Bob Brinker said: "Moneytalk is the program that helps you learn to become your own personal financial you can get out of the way of the shark attacks and take charge of your personal financial future....You turn it over to someone else, frankly, you never know what's going to happen....That's what our broadcast is about. The strategies and the tools to achieve that personal financial freedom for youself and your family, so that some day, if you're not already hanging out there, you can reside in the Land of Critical Mass."
Honey EC: That's right, but based on Bob's broadcast the past couple of months, don't expect to learn anything about the stock market that will help you make decisions about investing in it. Other than a couple of vague references today, Brinker has been silent since the September-October 20% bear market decline went above 5% -- when he was still calling it "noise."
STOCK MARKET: The only time that the stock market was mentioned on today's program was when Bob talked about trading curbs and capital gains distributions (see below).
Honey EC: Bob is a perma-bull who stayed fully invested for another 20% bear market drop this year.
STOCK MARKET TRADING CURBS: Caller Roger from Pennsylvania asked Bob why we haven't seen trading curbs in the stock market over the past couple of years. Bob told him that it was because there have not been the inter-day swings that we had in 2008. He said that back then, there were inter-day swings of 10% or more, but now it's a big deal if you see 6 or 7% inter-day swing.
YEAR-END CAPITAL GAINS DISTRIBUTIONS: Bob in Topeka wanted to know when tax distributions take place. Bob answered that for the most part, it's in the month of December. And this year, don't expect to see major capital gains payouts from mutual funds this year because the S&P 500 year-to-date is negative about 1 or 2%.
RECESSION OR NO RECESSION? Bob said: "My personal opinion is that some of those private forecasters out there that are so convinced that we are going into a recession which is historically defined as two consecutive quarters of negative Gross Domestic Product, I think they are going to be proven wrong. That is my prediction....I believe those forecasts will prove to be false...Therefore, those who are making investment decisions based on what I regard as that bogus forecast, I think they are going to regret it. And they might regret it mightily, if they don't already."
Honey EC: At least one of the "forecasters" that Bob was talking about is Economic Cycle Research Institute's Lakshman Achuthan. Achuthan says the economy is "tipping into recession" right now.
BOB BRINKER'S GDP FORECAST: "Bob said: I expect we're going to see a positive number in the third quarter. I expect to see a positive GDP number in the third quarter. Remember in the second quarter we grew at an annual rate of 1.3%. Remember my forecast is 1 to 2% real GDP growth this year."
VANGUARD GINNIE MAE FUND (VFIIX) NAV: Caller Bill from Palo Alto asked: "In the secondary market.....Some people believe that if Treasury rates fall, which means mortgage rates may fall, he price of the Ginnie Mae that you own already could go down because the duration shortens because people refinance. Is that correct? Bob said: "That really has not been the case. What we have seen with Ginnie Mae prices is in general as the overall level of interest rates have declined, we've seen strength in the prices of Ginnie Maes...."
BOB BRINKER FOLLOWER SINCE 1998: Caller Roger from Pennsylvania
thanked Bob and said "since 1998" he was in a "terrific
position following Bob's advice." Bob asked him about the sentiment in Harrisburg since the bankruptcy.
Honey EC: Bob chose to ignore Roger's comment about 1998. I think it's very clear why he did that. His advice since 2000 has been a mine field. I wonder which parts of it Roger followed. If he followed it all, he lost 57% of his portfolio in 2008-2009. If he's still following Bob's advice, he just took a 20% ride down and is still underwater from the March 2009 low. He's also underwater for the year.
FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30th: Deficit $1.3 trillion....Bob said: "Despite all the talk of fiscal discipline in Washington, that number was actually higher than the previous fiscal year....If you look at these numbers for three years, you're at $4 trillion. I know it doesn't sound possible....."
INTEREST ON NATIONAL DEBT: The National Debt is almost $16 trillion now. Bob said: "Remember we're paying the interest on this debt every day and interest rates will not be zero forever. If and when interest rates normalize, we the taxpayers will have an interest bill to choke a horse."
DEFICIT WHAT PORTION OF GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT? Bob said: "I know there's been a lot of discussion about what percentage of GDP does the deficit represent...We have the figures. The figures come to 8.7% of GDP for the USA....So far, Congress has been clueless on how to get rid of this runaway deficit problem."
twelve-member Congressional Super Committee is looking for $1 1/2
trillion in savings over the next decade under the terms of the debt
ceiling deal that was agreed upon in August. And if there is no action
from Congress on the recommendations from the Super Committee by
December 23rd, the automatic cuts will be triggered.....That's over ten
years, $150 billion average per year on a deficit that's running over a
trillion dollars per year. So you can see how gargantuan the spending
problem is."
SOAK THE RICH: Bob said: "One survey said 75% of Americans, like Warren Buffett, who want to hike taxes on high earners.....I fully expect taxes to go up on high earners.....The latest proposal out of the White House is the millionaires' tax......another 5% on top of the 39.6 that they are proposing go into effect when the current tax cuts expire. That would take the rate up to 44.6 for high earners. If you're in California it would be 55. If you own your own business, paying both sides of the uncapped Medicare, it would be 58, plus what you pay in Social Security....The marginal rate in high income tax states could be as high as about 60% under some of the proposals that are on the table right now."
KUDOS FOR FREE TRADE: Bob said: "Kudos to the president and Congress for clearing those free trade agreements with South Korea, Columbia and Panama.....The South Korea deal is the biggest deal for the United States since the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994 removes duties on about 2/3 of American farm exports and phases out tariffs on more than 95% of industrial and consumer exports in the next five years....We always like to see moves in the direction of free trade on this broadcast. Yes, we are a conservative fiscal broadcast. We believe in balanced budgets, free trade and a proper level of oversight. Of course, we have almost no oversight in the United States when it comes to Wall Street."
Honey EC: I guess Bob never heard of Bernie Madoff or Raj Rajaratnam, who was sentenced to eleven years for insider trading last week -- or Sarbanes-Oxley...
KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS: Today Bob talked about how Washington has not used Keynesian Economics.
Honey EC: This is the second or third time he has made that same assertion. Either his memory is failing or he doesn't want to admit that in 2008, as the whole TARP stimulus package was being done, he was touting the use of Keynesian Economics to rescue the country. Here is one example of what I wrote in the February 23, 2008 Summary: "Brinker praised the stimulus package…said it was the proper role of government to institute Keynesian economics and the “right things are being done.
STEVE JOBS AND APPLE: Bob talked about Apple's success under Steve Jobs-- and the launch of the new I-Phone. He said that he was certainly sad to learn of Job's passing -- that he was certainly one of the most innovative people to come out of America. Apple's market capitalization makes it the world's most valuable company, and the shareholders are very, very happy.
Honey EC: Bob has never recommended Apple, IBM or Google. His individual stock recommendations are limited to Microsoft, Vodaphone and Suncor.
OCCUPY-WHATEVER ON WALL STREET: Bob said: "I really have a hard time figuring out what they stand for.....They are upset about the bail out of the banks. So are we to presume they would be happier demonstrators if the banks had failed? They're upset about the disparity of incomes...There is a huge disparity of income that has evolved....But what do they want to do about that? Do they want the people who have made the money to cut enough checks to make everybody even so that everybody then would have the same amount of money...Very, very weird, these demonstrators....If you try to make any sense out of it, your head will spin."
HERMAN CAIN'S 999 PLAN: Several times today, Bob talked about Cain's 999 tax plan. Bob said that, even though he likes Cain, his tax plan is dead-on-arrival -- that it will never happen because it is a "very regressive" plan.
CHARLIE MAXWELL INTERVIEW: Bob said that the Charlie Maxwell interview from September 25th is available at Moneytalk on Demand.
Honey EC: Like all Moneytalk shows, that interview was available
at KGO810 radio archives for seven days after broadcast FOR FREE.
Bob's guest-speaker today was Bethany McClean who wrote: "All the Devils are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis." Her book is on Bob's recommended reading list.
HB did you see this? LOL..BofA won't let protestors close accounts in Occupy Santa Cruz.
ReplyDeleteShould people who are tired of paying extra fees be allowed to close their bank accounts in protest? One Bank of America official reportedly doesn't think so.
According to Addicting Info, two women involved with the Occupy Santa Cruz movement in California walked into a Bank of America branch earlier this week and attempted to close their bank accounts. In response, the bank manager threatened to lock the doors and call the police on them. Her reasoning? You can't be a customer and a protester at the same time, the manager said.
Central Coast News contacted Bank of America about the incident and received a response from the company:
Central Coast News has contacted Bank of America to get their side of the story. In an email Colleen Haggerty with Bank of America released this statement to Central Coast News. "It is our responsibility to ensure a safe environment for customers to conduct financial transactions. So, due to the disruptive nature of protests lately and the potential for safety or security issues, we do not allow protestors inside of our banking centers. If a customer who is participating in a protest wishes to conduct bank business, including close an account, we ask them to come back when they are not protesting or they may also conduct their bank business at a nearby branch away from protest activities."
Haggerty also said that Bank of Ameica, "respect everyone's ability to exercise their first amendment rights, however we also have to balance safety and business needs for all customers."
What kind of financial advice program never mentions the stock market?
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ReplyDeleteThe last poster was right bob has fallen on tough times. In his defense he told people to get out of the market in 2001 and at that time I sold my house and moved the proceeds into I bonds which was an excellent call on his part. Over the years he repeatedly told people not to buy time shares as they were a bad investment. He was right on as maintenance fees have gone thru the roof. Sometimes you have to listen to all his logic and determine for yourself what is ok and what is not...
ReplyDelete"We specialize in round trips"
As far as stock market is concerned I think Bob is partially right.I believe that no one can time the market and the real winners are those with time in the market. Bob is wrong on his timing calls but right on his dollar cost averaging calls. This is a great time to be dollar cost averaging in my opinion. As I mentioned earlier sometimes you have to sift through what he says but when you denegrate people you go to far the other way. Just my opinion..
ReplyDeleteBob Brinker said:
ReplyDeleteTherefore, those who are making investment decisions based on what I regard as that bogus forecast, I think they are going to regret it. And they might regret it mightily, if they don't already."
Brinker was definitely talking about the stock market here. Anyone expecting a recession would be out of the market, so Brinker is basically saying that anyone who is bearish on the market will regret it. "If they don't already" of course refers to the recent rally.
Any idea how Mark Hulbert will grade Brinker on this most recent decline? Will Hulbert say Brinker missed a bear market or will he be like Brinker and only count the closing numbers? It could have a big impact on where he ranks Marketimer now.
ReplyDeleteI took Brinker's comment today that those who are predicting a recession were wrong and would regret it to include Nouriel Roubini as well as ECRI. He went so far as to say the prediction was bogus.
Double-Dip Recession a Foregone Conclusion: Roubini
Published: Tuesday, 11 Oct 2011 | 5:09 AM
The world's advanced economies are headed for a second recession, regardless of whether there is further chaos in Europe, noted economist Nouriel Roubini told CNBC on Tuesday.
Roubini — ... — said his reading of recent data suggested the U.S., euro zone, and the U.K. are already on the verge of falling into a recession in the next quarter or two.
"The question is not whether or if there is going to be a double dip, but whether it's going to be mild or severe with another financial crisis," Roubini, head of Roubini Global Economics, told CNBC on the sidelines of the World Knowledge Forum in Seoul. "The answer on that depends on the euro zone."
In his defense he told people to get out of the market in 2001 and at that time I sold my house
ReplyDeleteHUH? I'm confused. Bob said to get out of the market, and you sold your house, and you are thrilled not to have purchased a time share?
How did you do with QQQ or TEFQX, or were you able to figure out that you should skip those?
"Any idea how Mark Hulbert will grade Brinker on this most recent decline? Will Hulbert say Brinker missed a bear market or will he be like Brinker and only count the closing numbers? It could have a big impact on where he ranks Marketimer now."
ReplyDeleteThe recent decline won't matter at all since Brinker has been fully invested for a long time.
Hulbert ranks Brinker on his model portfolios not what he says.
"In his defense he told people to get out of the market in 2001..."
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I recall Brinker telling people to do in 2001 was to Buy more QQQ as they fell. In his newsletter, he still had equities and said he didn't see much chance of the market falling further after the 9/11 attack. They went much lower.
"... and at that time I sold my house and moved the proceeds into I bonds which was an excellent call on his part."
Did you live in a chicken coop and now lives with your kids rent free?
You could only buy $30,000 worth of iBonds in 2001. I have some and they pay a nice interest rate today but they would not pay the rent on anything I'd want to rent.
ReplyDeleteWell, I tend to agree with the bank in not letting the protestors carry their demonstrations inside the bank.
Ex-fan asked: "What kind of financial advice program never mentions the stock market?"
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the kind of a show that has a host who is selling market-timing snake oil via multiple paid ads.
Now I have a question for anyone who knows the answer:
Are Bob Brinker's multiple advertisements for Marketimer now filling the revenue gap and keeping the program on the air?
Well, I tend to agree with the bank in not letting the protestors carry their demonstrations inside the bank.
ReplyDeleteI disagree. They should have let them in, led them to the vault, and locked them in with their money for the weekend.
John said: "In his defense he told people to get out of the market in 2001 and at that time I sold my house and moved the proceeds into I bonds which was an excellent call on his part."
ReplyDeleteIt's okay to defend Bob Brinker with facts, but it's not okay to defend him with fabrications.
Brinker not only did NOT tell people to get out of the market in 2001, he issued TWO buys on QQQQ and called for TWO total market counter-trend rallies that never happened.
As for selling your house and buying I-bonds, Brinker never made that recommendation.
"We specialize in round trips"
Jim said: "Brinker was definitely talking about the stock market here."
Thanks for pointing that out. It never occurred to me, but you are absolutely correct!!!!
Jim asked: "Any idea how Mark Hulbert will grade Brinker on this most recent decline? Will Hulbert say Brinker missed a bear market or will he be like Brinker and only count the closing numbers? It could have a big impact on where he ranks Marketimer now."
Mark Hulbert has made changes in Hulbert's Financial Digest that would give Bob Brinker every chance to be included in his top-performers and it still isn't working.
If it's available, I will download the latest issue of HFD and let you know where Brinker fits in. Last month he didn't make it into any of the Overall Performers over the past 5 or 10 years.
Jeffchristie said: "I took Brinker's comment today that those who are predicting a recession were wrong and would regret it to include Nouriel Roubini as well as ECRI. He went so far as to say the prediction was bogus."
ReplyDeleteThanks for that info, Jeff. I'm sure it's correct. Bob Brinker is an equal-opportunity bear basher. :)
Pig asked John: "How did you do with QQQ or TEFQX, or were you able to figure out that you should skip those?"
ReplyDeleteI sure hope he will answer that question. I'm going to be waiting with bated bref to hear how he chose to skip those two Bob Brinker recommendations from 2001.
But I'll give him credit, it's good he didn't buy a time-share. :)
john said...
ReplyDeleteThe last poster was right bob has fallen on tough times. In his defense he told people to get out of the market in 2001 and at that time I sold my house and moved the proceeds into I bonds which was an excellent call on his part.
I am afraid I don't remember that call in 2001. I do remember a call to reduce equity holdings by 60 % in January 2000. Hasn't is been about 20 years since Bob made a call to totally get out of the market? Bob has been a perma bull since his call in March 2003 to return to being fully invested in the stock market. He has issued a series of all in buy signals but I am not aware of any sell recommendations.
This will be a busy week for the Fed:
ReplyDelete"Bernanke will deliver remarks on ”The Effects of the Great Recession on Central Bank Doctrine and Practice” at the Boston Fed on Tuesday at 1: 15 pm EDT.
Monday: Chicago Fed President Charles Evans will speak on “U.S. Monetary Policy and Economic Outlook” before the Michigan Council on Economic Education at 1:15 pm EDT. Jeffrey Lacker of the Richmond Fed also give a talk on the outlook, speaking at 7:30 pm EDT an event sponsored by the Salisbury-Wicomico Economic Development.
Tuesday: Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart will give remarks on the economy before the Chartered Financial Analyst Society of East Tennessee in Chattanooga at .
Wednesday: The Fed releases its monthly Beige Book, a collection of anecdotal data on economic conditions around its 12 districts.
Thursday: Fed Board Governor Daniel Tarullo speaks on “Unemployment, the Labor Market, and the Economy” at the Columbia University World Leaders Forum in New York at 6 pm EDT. Cleveland Fed President Sandra Pianalto speaks at a manufacturing conference in Toledo, Ohio.
Friday: Minneapolis Fed President Narayana Kocherlakota will give a speech to the Harvard Club of Minnesota at noon CDT."
Reuters Article
ReplyDeleteAs the market continues downward and Mr B refusing to directly address on air the number one concern of most listeners, thank you for your incisive comments.
Two questions:
How did you obtain the Brinker Decoder Ring to decipher his cryptic messages?
Is it included with a subscription to Marketholder?
I'm in the lead on the Market-Timing Guru Contest RIGHT NOW. Look quickly, it probably won't last. LOL!
ReplyDeleteSilicon Investor Market Guru of the Month
Sometimes you have to listen to all his logic and determine for yourself what is ok and what is not...
ReplyDeleteROTFLMAO - oh my sides hurt I am laughing so hard. Hire an adviser than get out your Tarot cards to divine what he says - LOL.
P.S. and yet the HoneyBadger...
ReplyDeleteIn his defense he told people to get out of the market in 2001 and at that time I sold my house and moved the proceeds into I bonds which was an excellent call on his part. Over the years he repeatedly told people not to buy time shares as they were a bad investment. He was right on as maintenance fees have gone thru the roof. Sometimes you have to listen to all his logic and determine for yourself what is ok and what is not...
And yet while this chap managed to divine the Brinker tea leaves and sell his house ans put the proceeds in I-bonds Brinker was buying into a bubble in Las Vegas - huh - how does that work. Did Brinker slip up when he used his own decoder ring? sick of hearing about "da Bears" in 1986 when his show started...sorry Brinker, "that's all she wrote"
ReplyDeleteHerman Cain, presidential candidate with real singing talent and a wonderful sense of humor!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great voice. If he isn't elected president, he should go on "America Has Talent."
Herman Cain sings John Lennon's "Imagine" there's no pizza.
birdbrain said:
ReplyDeleteHow did you obtain the Brinker Decoder Ring to decipher his cryptic messages?
Is it included with a subscription to Marketholder?
LOL. I am far from having Bob Brinker figured out. He totally surprised me back on Sunday by not mentioning the stock market directly. I expected him to break his silence by talking about the nice rally and mentioning that he issued a "Buy" alert to subscribers. After todays 247 point decline however perhaps he was wise to not pat himself on the back. We may not be "out of the woods" yet.
Jim and all,
ReplyDeleteI downloaded the latest issue of Hulbert's Financial Digest today.
Mark Hulbert basically uses two categories to rate newsletters. One is for "Mutual Fund Newsletters." The other is "Overall Performance Scoreboard."
He now ranks only three time periods: Five, ten and 20 years for Overall Performance.
He recently raised the number from top-5 to top-7....An interesting change in light of what I'm going to tell you.
He does what he calls "adjust for risk." It's some kind of Sharpe Ratio thingee, which measures the letter against the volatility of the Wilshire 5000.
Personally, I'm not impressed by that. I want to know how the letters performed -- period.
In the Overall Performance category, Brinker's Marketimer made it into the 20-year time slot as unadjusted number six. He did not make it into the five or ten year top seven at all.
In the Mutual Fund categories, Hulbert uses five, ten and fifteen year time frames and shows top-7 letters also....
Brinker's Marketimer made it into the fifteen year, number 4 slot. He did not make into the five or ten year top seven.
Where is my personal Guru Dan G. with commentary on today's market action?
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ReplyDeleteHoneybee said, on Oct.17, 8:43PM
ReplyDelete“I downloaded the latest issue of Hulbert's Financial Digest today.”
The synopsis that followed was interesting. Thanks HB.
It tells me that Brinker is resting on his laurels.
If Brinker was a publicly traded stock, investors would be dumping it.
A U Ric.
Is this another item for Brinker to ignore since the repercussions of higher prices with near zero to negative economic growth is not good for higher corporate profits?
ReplyDeleteFrom Producer Price Index News Release
The Producer Price Index for finished goods rose 0.8 percent in September, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today...
On an unadjusted basis, prices for finished goods climbed 6.9 percent for the 12 months ended September 2011.
It will be interesting to see how this effects September CPI and the rate for iBonds for the next six months.
It is not good news for those hoping for QE3 or more government deficit spending to help the POTUS get reelected.
"Personally, I'm not impressed by that. I want to know how the letters performed -- period."
ReplyDeleteOh, I'd have to disagree with that, Honey. The last thing I'd want my retirement portfolio to do is to be bouncing up 100% then down 75% over and over, even if the current trend was up. I'd much rather see a steady rise without all the gyrations. But that's just my opinion...true as it may be! :-)
PS--the market is not quite oversold yet, but close enough to start nibbling for me. But again, that's just my very true opinion!
I think one of the most interesting things that Bob Brinker said on Sunday was that the recession-bears will regret their predictions.
ReplyDeleteOf course, Laksmann Achuthan (ECRI) is one of his targets.
Here is a fascinating commentary about this "Throwdown" between Brinker and ECRI.
Marc Ultra has been a raging-fan of Brinker's for over a decade and here he mentions Brinker's anonymous alias posting to him at Silicon Investor:
To: marc ultra who wrote (6504) 10/16/2011 5:57:17 PM
From: marc ultra 1 Recommendation Read Replies (2) of 6516
Lakshman and Bob in the Thunderdome. 2 men enter, one man leaves.
While technically there may be wiggle room because they're not defining a recession in exactly the same way, the battle lines are now clearly drawn, one will be correct and one will be wrong. Today Bob flat out said the ECRI ("the private forecaster out of NY") will be wrong and those (like me) who have acted on their call will regret if. It's possible Bob might even be using me as as part of his example since when he was using an alias he would respond to me at various times (including praise at times), so if he glances at this board occasionally he is aware that I have flipped from bull to bear due to the ECRI call but obviously a lot of people have made investment changes based on the CRI so the possible personal point would not be that relevant regardless.
For those into it this is epic stuff. Will the ECRI when it comes to market action end up like an Elaine Garzarelli making a disastrous reputation destroying sell call while Bob is on a flat out buy call? Will the ECRI's flawless record for the last 15 years finally come to an end downgrading them to just another fallible view sitting in the trash heap of history of forecasters?
They didn't just say there could be a recession, they were adamant that a recession couldn't be stopped and things will get far worse. Lakshman did the full media tour after they released their call to the public and had that air of complete certainty and put full reputational capital into this call.
It won't make that much difference to Bob or others doubting the call because no market timers or other economic forecasters have been perfect and institutions are not paying in the 6 figures for Bob's opinions as they are for subscriptions to the ECRI data and opinions.
I still have to think the ECRI will prove right but it's certainly true my responding to the ECRI call has already been very costly.
So I will be following this with extreme personal interest and my money for now is still on the ECRI but yes, I'm nervous about the possibility this could be a spectacular failure by the eCRI and I'm now in the uncomfortable position of finding myself rooting for a bad economy and bear market now that I'm committed that way.
Note to the person who just sent the note in all caps:
ReplyDeleteDid it ever occur to you that I might agree with you but not in a position to do anything about it?
So why hassle me about it? Ignore it.
This blog is here to help keep Bob Brinker honest. Capice?
does bob wants to be part of the 99%
The previously downward sloping 50-day MA has now flattened and started to turn up. The Dow came down to almost touch this MA and then took off on the upside. Bullish action!
ReplyDeleteNot to mention that Sy Harding's "Seasons in the Sun" surely turned bullish for the next half year or so.
So it may be ok to be wrong, but it is NOT ok to STAY wrong!
The previously downward sloping 50-day MA has now flattened and started to turn up. The Dow came down to almost touch this MA and then took off on the upside. Bullish action!
ReplyDeleteThanks Dan; that is what I was afraid of...sigh...I really wanted the market to drive a stake through Obama...
Thanks Dan; that is what I was afraid of...sigh...I really wanted the market to drive a stake through Obama...tfb
ReplyDeleteSo you would rather have a severe bear market and all the problems caused to innocent people just to get rid of some politician?
I am glad I don't think the way you do tfb.
"I really wanted the market to drive a stake through Obama..."
ReplyDeleteWell, you and me both, Fuzzy One! But the market has a mind of its own and it rarely pays to fight it.
But the election isn't until November 2012, and the 6 months bullish period ends in May, 2012. Plenty of time for the market and other things to put a nail in the Obama presidency. When I think of "Four more years", I begin to shake!
Anyone who wants to say something to me personally and have me respond, needs to use my email address.
ReplyDeleteI cannot respond to comments sent to the blog.
So you would rather have a severe bear market and all the problems caused to innocent people just to get rid of some politician?
ReplyDeleteI am glad I don't think the way you do tfb.
I did not say a severe bear and we were within a fraction of a percent 2 weeks ago of being in an official bear, that is all I needed.
And yes, I would do almost anything including giving up my personal wealth to eliminate Obama. My life is nothing compared to preserving liberty for my children and grandchildren.
Obama is that bad.
"And yes, I would do almost anything including giving up my personal wealth to eliminate Obama."
ReplyDeleteGreat! Herman Cain can use the money. I don't believe you for a minute.
And yes, I would do almost anything including giving up my personal wealth to eliminate Obama. My life is nothing compared to preserving liberty for my children and grandchildren.
ReplyDeleteObama is that bad.
Easy solution to that one tfb,
give all your personal wealth to your candidate of choice!!!
Jeez, talk about an extremist, IMHO!
The Truth Rabbit
I'm not sure what the Obama bashers here have against him, it may be a case of follow the stooges on fox. It is hilarious, I'll have to nickname this place the twilight zone - there is a 5th dimension... one that makes no sense what so ever except in the twilight zone.
ReplyDeleteIf the Obama bashers had nothing bad to say about Bush but everything to say negative about Obama one has to wonder whether in fact this is the twilight zone.
remember the tea party stooges out there protesting b4 Obama ripped them a new one - saying Keep Government hands off my Medicare??? oxymoronic as well as twilightzoneish
the funniest thing is no matter who the Republicans pick out of the stooges they have running, they will lose against Obama - take it to the bank.
About the subject of politics:
ReplyDeleteSome of you (almost always Obama supporters) seem to have a knee-jerk response of "attacking the messengers."
Please stick to issues. If you can defend Obama in any way, okay, but when you name-call posters here, that is a sure giveaway that you cannot defend him.
Full disclosure: I agree with the Tea Party and think this latest "occupy" crap is anti-American. And most of them are lazy, spoiled scum who never worked a day in their life -- and want a free ride off of others.
Honey, I think what is objectionable, and it always starts with a general comment from those who oppose Obama, it is never anything specific such as my taxes have gone up under Obama or I lost an opportunity under Obama rather it is a general disdain which does not have any logic. If you look back at what Obama has accomplished, from the gutsiest call I ever saw according to Gates, to ending the Armageddon trade. The lies they have to tell in order to justify their disdain is completely twilight zoneish.
ReplyDeleteThe topper is for someone who is an American wishing for the economy to fail under the false presumption that would increase the chances of a Republican victory is flat out anti-American and borders on treason - using Perry's definition which is a mind blower in itself.
No one here should have been insulted by any comments made in response to Obama hate here - no one was called out and bashed or name called individually. If thin skinned about twilight zone - you should not be. Maybe it will make the posters here realize that rhetoric picked up from fauxnews is stupid and should not be repeated, unless they want to be called out.
"...think this latest "occupy" crap is anti-American. And most of them are lazy, spoiled scum who never worked a day in their life -- and want a free ride off of others."
ReplyDeleteBut you do support them, right Honey Bee? Hello? Honey Bee? Huh! She must have hung up!
(Actually you probably DO support them! As do all tax payers!)
An issue to be afraid of:
ReplyDelete"The Obama years have racked up the three largest deficits, both in absolute amounts and as a share of GDP, since Hitler still terrorized Europe. Some increase in deficits was inevitable given the recession, but to have deficits of nearly $1.3 trillion two years into a purported economic recovery simply hasn't happened in modern U.S. history. Yet President Obama fiercely resisted even the token spending cuts for fiscal 2011 pressed by House Republicans earlier this year."
Excerpt from the WSJ
Not fair to pin Bushes deficits on Obama. Bush left 1.3 yearly deficits due to Tax cuts and 2 wars not paid for plus medicare part D.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to pin the Keynseian approach to fiscal stimulus on Obama - ok but x out the tax cuts which was almost 2/3rds of the 897B stimulus from the spin from Republicans leaving only infrastructure projects and aid to states supporting teachers and firefighters - a measely 300B at best.
One thing Republicans will never give Obama credit for is stopping the Armaggedon trade - we were losing 750M jobs a month - check the dates when this turned around relative to the fiscal stimulus. It could have and would have been a lot worse with headline unemployed of 20+% rivaling the missery of the Great Depression and the '29 crash, but for the actions of the Fed, Treasury and Obama's leadership.
No one here can argue that but for Obama's leadership on giving a hand with stipulations to the autos that the US would no longer be producing autos. Ford, GM, suppliers etc would have been gone if we listened to Republican rhetoric at that time. Thank God we had a president who did the right thing.
SENILE_1 said..........well he really didn't say anything......... but he posted 7 boring paragraphs of tear jerker mumbo jumbo, sniffle sniffle, total smelly bullcrap, then took 2 dirty digs at Fox, since he is too unintelligent to understand them, but probably is enamored with MSNBC and and has a lifetime subscription to the lying libs that get paid to broadcast to no audience, and sticks up for the biggest loser presidnet in the history of this fine country, and the only persona that could make Bush look intelligent and capable.
ReplyDeleteGet some dermabrasion............maybe your thin skin will grow back a little thicker.
As Rush says, there are over 100 people that could win the next election over Obama_the manchild failure, and I could be one of them.
I s'pose you don't like Rush either, but get multiple orgasms from Olbermann and Schultz, which in your case, I certainly understand, and you CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK.
SLAP oinked... "As Rush says, there are over 100 people that could win the next election over Obama_the manchild failure, and I could be one of them."
how dumb is that statement... very dumb is the answer.
and you listen and absorb the words from that idiot.
You prove my earlier points which apparently went over your brain.
nice rally today... too bad it was based on erroneously reported data from the Guardian (whoever they are)... 2 trillion agreed by F&G on bailout funding - oh really - now where are they going to get the money from and or the leverage to make it happen without a downgrade in credit quality @ France & Germany... I tell you it's like listening to Rush - dumb.
good #'s from INTC though... banging after hrs.
AAPL getting rocked aftr hrs on their miss... 398 last trade
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about that SUPPOSED big bond trade placed against the US back in July?
What exactly do you think Obama did that was so wonderful concerning that?
And about those silly bromides blaming President Bush for what Obama has done in the past (almost) three years, here's some facts from the CBO:
2007 deficit = $161 Billion
2008 deficit -= $459 Billion
2009 deficit = $1.294 TRILLION
2010 deficit = $1.298 TRILLION
Smile, my friend, don't you see what's happening to our country right before your eyes? If this continues to excalate over another four years, we're toast.
As Bob Brinker says, we are on our way to becoming Greece.
Another thing, Smile.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with your conclusions that the car companies would have folded.
Just the opposite, they could have made some much needed structural changes and been much better than they are now without being owned by the government.
Do you know how many honest, but mostly white, dealers lost everything because of Obama dictating who would be closed down and who wouldn't?
Smile said: "AAPL getting rocked aftr hrs on their miss... 398 last trade"
ReplyDeleteYikes....Wonder if it's a good time to buy or will the company suffer from losing Jobs...
"how dumb is that statement... very dumb is the answer."
ReplyDeleteOh-oh, careful now, Smile. Asking one's self questions is bad enough, but answering them too is an invitation to the men in the white coats!
In spite of your "Obama delusions", you're too nice a guy to spend time in the "funny farm". Chill! :)
"OH PLEASE PLEASE blame Bush for something.
ReplyDeleteBlame those Republican in Congress that starve children and old people and want dirty water and dirty air.
It's not fair to blame the helpless, inexperienced man-child for the last 3 years of misery. He knows not what he does.
Bush is preventing the closure of Guantanamo, and won't let the war in Afganistan or Iraq end.
Cheney put us into Libya, Sudan and Uganda secretly.
Rumsfeld won't allow the health bill to take effect.
The Easter Bunny won't pass my jobs bill right now.
The tooth fairy is moving jobs to China.
Obama is doing his very best........"
ReplyDeleteI agree....Smile is a nice guy. We've both "known" him for a long time.
But his political views boggle my mind. LOL!!!!
ReplyDeleteno, I define the Armageddon trade as the financial destruction period after Lehman got 86'd. It was brought about by trillions of unregulated and unreserved for swaps. The crisis came to an end around 3/9/09 around the time of the bottoming of the stock market. A lot of things came together to make that trade end.
your deficit #s look too low leading into the handoff from Bush to Obama.
I got the following:
Bush'07 deficit 500,679,473,047.25 (half trillion for those comma impaired)
Bush'08 deficit 1,017,071,524,649.92 (a skosh over 1 trillion ftci)
US Debt to the Penny
and as you are aware, since the US fiscal year ends September 30th each year, ergo 9/30/09 I think we were operating under Bush's congressional Budget for FYE 9/30/09 with a bump up from Obama's stimulus which most of that was tax cuts (revenue minuses)
the big deficit handoff from Bush was in the 1.3 trillion dollar range and was due to 2 wars not paid for, tax cuts not paid for (revenue minuses), and Medicare Part D not paid for, also the economy was in a tail spin which reduced revenue, but most of it was policies from no paygo Bush.
Finally I think you will agree that if the car companies went belly up and went thru structured bankruptcy, I think you know this would have impacted the supply chain (parts manufactures etc), which probably would have caused Ford to go Chapter 11 along with GM and the other one that probably would not have survived Chrysler. Remember the issue of warranties for newly bought GMs if they had gone Chapter 11?
As for AAPL, my view is Jobs was Apple. Now they may have a pipeline which will wow us but it is not going to be the same company... as for snagging some wait for it to stop falling - give it a couple of days. Whatever happens short term in the market we are being wagged by the Euromess. Today's ramp was due to news which looks to be erroneous... plus Spain got downgraded. Be patient... it ain't over.
ReplyDeleteguilty almost as charged... almost because I answered a rhetorical question which by definition required no answer :)
BTW if I got any more chill I would have to take an unchill pill.
I guaranty as stated above some where- no matter who the Republican nominee is they will lose against Obama - come on now pizza deal Cain - his tax plan is so stupid not even one of his opponents would be dumb enough to endorse. Flip Flop Romney, or how about the empty suit Perry, the rest of the field is too pitiful to mention ha ha ho ho :)
smile_1 said...
ReplyDelete"Not fair to pin Bushes deficits on Obama. Bush left 1.3 yearly deficits due to Tax cuts and 2 wars not paid for plus medicare part D.
If you want to pin the Keynseian approach to fiscal stimulus on Obama - ok but x out the tax cuts which was almost 2/3rds of the 897B stimulus from the spin from Republicans leaving only infrastructure projects and aid to states supporting teachers and firefighters - a measely 300B at best."
OK lets start with the tax cut. It was the law until 31 Dec 2010. Is Obama responsible for it contributing to this years deficit? He could have just let it expire and we would have gone back to the Clinton rates of 2000. Why didn't he do this? The Bush tax cuts have given me and my family a significant sum of money since its inception. I vote for Bush twice and I am DAMN proud of the job he did.
You criticize Medicare D. The amount of money that contributes to the deficit is going to be small in comparison to the costs that will be incurred by the Obama health care bill if it survives the constitutional challenge. The ultimate night mare would be if they found the mandate unconstitutional but severable from the bill. I don't hold Obama solely responsible for this debacle. He never had an actual bill. Pelosi and her crowd wrote it. We are now finding out what is in it and recently the administration said the couldn't implement the Class act portion of it. This was supposed to be a significant part of the cost justification.
FOX is a great network. Compare their ratings with CNN or MSNBC. It is a free markets and the American people have overwhelmingly chosen to watch FOX.
I am disgusted by president Obama's class warfare. It is the racism of the 21st century. I am ashamed of our president.
ReplyDeleteI give you points for being funny with that retort but must take away points for being nonsensical and fact impaired as usual which leaves your post again below zero..., ah... negative, um... imbecilic.
ReplyDeleteFigure out why you really dislike Obama. I submit to you that your tax breaks are better under Obama than they were under Bush. So you should at least celebrate that. OBL is dead, according to Bush he hardly thought about OBL towards the end of his presidency or some nonsense like that.
Also regarding the expiration of the Bush tax cuts - the Republicans refused to let the tax cuts for the rich be separated from those of the middle class... the deal in the end which essentially outflanked the Republicans was - Obama dealt the tax cuts for the rich for the other issues which were important to the country but were being held up by Republicans... funding the government and honoring prior committments, unemployment extension, end to don't ask - do tell etc.
Fox news = oximoron neither foxy nor news
It is not about class warfare it is about responsibility - I submit it is irresponsible to balance the budget on the backs of those who can least afford it - the shrinking middle class.
Smile says Obama will be reelected.
ReplyDeleteI can see the headline in the New York Times.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The August jobs report was dismal for plenty of reasons, but perhaps most striking was the picture it painted of racial inequality in the job market.
Black unemployment surged to 16.7% in August, its highest level since 1984, while the unemployment rate for whites fell slightly to 8%, the Labor Department reported.
Print "This month's numbers continue to bear out that longstanding pattern that minorities have a much more challenging time getting jobs," said Bill Rodgers, chief economist with the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University.
Unemployment rate, state by state
"Even when you compare black and white workers, same age range, same education, you still see pretty significant gaps in unemployment rates," said Algernon Austin, director of the Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy program at the Economic Policy Institute. "So I do think the fact of racial discrimination in the labor market continues to play a role."
Overall, black men have it the worst, with joblessness at a staggeringly high 19.1%, compared to 14.5% for black women.
Black unemployment has now remained above 10% for four straight years, and the given current economic sluggishness, some experts say it's safe to predict the rate will remain above 10% for four more years. Last time Black unemployment was under 10% G W Bush was in the Whitehouse.
"Our job creation is just not happening -- certainly not at the rate necessarily to bring rapid reductions to the unemployment rate," Austin said.
Latinos saw their unemployment rate remain unchanged at 11.3% in August. Unemployment remains at 9.1% for the country as a whole.
smile_1 said...
"Figure out why you really dislike Obama."
I don't dislike him it is his policies that I dislike.
1. Forcing Americans to buy health insurance. If the government can do this there is no limit to what they can force citizens to buy.
2. The GM and Chrysler bailouts. I agree with Honey that they should have gone through the normal bankruptcy procedure like the Airlines did. Critics say the banks wouldn't lend the money to do this. They would if the government guaranteed the loans. The bond holders deserved equity and not the UAW.
3. He shouldn't be giving money to states for teachers. The governor of Wisconsin balanced his budget including education and there was no need to layoff teachers. This problem should be handled at the state and local level.
4. I agree with Brinker and Wattenberg we should be investing in natural gas. Wind and solar are a huge waist of tax payer money.
5. States like Arizona Alabama etc have the right to address their illegal alien problems. He should not be suing to block them.
"I submit to you that your tax breaks are better under Obama than they were under Bush."
I think there is no difference. The Bush tax code that Obama extended is the same as it was under Bush. In my neighborhood more and more people now have golf carts. They are being paid for by Obama's electric car tax credit. Just another waste of money adding to the deficit.
" OBL is dead, according to Bush he hardly thought about OBL towards the end of his presidency (or some nonsense like that)." Cheap shot. Bush defended us well after 911. There were no significant attacks that I remember. The shooting on the Texas base took place after he left office.
I give Obama credit for that mission. Not an easy decision to conduct a raid in a sovereign country that has nuclear weapons.
ReplyDeleteThe 2012 election will be a choice not a referendum. Look at the Republican candidates and honestly tell us any of them are fit to be POTUS.
Gingrich is the only one up there who makes any sense, at least during the debates and you know he can't be elected.
ReplyDelete1) Mandatory health insurance was a Republican idea. I see it as no different than requiring anyone who drives to have auto insurance. Also it was a tradeoff for preexisting condition coverage and no longer having an insurance company drop you for reasons inconvenient to their profit margin.
2) there you go relying on the government guarantee. Besides that you can not prove that Chapter 11 would have saved the auto industry. Anyone looking at this would have extrapolated to a domino type failure risk cascading thru suppliers and support businesses tied to auto manufacturing.
3) Wisconsin balanced if that is what you want to call it and did what they did after the economy had been stabilized - if the Atrade had reached full pitch no telling what would have happened.
Most people have trouble imagining this but just think in terms of what happened with Lehman. Instead of stopping the bleeding you cut off a leg and without insurance the patient bleeds out.
4) free market - if nat. gas is viable it does not need a subsidy - at least that is what purest think.
I agree that Congress should be addressing energy independence.
5) then they should stop being hypocrites and hiring them for their cheap labor.
golf carts are stimulus too - maybe an income cap for the subsidy should have been put in but then Republicans would cry - class warfare.
The biggest attack on US soil against a civilian target and Bush was asleep at the switch. Shoe bomber Reed - we still are taking our shoes off at airports because of this - at least under Obama we don't have to take our underwear off as a result of the idiot who tried to blow up his bloomers.
We can go back and forth like this - but that would be silly.
Just realize we all are a part of the problem in some form or fashion.
smile_1 said...
ReplyDelete"Not fair to pin Bushes deficits on Obama. Bush left 1.3 yearly deficits due to Tax cuts and 2 wars not paid for plus medicare part D."
What about the cost of additional military operations started by Obama and the effect on the deficit. Namely Libya, Yemen and now Uganda. You cite the Bush tax cuts. Obama has extended them and added a 30% cut to the FICA tax. He didn't pay for that either.
The 2012 election will be a choice not a referendum. Look at the Republican candidates and honestly tell us any of them are fit to be POTUS."
This is a typical liberal tactic that Rush has exposed numerous times. You start with a false premise. It may not be a referendum for you. The 2010 election was a restraining order on Obama. I suspect TFB, Honey, Pig and other here feel as I do. Anyone on that stage last night would get our vote when the alternative is four more years of Barack Obama. We have seen what socialism has done to Greece and we don't want to go there.
Gee, and I thought the Bots was too political! Wow!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, AAPL selling seems to me to be overdone and it has not broken any obvious support levels, so I bought some this morning. It may be a little early, but better early than late. That goes for stocks and for girlfriends!
ReplyDeleteI think everyone has had their political say, so I will be putting a damper on any further discussion.
Maybe I need to start a new blog for election-talk so that everyone can discuss the candidates there.
It was getting a bit nasty, but one can always skip over the unpleasantries.
ReplyDeleteNow, how about that AAPL! It's coming back...I think! Looks like the 400 area has provided support...of sorts, anyway. Anyway, I took a stab at it. If it drops below today's low, I'll probably have to accept that it's become apple sauce! But until then...
OK, my stomach is not meant for this! I bailed on AAPL for a $267 profit. Not bad for a few minutes work, but very exasperating, and it's WAY too early to start drinking!
ReplyDeleteI'm now sticking to the more placid dividend paying stocks.
Nice trade Dan....
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. Those high-flyers are too rich for my blood...
If you purchase I Bonds before the end of October, you can earn 4.60% during the first 6 months, and 3.06% the next 6 months.
ReplyDeleteYou can buy Series I-Bonds at no charge at Treasury Direct.
What the heck happened? I do a day-trade, go away for awhile, and when I come back the market has reversed and is headed south! Oh, don't tell me. Greece is in trouble again, right?
ReplyDeleteHmmm, maybe those I-bond thingies are worth looking at after all!
ReplyDeleteI guaranty as stated above some where- no matter who the Republican nominee is they will lose against Obama - come on now pizza deal Cain - his tax plan is so stupid not even one of his opponents would be dumb enough to endorse. Flip Flop Romney, or how about the empty suit Perry, the rest of the field is too pitiful to mention ha ha ho ho :)
Just to make the point clear. The logic above is exactly why I want another bear market on Obama's watch. to insure that the empty suit known as Obama is fully exposed and fully credited with his destruction of the economy.
"Just to make the point clear. The logic above is exactly why I want another bear market on Obama's watch. to insure that the empty suit known as Obama is fully exposed and fully credited with his destruction of the economy....tfb"
ReplyDeleteSo the voters will just vote for any of the Republican clowns just to get rid of Obama?
I don't think that's going to happen. Smile is right, the entire list of candidates is a laughable joke.
Honeybee said...
ReplyDeleteI think everyone has had their political say, so I will be putting a damper on any further discussion.
Aawwww! I was just gonna put Senile_1 in his place, but I couldn't figure out where it was.
based on their performance last night at the Republican debates, you're gonna need a '29 style depression to get any one of those stooges to match up and beat Obama. When the most rational is Gingrich you know you are in trouble :)
ReplyDeleteThe Brink will probably begin to mention this on his Sunday program, if he has not already started saying how sorry the Republican choices are LOL... hilarious that one would say it takes a bear market to make them almost in their minds competitive with the POTUS Obama.
from apple mash to maybe some sweet apple cider - Let's see if AAPL can base out tomorrow. From what I am hearing, and I did not listen to the conference call - the toe stub was the sheep stopped buying the Iphone4 in anticipation of the 4S rollout, although I did hear something about Ipad cannibalization of the MAC.
the market needs another test of that recent low - if expectations are not met on the EU meeting this weekend - we could easily see that retest - technicals not working in this market - action is based solely on headlines from Euromess land.
ReplyDeleteembrace the vol. go long at the trough - Euromess is not letting a Lehman style Armageddon trade happen. They see the volatility on their headline news reports and know what would happen if they fail.
Honey your damper edit missed the following ref'd political post #78 by none other than: tfb October 19, 2011 1:14 PM
ReplyDeletewhat a surprise... selective damper???? :) or nothing political in that post except the negativism, and name calling towards Obama.
If the damper doesn't go off - reposting mine sans the response to tfb's political negativism - too bad tfb it was a humorous retort... you would have enjoyed it. :)
hope this one passes by that damper
nonpolitical part of my tfb counter:
For you AAPL traders & lovers:
from apple mash to maybe some sweet apple cider - Let's see if AAPL can base out tomorrow. From what I am hearing, and I did not listen to the conference call - the toe stub was the sheep stopped buying the Iphone4 in anticipation of the 4S rollout, although I did hear something about Ipad cannibalization of the MAC.
The usual course of events is a two to three day sell off on a miss like this - unless the sellers are actually wrong.
Cramer is not touching it - too many of the wrong questions asked and answered badly by the new CEO.
smile1 - my original retort to a post yesterday got whacked - my view always is it is all posts are at the forum owners discretion. And also one thing to consider, Blogger is unreliable as all heck. My guess is they have actively started filtering out a lot of stuff and if you post inadvertently forms certain key words based on character counts (say every 5th letter) it never gets to the forum.
ReplyDeleteYou would be amazed by the algorithms that run across nearly everything on the Internet. There are sniffers everywhere and they are constantly tweaked and sometimes it has strange consequences.
It started under Bush and has gotten even more intrusive under Obaam. Don't get me going on the Patriot act.
Hey Honeybee,
ReplyDeleteBob Brinker made his third appearance on Doug McIntyre's RedEye Radio again last (night). He was on the 50,000 watts of KABC radio here in Los Angeles. Doug lives in the San Fernando Valley so he does his syndicated show live from the KABC studios.
This allows Doug to be heard on other stations such as WABC New York. Brinker was on Doug's show during the first hours which was on October 19th from 10 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. Pacific Time (then run again at 2:00 a.m.) so of course the time difference makes it October 20th from 1:00 a.m. to 2:00a.m. in New York if you're going to listen to the WABC podcast.
Rob in Pasadena, CA
ReplyDeleteI published all of your comments.
So unless it was picked up by the GOOGLE spam filter, which THEY control, everything you sent is here.
my apologies to you Honey.
ReplyDeleteIs this the candidate that can save the USA from a total "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE" forever?
ReplyDeleteNewt says a lot in two minutes
This is very alarming. It looks like the national debt will officially pass GDP by Halloween:
ReplyDeleteIronic "Scariest Chart Ever" Redux - America Will Surpass 100% Debt To GDP On Halloween
Tyler Durden's picture
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/19/2011 16:44 -0400
Earlier today we presented Bloomberg's Chart of the Day which represented the GDP and Debt per capita on a historical and projected basis, and we hysterically, and tongue-in-cheekly, dubbed it "the scariest chart ever" because it confirmed that at some point, very soon, US Debt will surpass GDP and never look back. We decided to dig into the actual numbers (cancelling out the per capital denominator as it is the same on both sides of the equation) and came to a very disturbing revelation: as of today, total US Debt, is $14.942 trillion (source), obviously an all time high. Q2 GDP as was reported by the BEA three weeks ago, was $15.012 trillion in current dollars. In other words, the spread between total GDP and total debt has now collapsed to an all time low $70 billion.
Incidentally, this number was $1.8 trillion at the beginning of 2010. Then we decided to take a quick look at the upcoming bond issuance and find that tomorrow the Treasury will announce approximately $99 billion in 2, 5 and 7 Year bonds to be auctioned off October 25 through 27... With a very appropriate settlement date: October 31, elsewhere known as Halloween. Yes, ladies and gentlemen: All Hallows E'en will be doubly scary this year: for the first time since World War II, US debt will officially surpass GDP on Halloween 2011.
See the Chart
ReplyDeleteNo problem...I was a little slow yesterday.
smile_1 said...
1) Mandatory health insurance was a Republican idea.
I see it as no different than requiring anyone who drives to have auto insurance.
2) there you go relying on the government guarantee. Besides that you can not prove that Chapter 11 would have saved the auto industry.
Anyone looking at this would have extrapolated to a domino type failure risk cascading thru suppliers and support businesses tied to auto manufacturing.
3) Wisconsin balanced if that is what you want to call it and did what they did after the economy had been stabilized - if the Atrade had reached full pitch no telling what would have happened.
Most people have trouble imagining this but just think in terms of what happened with Lehman. Instead of stopping the bleeding you cut off a leg and without insurance the patient bleeds out.
4) free market - if nat. gas is viable it does not need a subsidy - at least that is what purest think.
I agree that Congress should be addressing energy independence.
5) then they should stop being hypocrites and hiring them for their cheap labor.
golf carts are stimulus too - maybe an income cap for the subsidy should have been put in but then Republicans would cry - class warfare.
The biggest attack on US soil against a civilian target and Bush was asleep at the switch.
Shoe bomber Reed - we still are taking our shoes off at airports because of this - at least under Obama we don't have to take our underwear off as a result of the idiot who tried to blow up his bloomers.
Just realize we all are a part of the problem in some form or fashion.
another one bites the dust... Khaddafy confirmed dead by WH
ReplyDeletethis was reported earlier this morning b4 the market opened. Opening futures were up as I recall...
40 yrs of dictatorship over.
More good news for Obama.
ReplyDeleteReid: 'Private Sector Jobs Have Been Doing Just Fine,' Government Jobs Should Take
By Pete Kasperowicz, The Hill
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday said Congress needs to worry about government jobs more than private-sector jobs, and that this is why Senate Democrats are pushing a bill aimed at shoring up teachers and first-responders.
"It's very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it's the public-sector jobs where we've lost huge numbers, and that's what this legislation is all about," Reid said on the Senate floor.
According to an analysis by the Republican staff of the Senate Finance Committee using Bureau of Labor Statistics data, since the beginning of the recent recession (Dec. 2007), there have been 6,257,000 private sector job losses (a 5.41% decline) and 392,000 total government (federal + state + local) job losses (a 1.75% decline).
Federal government employment has increased over that period by 63,000 jobs (a 2.29% increase).
40 yrs of dictatorship over.
ReplyDeleteAt a cost of $2 billion, as per Biden. Why did I have to pay for murdering the guy? He never did anything to me. Are all of the homeless and hungry taken care of by the liberals and Obama, and ObamaMama?
BTW, did his people kill him, or did the cold blooded murderer Obama do it? It's hard get TRUTH and FACTS from the liberal-lying press.
Ms Honey, I know you will probably start another thread after this suggestion, but have you ever considered giving Senile_007 his own political thread here at the blog, the FINEST BLOG ON THE WEB?
ReplyDeleteHe could spout off all day long, and everybody could ignore him, and he could accuse you of censoring his thousands of fans, and after a good hearty laugh, we could watch Rev Sharkton, or Jesse James, or Tingle Leg to get the daily news?
It's probably not possible with Google, and not advisable by your legal team, but I thought I'd give the poor sap a chance at being famous, like me.
I posted earlier today that Bob had his third appearance on Doug McIntyre's Red Eye Radio. Doug has a new podcast feature on his web site so it can be listened to via his site ( or WABC. Here is a link from Doug's page for the podcast
ReplyDeleteRob in Pasadena, CA
Rob in Pasedena,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the heads-up!!
I will be downloading it and writing a summary of it -- probably tomorrow.
the entire link failed to show up so I will try again.
Rob in Pasadena
Thanks again Rob. Here's your link:
ReplyDeleteBrinker Red-eye Radio Appearance
It's the bottom of the 9th and the EU is up at bat... will they strike out this weekend and crater the market next week or will they be able to craft a plan as effective as the US TARP which just about all Republicans were against (what a bunch of losers).
ReplyDeletethey need to craft a credible plan to:
1) recapitalize their banks and draw in private capital somehow;
2) get their banks to write down Greek debt to the tune of 60-70% ;
3) leverage up the EFSF - so their bazooka is large enough to fend off the bets against the system.
At the same time Greece needs to get it together as a country.
The only clue we as investors have is a statement by Geithner (if you trust Geithner's assessment) who said in an interview w/ Cramer that behind the scenes Euro leaders are united and will not let this thing fail.
Most traders will go home this weekend flat. I've been hearing some talk that things have to get a whole lot worse there in Euroland just like they did here in the USofA before the nimrod policy makers will act to get this done. I hope this is not the case but if it is, a retest of the recent lows is likely.
If Euroland learned from our stupidity (remember the first vote on tarp failed - due to stupid House Republicans not supporting and the market tumbled what almost 800 dow points the day of the vote), they should know this stuff is nothing to play around with - Eurozone needs to get their act together.
I'm sure Brinker would agree with this assessment - it is common sense.
I'm sure the brain power between Jeff and Pig has all this figured out - no doubt their brainiac answer would be something like: The EFSF is a liberal commie plot and the sovereign debt problem needs no government involvement, they should just let the markets work to resolve. Then they wake up in a cold sweat and remember that 777.68 point tumble in the dow representing 1 trillion in market cap losses when the Republican House chose principle stupidity over common sense solutions as usual.
For those of you who read this far, you have to admit, it is more thought provoking than the dribble coming from SLAPPY the slop for brains Pig who fantasizes about being famous. What a joke.
Good Luck with your fantasies piglet. :-)
ReplyDeleteYou are the winner of the 100 post award.
Your prize is a lunch with me at Gilda's on the Santa Cruz Wharf at a time that is convenient for both of us.
Some have asked if they could bring their wives (don't ask -- I don't know LOL), and the answer is yes, if she doesn't eat too much. LOL!
BTW Smile, I'm copying your last comments over to the new thread.
ReplyDeleteIf possible, since I already won a lunch, can I select someone in the blog who lives close enough to you and would accept the invitation, as a substitute?
If not just bank it for me and maybe I'll make it back to Cali. one of these days. At this rate you will be lunching the entire trip :-)
ReplyDeleteLet's bank it for you. :)
smile_1 said... Honey, If possible, since I already won a lunch, can I select someone in the blog who lives close enough to you and would accept the invitation, as a substitute?
ReplyDeleteNo thanks, but I appreciate the thought.
Extremely Famous people, such as I, are really strapped for free time.
Besides, Ms Honey demands chairs, linen covered tables, and silverware, which does not look good in my mud motif pigpen.
Sorry (not) Pig,
ReplyDeleteIf I could give the lunch to anyone it would have been 4Mo.
BTW - Absolutely great handle 4Mo
Also your post was spot on 4Mo, as shown below.
So the voters will just vote for any of the Republican clowns just to get rid of Obama?
I don't think that's going to happen. Smile is right, the entire list of candidates is a laughable joke.
October 19, 2011 3:20 PM