Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25, 2011, Bob Brinker's Special Subscriber Message Bulletin Announcement Removed

November 25, 2011.......I made a photocopy from Bob Brinker's Land of Critical Mass Website and posted it two days ago (look at my post below this one). In it, I predicted that Bob Brinker would be removing the September 22nd  "Special Message Bulletin" announcement very soon because after rising for awhile in October, the stock market has now returned almost to the level it was the day he issued the bulletin (S&P 1129). 

Here is a photocopy from Brinker's homepage tonight. Compare this with my post below this one from two days ago:

Marketimer Bulletin Login

There is no bulletin posted.

Someone once said, "You can't make this stuff up."  LOL! If you belong to the Bob Brinker fan club, you must be feeling some frustration right now.  Bob clammed up about the stock market and took no calls about it on his radio show for the entire month of November as it declined precipitously. As a matter of fact, the last time he talked about the stock market on his radio show was when the market briefly rallied in October:
October 23, 2011, Moneytalk Summary...  Bob said (to a caller) "Are you even aware that we are having one of the greatest October rallies in the history of the stock market?"

Bill replied: "All I know is that about two months ago, I was having a really bad feeling in my stomach and I felt powerless...yeah, it's been good lately." 

Bob said: "Bill, here's the acid test for you. If you do not have the stomach for the volatility that is inherent in being in the stock market, then you really have to ask yourself what in the world are you  doing in the stock market. Because if the stock market through it's fluctuations, and certainly we had a correction in 2011 and we had a correction in 2010, and both of them went into the teenage category. If it's something that's just too much for you to bear, you need to ask yourself why are you bothering with it at all."
If that seems pretty cavalier to you, I agree......For the record: The Dow and S&P had their largest Thanksgiving week percentage decline since the Great Depression.  The S&P and Nasdaq have dropped for seven consecutive days.

November 25, 2011, closing numbers:
DJIA: 11,231.78 = down 4.8% for week
S&P: 1158.67 = down 4.7% for week
Nasdaq: 2441.51 = down 5.1% for week

Our friend, Jim, saw this coming back in September. He wrote:
Jim said...

I think Brinker is waiting to see what the market does. Brinker will only mention the bulletin if the market rallies from here. If it does not, he will cover it up like all his other failed buying opportunities.
September 25, 2011 4:18 PM


  1. Honey,

    Thank you for reporting Brinker's true track record. I hope it helps someone in the future avoid the financial losses that I and others took by following Brinker's QQQ advice. As your site has documented, he should but does not include his QQQ losses in his portfolios' performance figures, which overstates his portfolios' performance.

    This forum exposes Brinker's market timing technique - buy and hold, never sell, then buy more on dips using "new money", whatever "new money" is. This is not a viable investment strategy and consumers have a right to be informed before purchasing his newsletter.


  2. This forum exposes Brinker's market timing technique - buy and hold, never sell, then buy more on dips using "new money", whatever "new money" is. This is not a viable investment strategy

    Hmmm, what is not viable about it? It is essentially what Warren Buffet and other notables take. It is also more or less what John Bogle does.

    The fools game appears to be market timing. Has anyone actually calculated how much Brinker's portfolio suffered when he sat out the market after the 87 crash?

    I agree Brinker is a charlatan huckster of disreputable character but if you are going to entertain the idea that there are fairies dancing on a pinhead don't be surprised when someone argues that if you put a Leprechaun into the mix they will all suddenly do the jitterbug.

    Here is a curt but realistic analysis. If Brinker could time the market he would simply do it with his own portfolio and would not have been caught with his pants down playing in real estate.

    If Brinker understood economics or globalization he never would have been on the air promoting IT jobs as the panacea for job woes in the 1990 and bragging about the great career Brinker Junior had a head of him (now reduced to the same disingenuous quackery of his father).

    Brinker's strategy is very simple: even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    Outside of the fact above, he relies on people's laziness, the fact they do not file complaints with the Better Business Bureau or even Rip-Off reports (there is only one complaint) and then he intimidates Blog owners with pretentious legal threats.


  3. "Outside of the fact above, he relies on people's laziness, the fact they do not file complaints with the Better Business Bureau..."

    Firstly, filing any kind of a complaint with the BBB is a waste of time. They are a toothless tiger and useless.

    Secondly, financial newsletter writers are not regulated by anybody. And they are not required to be.

    And third, Brinker is not running some sort of a scam or dishonest enterprise. He is simply another newsletter writer and sometimes his calls don't work out. That's not a crime.

    Nothing Brinker has done is illegal and formal complaints are nothing more than whining by dissatisfied customers.


  4. Nothing Brinker has done is illegal

    Slavery was legal in the United sates. Was it just? Was it moral?

    And the BBB serves a great purpose in allowing you to register your complaints against unscrupulous businesses like Brinker's. You can search the BBB on-line and make an informed decision.


  5. Equating slavery with Brinker's newsletter? Whatever floats your boat I guess.

    And personally I wouldn't give you 2 cents for the Better Business Bureau. They are totally useless IMO.

    But why don't you post your complaints against Brinker that you have filed with the BBB here? We could all see how it works.

    And just because you are not a subscriber shouldn't stop you anymore than not being a slave owner would stop you from complaining about that.


  6. humm it seems that a shill or brinker himself has posted as anonymous ,,, to cover himself,,, I think brinker has covered a balanced portfolio and it has been good for me ,,, but I think he has only one day a week to do a radio show and should not takeoff to have guest hosts as we pay to hear him as we are subscribers ,,, clean up your act brinker

  7. Equating slavery with Brinker's newsletter?

    You were the one who said:

    Nothing Brinker has done is illegal

    As if the idea that becasue something is legal also makes it just and right. The extreme of that position is to bring up slavery or abortion so you can see the error in your logic. Brinker deceives people in order to get money form them pure and simple. Your contention is, that becasue it is legal no one should care. As I mentioned slavery was legal (and still is in many places) as is abortion. But legality does not make it just, moral, and right.

    Nor does the legality of Brinker's misdirections intended as deceptions make it right.

