On Moneytalk last Sunday, Bob Brinker made the pronouncement that he would be surprised if the market corrected another 20% off of the April high. In light of today's action, so would I. But this call also addresses the "risk" involved in our national debt.
Moneytalk June 3, 2012.......Steve from Indiana said: "A lot of people worry about interest rates going up and we owe $16 trillion, that they admit to, and if interest rates go to 10% that would be $1.6 trillion a year. That would be half our total budget. What would cause the government not to just inflate our way out of all this debt?"
Brinker replied: "It's a risk, and investors have to always be aware of that risk."
Steve: "What chance do you think the stock market is going to go down a lot from here."
Brinker: "Define a lot"
Steve: "Down to 1100 on the S&P 500."
Brinker: "Boy, Steve, that would surprise me. A 20% decline from here, which would be close to a 30% decline from the April high. That would surprise me, that were to happen. Good to hear from you. Let's get Joe on the line from Carmel."
"Caller Mark from Mountain View said: "I downloaded a sample of the Brinker Fixed Income Advisor and was quite impressed, so pass on a good word to your son. You must be proud of his achievements."Honey here: To my knowledge, this is the first time Brinker has ever let it be clarified on the air that the Brinker Fixed Income Advisor is published by his son. Many people have been mislead to believe that Brinker has two newsletters. Both men use the same name on the internet that was made famous on Moneytalk. Brinker neglected to say that his son's wife is co-editor (Lisa, who is a linguist).
Brinker replied: "I think the thing I am most proud of, not only his achievements with the newsletter.....As you know, I'm a consultant on the newsletter. He writes the newsletter. The thing I'm most proud of is that it is the number one ranked newsletter in the country for the past five years by the Hulbert Financial Digest, which is an independent rating service. That's what I'm really proud of, Mark."
* Brinker made the claim that the Brinker Fixed Income Advisor is the number one newsletter "in the country." That is a ridiculous claim. Hulbert Financial Digest does not track every newsletter in the country.
* Brinker called Mark Hulbert's Financial Digest an "independent rating service." I suppose it is independent in the same way the Marketimer is independent because many conclusions are based on personal opinions. Hulbert has no one to answer to -- no unbiased agency oversees or verifies the validity and truthfulness of what he publishes.
* Hulbert alone chooses which portfolios and holdings from each newsletter he will track. For example, he chose to not include Brinker's disastrous year-2000 QQQ trade that has never been closed, but was covered up and dropped from Marketimer.
* Hulbert makes up his own criteria for "risk adjustment."
* Hulbert decides how long he will make his list of newsletters in each category. For example, he used to only rank the "top-5," now he ranks the "top-7."
* Hulbert created his "Honor Roll" based on criteria that he thinks is important, and wrote in his newsletter that it was NOT based on performance. Marketimer is usually chosen.
* It is a known fact that Hulbert makes arbitrary choices on WHICH newsletters he will track. . He began tracking Brinker Jr's newsletter in 2005, the first year it was published. But he refuses to track a letter that outperforms Brinker Jr's newsletter -- The Retirement Advisor.
* And finally, Brinker said that his son's newsletter was ranked number one by Hulbert. That is not entirely true. In the "non-adjusted" for risk column, it is ranked number 12 in the Overall Performance Category.
Here is one of Jr's three portfolios from his November 2011 free sample issue:
Jim's excellent comments on this subject:
Jim said...
- Brinker may feel good about The Fixed Income Advisor being Number 1
but as the saying goes "It's harder to stay Number 1 than it is to get there".
We have had a bull market in bonds for quite some time. Certainly since Jr.s newsletter was created. Almost ANY portfolio of bond funds would make money. The real test of course is what happens when interest rates rise and bonds suffer. That is when we find out how good or bad the newsletter is.
Will the Brinker's correctly anticipate rising interest rates? Have they set their own "mental stop losses"? What vehicles would they use in such an environment? These are all questions with no answer at this point.
During a favorable time for stocks (the 1990's) Marketimer was a top ranked newsletter, but when things got tough for the stock market, things got tough for Marketimer.
So will The Fixed Income Advisor continue to excel even in a tough bond environment or will it as Brinker says "regress to the mean? We shall know in the fullness of time.

Fixed income = preservation of capital = safety first = no risk= limited return= boring. I don't need to pay no stinkin' subscription to get 4 or 5 pages of lists of mutual bond funds each month that are rolled off a copy machine, repeating the same garbage.
ReplyDeleteBrinker's new found interest in fixed income comes from the new realization that the average retail investor is scared out of the equity market.
The sale of new matresses is way down, because people can' t dispose of their old ones yet, they are stuffed with cash.
Hiding in bonds and excessive cash is slowing down the nations recovery. The investor in such a timid portfolio is at risk of a crippling financial blow when interest rates return closer to normal and inflation rates begin to accelerate.
BugEyed fake Owl
"The investor in such a timid portfolio is at risk of a crippling financial blow when interest rates return closer to normal and inflation rates begin to accelerate."
ReplyDeleteThe timid bond investor has beaten the buy and hold equity investor hands down for the past decade.
Brinker's "new found interest in fixed income" comes from the fact that he doesn't want a newsletter that competes with Briker the elder.
On June 7, 2012 7:13 AM, Whoooo said,
ReplyDelete“The timid bond investor has beaten the buy and hold equity investor hands down for the past decade.”
GOOD MORNING Whoooo. ---- Howwww Doooo Youuuu Doooo?
Your statement is well taken. But allow me to say that my comments were formed with the future in mind. Your comment are probably true for those that were strictly “buy and holders” over the last 10 years, a very difficult period. A period that includes an anomaly in investing history that many call the “Great Recession”.
I won’t bore the people here with my own story about how well I did the last 10 years by being flexible and vigilant and brave. I’ll just say that proper balance and diversity and a wise seeking of opportunity with measured risk is a winning combination.
Since on this site Brinker and his advice is a key feature, it would be important to note that he has said (I believe) something like this: “Those that own companies will generally do better than those lending money”. I believe that such a strategy has paid off in this country since 1776. Down turn blips like 2008 -2009 happen from time to time, but they can be investment opportunities, so says the Oracle of Omaha.
Soooo Whoooo, I’m ready toooo see your plan for the next 10 years, I check in here from time to time to measure the pulse. I hope you don’t throw Poooo on my plan to build a portfolio around a core of equities. In any case, I won’t be using the fixed income advice of Brinker Sr., Brinker Jr., Grandma Brinker or any other Brinker.
BugEyed fake Owl
"I’ll just say that proper balance and diversity and a wise seeking of opportunity with measured risk is a winning combination."
ReplyDeleteOooooh. OK, a couch potato portfolio is just the thing for yoooo. Half total stock market, half total bond market and go away.
Rebalance if you feel like you should be doing something otherwise forget it.
Such a portfolio over the past decade has done bupkis. Be happy.
Brinker may feel good about The Fixed Income Advisor being Number 1
ReplyDeletebut as the saying goes "It's harder to stay Number 1 than it is to get there".
We have had a bull market in bonds for quite some time. Certainly since Jr.s newsletter was created. Almost ANY portfolio of bond funds would make money. The real test of course is what happens when interest rates rise and bonds suffer. That is when we find out how good or bad the newsletter is.
Will the Brinker's correctly anticipate rising interest rates? Have they set their own "mental stop losses"? What vehicles would they use in such an environment? These are all questions with no answer at this point.
During a favorable time for stocks (the 1990's) Marketimer was a top ranked newsletter, but when things got tough for the stock market, things got tough for Marketimer.
So will The Fixed Income Advisor continue to excel even in a tough bond environment or will it as Brinker says "regress to the mean? We shall know in the fullness of time.
Here's my contribution for the week before you change threads for the new show today that will surely be fully packed with investing diamonds and gems.
ReplyDeleteBuy Low.Sell High, or just con the Goobers and Geezers into sending you $185
Did "you know who" contribute this week yet, or is his head still spinning?