Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012, Bob Brinker's Moneytalk: Show Summary, Excerpts and Commentary

June 10, 2012.....Bob Brinker did NOT host Moneytalk today.......(comments welcome)

Guest-writer, Jeffchristie wrote this brief summary of Neale Godfrey's Moneytalk show:

Neal Godfrey filled in for Bob Brinker today.  She said that Bob was enjoying some well deserved time off.  There were two issues she wanted to discuss with callers:

1.  What to do to improve the economy.

2.  What do people think of the Jobs act.

Several callers thought the best way to improve the economy was to throw out the current tax code and replace it with the fair tax.  A caller suggested listeners go to:

Neale said she agreed with the fair tax but felt it should be phased in.  She was ask about the fair tax when she was on December 10, 2011 and she was not very receptive at that time.

At first I wasn't sure what she was referring to as the Jobs act.  As she explained it more I recognized that this was the same thing Lynn talked about two weeks ago but she called it crowd funding.  Lynn did an interview with Steve Dresner.  Here is a link to a Bloomberg interview with Mr. Dresner where he explains it.

Here is this week's Moneytalk final exam question:

What show gave Bob Brinker the dubious award for the investment outrage of the week?

A) CNBC's American Greed
B) Bulls and Bears
C) The Paul Merriman Show
D) Cavuto on Business 
Honey here: A big thank you to Jeff for writing that for me so that I could work on an update about Bob Brinker's replacement for the now closed Vanguard High Yield Fund. (See the next post.)
 San Francisco, Ca. KSFO 560: 1-4pm  (KSFO offers FREE  Moneytalk on Demand  for seven days after broadcast.)


  1. DAMN, not her again.

  2. 'fraid so, Mike.

    We need to all get on the phone immediately. The poor little woman asked for "your" opinions about a dozen times in the opening monologue.

    She's just dying to learn from you the callers to arrive on "our" radio show. And I have an red/orange bridge for sale.

    IOW, begging for callers. LOL!

  3. I won't be listening, but she's an awful lot cuter than Bob!

  4. C'mon Dan,

    If I have to listen, you do to. LOL!

    I keep expecting her to say, "hey big boys, for a hot time tonight, call me at 1-800 deep throat...


  5. I suppose Bob has more time to take vacation since he made his money swindling people into buying that rag he calls a newsletter


  6. Can anyone be worse than Jimmenez?


  7. call me at 1-800 deep throat...

    I will be good...I will be good...


  8. TFB asked: "Can anyone be worse than Jimmenez?"


    She just gave her blessing to illegal immigrants who want to take jobs from American citizens. And followed that with a chaser defending Obamacare because everyone is ENTITLED to free health care -- no matter that employers are afraid to hire because they can't afford it.

    I wouldn't be surprised if KSFO 560 gets lots of complaints about this woman's non-stop liberal politics. It is a conservative station.

    She must have forgotten that KGO canned Bob Brinker and he is now broadcast on little KSFO in the SF bay area.

    I won't be covering this garbage in my summary, but I will write about Bob Brinker's replacement for the now-closed Vanguard High-Yield Bond Fund.

  9. Too funny. All the Brinker Bashers really miss him when he's gone.

    You hate Lynn Jimenez, make fun of Neal Godfrey and instead will take potshots at Brinker even though he is gone.

    Stay cool guys, Brinker will be back soon.


  10. Well, I must say she has a face for TV, while Bob's face is perfect for radio.

    I think Bob had to take today off since he probably exhausted himself writing copy for "Joe Crazy" and his adoring lap dog, "Anonymous".

    HoneyBee, I think you should feel free to take any day off that Bob does. That will bring you down to 2-3 working days a month, just like Bob. But be sure to lower your salary by a like amount.

  11. She just gave her blessing to illegal immigrants who want to take jobs from American citizens. And followed that with a chaser defending Obamacare because everyone is ENTITLED to free health care -- no matter that employers are afraid to hire because they can't afford it.

    How is that any different than Jimenez? She has taken the same side on both positions and furthered it by indicating she believes contract law should be subject to your ability to pay and circumstances.

    I think both Jimmenez and Godfrey suck and not in the way men wished they did.


  12. At first I wasn't sure what she was referring to as the Jobs act. As she explained it more I recognized that this was the same thing Lynn talked about two weeks ago but she called it crowd funding.

    Oh my gosh. This is ridiculous. The SEC has been very wise in segregating accredited investors from the rest of the pack, and overall it has worked very well.

    Right now you have the same retards who will be the ones "investing" running around bitching and moaning that their home is under water and they were taken advantage of by the mean old mortgage lenders, real estate agents etc and they don’t want to pay the debts they owe and knowingly signed for.

    So now we are going to let these idiots invest in what amounts to low-regulated securities? These are probably the same stroke-offs that were bitching they could not buy FaceBook shares just few weeks ago. Brilliant plan. We will end up bailing out these idiots, because it is obvious the purpose of government is to protect fools from the result of their own actions!

    I can see it now, a cottage industry will spring up with salesmen out prowling around for small business owners to promote their idea and help package it to help them raise capital via social media and playing the idiots on both sides of the equation.

    Good grief,


  13. I was wrong, I thought at first that it was Jimenez hosting the show. That's why I said, "DAMN, not her again".

  14. A recent picture:

    Dan's is about 12 years old.

    Lets say - she did not age well.


  15. Joey,

    That often happens with a Wiki picture. Here is the link to her more recent photo that you sent:

    Photo of Neale Godfrey

  16. TFB

    I agree with you that the securities being offered by the jobs act are HIGHLY speculative. Brinker has gotten calls from people who like penny stocks. He has said you might as well go to the track and bet on horses. These securities seem to have more risks than today's penny stocks.

    Neale took a call from Mike in Littleton Colorado. He claim that the jobs act was one of president Obama's policies that seems to be working. I don't see how anyone can say it is working or not at the present time. The bill was signed on 5 April 2012 and the SEC has till the end of this year to write the regulations needed to implement it. It is my understanding that no one will get any money before 1 Jan 2013. How can Mike claim it is working when it hasn't even been implemented?

  17. "I can see it now, a cottage industry will spring up with salesmen out prowling around for small business owners to promote their idea and help package it to help them raise capital via social media and playing the idiots on both sides of the equation."

    That's what Romney's Bain Capital does.

    And please don't call people retards. It's not nice.


  18. IQ said: "And please don't call people retards."


    I didn't see where anyone was called a "retard." So please don't make false inferences.

  19. Honey she still looks like


  20. IQ said: "And please don't call people retards."

    Actually IQ is right, I should not have used the word retard. Normally I am more compassionate to the developmentally disadvantage. Please substitute f-ing morons for retard in the applicable post as it convey what I wanted to say more accurately.

    And for those who have developmentally disadvantaged people in their family I apologize. IQ is right - simple as that.


  21. It was just painful listening to Godfrey. She sounds like a nice lady but is not cut out for the radio, period.

    Jimenez isn't much more fun to listen to but she is at the least able to string segments, calls and bumpers together cohesively.

  22. IQ writes:

    That's what Romney's Bain Capital does.

    My reply:

    Not really true one substantial difference is Bain is considered a sophisticated/accredited investor. Another is, most firms like Bain contribute significant intellectual knowledge as well as contributing to the development of process in the organization.

    So everyone understand this an accredited investor is an individual who is considered sufficiently financially literate that they are able to vet a business opportunity on their own without the SEC having to impose a onerous compliance standard on the information they receive.

    Essentially they are saying that the transactions is not B2C but B2B. B2C gives you a different standard in terms of judgments not provided for by a B2B relationship.

    The point is the cost of complying with the SEC for B2C securities in enormous (think mutual fund prospectus) or the Shareholder reports for a corporation, those standardized schedules and information furnished for compliance disappears with crowd funding. Also crowd funding is passive, where a good deal of PE is fairly active.

    For instance I am involved in some incubator PE for a couple of QSR concepts. I bring operational, training, financial and marketing expertise to the group, one guy brings legal expertise for HR, another legal and financial in terms of going public, another is a supply chain expert. So we all contribute and combine our talents along with the owner/manager of the concept. This is very common in PE companies, where the bring their own talent to bear in order to assist the endeavor.

    This crowd funding does not work that way and seem sto simply be a way to skirt the SEC rules for B2C security regulation. :(


  23. Hi Honey and all -- this is "Bluce." I've been lurking here a bit the past couple of weeks and decided to chime in. I hope all of you are doing well.

    Since listening to Brinker first in 1990, I can only recall one guest host who was worth their salt -- Bill "Where's my vodka?" Flanagan, may he rest in peace, although there may have been some early ones that I cannot recall who were also okay.

    Since 2007, I've realized that Bill had a lot more credibility than Brinker himself ever did, who has been reduced to a babbling, no-credibility -- yet still entertaining -- talk show host.

    These two current babes who replace Brinker are worthless IMO. As soon as I hear either of their voices I shut the radio off. I usually listen to Larry Kudlow's radio show on Saturdays online at 4:00 PM (WNTK 99.7 or WLEE 990) but it's 90% politics. You would never know it's supposed to be a financial show, and for that reason I'm losing interest in it.

    I pay no attention to this stuff anymore, but someone here mentioned something about a "jobs" bill (cough cough) that Obama signed some time ago. There are only about three things that Washington can do to create REAL wealth-producing, economy-expanding jobs -- cut taxes, cut regulations, and slash government jobs. I kinda doubt that this bill does any of those. But this is just my opinion; I could be all wet.

    Ok, my first post, and I'm hoping I didn't stir the proverbial pot too much. Ban me if you dare, Honey!! :)

  24. Bluce,

    Welcome back! I've often wondered what happened to you and hoped all was well.

    I agree about Bill Flanagan -- for the most part, he was more honest than Bob Brinker. His problem was that he talked so slowly he put listeners to sleep.

    As you said, Bob Brinker is almost always entertaining and his voice is easy to listen to.

    Kudlow filled in for Brinker a time or two, and the Motley Fools.

    Jim Jorgenson brought his son on to his radio program, but evidently Bob's son doesn't have a voice for radio....

  25. He had another babe (and I do mean BABE!) on once who was pretty good. Terry Savage. I think she was pretty well-received, so Bob dumped her! Anyone remember her?

  26. Dan,

    That's right. I do remember Terry Savage. As I recall, she was very knowledgeable and was well-received by the listeners.

  27. Ms Bee replies, As I recall, she was very knowledgeable and was well-received by the listeners.

    Mmmmm? Do I get 3 guesses why THE BOB dumped her? Intelligent, well received, and not a bs'er, who actually answered email questions sent to her. Mmmmmm?

    HOWDY Bluce......

  28. Honey: Who is this that you mentioned -- Jim Jorgenson?

    Hi Dan: Yes, I remember Terry now that you said her name. She was just fine, as I recall.

    Hi Mr. Pig!

  29. Hey Bluce! Welcome back. I see you still have MY cat picture with that machine gun! I think her name is PMS, right?

    What a market day! I almost sold my DXD double-short Dow ETFs this morning because the futures were so high last night. But they'd lost a lot of their fluff by this morning's opening, so I cancelled the sell order.

    Boy, am I glad I did! The Dow turned down and dropped 142 points! Manna from heaven! Sell in May!

  30. Bluce,

    Jim Jorgenson used to have a program on KGO, and he sold a newsletter and he has written several books on investing.

    He was not a "market-timer" per se, but gave really good investment advice.

    I met him in person a couple of times when he held meetings for investors -- for a fee.

    At one of the meetings at the Marriott in Santa Clara, the topic was trading stock. There were several speakers there and one of them was Kirk Lindstrom.

    Of course that was a few years before I "met" Kirk at Suite 101, so didn't know him from Adam.

  31. Dan: **MY** killer cat has reproduced like crazy and the offspring are even more vicious -- and are heading west.

    Honey, if your beautiful deck faces east, I'd suggest getting several machine guns mounted on the railing. And thanks for the reply to my question. I'd never heard of that guy before.

    Dan: I also watch futures, only hoping to get a feel for what's gonna happen the next day. But I never buy or sell based on that; I tend to move very slowly. I guess I have an iron stomach, having never sold anything during the big bear in '08-'09.

    I just sold some SLV, paring it back to 2.5% of my portfolio; I also have 2.5% in GLD.

    Anybody else have these? Are you buying, selling, holding?

  32. Well Bluce, I have no SLV nor GLD, but am selling my double short DXD position this morning for a small profit. Too small, in fact, but the market is so volatile these days, bouncing here and there on any news or what's thought to be news of Europe.

    I'm now 100% in cash and happy to be there...for awhile anyway.

  33. Bluce,

    I still have a small position in SLV and to quote Bob Brinker: "holding for recovery." LOL!

    But the good news is, I have been buying American Silver Eagle coins, Morgan Silver Dollars, and other silver dollars, all year during the dips.

    Bob Brinker does not recommend buying numismatic coins, but he thinks that buying coins for gold and silver content is okay.

    I obviously agree. :)

  34. Honey: Last summer I bought a 1/10 oz. American gold bullion coin, minted 2008, and a couple of 1 oz. silver bullion bars. It's just something I wanted to have. I hardly doubt it will ever get me out of any big financial jams!

    My buddy's kid is big-time into all this stuff and I think he has now accumulated a pound of gold, plus however much silver.

    He buys mostly bullion coins but some numismatic also. He claims they will retain their extra value excluding nuclear war, financial collapse of the government, or any similar SHTF scenario.
