Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20, 2011: Lakshman and Bob in the Thunderdome. 2 men enter, one man leaves.

October 20, 2011..............................................................(comments)

Metaphorically speaking, Bob Brinker has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging recession-bears to a showdown at the No-Bear Corral.

Bob Brinker's  no-recession weapon of choice
October 16th, Bob said: "My personal opinion is that  some of those private forecasters out there that are so convinced that we are going into a recession which is historically defined as two consecutive quarters of negative Gross Domestic Product, I think they are going to be proven wrong. That is my prediction....I believe those forecasts will prove to be false...Therefore, those who are making investment decisions based on what I regard as that bogus forecast, I think they are going to regret it.  And they might regret it mightily, if they don't already."
Laksman Achuthan chooses an "Ugly Forecast That's Been Right Before" 

 Economic Cycle Research Institute’s Lakshman Achuthan said that the economy is "tipping into recession."  Excerpts from Business Cycle:

Mr. Achuthan, on the other hand, says that the gross domestic product rate is likely to go negative by the first quarter of 2012, if not sooner. He told me last week that he couldn’t tell exactly when the recession would start — or whether it had already begun. The institute made its recession call only after an array of economic indicators showed a “pronounced, pervasive and persistent” downturn consistent with a recession, he says. By contrast, in the summer of 2010, when some market bears interpreted the decline in one of the institute’s indexes as a signal that a recession was in the offing, the institute said the pattern pointed not to recession, but only to weakness.

Now, he says, the pattern is clear.

This time, Mr. Achuthan says, a host of leading and coincident indexes — those that suggest activity down the road, and those that measure current movements —are all pointing strongly toward recession.

The institute’s U.S. Leading Diffusion Index, for example, has dipped into territory that, with only one exception, would have signaled the recessions of the last 60 years. The single exception was in a short-lived downturn in 1966-7.

In addition, its U.S. Coincident Index has moved into territory that would have signaled recessions over those six decades, with three exceptions. Those were dips in September 2005, after Hurricane Katrina; in March 1993, after a huge storm on the east coast of North America, and in July 1952, after a steel strike. In none of those cases did the two indexes reach recession territory at the same time, as they have now, he says.

TAKEN as a whole, he says, these and other indicators are quite clear. “We’ve entered a vicious cycle, and it’s too late: a recession can’t be averted,” he says.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the end of the institute’s gloomy prognostications. What’s worse, he says, is that the business cycle appears to have become shorter than it was from the mid-80s until the start of the last recession, an era that has sometimes been called “the Great Moderation.”" 
So there you have it.  Bob Brinker is saying that the recession-bears are going to regret their stance.  Lakshman  is saying a recession is inevitable,  and we're already "tipping into it."

A long time Bob Brinker fan, pen-name Marc Ultra, agrees with ECRI this time and wrote:
"Lakshman and Bob in the Thunderdome. 2 men enter, one man leaves.

While technically there may be wiggle room because they're not defining a recession in exactly the same way, the battle lines are now clearly drawn, one will be correct and one will be wrong. Today Bob flat out said the ECRI ("the private forecaster out of NY") will be wrong and those (like me) who have acted on their call will regret if. It's possible Bob might even be using me as as part of his example since when he was using an alias he would respond to me at various times (including praise at times), so if he glances at this board occasionally he is aware that I have flipped from bull to bear due to the ECRI call but obviously a lot of people have made investment changes based on the CRI so the possible personal point would not be that relevant regardless."

 To summarize Bob's latest forecasts

Bob's GDP forecast from last Sunday's show: "I expect we're going to see a positive number in the third quarter. I expect to see a positive GDP number in the third quarter. Remember in the second quarter we grew at an annual rate of 1.3%. Remember  my forecast is 1 to 2% real GDP growth this year."

In  the September Marketimer, Bob raised his 2011 S&P 500 operating earnings estimate to $95, up from $93.50 the month before and predicts slightly higher earnings in 2012 with "sluggish" growth in the European Union.

Bob is still bullish on the stock market and has been forecasting the S&P 500 Index reach the "mid-1400s" for several months. As the recent 20% decline took place, Bob extended the time frame for that prediction from "this year" to "in 2012."

Some humor by birdbrain:
Deletebirdbrain said...
"In this corner wearing blue and gold trunks, co-founder of ECRI, predictor of an upcoming recession and who has the courage to appear with Suzanne Pratt on Nightly Business Report, Lakshman Achuthan.

And in this corner wearing in-the-red trunks, publisher of Marketholder, looking for a comeback after being defeated by both Cassandra and Bad News Bear in 2008 and terribly pummeled by Nevada Property, from Lake Las Vegas, Bob Brinker."

Pay per view, anyone?
October 21, 2011 5:24 AM


  1. This morning, Rob from Pasadena wrote:

    "Hey Honeybee,

    Bob Brinker made his third appearance on Doug McIntyre's RedEye Radio again last (night). He was on the 50,000 watts of KABC radio here in Los Angeles. Doug lives in the San Fernando Valley so he does his syndicated show live from the KABC studios.

    This allows Doug to be heard on other stations such as WABC New York. Brinker was on Doug's show during the first hours which was on October 19th from 10 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. Pacific Time (then run again at 2:00 a.m.) so of course the time difference makes it October 20th from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00a.m. in New York if you're going to listen to the WABC podcast.

    Rob in Pasadena, CA"

    Honey here: I have downloaded it from the website and will write a brief summary of it later. Here is the link if you want to listen to it:

    WABC RedEye Radio

    Rob in Pasadena

  2. smile_1 said...

    It's the bottom of the 9th and the EU is up at bat... will they strike out this weekend and crater the market next week or will they be able to craft a plan as effective as the US TARP which just about all Republicans were against (what a bunch of losers).

    they need to craft a credible plan to:

    1) recapitalize their banks and draw in private capital somehow;

    2) get their banks to write down Greek debt to the tune of 60-70% ;

    3) leverage up the EFSF - so their bazooka is large enough to fend off the bets against the system.

    At the same time Greece needs to get it together as a country.

    The only clue we as investors have is a statement by Geithner (if you trust Geithner's assessment) who said in an interview w/ Cramer that behind the scenes Euro leaders are united and will not let this thing fail.

    Most traders will go home this weekend flat. I've been hearing some talk that things have to get a whole lot worse there in Euroland just like they did here in the USofA before the nimrod policy makers will act to get this done. I hope this is not the case but if it is, a retest of the recent lows is likely.

    If Euroland learned from our stupidity (remember the first vote on tarp failed - due to stupid House Republicans not supporting and the market tumbled what almost 800 dow points the day of the vote), they should know this stuff is nothing to play around with - Eurozone needs to get their act together.

    I'm sure Brinker would agree with this assessment - it is common sense.

    I'm sure the brain power between Jeff and Pig has all this figured out - no doubt their brainiac answer would be something like: The EFSF is a liberal commie plot and the sovereign debt problem needs no government involvement, they should just let the markets work to resolve. Then they wake up in a cold sweat and remember that 777.68 point tumble in the dow representing 1 trillion in market cap losses when the Republican House chose principle stupidity over common sense solutions as usual.

    For those of you who read this far, you have to admit, it is more thought provoking than the dribble coming from SLAPPY the slop for brains Pig who fantasizes about being famous. What a joke.

    Good Luck with your fantasies piglet. :-)

    October 20, 2011 8:10 PM

  3. "In this corner wearing blue and gold trunks, co-founder of ECRI, predictor of an upcoming recession and who has the courage to appear with Suzanne Pratt on Nightly Business Report, Lakshman Achuthan.

    And in this corner wearing in-the-red trunks, publisher of Marketholder, looking for a comeback after being defeated by both Cassandra and Bad News Bear in 2008 and terribly pummeled by Nevada Property, from Lake Las Vegas, Bob Brinker."

    Pay per view, anyone?

  4. "Some have asked if they could bring their wives (don't ask -- I don't know LOL), and the answer is yes, if she doesn't eat too much. LOL!"

    As a past, but still uncollected, winner, I have a question.

    Can I bring somebody else's wife?

    She doesn't eat much.


  5. "winna" who claims he's a winner asked: "Can I bring somebody else's wife?"

    LOL! Only if you feel you desperately need a bodyguard. But I assure you, I'm trustworthy.

  6. If anyone is playing the CNBC million dollar challenge and wonder why you can't keep up with the leaders - wonder no more.

    The leader and those close behind maybe using high frequency trading by picking a high beta or volatile stock and then day trading that stock by buying when the last trade price hits bid and selling when the price hits ask. Essentially they are using probably Level II quotes and taking advantage of CNBC's system which is supposed to be real time but does not update for every tick - essentially last trade is behind the bid/ask volatility.

    The leader has turned 1 million into at last nights close 9 million probably using the above method. The dirty little secret is since there is a 25% limit on positions if you use the above method it would take you all day and at best you could make 10% a day. The trick then is how does someone turn 1 million into 9 million in 17 trading days - that's a 9 bagger in 17 days - the answer is you can't if you are one person.

    You can only do this if you have a team (at least 4 individuals) exploiting this flaw in CNBC's system. With a team effort you can get 4 x 10% or 40% a day.

    Hopefully CNBC will get wind of this and disqualify those using this team approach - it should be easy to catch based on transactions all they have to look for is multiple transactions within seconds on the same portfolio which would be impossible for one person to do or if they are capturing the IP adddress of each entrant to the contest and see multiple ip addresses transacting on the same portfolio.

    The rules would disqualify anyone using a team approach - all CNBC has to do is prove this is being done which should be easy enough.

    Just wanted to post this in case there is anyone here participating and have decided they have no chance to win, or feel bad that there portfolio is not even close to keeping up. The answer is you still might be able to win, and your portfolio may not be doing as bad as you think if they disqualify the teams exploiting the CNBC system flaw.

    One person using this method is maybe ok and I would even question this if they are using Level II quotes which gives them the advantage to exploit the CNBC flaw but teams should definitely be disqualified. Should be easy to catch and disqualify.

  7. "And in this corner wearing in-the-red trunks, publisher of Marketholder, looking for a comeback after being defeated by both Cassandra and Bad News Bear in 2008 and terribly pummeled by Nevada Property, from Lake Las Vegas, Bob Brinker."

    Pay per view, anyone?

    I would have cast Bob Brinker in pink trunks reflecting his terror of speaking anywhere he can't control the flow of information.

  8. The only positive today is NLY closed above 16 and off its low.

    NLY started 1/1/11 @ 17.92.

    If you held NLY since the beginning of the year, collected all the divvys, there's still a negative return.

    If NLY stock price increase now to next divy 12/xx/11, it will close red (including the divvys)

    Operation Twist and other negative stories not helping mREIT companies.

    Can NLY avoid the slide to <15.50 is now major concern.


  9. Joetong,

    Thanks for the update on NLY. Yes, you are correct that the NAV weakened when the gubmint made threatening noises.

    I got lucky and made some trades on the subsequent volatility which has me well ahead for the year.

    Right now, I'm waiting for the dividend payout. I think it's the 30th????

    Anyway, I am also waiting for a new buying opportunity to get in below what I last sold -- $16.01 is not it. :)

    I noticed that this last ex-dividend date was a little shaky. In other words, there wasn't that nice climb before it arrived which had been happening so regularly.

    It's like the gubmint has a giant pair of eyes always looking to take away any punch bowls that investors might discover.

    Damn infuriating to me....

  10. Bozo Bob said: "I would have cast Bob Brinker in pink trunks reflecting his terror of speaking anywhere he can't control the flow of information.

    That is why I think he hates this blog so much. I'm totally beyond his control.

    Jr does what he can to control me. For example, he has me blocked from "following" him on Twitter. That's a big tell in light of the fact that when he blocked me he had about 1100 followers. (He now has over 4000 and I'm still blocked.)

    I can read what he writes, but can't retweet and his Tweets don't show up in my feed.

    And also, he refused my good money that I offered to pay to subscribe to his rag.

    Yep, The two Bob Brinker's in pink tights....sounds appropo for a couple of financial sissies. :)

    Bob Brinker Jr Twitter Feed

    Honeysbuzz Twitter

    How many think it's the talk show host Twittering with the white hair? To my knowledge, he has NEVER distinguished himself there as the son.

  11. It looks like CNBC is taking action to end the exploit - what they need to do is find all accounts which have taken advantage of the exploit and boot them from the contest. Fix the exploit and then let the remaining players continue. To simply reset all accounts to the beginning balance if that is what they are doing and starting fresh is simply wrong.

    This is my last post on this subject since it has nothing to do with the subject matter here. I just wanted to provide an update to my earlier post for those who may be playing this game.


    update to CNBC portfolio challenge:

    Trading in CNBC's Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge was suspended as of close of trading today at 4:00 p.m. ET for one week.

    It came to our attention that there was a technical glitch in the current trading system, which a handful of players found and exploited to jump to the top of the leaderboard. The contest accidentally allowed what our rules specifically prohibited.

    Out of fairness to all registered contestants and as is our right, according to the rules of the contest, we are suspending the contest and will restart it Sunday, October 30 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Upon relaunch, all player accounts will be reset to their opening balance. Play will begin anew for the final five weeks of the contest. All winners from the first five weeks, including this week, will retain their prizes.

    We apologize for any inconvenience, but fundamental fairness compels us to take this action.

  12. That is why I think he hates this blog so much. I'm totally beyond his control.

    I had heard it is becasue HoneyBee is like totally hot and uh, well ol' Bob, even with ZenCore, can't toe the line. Got to be a bit frustrating for Da Brink. And it wasn't exactly control he had in mind with you I guess a sad case of his spirit being willing but all the kings horses and all the kings men can't make Da Brink a man again.

    Probably explains his overall hostility toward women.


  13. This CNBC contest sounds a lot like Brinker. He bought the QQQ's and Hulbert added them to his portfolio for tracking purposes. The trade went south so the next month Brinker didn't include it in his portfolio in the newsletter. Then Hulbert reset and took them out. Too bad Brinker's followers couldn't do the same. They got stuck with the loss.

  14. How many think it's the talk show host Twittering with the white hair? To my knowledge, he has NEVER distinguished himself there as the son.

    I have no doubt that both father and son are a couple of twits.


  15. Exceptionally well executed blog!
