Bob Brinker took the day off. Neale Godfrey was his fill-in host..........(comments)
In the San Francisco bay area, after 26 years, Moneytalk has been canceled from KGO 810 radio station. However, the show moved down the dial and down in transmission power to KSFO560. KSFO is a 5 kilowatt station. KGO is a 50 kilowatt station.
I was away most of today, so guest-writer, JeffChristie, wrote a brief summary for us.
"Neale Godfrey was filling in for Bob Brinker today. She said Bob was on a well-deserved vacation. She wanted callers to talk about unemployment, occupy wall street, the Arab spring, Europe and China. She said contact her on Facebook or Twitter. She said the price of real estate was going up in New York city. There is a $100 million dollar apartment for sale.
The first caller was Brian from Illinois. He works in the construction industry. He said illegals are taking jobs from Americans in the building trades. Neale mentioned a name we seldom hear on Moneytalk: Obama. He is talking about unemployment dropping to 8% next year.
The next caller was Lee in Albuquerque. He agreed with Brian on the problem of illegals taking jobs from Americans. They can get a driver's license in New Mexico and then use that ID in applying for a job. He was a Ron Paul supporter.
Wayne in Fort Meyers was next. He works in the auto industry. He is upset that most of the industry has gone to Japan. This has cost many jobs at American parts providers.
Beryl from Albuquerque was next. He said the solution to our financial problem was to end central planning and do away with the minimum wage. Neale agreed to the minimum wage part.
Neale started the next hour by wishing happy holidays. I wondered what holiday she was celebrating?
Chris from New York wanted to know why gold keeps going up. Neale said it was because countries are running huge deficits resulting in a great deal of uncertainty.
Ralph called. He has been buying gold since 1972 and is sitting in the catbird seat. He also said he likes many of Ron Paul's ideas.
Vick who was formerly from Egypt asked Neale about her experience there in January during the revolution. She said there was a fire fight in front of her hotel and she saw hundreds of people being shot. She was hunkered down in a room on the tenth floor of the hotel and was in fear for her life. Vick was concerned that this may end badly with a Muslim government taking over.
Neale mentioned again that Bob was taking a well-deserved break. Yes, he has had to work three hours in the last three weeks. I don't know how he can keep up that pace.
Leon was another protectionist who wanted to put a 90% tax on foreign goods. Neale didn't think that was a good idea.
The last caller was Maryann from Omaha. She makes the invisible apron. It sells for $40 and is made in the USA. Her price seems a bit high to me but then I don't buy aprons.
Neale ended by asking listeners to contact her at Facebook or Twitter. She did not say whether or not she would be the guest host in the future."
Honey here: Thank you so much, Jeff Christie! A friend in need is a friend indeed. :)
rasputin here: Hey Honey, how are those cats doing? I guess it shouldn't surprise us that these San Fransisco gals tend to be a little on the liberal side, huh?
ReplyDeleteRAS!!!!! It's great to hear from an old friend!
ReplyDeleteThanks for asking about my cats. Unfortunately, Dolly died of kitty asthma this March, and I lost Yoda in July.
So it's now just Lama (the white one) and me. You may not remember, but the three were from the same litter.
I hope all is well with you and yours, Ras....
I wrote Once There Were Three Kittens"
Sorry to hear about the two kitties, Honey. One of my patients said to me, "Unlike people, our pets only break our hearts once."
ReplyDeleteWe currently have three indoor cats: Jake, Nikko and Rosco. We've had two outdoor (stray/wild) kitties come to visit us on our deck. The catfood and leftover turkey we put out may have something to do with that. Rosco was once an outdoor kiity. Snatched him up one day. Great kiity.
Merry Christmas. Good being back in touch.
Anybody ever wonder who Jeff Christie is?
ReplyDeleteRas...What a great pet-saying. Yes, pets do break our hearts when their lives end.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see a picture of your cats if you care to share. I could post them on the front of the blog.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
Neale was pleading with her listeners all afternoon to call. She must have said, "Come on! Pick up the phone!" about 10 times. Her second favorite phrase was, "Bob is taking a well-deserved break". She must have said that about 5 times. Otherwise, it wasn't much different from a Bob Brinker hosted show. There was no mention of the stock market.
Jeff says about Brinker, the hard worker:
ReplyDeleteNeale mentioned again that Bob was taking a well-deserved break. Yes, he has had to work three hours in the last three weeks. I don't know how he can keep up that pace.
(((ROAR)))........that's a classic............
I tuned in and heard some guy from Long Island telling her how much he loved her voice. Not once but 3 times. That was enough for me. Thank you for the summary, Jeff.
ReplyDelete-- Frankj
ReplyDeleteJeffchristie told me that some of the men callers told Neale Godfrey how much they liked her voice, so I downloaded the third hour of the program from KSFO just to refresh my memory of what she sounds like.
I wondered if she might have mistakenly thought she was doing an escort service instead of a money talk show. LOL!
ReplyDeleteSo you heard the "voice" comments too.
Perhaps she thought that if she sounded sexy enough, the more intellectual listeners would call and ask a question that was actually about investing. LOL!
First you don't like Lynn Jimenez because of her perceived politics and now you don't like Neal Godfrey's sexy voice.
ReplyDeleteYou all just miss Bob Brinker. It's very clear.
Either that or you are all just misogynist folks who don't like women on the radio.
ReplyDeleteGrow up. This is a COMMENTS forum and everyone has a right to opinions here.
FYI: Some liked Lynn Jimenez and her politics. Their opinions were also posted.
I think prior to Thanksgiving Brinker hosted the program for 6 consecutive Sundays (way too long for him), so he was probably exhausted and needed another break.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct that Bob Brinker hosted the show for 6 consecutive weeks prior to Thanksgiving.
No doubt you are also correct that one week off was not enough for him to feel rested. I understand. My stamina is sure not what it used to be either. :)
Her pleading for people to pick up the phone is probably a sign of how low the ratings have gotten and how little interest there is in Money Talk these days. Most of us got interested in the show back when Bob talked mainly about the stock market and was making good predictions about its direction. Those days are gone.
StoxNBonds said: "Her pleading for people to pick up the phone is probably a sign of how low the ratings have gotten and how little interest there is in Money Talk these days. Most of us got interested in the show back when Bob talked mainly about the stock market and was making good predictions about its direction. Those days are gone."
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you are correct. I don't know for a fact what his ratings are, but if they were good, why would KGO have canceled him? They keep some of the other weekend hosts.
This is strictly my own opinion, but I am convinced that the only reason that Brinker continues with Moneytalk at all is to keep the name "Bob Brinker" in the public eye as much as he can so that his son can reap the rewards of being mistaken for him and sell more newsletters.
The son now posts on the internet as "Bob Brinker." Example: BobBrinker on Twitter
Compare the link above Bob Brinker, host of Moneytalk who reversed his name (so the son would show up on searches?): brinkerbob on Twitter
Also note the number of followers "Bob Brinker" has and you may conclude like I do that many have been fooled.
PS: Out of 4500 "followers," Junior has blocked me from "following" him. I must be VERY special. LOL!!!!
"I don't know for a fact what his ratings are, but if they were good, why would KGO have canceled him? They keep some of the other weekend hosts."
ReplyDeleteI think they moved Brinker's show because a money show fits in better on a conservative station v. a liberal station. Not because of bad ratings.
If his ratings were bad it would have been an ideal time just to drop his show completely as they did with the local talk show hosts.
Since KGO and KSFO are both owned by the same parent it would make no sense to simply move a poorly rated show from one pocket to the other.
After reading Frankj's comment I decided to investigate. Listened to thirty minutes of the archive, and closing my eyes as Neale told caller Ralph "you could have bought me that gold ring" and "hold on for awhile" (to his gold) I felt tingly all over.
ReplyDeleteIs that why it's called Hot Talk 560?
KSFO: No one on this blog said they did not like her voice, sexy or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteListen at the end of the first hour while she asks people to call in on a variety of topics she rattled off, Egypt, China, the Republican candidates, etc., etc.
She's probably a nice woman, but I'm not convinced she makes an adequate sub for BB. I base this on hearing her in the past, not this past Sunday when I only listened for a few minutes.
-- Frankj
Ms Honey says to KSFO:
ReplyDeleteKSFO, Grow up.
That's as funny as Jeff's punchline about the hard working Brinker.
(the one that works 3 hours a month, not the one that NEVER worked a day in his life)
"She said Bob was on a well-deserved vacation."
ReplyDeleteI didn't listen, but if she said that, at least she has a good sense of humor!
Jeff Christie thanks for the recap. I am disappointed like the rest of you in that Bob is being down graded from one radio band to a lower one. Apparently he is not doing that well business wise both on his radio show and his newsletter business. I guess it is a sign of the times. Market was down today and things dont look so hot in europe. I think Bob will just fade away in the sunset if things dont perk up in the New Year. Well we have the memories anyways and he was entertaining and some of his remarks were right on the money. Its always nice to have a different slant on things it makes them appear much different and seem to mean more. Anyways I hope everyone has a great christmas and hopefully things will turn around next year if we can get some good leadership in this country john
ReplyDeleteWell I am voting mild recession...followed by a market roar if it becomes clear the commie-in-chief is going bye-bye.
Turn up your speakers and enjoy for a couple of minutes:
ReplyDeleteSnoopy's Christmas Bells
I tuned in and heard some guy from Long Island telling her how much he loved her voice. Not once but 3 times. That was enough for me. Thank you for the summary, Jeff.
The Joker from Batman is help hocking a newsletter?
Wonder if the other P.T. Barnum braker, Gil Gross will talk about this?
ReplyDeleteNAR has overstated home sales since 2007
Don't hold your breathe.
Yesterday, Jeffrey Gundlach, who manages DoubleLine Total Return Fund that Bob Brinker recommends, did a complete presentation.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to his complete 72 page presentation, It covers diverse and critical topics in every aspect of the domestic and global economy.
To Have and Have Not
I am glad I'm not long silver anymore.
ReplyDeleteAGQ is down $6.60, over 13% to a new low I think.
"I think they moved Brinker's show because a money show fits in better on a conservative station v. a liberal station. Not because of bad ratings."
ReplyDeleteThe station manager said on Ron Owen's KGO show they eliminated several talk shows for poor ratings. I take him at his word. He has no reason to lie.
They threw Brinker off KGO for poor ratings. Another show on the much smaller station KSFO had worse ratings so they bumped that show and replaced it with Brinker's.
It was not rocket science.
"I think they moved Brinker's show because a money show fits in better on a conservative station v. a liberal station. Not because of bad ratings."
ReplyDeleteIt is sad that there is this sentiment out there. The Liberals are the ones who need to understand their union pensions, their 401k plans, their IRAs and thus their future prosperity is correlated to the overall success of this nation's economic climate.
They also need to understand the best defense agaisnt globalization is to invest and therefore benefit with the companies that profit through globalization. McDonalds is a good example with only 35% of its revenue coming from the US.
So it is unfortunate if the sentiment is conservatives are the ones who need to learn about finances and economics.
"They threw Brinker off KGO for poor ratings. Another show on the much smaller station KSFO had worse ratings so they bumped that show and replaced it with Brinker's."
ReplyDeleteI don't believe it. If Brinker's show was so bad they had the opportunity to drop it altogether but they didn't.
Dr. Laura's show used to be on KGO but they moved that one over to KSFO too, because it was a better conservative fit. Not because of poor ratings.
You said another show on KSFO had worse ratings than Brinker. Please share those ratings with us and your source.
tfb: "It is sad that there is this sentiment out there. The Liberals are the ones who need to understand their union pensions, their 401k plans, their IRAs and thus their future prosperity is correlated to the overall success of this nation's economic climate. "
ReplyDeleteFor some time I've thought it is possible teachers do NOT want their soon to be voting age students to understand compound interest or any math above balancing a checkbook. Would the students vote for larger government, especially letting their teachers retire in their 50s with pensions tied to inflation plus great health care, when they are paying into Social Security and getting salaries in the public sector that mostly don't keep up with inflation?
It is in the teacher's self interest for their students to graduate uneducated in basic finance.
"They also need to understand the best defense agaisnt globalization is to invest and therefore benefit with the companies that profit through globalization."
ReplyDeleteIf your job has been outsourced overseas and is never coming back your immediate concern is not how to profit from further globalization, it is how to get a new job.
I also think that Kirk's idea that teachers are deliberately keeping students uneducated in financial matters so the teachers can maintain their pensions is really stretching. I would like to see one such case.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kirk. Why else, with very few exceptions, are school teachers liberal-leftist?
And why are the public (government) schools teaching liberal social values and liberal economic values? Why do they teach history that demeans the United States and its founding fathers?
I have several friends who are (early) retired school teachers/principals. I am shocked at how far left they lean, and the lengths they are willing for the government to go to enforce their gravy trains.
Of course, all of them have cushy retirements (with full health benefits) that anyone that retired from the private sector (after many more years working) can only dream about.
ReplyDeleteHere is proof that you are absolutely correct -- and THEN some -- about teacher's pay.
For this kind of money, all children should be receiving top-notch educations. They are NOT!
Dept. of Labor: Public School Teachers Are Highest Paid State Workers; Compensation Doubles the Average in Private Industry
( - Public school teachers receive greater average hourly compensation in wages and benefits than any other group of state and local government workers and receive more than twice as much in average hourly wages and benefits as workers in private industry, according to a new report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Public primary, secondary and special education teachers are paid an average of $56.59 per hour in combined wages and benefits, BLS said in the report released last week.
That is slightly more than twice the $28.24 in average hourly wages and benefits paid to workers in private industry.
Read More
ReplyDeleteIn most states students are required to attend 1080 hours or more; add and extra hour (before and after) teachers need to be on duty; add training and work days (another 5); add grading and planning after hours (average extra 20 hours per week); add enhancing your education in summer and creation of new materials for teaching; subtract all your own money you put into the classroom (at least $500). Oh don't forget that $15.00 per hour includes paid holidays; year long work; and no outside of work requirements! Also figure in average teacher has master's and over 20 years experience at a cost of ????.
We earned much less than average workers. My brother with no degree makes $70,000 a year with 2 weeks vacation and 30 years experience. My final salary for a special ed teacher with Masters plus 48 credits; and well over 20,000 continuing ed hours was $62,000. Oh yeah bro gets more of his insurance paid than me and has worked at current employer 1.5 years.
Do the math!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for sharing that information and your opinions. I was hoping that a teacher would write to us.
What did you teach? English composition and writing skills?
ReplyDeleteI have taught in public schools for 38 years including servicing special ed in parochial schools. Teachers are dedicated everywhere (or at least 99% are). Those who aren't get out or should get out. Heaven knows we teach from and for the heart and not our compensation!
ReplyDeleteI'm concerned that you have misunderstood the discussion about teachers.
Certainly, everyone knows that there are MANY who are dedicated educators.
The topic was meant to be in GENERAL, and about possible motives in how they teach the world of finance.
Please read what Kirk wrote and let me know what you think.
Also, please read the article that says "in general" teachers receive TWO TIMES the wages and benefits of the private industry that pays for every dime public school teachers receive.
Would you mind sharing what you taught for 38 years?
That article is very misleading at best.
ReplyDeleteI am High School Science teacher, and a conservative. I am also kind of tired of being beat up for making a choice to become a teacher after spending 20 years in the Navy.
Let's do a little math shall we? The average wage quoted above, $28.24 times 50 weeks times 5 days times 8 hours per day equals about 56,000$. There is no mention here about what training those guys had or what jobs they are doing. All we know is they are on a hourly wage.
Now I choose to be a teacher for many reasons, and I am not ashamed to admit it, one of those reasons is that I would get more time off than most other people and I would still make a decent wage, not to mention all that other humble crap that every other teacher spouts about helping the world.
Because I chose to work hard, jump though all the hoops that it took to become a teacher, get a B.S. and a Masters degree, and another 90 college credits on top of that--enough to get a PHD if I had choose that route, I now work 183 days per year, contracted for 7.5 hours per day (I won't mention all the extra hours, I consider it part of the job and you guys don't care about how many extra hours I work anyway). If we multiply those hours I am paid to work by $56.59 we get about $78,000.
Am I over paid? Do me a favor, Google average wage for a masters degree, or a Phd before you answer that. Sure I am over paid as compared to the average hourly wage worker in private industry or working for the government. Am I over paid compared to someone with a comparable education? Doing similar jobs? I don't think so
The point is I choose to invest my time and money into the education to become a teacher knowing that if I wanted to make more money I could by choosing a different career. I am very happy with the trade off.
STSC/SS wrote: "I am High School Science teacher, and a conservative. I am also kind of tired of being beat up for making a choice to become a teacher after spending 20 years in the Navy."
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for enlightening us with the "other side" of the story, and for your utter honesty about it.
(First, let me say thank you for your service in the Navy.)
Do you agree that even if public workers (of all kinds) made the same wages as equivalent private sector workers, they would still have pensions and health benefits that those in the private sector can only dream about?