December 10, 2011....Tomorrow, in the San Francisco bay area, Bob Brinker will no longer be carried on KGO810 radio. He is moving down the dial to KSFO560.
Another change is, his replacement host will be Neale Godfrey -- at least tomorrow. I don't know if it's permanent like Lynn Jimenez was. Neale Godfrey knows little about investing, but she's great on advice about raising children, the ecology and promoting higher taxes.
Yep, that Bob Brinker knows how to pick women who are highly informed on investing as fill-in hosts for himself. I say kudos, Bob. It makes you look better. LOL! Here's a blast from the last time she was on Moneytalk -- my summary:
January 2, 2011, Bob Brinker's Moneytalk: Summary, Excerpts, and Commentary
January 2, 2011....Bob Brinker did not host Moneytalk today. Neale Godfrey was the guest host.
The major topic that Godfrey chose for Moneytalk was her proposal for a new Consumer tax -- in other words: A sales tax on everything we buy while doing away with the IRS.
Her plan would make sure that "poor people" are not hurt and would exclude those on food stamps from paying the sales tax -- at least on food and other necessities.
She would include the tax on homes, planes, boats and "large" cars. (Imagine a 20-30% tax added on to every home and car sale. Californians already pay almost 10% sales tax on cars!) Godfrey said she would exclude taxing "small cars."
She is for "really" taxing the upper income and actually said that the upper and middle incomes would be "picking up the whole tab for Social Security and Medicare."
In hour 3, Godfrey had a long discussion with caller Ron from Santa Cruz aboout politics. They both had a good time announcing that they were NOT for the Tea Party. Godfrey said: "I am not a "Teapartyist." Neither of them were specific in what they found objectionable about the Tea Party. Godfrey simply stated that she had "issues" with some of the things they advocate. (I'm quite sure that the Tea Party would have "issues" with some of the things Godfrey was advocating too.)
Caller Steve from El Paso pointed out how unfair a sales tax would be for those people who have worked and saved in IRAs, 401Ks etc. Godfrey replied by saying those kinds of accounts are "of course, sacred." (How's that going to work, ma'am? Are you saying the money that is taken out of IRA's won't be taxed? Or are you saying what is bought with money from IRA withdrawals will not be taxed?)
Caller Larry from Florida talked about the FAIR tax. Godfrey was aghast.
Caller Al asked Godfrey what were her "credentials" and had she "ever made any money." She explained that she is an "educator" who has written children's books.
Caller David from Iowa itemized his plans for creating income in his retirement. One of his plans was a first on Moneytalk. He said that he plans to donate blood plasma twice a week -- for which he will be paid $250 per month.
Godfrey sounds very surprised at first, but then made this comment: "If you could do this, it works." I wonder what Bob Brinker's response would have been. Just a guess, but I do not think he would have advised the caller to consider donating blood plasma as part of a retirement plan.
Most of the other callers were simply asking for sympathy and advice concerning dire real estate situations.
She pushed her website and is hoping to start a "grassroots blogging" movement to get her new tax plan rolling. But looking at the website, to me it appears to be mostly her views of the "ecology." Neale Godfrey echoaftereffect [link]
A quote from Godfrey's website: "Change a light and you help change the world." Honey replies: "You betcha." LOL!
Brinker or Achuthan. Which one will accurately predict the market and the economy? Brinker hasn’t been so good lately. Mr. A? Never heard of him, before he was featured on this Blog.
ReplyDeleteMy support goes to the Taro Card and palm readers in Jackson Square, NOLA. On any given day the dozen or so ladies (and, a few men) will have an equal chance competing head to head with Brinker. The other dude (Mr. A) I don’t know.
The Fortune Tellers in NOLA are amazing! A few years ago I sat down with one that predicted that the city would be struck by a mighty storm, and that life in the city would be changed forever.
Now let’s see if Brinker can deliver something useful.
Phil A Mignon
What the show needs in another Bill Flanagan type. Maybe all BB wants is someone who will not pose a threat to him.
ReplyDeleteSo to the knowledgeable types out there -- to what extent does BB get to pick the guest host, and to what extent does the network (if that is the right term) get to specify the guest host?
-- Frankj
December 10, 2011 6:41 PM question from Frankj,
ReplyDelete“to what extent does BB get to pick the guest host?”
I will not claim to be knowledgeable, but I do remember a Money Talk show that was getting many complaining calls about Larry Kudlow as a fill in. Their main complaint was his “Uber” patriotism and optimism. A caller asked if Brinker couldn’t do better than to pick someone like Kudlow as a replacement. Brinker replied dejectedly and apologetically that, “no he didn’t have that kind of power or control.”
Neale Godfrey is thought to be Bob’s fill in on KSFO 560. Honey’s description of her makes her sound very “un-conservative”. If KSFO 560is the conservative radio station in the “Frisco” area and if Godfrey is truly left aligned, it doesn’t seem like a proper fit.
Hmmm, a conservative radio station serving “The Peoples Republic of S.F.” I guess even the 5 remaining conservative listeners in the city must have something they can call their own.
My guess is that Godfrey would only fill in for Bob in the S. F. area.
If Godfrey lives up to Honeybee’s description, I’m guessing that she would not be welcome on the air in truly conservative radio stations serving Middle America.
Phil A Mignon
This is fascinating use of visuals to show world health and wealth statistics over the last 200 years:
ReplyDelete200 Countries, 200 Years
December 11, 2010
Hans Rosling uses augmented reality animation in this episode of ‘The Joy of Stats’ to tell the story of the world in 200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers – in just four minutes. Plotting life expectancy against income for every country since 1810, Hans shows how the world we live in is radically different from the world most of us imagine.
200 years - 200 countries
"Plotting life expectancy against income for every country since 1810, Hans shows how the world we live in is radically different from the world most of us imagine."
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. It shows how the countries started to prosper once the age of Colonization disappeared.
The professor also shows the Socialist countries like Luxembourg are now leading the pack and he sees more convergence going forward through Green Technology etc.
ReplyDeleteOh pullleeeze! It shows beyond any shadow of a doubt how freedom in FREE countries live long and prosper.
"Oh pullleeeze! It shows beyond any shadow of a doubt how freedom in FREE countries live long and prosper."
ReplyDeleteOh, of course it does that. No doubt about that but are you somehow saying the Socialist Countries of Europe somehow not "FREE" countries?
I think the leader was Luxemburg and they may still be a monarchy for all I now but still very socialist.
And did you notice if the professor split Shanghai out of China it was among the top. Communist too.
ReplyDeleteLet me make myself perfectly clear: I am for FREEDOM and the right to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness -- that includes the fruits of one's own labor. No where did the Founding Fathers write any guarantees for the lazy and irresponsible to be supported.
Your penchant for Socialism tells me that you think it is okay to steal money via the government in order to fulfill Karl Marxs' directive.
It's evil and needs to be stopped in its tracks if we want to preserve what little freedom we have left in this country.
"Your penchant for Socialism tells me that you think it is okay to steal money via the government in order to fulfill Karl Marxs' directive.
ReplyDeleteIt's evil and needs to be stopped in its tracks if we want to preserve what little freedom we have left in this country."
Oh I didn't mean to pick a fight HB so I'm sorry if I started something.
But I think you must have Socialism mixed up with Communism which, like you, I detest. It's the communists who follow Karl Marx, not the Socialists.
And if you really want to stop Socialism you are just a bit late I am afraid.
Outside of a few right wing military dictatorships almost all first world countries today are socialistic to one degree or another. Including the USA if they dare admit it.
Well Backfil... we can agree on most of what you said.
ReplyDeleteKarl Marx was indeed a Socialist. He was also a Communist. There is very little difference -- maybe a bit more religious tolerance is allowed in Socialist countries -- maybe not.
Hitler was the most infamous Socialist, in my opinion...Pure evil.
But Marx has had the most influence over the world with his disgusting mantra about each according to their needs, etc.
Hogwash! With that philosophy, we will all end up in need -- and I don't mean just smart phones or plasma TVs. At some point, the "hard-working" Golden Goose will stop laying eggs.
At some point, the "hard-working" Golden Goose will stop laying eggs.
ReplyDeleteYep - exactly. I have pretty much decided to stop working next yer. My home is in need of many repairs (new roof, some electrical, plumbing, painting). I have estimates in hand, and have decided to do the 34k of work myself. With taxes I would have to earn over 70K and I started to think why should I pay into system that just steals my hard earned money and turns it over to welfare tarts, teachers and union thieves?
Moreover my state is not a right to work state so I have to employ union thugs - and i simply refuse to prop up corrupt unions that simply channel back my own money to prop up Obama's oppressive regime.
So while I cannot do anything about the cost of my building materials I can certainly keep from employing the union scum that supports Obama and stop part of the gravy train that supports the welfare tarts.
It looks like I can earn around 20K so I'll work few weeks for spending money and simply shift the free cash flow in my business to paying down business real estate.
I think the mission now of patriots is to starve the beast and deprive it of what it needs most to keep going.
And Ms. Bee it is time the productive fight back against the takers.
bill there was an exciting host and expert moneyman-ha!
ReplyDeleteNeale Godfrey once again guest hosted "Money Talk" on July 8, 2012. That's the first time I personally heard her but within the first 5 minutes all I could think was, "Drunk on the Kool-Aid". Gads... She is totally wasted on the liberal hish-hash of redistribution. She responded to a caller who suggested that the feds keeping the interest rate low was keeping many responsible savers, such as the elderly, from spending, since they don't have the interest cash to draw from. He suggested this was contributing to the slow recovery. Godfrey responded that if interest rates were higher then it would hurt those who have credit card debt -- OH MY GOSH!! Didn't they do that to themselves?!!! I was appalled at the entire answer she gave which essentially promoted putting the burden on those who have been responsible for bailing out those who have not. You can't get much more liberal than that. Bob Brinker should put his foot down and BAN this woman from guest hosting his show. Appalling!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous...I copied your great comments about Neale Godfrey so that they won't be missed:
ReplyDeleteJuly 12, 2012 Moneytalk Summary