Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 23, 2011, Bob Brinker's Special Subscriber Message (September 22, 2011)

November 23, 2011....Bob Brinker's September 22nd Special Subscriber Message is still available on his homepage. The S&P 500 Index is dipping ever closer to the magic number of 1129.56, so you may want to hurry if you want to buy Marketimer and read his two paragraph bulletin. 

If the market continues going down, I suspect that the bulletin will soon go the way of all of his other special subscriber messages that didn't work out so that he could brag about them -- forever gone and never mentioned again.

Marketimer Bulletin Login

"Special Subscriber Message is available by clicking on Special Subscriber Message (September 22) at the homepage"

Brinker did not give any particular time line as to when he expected the "backing and filling" to end.  But he did say that he expects "...the market will transition into a  renewed uptrend" and have "gains into the low-to-mid 1400s range in 2012."

Of course, Brinker originally projected the market would reach 1350 to 1400 range THIS YEAR: 

February 3 2011, Marketimer, Bob Brinker wrote: "Since we expect the S&P 500 Index to trade into the 1350 to 1400 range later this year, all of our stock market model portfolios remain fully invested."


  1. Italy 10yr note — 6.96% (+14)
    Spanish 10yr note — 6.65% (+5)
    German 10yr note — 2.14% (+21)
    Ireland 10yr note — 8.21% (+47)

  2. A Brinker basher who posts as yelvingtonn nailed this current sell off on another site that discusses Brinker. Here is what he said.

    11/17/2011 9:04:59 PM
    From: yelvingtonn of 6810

    Plenty of praise on this board for the ECRI recession call which looks great tonight.

    Market is now reacting to the economy with enormous selloff. ECRI is still king. Bulls will be slaugtered.

  3. Please note in this message Mr B states "the S&P 500 HAS THE POTENTIAL to trade into the low-to-mid 1400s range in 2012."

    Not an outright prediction. Not "we believe."

    Attractive prices? Isn't this the same fortune teller who was bargain shopping in late July at 1290?

    If you can't predict correctly, predict often.

  4. In the previous thread there was comment about how the S&P 500 essentially has done nothing for 13 years.

    To give you a historical perspective, except for speculators, the stock market has never been historically regarded as a way to build a fortune, rather it was utilized as a way to preserve a fortune and diversify your holdings in order to preserve it in regard to inflation and derive residual income.

    That is why, in the past, I have mentioned that this 10, 15% savings rate is not adequate for securing your financial future.

    You really need to step up your savings and truly pay yourself first You may hit a lucky streak and do very well, but a more conservative approach would be to save closer to 20-25% of your earnings.

    tfb - your historical bunny...

  5. Jeffchristie...Thanks for posting pen-name "yelvington's" latest.

    I strongly suspect that "yelvington" who likes to bash Bob Brinker in ways that I never would do, is Bob Brinker himself.

    Brinker has a unique sense of humor and loves to "pretend" to take potshots at himself. He love tongue-in-cheek humor and playing the devil's advocate.

    "yelvington" showed up on that other site in 2007, and with few exceptions, his posts are on the Brinker threads, including my own there. I won't post all of his writings, but here are samples.

    "From: yelvingtonn Read Replies (1) of 2114

    Ephy you can do better. Don't drink the kool-aid. Think for yourself and give up on your radio idiot."

    "Ephy you got to give it up. Just because there website shows Brinker ranks 11th in total audience means nothing. I doubt he has any listeners at all. You really need to fold up your tin god and stop drinking the kool aid. He isn't even on radio here in southern Ohio."

    "I hope you are right. Anything that hurts Brinker is good news. The more he hurts the better. I am with you on that."

    "That survey says Brinker has 1,750,000 listeners every week. That has to be wrong. The jerk is only on two days a week so he can't possibly have 1.75 million listeners. Somebody is making these numbers up. My guess is the guy has no listeners at all other than family members. And there is no chance he ranks 11th in total audience with just two days a week. This is crap."

    "Give up on your tin god and put away the kool aid. No reason to defend the charlatan."

    Here was his first post on my thread which was a total fabrication in response to me writing that Brinker might have missed another bear market:

    "To: Honey_bee who wrote (1419) 7/3/2010 12:11:15 AM
    From: yelvingtonn 1 Recommendation Read Replies (1) of 1894

    Looks like he did. Somebody said he issued a sell signal and went to cash today.

    Those who follow tin gods wind up with a sock of coal.

    Shorts are paying big profits now."

    He made five posts on my thread that day all slamming Brinker in mean-spirited ways that are unusual, and then left for a year after writing this:

    To: Honey_bee who wrote (1425) 7/3/2010 11:56:48 AM
    From: yelvingtonn Read Replies (1) of 1894

    This is what newsletters do. They lie and cover up there records.

    You should just cancel and get a refund and not provide money to the charlatans.

    Newletters writers are idiots and crooks."

    Here's the link if you want to check out his profile, and you can read his posts on the various threads from here to: Silicon Investor

    I'm 99.99% convinced this is Bob Brinker -- the bigger and older one.

  6. I strongly suspect that "yelvington" who likes to bash Bob Brinker in ways that I never would do, is Bob Brinker himself.


    I don't. Brinker is bleeding subscribers and he is on the (pardon the pun) brink of losing his Sunday show due to poor ratings. If he loses his 3 hour info commerical he will have no change of getting/holding on to new subscribers. If he does follow his own advice he is in made financial shape and who knows how many underwater properties he owns.


  7. Joey,

    How do you make the connection between Bob Brinker possibly losing his last avenue to snag new subscribers via his once a week radio program with what he is posting anonymously at message board site?

    I think if you take a look at these posts, you may change your mind. Remember that he wrote multiple posts pretending to slam himself, but did a 180 with this one, basically accusing Kirk and me of lying.

    I believe that Bob Brinker wrote this on July 25, 2010:

    To: marc ultra who wrote (1474) 7/25/2010 10:12:21 PM
    From: yelvingtonn 2 Recommendations Read Replies (7) of 1894

    Marc, you have a right to know the truth instead of the lies that have been posted about Brinker's newsletter advice at the bottom of the bear market in March of 2009.

    His newsletter dated March 5, 2009 with the S&P 500 Index at 696 Brinker published the following:

    "We rate SPY, VTI, IWV and DIA attractive for purchase." These funds represent the S&P 500, Wilshire 5000, Russell 3000 and the Dow Industrial Average. All were recommended for purchase at that time.

    This is in his Individual Issues section on page seven. This buy recommendation was made at the bottom of the bear market in the newsletter early March 2009.

    So don't be fooled by lies that seek to misrepresent advice that is exactly the opposite of what is posted.

    Congratulations on your great market gains.

    (Without going into the incredible spin of the TRUTH, let's move on.) He evidently forgot what he wrote in July 2010 and wrote these in September 2011 -- Over a year later!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Honey's Bob Brinker Beehive Buzz: Moneytalk 09/05/2011 01:02:29 AM From: yelvingtonn

    Nobody cares one bit about this guy.

    Honey's Bob Brinker Beehive Buzz: Moneytalk 09/04/2011 From: yelvingtonn

    And nobody in the world cares.

  8. Kirk's replies to yelvington (probably Brinker):

    To: yelvingtonn who wrote (1475) 7/26/2010 12:47:16 AM
    From: Kirk © 1 Recommendation Read Replies (1) of 1894

    OK, I guess I missed the part for individual issues. I was talking about the text where he usually gives the buy advice in the market outlook.

    Did you miss this part?

    March 5, 2009
    STOCK MARKET OUTLOOK DJIA: 6726.02 S & P 500: 696.33

    Due to the fact that the November 20, 2008 S&P 500 Index closing low failed to hold during the testing process, we believe a new bottoming process will be necessary in order to put an end to the bear market. This means that in order to set the stage for a sustainable market advance, we need to see a sequence of events consisting of

    (a) the establishment of an initial closing low; (b) a short-term rally; (c) a test of the area of the initial closing low on reduced selling pressure.

    BTW, for individual issues, this is what he said on April 3, 2008 UPDATE DJIA: 12262.89 S & P 500: 1322.70

    INDIVIDUAL ISSUES We rate SPY, VTI, IWV, DIA and DVY attractive for purchase on any S&P 500 Index weakness into the area of the first quarter lows. All other issues are rated hold.

    To: yelvingtonn who wrote (1475) 7/26/2010 12:57:41 AM
    From: Kirk © 1 Recommendation of 1894

    BTW, how did you get the text for the newsletter and know to look in the individual issue part for the hidden gem?

    You posted here you didn't subscribe to newsletters of idiots and crooks right after you called Brinker a fool and a charlatan


  9. Here is my response to yelvington. He never responded -- just left the thread and moved to a thread where the truth about Brinker is not allowed:

    To: yelvingtonn who wrote (1475) 7/26/2010 11:20:27 AM
    From: Honey_bee of 1894


    What kind of game are you playing?

    You are the only one who has told lies on this board! Twice, you claimed that Brinker made a sell signal on the first of July and I had to correct you because just the opposite was true.

    So again, what's your game? You come here and cast insults at Brinker and tell lies -- then do a complete 180.

    You wrote: "Those who follow tin gods live to regret it." and "Those who follow tin gods wind up with a sock of coal."

  10. I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are blessed with love and have much to be thankful for.

    And to the person who "anonymously" sent the hate-filled messages to me this morning, knowing full well I can't respond to you:

    God bless you, and may your day be filled with family, friends and beauty, as mine is....

  11. Thank you HB, and have a good Thanksgiving.

    -- Frankj

  12. "tfb - your historical bunny..."

    Oh no, Bunny! You had a historicalectomy? I'm so sorry! :-)

  13. And to the person who "anonymously" sent the hate-filled messages to me this morning, knowing full well I can't respond to you

    And to the same person, if I ever find out who your faggoty ass is I will board a plane and hunt you down and make you the sorriest son-of-a-bitch on the planet.

    I have a particular passion for jerk-offs who abuse fine women. There is a particular technique I have not seen used since the war. It has to do with cross extensor reflex action and knowledge of the major muscle groups and how to stimulate antagonistic muscles. You literally rip yourself apart internally, very slowly. First it starts as a slight tightness on your right side, slightly below the floating ribs...and then it spreads inward, the left arm moves behind you and slowly starts to rotate in the rotor cuff, till it becomes very painful, the tightness in your intestines becomes unbearable and to relief it you try and move away but can't so you keep trying to rotate your shoulder, the pain becomes intense and you feel you have a choice, let your muscles dislocate your shoulder or let your intestines rip, so you chose the shoulder, only it does not bring relief...

    And what it really cool, you are incapable of can only yell in your own mind...

    Now go ahead and abuse another woman asshole...

    that cute little fuzzy ball of fur - tfb

  14. So anonymous who sends the hate-mail, based on the Fluffy Bunny's visuals, I'd advise you to continue to keep your identity hidden.

    I'm sure that's no problem. You seem to know just how to do it. I'd guess you are quite skilled with computers and the internet.

  15. I'm sure that's no problem. You seem to know just how to do it. I'd guess you are quite skilled with computers and the internet.

    If that was true, the web site would not have been a total failure, and closed down to hide the truth in the posts.

    Nor would the ID imping and setups have been so transparent and childish.

    Failure begets Failure.

  16. As of November 25th:

    Credit markets:

    Indicator – value (chg)
    TED Spread — 50 (+1)
    LIBOR-OIS — 74 (0)
    USD 2yr Swap Spread — 54 (0)
    US Inv Grd Baa/10yr UST Spread — 316 (-2)


    German 10yr note — 2.27% (+7)
    France 10yr note — 3.70% (-2)
    Italy 10yr note — 7.30% (+19)
    Spanish 10yr note — 6.71% (+8)
    Ireland 10yr note — 8.21% (0)

  17. Mr. Pig,

    That reminds me of the Bob Brinker message boards that were closed down because they found that constantly censoring and banning people made even the most devoted fans annoyed.

    Before they closed them down, they tried charging fees. Evidently, not enough people were willing to pay to kiss Brinker's ring. Especially since Suite 101 sprung up and offered a free and uncensored place to post all opinions.

    One would think that they might have learned that they cannot completely control what is said on the internet, but evidently not. It is still going on and happened to Kirk and me just recently at Silicon Investor.

    One of the Brinker threads now does not allow Brinker's history to be discussed. Plus, Kirk and I were banned from it just because "someone" doesn't like anyone who doesn't "honor" Bob Brinker.

    You can't make this stuff up...

  18. One of the Brinker threads now does not allow Brinker's history to be discussed. Plus, Kirk and I were banned from it just because "someone" doesn't like anyone who doesn't "honor" Bob Brinker.

    Let me take a guess. I betcha it has more posts now than in the last several years COMBINED, since the banning, correct?

    That's how those shills have ALWAYS operated. Run away and hide when confronted with FACTS and TRUTH.

    BUT......when the opposition is eliminated, they return and have NOONE to question their LIES and spin.

    They then kiss up to each other, and tell each other how smart and accurate they are. Smooch smooch Slurp slurp.

    It never fails..................

  19. Mr. Pig:


    But be patient. There may be an upcoming awaiting them....A little Florida bird told me.

  20. Failure begets Failure.

    Oh I have known many failures, who raised their children who go on to become great men. But I have never met an effeminate coward who raised a boy who was anything but an effeminate coward?

    They mature in age but generally live a life of a lie as a closeted homosexual, they marry, but their very actions demonstrates their contempt and loathing of strong, independent females who portray the feminine ideal.

    This is probably one reason they make such good con men, their entire life is one of deception, whether they deceive themselves about their sexual nature or are deceptive in their business practices.


  21. Bob Brinker has often objected to discussion boards where people can debate his record. Here is the post from the moderator at FundAlarm saying why he was deleting all discussions about Brinker.

    "Bob Brinker has expressed concern about the summaries of his advice (and newsletter) that have appeared on FundAlarm, as well as links from the Board to various other sites that report his advice basically, some or all of these posts may violate the copyright on his material.
    In accordance with Bob's request, I have agreed not to allow summaries of his advice to appear on this Board, and I've also agreed to prevent links to other sites that may make unauthorized use of his material.
    Therefore, I will shortly delete this thread and, to be safe, I'm asking that that all Bob Brinker-related posts be avoided in the future.

    Thanks to everyone for your cooperation on this.


  22. Has my best friend ever NONNIE (ANON) been around?

    I want to know if Brinker is still 100% invested, and can't be out of this market for a single minute.

    I'd also like to know how those Fixed Income investments in the stock market are doing these gangbuster days.

    KABOOM.......TO THE MOON........AND beyond............S&P 1400........DOW 14,000.............guaranteed for only $185 /year.

  23. Honey, you should really block these nasty hate filled posts that has "tfb" as the author. They add nothing positive to this board and frankly take away from the discussions. That kind of language belongs in a barracks IMHO...just a thought.

    signed: voice of reason

  24. Voice of reason,

    Occasionally, I let the subject of my stalker/harasser be discussed, so that he knows for sure that he is hurting himself, not me.

    I agree it's not a pleasant subject and not one to dwell on. But the fact that the hate-filled, very personally insulting messages come to me almost daily, including Thanksgiving morning, is not pleasant either.

    So please excuse me if I let some true gentleman here have their say to the guy once in a while.

  25. Tfb posts. They add nothing positive to this board and frankly take away from the discussions. That kind of language belongs in a barracks IMHO...just a thought.

    I agree whole heartedly. It is most disconcerting.


  26. Jeffchristie,

    That is a very good example of a discussion board moderator being pressured by Bob Brinker not to allow posts about him.

    This post made by the moderator of Fundalarm shows that Bob Brinker will LIE. I read what was posted there. There were no "summaries of his advice or newsletter" ever posted. There was, however, a link to this blog posted.

    Note how the Brinker's claimed that the " various other sites...which may violate copyright..."

    Now this blog has never "summarized" his newsletter. I sometimes post tiny quotes or general history from older issues FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES, which fit comfortably under "fair use" laws.

    If he thinks that his radio program is somehow copyrighted, maybe he doesn't realize that a radio program is public content and does not belong to him. If anything, it belongs to ABC. And I'm sure they don't mind my giving their program free publicity. Brinker sells it. Maybe he has a deal with ABC and pays a cut for Moneytalk on Demand -- I don't know.

    Again, take a look at Brinker's threats under which Fundalarm folded. He tried the threats on Kirk Lindstrom and Kirk basically told him to go pound sand:

    "Bob Brinker has expressed concern about the summaries of his advice (and newsletter) that have appeared on FundAlarm, as well as links from the Board to various other sites that report his advice basically, some or all of these posts may violate the copyright on his material.
    In accordance with Bob's request, I have agreed not to allow summaries of his advice to appear on this Board, and I've also agreed to prevent links to other sites that may make unauthorized use of his material.
    Therefore, I will shortly delete this thread and, to be safe, I'm asking that that all Bob Brinker-related posts be avoided in the future.

    Thanks to everyone for your cooperation on this.


  27. Dear Voice Of Reason, if you have ever scene the filthy, x-rated, vile comments that Stalker-wuss leaves the adorable HoneyBee you might form a different opinion.

    My commentaries are far restrained by comparison.

    No MAN would ever talk to a woman the way stalker-wuss does, and no man would ever allow a lady to be talked to as such.

    If stalker-wuss had a commentary of substance, a retort based on substance or facts, then Honeybee would publish it.

    Instead the commentaries are directed at her genitalia, age and often describe what object he would like to penetrate her with.

    And what this is really about is very simple: HoneyBee wants people to be aware of Bob Brinker's real record. That is why this forum exits, and because of that she is subjected to vile, insulting, and threatening attacks on an on-going basis.


  28. Phyliss,

    Please see my earlier reply about this subject....

    Best Regards....Honey

  29. Can't you just try to get along with other folks just once?

    It's the holidays.


  30. TFB,

    That is exactly right. Without making any accusations, I want my readers to be aware of this and draw whatever conclusions that common sense tells them to draw.

    On the other hand, I recieve lots of wonderful emails from wonderful people who are very grateful for the work I do on this blog.

    When I recieve emails at:, I can respond and thank them or answer questions.

    This stalker-person knows that any comments sent to the blog are in a "no-reply" mode and I cannot see who sent them or respond to them. I can only choose to publish or not to publish.

    And since I allow "anonymous" posts for the convenience of friendly posters, he knows that I have to read all of them....nuff said.

  31. Mr. Pig,

    What "other folks" do you want to get along with? LOL!!!

    Just be glad you aren't a turkey....

  32. Is Brinker sending out invitations(via “snail mail”) to all his prior Marketimer customers? I haven't been a subscriber for 7 or 8 years. But I got an invitation to come back into the fold last week. Curious.

    A U Ric

  33. Sort of curious, before Da Brink road the greatest bear market of our lifetime down while 100% invested, after inviting subscriber after subscriber in at 1450, 1300, 1250 on the S&P, he use to talk about his proprietary timing model (that it seems every Tom Dick and Harry was able to figure out).

    As I recall after his disatorous flub in 1987 and missing the bull market for the first few years, he clamiend he adjsuted his model and retro teested it. Then at some point in the future, he blew something yet again and supposedly tweaked his timing model.

    So I am just wondering, if after this latest series of screw-ups(riding the bear down, multiple false starts while remaining 100% invested), has Da Brink indicated that he has adjusted his model, or has he has just forgotten about it and hopes people forget that the model is obviously dysfunctional?

    So the question is does Da Brink even do the psycho-babble about his timing model or has he moved on to astrology or phrenology in order to get his results?


  34. "As I recall after his disatorous flub in 1987 and missing the bull market for the first few years, he clamiend he adjsuted his model and retro teested it."

    Yep, that's what he claimed but I don't think it worked.


  35. "Can't you just try to get along with other folks just once?

    It's the holidays.


    I think that is the very first Pig post I have seen where he is not insulting somebody.

    Good for him and even though it is past Thanksgiving I agree with him that we should all try to get along at least during the holidays.


  36. I think that is the very first Pig post I have seen where he is not insulting somebody.

    You must be as blind as a bat, and just as ugly, and totally unaware of where my post was copied from.

    It was, and is, a DIRECT insult.

    Now I expect an apology for defaming my record, and not just from the night manager.
