members depart early that way. Still hurts. Will never consider dancing on another human's grave, except maybe Charlie Manson. Ok, there are others too.
Just imagine if there's no Moneytalk anywhere. It's like MASH or Carol Burnett Show going off the air. Gonna feel it.
From a business standpoint, maybe they decided the criticism of the radio shows will damage the credibility of the newsletters, which are probably the bread and butter. Or maybe the demographics are leaving the building. Do millennials take advice on anything?
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has left the building!" It's what the announcer said after an Elvis show in Las Vegas when Elvis wasn't coming out again after 3 or 4 encores.
ReplyDeleteBobnotbrinker...That sounds like Moneytalk on demand will end on October 26th?
I assume they are not going to take any more subscriptions after tomorrow.
Is that how you read it?
Is it paid on a monthly basis?
Here's the response I just received:
ReplyDeleteDear Valued Customer,
Thank you for contacting us regarding cancellation of your membership to,
We are sorry to inform you that Mr. Brinker's podcast has been cancelled, and that he will have one final show on Sunday, 2018-09-30, in order to say goodbye to all his listeners. Due to this, all active subscriptions for the website have been cancelled by the website administrator.
If you have any further questions or messages to Mr. Brinker, please contact the website in question directly.
Thank you for using! We value your patronage!
CCBill Consumer Support
This is an interesting development. I don't know what to make of it. There's a chance he could be planning to end Moneytalk but it's going to be harder for him to attract new subscribers to Marketimer and Jr's Fixed Income Advisor. He could still put ads in various financial publications touting his performance record to try to generate subscriptions.
ReplyDeleteMTOD is paid on a monthly basis. I was last charged on 8/27/18. I've been checking my credit card company to see if I have been charged this month since today is 9/27/18. Perhaps it will show up tomorrow. The cancellation message says that my subscription was cancelled today and will become inactive on 10/26/18. It is sounding like I might get charged again today and then it will run through 10/26/18. Does that mean that he is going to continue the show through October - maybe with reruns? What happens this Sunday will be interesting.
ReplyDeleteThanks to everyone for all the information about Brinker's cancellations.
Based on what was in the note that Ron posted (We are sorry to inform you that Mr. Brinker's podcast has been cancelled, and that he will have one final show on Sunday, 2018-09-30, in order to say goodbye to all his listeners.) it sounds like this Sunday will be Bob Brinker's last broadcast, and that he will be saying good-bye.
I can't think of any other reason that he would cancel Moneytalk on demand. I'll be interested to hear what he intends to do with Marketimer subscribers.
We will find out together on Sunday.
Honeybee, if Sunday is the final flight of the Starship do you have a plan in place for this blog? Will you continue?
ReplyDeleteWe will know in the fullness of time.
ReplyDelete.... the question for me is, do I tell my better half or continue to spend Sunday afternoons "listening" through headphones on-line instead of doing chores around the house?
Wow, sounds like Jr will have to get a real job - LOL.
ReplyDeleteLikely not though, daddy-warbucks has likely piled up such a large stockpile the kids are likely never to have to do real work.
ReplyDeleteJim....This is so sudden, I will have to think about it for awhile.
Since this blog is about Bob Brinker's Moneytalk, I can't really think of any future for it IF he really stops the broadcast.
I truly hope that he is in good health. Hopefully, he will clarify that for listeners on Sunday.
Yes, Mr. Frankj has the toughest row to hoe. Thanks for sharing! Trust me, I've hoed many of those rows.
ReplyDeleteAs a guy, I would say just carry on like normal until an issue arises. And then try to deflect with the usual guy camouflage responses such as, "What?" or "Wait, what are we talking about?"
But if you feel confident you use a stealth technology response, "Sweetheart, I was just trying to make the transition easy for you, to avoid discomfort. Need $100 for Starbucks? Here you go, poor thing. I mean, ahem, STRONG WOMAN!"
Full faith in you buddy.
ReplyDeleteI'll make two posts on what to do next.
Post #1,
You of course can do what you want. And while it may in fact be that the radio show Moneytalk may be coming to an end I sincerely doubt the Market Timer newsletter will be folding until the subscription renewal rate drops to the point it is no longer attractive, financially, to produce. My guess is Bob Brinker Sr. will hang up his mantle and Brinker junior will assume daddy’s role in publishing Market Timer, with the subscribers totally unaware that they are taking advice from a washed up IT guy with no background in finance or investing.
Here is the reality, you can go to Glassdoor and look at the salaries for IT folks. If he had current skills Jr would be looking in the range of 85K-150K for most IT positions and likely working 50-65 hours a week to get that and on 24x7 call or at least on a night and weekend rotation schedule. So if they can keep the subscription base in the 500-850 subscriber range Brinker Jr will be doing far better than he likely would in IT. Especially considering the quality of life differential.
All this is conjecture on my part, but as I recall Bobby Jr only had assort time in the private sector as an employee, so my guess is he will milk Market Timer for all he can. In which case you may be needed more than ever before.
ReplyDeleteOvernight, I received the “last program on Sunday, Sept. 30” message in reply to my response to the cancellation email that many received yesterday.
I discovered the MoneyTalk radio program on WHO Des Moines near the 1986 beginning and subscribed to the BB MarketTimer shortly afterwards. In more recent years, I subscribed to the MTOD podcast when WHO started to, regularly, pre-empt MoneyTalk with Sunday sports programming. Even more recently, I discovered your blog and began to regularly check it each Sunday to see if MoneyTalk was live to save me the trouble of downloading the podcast. I have looked forward to the weekly “banter” about BB deceiving his listeners by making them think the program is live. I also, recently, discovered the Bogleheads website but haven’t really gotten into it. I’m not sure it can take the place of your blog. Perhaps your blog can continue with most of the activity being after the monthly Marketimer is released??
I suspected that the MT radio program might end one of these days when BB quit having guest hosts on the days that he was not live.
Anyway, whatever you decide to do, thanks so much for your efforts in providing your Honey’s BB BeeHive Buzz blog. It has been well worth the effort. It has been useful and I have enjoyed it.
OFFICIAL from RADIO ON LINE.......Bob Brinker is ending the show .."enjoy Sundays with the family"...
ReplyDeleteHoneybee said:
ReplyDeleteJim....This is so sudden, I will have to think about it for awhile.
Since this blog is about Bob Brinker's Moneytalk, I can't really think of any future for it IF he really stops the broadcast.
I truly hope that he is in good health. Hopefully, he will clarify that for listeners on Sunday.
September 27, 2018 at 7:47 PM
A few thoughts:
1. I too (and likely everyone here) wish Bob good health.
2. If Bob's podcasts had a low subscriber base of say only a few hundred people - I doubt that the revenue would even cover the administrative costs. Certainly that would qualify for a reason to discontinue it.
3. If the Sunday show is gone I rather think it is due to unhealthy ratings - not an unhealthy Bob.
4. For the past 2 years or so, I thought the show would be cancelled/discontinued at the end of the year.
5. This year I thought the show would be cancelled/discontinued at the end of the year - or - possibly run until the Super Bowl Sunday in 2019. Kind of a neat way for a final sign-off.
6. If Bob does sign-off in the coming weeks we may never know the reason or reasons. I think he guards his privacy. Can't say I blame him. I do also.
Honeybee and all BRT members:
First, thank you for your superb efforts to put together a "Must Read" Blog over the past many, many years.
If Bob does decide to hang up his boots I hope you will consider continuing the blog. That said, I know it must take tons of time, so if you do decide to modify it I am sure all here would continue to follow it and support your efforts.
Maybe continue with a weekly (or monthly) historical perspective of: Best O' Binky vs. Best O' Binky (NOT).
Just a thought!
Honey: I am also hoping sincerely that you continue this blog. I mentioned something about hoping you would continue "if Binky hangs up the microphone" a week or so ago, and also a year or so ago. It could just simply be "Honey's Investment Blog," or something similar.
ReplyDeleteI always have eight tabs open in my FF browser, and one is dedicated to this blog and has been for years. Please don't force me to delete it!
It's officially over!!
ReplyDeleteMy heartfelt thanks to all who wrote so many kind and encouraging comments to me!
And some great suggestions that I will be thinking about and considering.
Honey: Another thought, if the "Beehive Buzz" continues sans Binky: It will be a lot less work for you, not having to listen/record/write/dissecting MT, and just being a moderator -- commenting as you please.
ReplyDeleteSo as I thought, the newsletter will continue, so if you so wish, your bog may live on with the same stated purpose.
ReplyDeleteForm the afore mentioned link:
BRINKER, who has hosted the weekend show for over 32 years, will continue to write and publish his MARKETIMER investment newsletter.
I see there is another volcanic eruption @ M* Binky. They are in mourning and rudderless.
ReplyDeleteYo, Stinky...are you gonna give them a clue or two? They just don't seem to "get it".
PS: Honeybee, I must admit that I am a bit bummed out upon learning of Binky's departure.
Do you know anywhere that we might be able to acquire an Emotional Support Animal / "Comfort Pig"?
Bobnotbinky: Haha, yes I was over there earlier tonight. Pretty funny.
ReplyDelete"Comfort Pig"?? Are you referring to our Beloved Bacon Boy?
I wish he would check in and grunt a little bit.
First I've heard
ReplyDeleteBluce said...I wish he would check in and grunt a little bit.
ReplyDeleteMs Bee notified me of your wishes. All I can say is boB, I beat you again! I finally retired 9/7/18 and you're still working. HAHAHAHAHAHA
I would have retired much earlier but I got scammed by a charlatan SHARK ATTACK and "bought now" the dopey QQQ. How much did you make shorting that call?
This retirement shit really keeps you busy..................
Good Luck everybody....Ms B might have to finally get her feet wet with politics now that Brinker is going....going......GONE.
This is a beautiful day!
ReplyDelete1) Bluce: Yes, I was referring to our Beloved Bacon Boy!
2) Honeybee: Thanks for notifying Bacon Boy of our wishes!
3) Bacon Boy: Thanks for honoring our wishes during these perilous times!
4) Stinky: Thanks for checking in at M* Binky. I gave you some well deserved atta-boys!
From: M* Binky
Re: Re: Bob Brinker
2 minutes ago | Post #3962789
But it appears Honeybee, stinky, Bobnotbrinker, et al. have had all their hard work rewarded & their wish granted. Bob Brinker's last radio show is scheduled for this Sunday, 9/30/18, as I understand.
You are wrong about "hard work" and "wish granted". All that the folks that you mention have done is tell the truth about Brinker. There are no "wishes" beyond having Brinker stop the deceptions.
If Moneytalk is discontinued, then at least one deception will cease. Brinker played previously recorded shows and recycled calls without identifying them as such. No more Moneytalk, no more deception.
But, as noted earlier in this thread, there are other deceptions that may continue. For example, the "Marketimer" name itself is a deception, since there have been no sales of equities in over 18 years.
We will see just how many of the Brinker deceptions continue, in the fullness of time.
Excellent post! Well said!
I agree with you 1,000% !!!
BobnotBinky: I'm surprised that the M*Binky Boys have not blamed us for causing Binky's retirement by calling him out on the proverbial carpet as needed.
ReplyDeleteBeloved Bacon Boy: Good to see (and smell) you again! Glad retirement is going well, despite the QQQ fiasco.
Maybe we should dispatch Stinky&Gang to Washington where they could help MAGA.
I see they broke off another thread about Brinker at MorningStar...apparently to sing his spite of the evidence to the contrary.
ReplyDeleteBlogger Bluce said...
ReplyDeleteBobnotBinky: I'm surprised that the M*Binky Boys have not blamed us for causing Binky's retirement by calling him out on the proverbial carpet as needed.
Actually, that has been intimated...and things are becoming a bit ugly over there...(Not unexpectedly).
Here is the latest @ M* binky:
Stinky and Bobnitbrinker,
Your screen name is perfect. I doubt you have ever done a thing to help investors. While you and several of your friends do nothing but complain about a person who has contributed to countless people’s financial success, he has helped, I would guess millions, prosper without being held hostage to the sharks of this world. Never once did I hear him take credit for an investor’s success. He always turned it back to the caller to be the one for their own success. Now that complaining about trivial matters regarding his show will be irrelevant I hope you have never used his advice because that would make you all huge hypocrites. As far as his newsletter success, he has never raised rates once to us as charter subscribers. He is a total believer in free enterprise as long as it is not at the expense of the ininitiated. In fact if you dimwits could understand his program were rebroadcasts at times maybe stating the obvious is about you can do.
tfb said...
ReplyDeleteI see they broke off another thread about Brinker at MorningStar...apparently to sing his spite of the evidence to the contrary.
Thanks for the tip.
I could find only one new binky forum - not much activity so far.
Is this the new M* binky thread you are referring to?
I guess at this point, it is too late to warn you that those people over there kissing Brinker's feet will only get more nasty, tell bigger lies and make bigger threats against you.
They are either paid to do it, or are somehow closely connected to one or both Bob Brinker's.
And you notice that not only do they lie about you, me and Stinky, they tell the most egregious lies about Bob Brinker.
Right now, they are wanting to discredit this blog and demean all of us to assassinate our character.
Honeybee said:
ReplyDeleteRight now, they are wanting to discredit this blog and demean all of us to assassinate our character.
Hmmm...I think we need to become Kavanaughians and set the record straight - "Right Quick"!
From BobnotBinky's previous post, quoting someone else: In fact if you dimwits could understand his program were rebroadcasts at times maybe stating the obvious is about you can do.
ReplyDeleteAnother disciple that cannot think logically, nor grasp the simple concept of why deceiving people is a bad thing. Not everybody does it.
Yay Stinky, on your last (Sunday morning) post the on M*Binky thread.