Item One:
Bob Brinker was a guest on Doug McIntyre's Red Eye late night radio show again. This is the third time -- to my knowledge. Thanks to Rob from Pasadena for letting us know about it.
I listened to Bob Brinker's whole interview. Doug McIntyre asked a few questions and took questions from 3 callers. It seemed like a relatively short interview. Doug mentioned the Dow had dropped 417 points (August 18th) and asked Brinker what that was all about.
Brinker said that there are "two key worries that investors are looking at right now." Americans really can't do much about the first one -- the worry about what is going on with the European bank's lack of sufficient capital to overcome their exposure to the investments they have in places like Greece, Ireland, and Portugal and maybe Italy and Spain.
The second concern has to do with the growth rate in the United States economy. In the first half of this year, the economy only grew just under 1% annualized.
Doug asked Brinker about Bank of America. Brinker said he thinks it is in the "too big to fail" category, along with J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo and Citigroup.
Brinker repeated what he said on Moneytalk about how Standard and Poors erred when they downgraded the Treasury credit rating -- and the proof is that people all over the world are "tripping over one another buying Treasurys."
Doug asked Brinker why he thought gold was on fire. Brinker repeated what he has said many times on Moneytalk. That it is a speculative metal, but is now being used by some as an alternative currency. He said they perceive it as safety, but whether or not it really is, remains to be seen. "It's worth what people are willing to pay for it and you can't go into Walmart and give them a gold bar, they won't take it, it's not currency."
The rest of the interview was devoted to topics that Brinker has discussed on Moneytalk many times -- Glass Steagall, AIG, politics, etc.
If you want to hear the program, it is archived at WABC in the 1am time-slot on August 19th. Here is the link.
Item Two:
Brinker first added Suncor to his off-the-books list of recommended "individual issues" in May 2009. His latest advice to "hold" was in the June Marketimer. Suncor did very well over the past couple of years, getting into the mid $40 range, but it closed below $30 today. Another Bob Brinker recommendation round-trip:

Item Three:
Anonymous sent this post to the comments section (LINK)
Anonymous said...
- Are you sure Jr. writes the fixed income letter. I checked at the Arlington Heights library website and found this: ..... The Brinker Fixed Income Advi$or We now have a subscription to the Brinker Fixed Income Advi$or, a monthly investment letter that covers a variety of fixed-income topics including U.S. Treasuries, Certificates of Deposit, Municipal Bonds, No-Load Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds. The investment letter also includes taxable and tax-exempt model portfolio recommendations for a variety of risk profiles. The editor of this letter is Bob Brinker, the host of the weekend financial radio talk program Money Talk. You can find the Brinker Fixed Income Advi$or and all of our investment newsletters in the Business Center.
I answered: So even educated librarians are victims of the Big Brinker Identity Deception, where slowly but surely the reputation of the first one is absorbed by the second one.
To answer your question: Yes, I'm positive. But to find that out for sure, one has to be computer savvy and many older, retired people are not.....
And one has to dig down deep on the fixed income advisor website to find the whole truth because Jr has put a red herring up front which only says that Robert M. Brinker is the publisher. How many know the initials of the two Bob Brinkers are different?
Here's your proof. As I said, it's not easy to find on his website:
Robert M. Brinker, CFS
Editor & Publisher
Robert M. Brinker has been the editor and publisher of the Brinker Fixed Income Advisor since the inaugural issue in April 2005. The Brinker Fixed Income Advisor monthly investment letter covers a variety of fixed-income related topics including U.S. Treasuries, Certificates of Deposit, Municipal Bonds, No-Load Mutual Funds, and Exchange Traded Funds. The investment letter also includes taxable and tax-exempt model portfolio recommendations for a variety of risk profiles.
Robert earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Old Dominion University. He then went on to earn his Master of Science in Information Systems from the University of Colorado. Robert earned his designation as a Certified Fund Specialist © from the Institute of Business & Finance.
Lisa J. Brinker
Lisa J. Brinker has been an editor of the Brinker Fixed Income Advisor since the monthly investment letter began in April 2005. Lisa earned her Bachelor of Arts in English and German from Old Dominion University. She earned her Master of Arts in Linguistics from the University of Colorado.
Robert J. Brinker
Bob Brinker has been a consultant to the Brinker Fixed Income Advisor since inception. He has more than twenty five years of investment management experience. He is the host of the weekend financial talk program MoneyTalk. In addition to hosting Moneytalk, Bob Brinker publishes Marketimer, his monthly investment newsletter.
- Mr Pig added the humor
Pig said...
- How many know the initials of the the Bob Brinker's are different? ...... Holy Initials, BatBee. What a dastardly deed and diabolical plan to defraud Goobers and Geezers. Do you think they sleep well at night doing this just to make zillions of dollars?
One more item:

Dan G said...
- Bob will have a tough time explaining the market this weekend...if he dares to come on. ..... But here's my prediction. He will claim that the current action is just a "re-test of the lows", and he will be prepared to call the exact bottom as it occurs...but only in a "special bulletin", so get those $185 checks in the mail pronto!