Now there is only one. Dolly died March 1st (read about her here) and Yoda died this morning. From left to right: Lama, Yoda and Dolly

This is Lama, and Yoda is peeking around at me:
This is Yoda and Dolly:
Yoda was the independent one. Throughout his whole life, he only allowed two other people (besides me) to hold him or pet him. But he loved his "chosen" ones passionately. The person he loved the most was my daughter. He adored her and whenever she arrives at my door, Yoda would always be there to greet her affectionately. He was shameless about it. Then when it was time for her to leave, he'd be there again trying to detain her....Yoda:
I am so very sorry for your loss.
My woman conveys her sympathies also...
Sad news.
It's a sad day, but your fond memories are what count the most, and brighten the day considerably.
Thank you and please tell your "woman" thank you for me....
I know that you lost a beloved cat not too long ago. Have you added a new one to your family?
Thank you...Yes and it was very sudden.
When I went to bed last night, everything appeared normal with him. This morning I found him bleeding from the eyes, nose and mouth.
The Vet couldn't offer any hope even if extensive testing was done. So knowing that Yoda was so uncomfortable with all people (except the ones I wrote about), I did not want to put him through all that and then have the same outcome.
Mr. Pig,
Thank you so much. And you are absolutely right. The thing about grief is that at first the memories just cause pain, but with time, the fond memories bring joy.
We have a seven year old kitty, and she will be the last. I am too much a coward to risk my heart again, I am no longer strong enough to take the heart break.
Over the last decade I have lost most of my family, pets, friends, it is too much. At retirement I will go back to raising tropical fish and turtles, the turtles will outlive me easily and the fish, well no matter how cute they will never sit in your lap and purr so the attachment is limited.
I admire those who can move on and get a new pet, like Mark Levin does, I am simply not that strong.
I'll never figure it out, for my country I can take a human life without much thought, but make it a cute fuzzy animal and I go to pieces.
All the best,
Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat.
19 years ago, I acquired Mom Cat ( Calle ) and her brood of kittens. Someone had dumped them in the park near my home, where early one Sunday morning I found them, 5 very small kittens, just barely walking, inside a small carrier with very raggedy skinny Mom Cat sitting on top. Not only had she been starved and dumped, she had also been abused as she had a previously scared broken nose.
The first couple of weeks were rough as she stole food from the table, from the stove, even the dirty dishes in the sink.
She soon realized this house always had love and cat food available. She plumped out. A lot!. She turned into one of those very special lap cats.
Every night when I went to bed, she would wait for me to settle in, then she would curl up under my arm. She almost never spoke, if she did it was very soft, but she would purr so hard you would think she was going to strip a gear.
We lost Mom Cat a several years back and I still miss her when going to bed.
We still have one of the kittens. He looks a lot like your Yoda. At 19, he's gotten to be an old man. He never has been a lap cat, but loves to help anytime someone does anything on the table or the floor. Tonight he's been helping Betsey do picture albums. By helping, I mean he's sitting on what ever you are working on, wanting his rubbies.
Take care and remember the good times.
I am sorry to learn you have lost your beloved pet.
I certainly understand your decision not to let yourself fall in love with new pets. I'm feeling the same way right now.
But in the long run, I think it comes down to asking ourselves if the joy that they give us is worth the pain when we lose them. That's a very personal decision and probably different for everyone.
The reason that I ended up with these 3 kittens was because I had lost a beautiful Persian to kidney disease when he was just 7 years old. (I'll post a picture of him soon.)
I suffered so much when I had to put him down that I decided that if I had more than one cat, it wouldn't hurt so much when they died.
I was WRONG!!!!!!Each one of them makes their own space in your heart.
(Also: I am so very sorry to hear about your other losses....)
Al in SJ,
Thank you so much for sharing that beautiful story with us.
If only all homeless and abused animals could be as blessed as Mom Cat, Calle, to be found by people like SJ Al.....
And obviously, she blessed you with her love in return....
Thank you....
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