Bob Brinker hosted-live the first two hours of Moneytalk this Super Bowl Sunday.
STOCK MARKET....Bob said that the stock market is off to a happy start in 2012. The S&P is already up close to 7%. Five consecutive weekly gains...The Dow at its highest closing level since May 2008 and ".....the Nasdaq at its highest level since December of the year 2000."
Honey EC: It was in October 2000, when the Nasdaq was much higher, that Brinker's Marketimer sent out a special bulletin advising subscribers to use cash reserves raised from model portfolios to "immediately buy QQQQ." The Q's lost over 70% over the next couple of years. Bob put the trade on hold and never clsoed it. See the whole history of this trade and read the bulletin HERE.
FACTORS LEADING TO STOCK MARKET REBOUND.....Caller Rick wanted to know why the European sovereign debt problems did not affect Bob's positive forecasts for the U.S. stock market.
Bob replied: "Rick, I think that the main impact that Europe has had on my stock market view is that it helped to create a tremendous buying opportunity in 2011. Now you may recall we had that correction that started in August and ran into September to the first of the month in October. We saw the market make a major 2011 bottom down in the low 1100's of the S&P 500 Index."
Honey EC: Many people, including Mark Hulbert at Marketwatch, called the 2011 "correction" a bear market. Indeed, the S&P declined to within a fraction of 20% bear territory on a closing basis (19.6%), and 21.6% intraday. Does a fraction matter? To Bob it does. He won't round up, and therefore, claims that he did not miss another bear market. This isn't the first time it's happened that way. (Bob defines a bear market as a decline in excess of 20% on a closing basis.)
Bob continued: "On the 22nd of September, as I have alluded to earlier on the broadcast....we made available to our Marketimer subscribers on our website that we had upgraded the market to attractive for purchase....We thought that those who were looking for a buying opportunity.... Well there it was....We did that at 1129, the market was making a bottom in the lower 1100s....Within ten days the market had turned around and now it's setting at the mid-1300s as we speak- at 1344.9. And then we were looking at the technical aspect of the market that I also analyze, and we made that decision to upgrade the market to attractive for purchase......We are about 22% higher off the October low in the market."
Honey EC: If only the caller had been reading this blog, he could have asked Bob how many times he had "upgraded the market to attractive for purchase" between September 22, 2008 and September 22, 2011 (each higher than 1129) while Marketimer model portfolios remained 100% fully invested. I know the answer, and I think all of my regular readers know the answer. If you don't, just drop a note in the comments section, and I'll tell you....I guarantee you that Bob will NEVER mention any of those losing "buying-opportunities" on the air, and new Marketimer subscribers are NEVER told about them either....
Bob continued: "But I think one of those factors that contributed was concern about sovereign debt. Even concern about U.S. debt. That was about the time where the S&P had made the downgrade of the triple-A in the U.S. The triple-A ratings remain with Moodys and with Fitch. And also there was another factor that really helped us...There was a forecast by a private economic group right about that time that the economy was going into recession. I said the forecast was wrong at the time, on the broadcast. But what was good about that incorrect forecast that that outfit made was that it created a lot of angst in the stock market. People were selling because of that forecast and it created a terrific buying opportunity that we were able to identify there at the end of September 2011.....You know, sometimes you just get the perfect storm....There are a lot of factors that go into these kinds of decisions and obviously that is something I focus on a great deal in my investment letter....More to come. Stay with us on Moneytalk."
Honey EC: I have zero doubt that Bob was talking about Lakshman Achuthan, CEO of ECRI when he referred to a "private economic group." Bob has indeed talked about this before, and I have reported about it on this blog. Bob even said he expects an apology from them. However, I don't think that Achuthan has changed his mind.
VANGUARD HIGH-YIELD FUND (VWEHX): Bob told caller Wallace for Joliet that when buying high-yield bonds, he recommends using a diversified fund like the Vanguard Fund he has in the Marketimer income portfolio.
WELLESLEY INCOME FUND (VFINX) IN MARKETIMER.....Caller Ray in Illinois asked Bob about moving money from CDs into Wellesley Income Fund. Ray said: "We're wondering if the Wellesley Fund, which I've heard you mention before over the air, in your fixed income, if we have $200,00 in the market now.....what percentage would you put in the Wellesley Fund."
Bob replied: "First of all you are talking about apples and oranges when you talk about moving from CDs into a balanced mutual fund...Yes, it has a great record. And yes, I have used that as a recommended fund in my investment letter.....I have the Wellesley Income Fund included, which is mostly a fixed income fund -- we've used it in the income portfolio, which we publish on page 7 of the investment letter. And we also have used the Wellesley Income Fund as one of our selections in the balanced fund -- model portfolio III on page 8....So we continue to use that fund. It's done extremely well, had a great year in 2011......"
Honey EC: Yes, Marketimer is only eight pages long. The model portfolio III did not do too well last year, but it did better than model portfolios I and II that lost money. From Bob Brinker's Marketimer Land of Critical Mass website:
1 year ended 12-31-2011 for all Model Portfolios:
Portfolio I: (3%)
Portfolio II: (3%)
Portfolio III: 1% (balanced portfolio of equity and fixed-income securities)
Active/Passive: (2%)
MSCI Broad Market Index: 1% (VTSMX)
TREASURYS.. .Ten-year notes annual yield 1.93%.
JOBS REPORT.....Bob said: "It was an outstanding jobs report -- 260,000 new jobs created in the private sector....That's where the growth is....17,000 lost in the public sector...243,000 net....It is the best jobs report in nine months....The unemployment rate sitting at 8.3 -- that's too high. We want to see it down closer to 5 or 5 1/2. That will take time. Of course the under-employed (rate) is sitting in above 15%."
Honey EC: Bob was all atwitter about this jobs report, but he didn't mention the people who have dropped out of the job market for various reasons -- many have simply given up looking for work.
INFLATION....Bob said: "Average hourly earnings were up 2/10 of 1% -- $23.29 an hour on an average work week, holding steady at 34 1/2 hours. Notice how that average hourly number doesn't go up very much. That's cause we have very, very low inflation across America right now and that is good. We want low inflation because that helps retain your purchasing power."
FEDERAL RESERVE MEETING AND INTEREST RATES.....Bob said: "The Fed just completed a two day meeting on the 25th of January. They say they are going to hold that rate down there at low levels possibly through 2014. But always remember that's a movable feast. They are going to check this on a monthly basis and if they have to make a change, they are going to make a change. What they're saying is if unemployment remains high and inflation remains low, they're going to keep rates down...."
SPENDING AND DEFICITS....Bob said: "We still have this extraordinary propensity to spend more than we earn, at the federal level in particular. And we still have these annual deficits in excess of a trillion dollars....And it can't possibly be ignored."
BOB BROADCASTING FROM LAS VEGAS....Bob said that he is broadcasting from the "city that never sleeps," where Mitt Romney prevailed in the state GOP candidate selection.
Most of the calls today were so esoteric in nature that they were of no interest to anyone but the caller. such as, refinancing mortgages, inherited IRAs, opinions about Greece and deciding to sell extra homes.
FUNNY SKIT OF THE DAY: Once again, Bob told the story about how they changed the time of the Super Bowl after going up against Moneytalk that first day 26 years ago -- back in 1986. It really is one of his best jokes and he out-did himself telling it today on Super Bowl Sunday. It's in the first hour if you want to hear it.
Honey EC: I've written about this before and decided it needs to be heard in order to really appreciate it. Bob really tickled his own funny bone today. I've never heard such sincere laughter from him before.
Without any announcement whatsoever, the third hour was made up of pieces of old programs spliced together. Our friend, Jim, predicted this five days ago:
Jim said...
- There might not be a guest segment this coming weekend. This Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday. I'm sure many of you remember a year ago when Bob Brinker, after doing the first two hours of Moneytalk, skipped out on the final hour so he could watch the game. Listeners were left with a taped "Best of" Moneytalk segment. It seems incredible from a man who loves to joke that the NFL can't compete with Moneytalk.
Hi H B my hunch for the markets this year is by Nov 2012 were at 1400 for the S&P and 13,500 For the Dow.
ReplyDeleteLast year even when the dow was trying to rally early in the year it seemed that it had no conviction.I have no idea why,but my prediction fell short last year about skaty eight percent and I was shocked.Have a great day Ms. H. B.
Honey, Thanks once more for the blow by blow transcript and comments of the BB hours.
ReplyDeleteAre the numbers all negative and dividends accounted for?
Honey EC: Yes, Marketimer is only eight pages long. The model portfolio III did not do too well last year, but it did better than model portfolios I and II. They lost money. From Bob Brinker's Marketimer Land of Critical Mass website:
1 year ended 12-31-2011 for all Model Portfolios:
Portfolio I: (3%)
Portfolio II: (3%)
Portfolio III: 1% (balanced portfolio of equity and fixed-income securities)
Active/Passive: (2%)
MSCI Broad Market Index: 1% (VTSMX)
The first caller Sunday was Tom from Florida. He was also a caller at last years superbowl Sunday edition of Moneytalk on 6 February 2011. Honey documented that call in great detail. He talked about meeting Bob at an event at George Mason University. There were about 20 other speakers at that seminar including Ric Edelman and Fred Grandy best know for his role as Gopher on the Love Boat. Here is the details from last years call:
ReplyDeleteTom from Florida said: "I'm a long time listener and a Moneytimer [sic] subscriber......I met you at George Mason University and I followed your advice and I reached critical mass three years ago....I'm in a new home and I have enough money to pay off the balance on the mortgage at about $200K right now..... I could pay that off, thanks to you, Bob, on critical
mass. I haven't touched my, I have a big, big nest egg, thanks to you, Bob, and I could pay that off......Well I'm on Federal Retirement, US State Department (Brinker asked how much pension).....Over $100K." Brinker recommended that Tom pay off the mortgage.
Honey EC: Brinker also asked about Tom about his health care benefits and found out he has full Blue Cross/Blue Shield paid for him -- and I'd betcha his whole family too. Brinker then asked about Tom's net worth. Tom said, "Over a few million." Brinker said taxpayers would appreciate his sharing this information since they are paying for it. I found it fascinating that instead of giving credit to a cushy Federal "State Department" job that no doubt contributed to those "few millions" he accumulated, and pays him a six-figure pension for life, he gave credit to Bob Brinker for his "critical mass."
TFB pointed out the ridiculous contradiction about the $millions that Tom said he had "not touched," while at the same time crediting Brinker for having "critical mass." Indeed, Brinker has recommended a fully invested equity allocation since March 2003, either by following his buy-signals or dollar-cost-averaging.
TFB wrote: "If this guy had any money sitting around and he followed Da Brink he would have thrown in up to his equity allocation at S&P 1450. So since he said he had a few million laying around,which I would equate to 3 million or so(and assuming a 60-40 allocation) even at today''s high he would be thanking Da Brink for losing his around 180k."
A video technical analysis update as of February 5th.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your predictions, Dav....
ReplyDeleteI think it is very likely considering that this is an election year.
Hi Sivbum,
ReplyDeleteYes, Bob Brinker counts the total return including dividends in his reported performance on his model portfolios.
The numbers I posted are from his Marketimer website.
"TFB wrote: "If this guy had any money sitting around and he followed Da Brink he would have thrown in up to his equity allocation at S&P 1450. So since he said he had a few million laying around,which I would equate to 3 million or so(and assuming a 60-40 allocation) even at today''s high he would be thanking Da Brink for losing his around 180k."
ReplyDeleteA whole lot of suppositions from a year old call just to take a potshot at Brinker.
ReplyDelete(Parenthetically, let me say that Bob Brinker will not appreciate you ripping off his latest SI anonymous handle.)
You said: "A whole lot of suppositions from a year old call just to take a potshot at Brinker."
So are you inferring that just because some time goes by, Bob Brinker deserves to have his past financial-advising mistakes obliterated?
No offense, but that is the "stupidest" thing I ever heard.
"So are you inferring that just because some time goes by, Bob Brinker deserves to have his past financial-advising mistakes obliterated?
ReplyDeleteNo offense, but that is the "stupidest" thing I ever heard."
TFB is NOT dissing Brinker for his financial mistakes.
TFB is setting up a straw man based on his OWN suppositions and then taking a potshot at Brinker.
And for a call that is a year old to boot.
With economy improving, Obama would beat Romney:
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON | Mon Feb 6, 2012 12:34pm EST
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama - bolstered by a stronger economic outlook and recent job growth - would win in a match-up against the two leading Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, a poll on Monday showed.
A Washington Post-ABC News survey of 1,000 adults found that, for the first time, Obama's prospects have brightened against his potential rivals as his overall job approval rating climbed on his handling of the slowly recovering economy.
If the election were held now, Obama would win 51 percent of the vote compared to 45 percent for Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and current Republican frontrunner, according to the poll. He would win with 54 percent compared to 43 percent for Gingrich, the former speaker of the House of Representatives who has vowed to continuing seeking his party's nomination.
Yelv....Are you a mind-reader?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to let TFB speak for himself. In the meantime, mebbe you'd like to dig your hole a little deeper???
This Sunday on Moneytalk Bob Brinker had some kind words to say about the late Bill Flanagan. This is quite a different take than we heard from mister topes. Will the real Bob Brinker please stand up.
ReplyDeleteTo: Boca_PETE who wrote (3395) 2/15/1998 10:50:00 PM
From: mister topes Read Replies (2) of 42822
Your comments are salient to say the least. Last year I counted the
weekends I was forced to endure the likes of William, the Earl of
Boredom, Flanagan and Neale, Did You Buy My Latest Book, Godfrey,
and the Motley, Greater than all, Fools. It came to a grand total
of nine weekends without The Brink's on air presence. Assuming his
new contract includes nine or ten weekends off, I would say the
odds of him being on vacation during a sell signal are very good
to excellent. Wouldn't it be neat to see Brinker issue a sell
signal while on vacation from radio, have his subscribers sellout
at or near the top, and then see the market collapse with all
the radio freeloaders left to fend for themselves when he returns
only to tell them the horse is out of the barn and they are on
their own! Would not surprise me in the least. Poetic justice!
My bunny-sense was tingling, alerting me to the fact my furry persona was being taken in vain.
ReplyDeleteLet me be clear, as an ex-financial professional I find Bob Brinker to be 100% unethical - period.
That is 100% unethical. IMO, the man is a complete and total sleaze bag of the lowest moral order.
And I would suggest anyone who cannot plainly see that has moral issues of their own.
Who wants financial advice from a sleazebag who encourages tax evasion, fraud, and is deceitful about his own track record?
The totally hot Ms Honey Bee runs this forum for a singular purpose: to warn people about the dis-ingenuousness of Bob Brinker.
It is a counter balance to his 3 hour long infomercial for his newsletter. A format where he controls the commentary of each and every caller and only allows Brinker sycophants on the air. Brinker does not let callers on who will expose his checkered past and only engages guests opposing views after they are off the air.
This forum is about the only place where a consumer can hear the truth about the scum known as Bob Brinker.
"And I would suggest anyone who cannot plainly see that has moral issues of their own."
ReplyDeleteIOW, anybody who doesn't agree with tfb also has moral issues!!!
See what I mean by setting up straw men?
I don't agree with him and my morals are just fine fyou very much.
It has nothing to do with agreeing with me, it is all about seeing Brinker for what he is. If you cannot see that he is a moraless degenerate scum bag I suggest it is becasue your perception is warped by your own lack of scruples.
ReplyDeleteSimple as that.
TFB sees Brinker as lacking morals. If you don't agree you lack morals.
ReplyDeleteSimple as that. HOGWASH.
ReplyDeleteSince you put yourself in this position please enlighten us as to exactly what moral precepts are espoused by the following:
1) Tax evasion
2) Bank fraud
"Since you put yourself in this position please enlighten us as to exactly what moral precepts are espoused by the following:
ReplyDelete1) Tax evasion
2) Bank fraud"
I would say those are crimes and I would wait for the person to be charged, tried and found guilty before I ran around the web claiming the person was an amoral crook scumbag.
yelv, making my face red with embarrassment for his loss of control, curses out and says:
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with him and my morals are just fine fyou very much.
Your morals are fine after saying the F WORD to poor little Mr Bunny?
Whatever happened to common decency and brotherly love?
I would say those are crimes and I would wait for the person to be charged, tried and found guilty before I ran around the web claiming the person was an amoral crook scumbag.
ReplyDeleteTry answering the question posed. Once again what moral precept encourages tax evasion and bank fraud?
"Try answering the question posed. Once again what moral precept encourages tax evasion and bank fraud?" tfb
ReplyDeleteStrawman Bogus Baloney Claptrap!
Strawman Bogus Baloney Claptrap!
Just as I thought, there is no excuse for Brinker's immoral conduct that even Brinker sycophant can manufacture.
gee's the guy works 12hrs a month and he's ducking out on the last hour .THEY DON"T HAVE TEVO DEVICES ON BRINKER MOUNTAIN.
ReplyDeleteLOL! He doesn't even work 12 hours a month because he's gone on average about one week per month.
ReplyDeleteThat is when he unqualified, but exuberant, replacement entertains us for 3 hours of happy talk. :)
Lynn Jimenez is business reporter for KGO radio. KGO radio dropped Moneytalk recently.