Okay, I was wrong. Bob Brinker hosted Moneytalk today, in spite of my prediction that he wouldn't.... :)
(Brinker's comments summarized, paraphrased or quoted)
STOCK MARKET....Brinker said: "Isn't it amazing how the stock market has taken all of this in stride. I was looking at the S&P 500. It's actually setting about 5% below its closing high for the year, which is truly amazing.....This is resilience when you look at this kind of political drama out of Washington DC......Remember we had a caller when the market was at 1268 at the end of June who asked whether he should sell out of the market because of the debt ceiling debate......Of course, the market is now at 1292, a couple of percent higher than when that call came in at the end of June. So this is what happens. If that individual would have sold out at 1270 at that time, he would be faced now with either sitting it out or re-entering at a higher level."
Honey EC: In spite of the year-to-date figure that Brinker used to make his point, the stock market has had six straight days of losses -- the Dow falling 581 points or 4 percent. The S&P 500 Index closed at 1292 on Friday, down 3.9% for the week. (Here is a link to the call that Brinker referred to from the June 26th Summary.)
Brinker continued: "And certainly we've seen some nice dollar-cost-average opportunities this past week in the market. I must admit on Friday I was taking advantage of some of the bargains that were out there with the market in the 1200's, reacting to this hyper-drama out of Washington DC. I know many of you also have been taking advantage of the dollar-cost-averaging opportunities on short-term weakness - and certainly it's minor. I mean, 5% is really noise when you look at the market over time.......If you've been listening to this broadcast, we have not been part of the panic-brigade here on Moneytalk.
I have said over and over on this program, this summer, that I never believed that the United States of America would default on its Treasury obligations. And certainly with the word out of Washington today that the framework has been established for the debt ceiling increase with deficit reduction, certainly that is exactly what is playing out. I think that we should congratulate those of you who listen to the broadcast that have not joined the panic-brigade and panicked out when you are looking at a market that is trading within 5% of its high for the year, and has shown incredible resilience in the face of probably one of the biggest fiscal passion plays of our lifetime.....
And it certainly has done damage to this country's reputation all over the world.....Let that be said.....There are stories coming out of Tokyo about the upset in Japan. About the fact that they are the second largest holder of Treasury obligations and they are being held hostage by this Washington Bruhaha. Obviously China has already made a decision to further diversify their portfolio and become less dependent on Treasuries. After all, they are holding 1.16 trillion in Treasury obligations while all this is playing out."
Honey EC: Note that Brinker said he was buying this past week. Well, he must mean with his own money because all of his Marketimer model portfolios are fully invested. The last time that he said on Moneytalk that he was personally buying stocks was on the April 2008 show. He said he was buying at low-1300's. At that time, he had also called a new market bottom and issued a Marketimer buy-signal at the low-1300's. Of course, the market just kept on dropping, all the way down to 677 in March, 2009:
Caller John said: “I took your recommendation, Bob.. When it was below the 1300’s I added."INTEREST RATES: Caller Don from New York asked Brinker why his Vanguard Bond Funds had not dropped much in value. Brinker told him that "interest rates tend to fluctuate over time," but that those who have been betting on rising interest rates are "seeing red ink" because the sluggish economy has actually brought rates down.
Brinker replied: "And just for the record, I’m right with John. I was doing the exact same thing that John was doing. When we saw that weakness on the correction test into the low-1300’s and that very, very minor weakness that we had just below that level for a very short window of time, I was doing the same thing that John was doing – which was adding to positions."
Honey EC: I am one that has been "betting that interest rates will rise." I believe that simply makes me early to the party, not wrong. Brinker really wanted to rub it in because he told another caller that he "almost felt sorry" for those who have been expecting interest rates to rise. Okay Bob, then why did you sell all of your model portfolio Vanguard TIPS; and most of your Vanguard GNMA's and about half of your Vanguard Short-Term Investment Grade Bond Fund?
UNEMPLOYMENT: Still at 9.2%. This is very high considering we are two years into a recovery and it's contributing to the very slow growth.
INFLATION: Caller Greg from Reno asked about inflation vs deflation over the long-term. Brinker said, based on the recent economic figures he is reading, we have low inflation.
DEBT CEILING DEAL IN WASHINGTON: Brinker said that the framework for the deal is being worked out. It will contain a balanced budget amendment, but no tax increases. Big Medicare and defense cuts are on the table -- none for Social Security. The cuts would take place over a period of ten years. This deal would lift the debt ceiling until 2013, so would not be an issue in the 2012 elections.
FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT: Several times on the show today, Brinker reiterated that the 14th Amendment says that "public debt shall not be questioned." He said that the "blockheads" in Washington have actually "created this crisis."
STANDARD AND POORS DOWNGRADE: Brinker said: "Standard and Poors, one of the two major rating agencies, along with Moody, both of whom currently rate US Treasury obligations triple-A. Standard and Poors has stated that there is a 50% chance of downgrade of that rating within the next few months. Now they are going to have to decide whether they are satisfied with the deficit reduction package that we are going to see sometime over the next 24 to 48 hours.....It's said to be close to 3 trillion dollars if you can believe Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.....They'll have to decide at S&P whether that is sufficient for them to hold off on any possible rating change. S&P says they have to see a credible solution to rising US government debt obligations or they will lower the credit rating. Most people think they would lower it to a double-A. Nobody knows for sure. ......What happens with a downgrade? The taxpayers pay. It'll become more expensive for the US to finance the national debt....We'll have to pay more interest over time."
DOLLAR WORLD CURRENCY: Brinker said: "The good news is there are no real alternatives. When you look around the world for a reserve currency, where do you go? You go to the dollar. Where else do you go? That is when your heartaches begin....The fact is, there really is no other reserve currency out there. The Chinese Yuan is not ready for prime time as a global currency. Maybe some day.....The Euro? You must be kidding. With the problems in Euroland, the Euro as a reserve currency? Don't hold your breath on that one. The Yen? You must be joking! You see the problem. So even if by default alone, the dollar remains the global reserve currency for now."
TREASURIES: Brinker said: "Treasuries are still viewed relatively risk-free around the world. Treasury Notes and Bonds are possessive of both interest rate risk for Notes and Bonds because of their maturities. So I think Treasuries will remain the benchmark even if they are downgraded to double-A which is unknown at this time. No downgrade as of today.....But more interest over time will have to be paid if they are downgraded. And let's not forget some very important facts here. The United States has the largest bond market in the world, and the best liquidity of any bond market in the world........This is important not only the Treasuries, but also for the dollar because the dollar is the premier currency in terms of size, liquidity, volume traded around the world in the foreign exchange markets."
POLITICAL BULLY PULPIT: Brinker repeated all of his previous name-calling and said if he said what he really thinks, he'd be off the air in five minutes.
Honey EC: Brinker seems to enjoy calling names and he is fastidious about making sure he appears to be a bi-partisan politician-basher, but he still manages to give special slams to those who do not want to raise taxes or increase the size of government. I wish he'd make up his mind. Is the spending out of control or isn't it? Does he want it to stop or shall we just all go over the cliff together? How ridiculous.
SOCIAL SECURITY IS DIFFERENT: Brinker said: "I think it's very important to understand that there are elements to the Social Security program that are different from all the other programs that are out there. Payroll taxes, as I'm sure you pay them.....are paid by both the employee and the employer, and if you are self-employed, you pay both sides, which is 12.4% up to about $100,000. If you're self-employed, you're paying over $12,400 a year into the system. The money goes into the Social Security Fund, if you will pardon the expression, to pay current beneficiaries. Now when there's a surplus, that money is invested in special Treasury securities that pay interest to the so-called Social Security Fund.
At the start of this year, that fund had 2.6 trillion dollars in assets. By assets, I mean they own Treasuries, government IOU's. On the Social Security Fund side they are considered assets. On the Treasury side, obviously, they are obligations, they're liabilities, they are IOU's...... For the first time in 27 years last year, the Social Security Fund actually paid out more in beneficiary checks than it collected in payroll taxes, but the fund still grew in size because of that interest it earns on those special Treasury securities......Any excess payroll taxes that are collected are essentially lent to the Federal Government, and the government uses that money for general purposes.
MEDICARE PART D CAUSING PEOPLE TO TAKE MEDICINE THEY DON'T NEED: Brinker said: "Eliminate Part-D, there are way too many prescription drugs being consumed in America today -- way, way too many. You know that, everybody knows that. Because of all the benefits that are thrown at people, encouraging them to get prescriptions, many of which they don't even need. So bottom line is, you will dramatically reduce consumption of prescription drugs. Just get rid of Part-D."
Honey EC: I have some questions for Bob: Exactly HOW DO YOU KNOW that "way, way too many" prescription drugs are being consumed by people who don't need them? And are you saying that doctors are illegally prescribing them? Several times today, Brinker said he was all for doing away with the Medicare Part-D Drug Plan, but nary a word about Obamacare.
Moneytalk on demand and to go with Bob Brinker, is available for FREE audio/podcasting at KGO810 radio for seven days after broadcast. I download and save all three hours, including the third hour guest-speaker. (The program is archived in the 1-4pm time-slots.) If you don't download it from KGO within seven day, it's available at bobbrinker.com by paid subscription. KGO Radio Sunday Archives
Da Brink had money to advantage of the market level this week? How is that possible, I thought he was 100% in the market? At least that is what he told his subscribers to do.
Good point, TFB...How many listeners will think that he was referring to his Model Portfolios, which as you said, have been 100% in the market since March, 2003....
ReplyDeleteThe only way I can see how Brinker could take advantage of Friday's weakness would be if he sets aside a separate slug of money that he uses for short term trading opportunities. While he does not recommend such an approach, it appears he is doing a few things that he is not telling us about.
ReplyDeleteIt seems Brinker is in a very good mood today now that a debt deal is at hand. He seems to be enjoying his "See,I told you so" moment.
U.S. Stock Futures Rally on Debt Deal Hopes
ReplyDeleteBy Rita Nazareth - Jul 31, 2011 3:04 PM PT .
U.S. stock-index futures surged, indicating the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index may rebound from its worst weekly loss in a year, amid optimism lawmakers and President Barack Obama are close to an agreement to raise the federal debt limit and avoid a default.
S&P 500 futures expiring in September rallied 1 percent to 1,304 at 7:01 a.m. in Tokyo. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures climbed 145 points, or 1.2 percent, to 12,223. The U.S. dollar strengthened 0.7 percent against the yen and 1.1 percent versus the Swiss franc. IntercontinentalExchange Inc.’s Dollar Index, which measures the currency against six U.S. trading partners, fell in each of the past three weeks.
Jim said...
ReplyDelete"The only way I can see how Brinker could take advantage of Friday's weakness would be if he sets aside a separate slug of money that he uses for short term trading opportunities. While he does not recommend such an approach, it appears he is doing a few things that he is not telling us about."
I don't think he would need a separate slug of money. The revenue he receives from MARKETIMER subscriptions should be spread out over the year. A base of 12,000 subscribers would gross $185,000 a month
Mr B will always have cash reserves
ReplyDeleteavailable for stock market purchases, regardless of any previous advice to the contrary. New listeners will remain unaware of his past ruinous timing and assume that any new buy pick must be followed.
As for Honey admitting that she was wrong in predicting that Bob would not host today, I must admit disappointment. You should have said nothing and screened any contributors from confirming this.
No, wait. That would put you in Brinker's company. You have far too much integrity to sink to his tactics.
Please forgive me.
He seemed pretty sure of himself in the opening minutes. Sanguine is the word, I believe.
Of course he is on this week. Everyone is interested in their porfolio and this is a great chance for Brink to hock some newsletters to the unwashed.
ReplyDelete"Honey EC: In spite of the year-to-date figure that Brinker used to make his point, the stock market has had six straight days of losses -- the Dow falling 581 points or 4 percent. The S&P 500 Index closed at 1292 on Friday, down 3.9% for the week."
ReplyDeleteSo even AFTER a 4 percent loss, the caller would still have been better off to hold on...just as Brinker said.
BOB BRINKER WAS RIGHT AGAIN but we don't see any congrats here. Why is that?
"Mr. Market", in his perverse way, is laughing at all those who threw money at him at the opening this morning, expecting a "whopper" since we have been "rescued" by our politicians.
ReplyDelete"Sell the news" seems to be the market tune for today.
If the market cannot rally on supposedly good news, and from an extremely oversold position, it would seem to me that we are not out of the woods yet.
Just when you think you finally "know where it's at", somebody moves it!
It's a real shame that Google won't allow you (Ms Honey) to put in the upper link for posting, in the thread.
ReplyDeleteI know YOU wouldn't have forgotten that in the last few weeks.
I guess scrolling down to the lower links for 20 minutes is not that hard or bad to get used to................
Jim said: "It seems Brinker is in a very good mood today now that a debt deal is at hand. He seems to be enjoying his "See,I told you so" moment."
ReplyDeleteWhich I think is fine. But the problem is that he almost never admits when he is wrong.
If he would lean over backwards to be as "equal" when reporting about himself, as he does when bashing politicians, he wouldn't appear quite so disingenuous.
Jeffchristie said: "A base of 12,000 subscribers would gross $185,000 a month"
ReplyDeleteI doubt that anyone besides Brinker and Brinker (and maybe the young sprouts) knows how many subscribe to Marketimer, but I'd guess that is a very conservative guess.
Why do I think that? Because I do not believe that Bob Brinker spends his Sunday afternoons working because "he loves radio."
And the past few weeks, it appears that he is actually paying for several ads during the program, in addition to his freebie advertising when he talks about his "investment letter" to callers.
Birdbrain said: "Mr B will always have cash reserves available for stock market purchases, regardless of any previous advice to the contrary. New listeners will remain unaware of his past ruinous timing and assume that any new buy pick must be followed."
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely correct. If you adopt the attitude of listeners who know nothing abut Bob Brinker's "past ruinous timing" and just listen to his words, it is a real eye-opener.
Brinker is a master at spinning a yarn designed to snag (Will L's) "goobers and geezers."
PS: Forgive you? Hmmmmmmm.....I'll think about it. LOL!!!
anonymous asked: "BOB BRINKER WAS RIGHT AGAIN but we don't see any congrats here. Why is that?"
ReplyDeleteDon't know, but let me guess: Because he almost broke his arm congratulating himself yesterday? :)
DanG said: ""Sell the news" seems to be the market tune for today.
ReplyDeleteIf the market cannot rally on supposedly good news, and from an extremely oversold position, it would seem to me that we are not out of the woods yet."
Wow Dan, that sure was a short-lived rally. I hardly had time for coffee and turning on my computer. :)
Interesting that we are now only about 8 points away from the S&P level where Brinker cautioned the caller not to sell unless he wanted to buy back higher.
Mr. Pig,
ReplyDeleteYour wish is my command.
Honey said:
ReplyDeleteInteresting that we are now only about 8 points away from the S&P level where Brinker cautioned the caller not to sell unless he wanted to buy back higher.
Yes, perhaps Brinker's boast was premature. If we fall another 5% from this level Brinker will never again mention that he was buying right before the debt deal was reached.
Jim said: Yes, perhaps Brinker's boast was premature. If we fall another 5% from this level Brinker will never again mention that he was buying right before the debt deal was reached."
ReplyDeleteRight, "never mention it again." He's done it before. In this summary, I mentioned that the last time he said he was buying stocks was in April 2008 at S&P low-1300's.
Take a look at what he also said that day and recall that the S&P was higher at the time, but by the following March was down at 677
This may shock some new readers:
April 19, 2008 Bob Brinker said:
“You’ve heard me say on the broadcast, I think we are going to new all-time-historic-record stock market highs by 2009. I think by the time we get into 2009, we are going to be talking about all-time-historic record highs on the S&P 500 Index. But I know what you are talking about, I see it all the time.....in writings….in talking heads. They are talking down the United States of America. They are talking down our economy………(Caller: “Do you think people tend to focus too much on short-term?”) "Oh, absolutely, absolutely, I know this for a fact because when we have gone through this recent bottoming process, and certainly we have worked very, very hard to identify the bottom that I believe that we did accurately identify in the first quarter.
It’s my opinion that the March 10th low on the S&P 500 was the bottom for the correction. And I think that what happened was that was a very successful test of the initial low recorded January 22nd. You might remember the S&P 500 closed on January 22nd in a very high volume panic-atmosphere at 1310. Well we knew, that despite the fact there’d be some short-term rally.......back then, we knew there was going to have to be a successful test of that low. And we knew what was required of that test before it occurred. Now that is exactly is what happened. And the closing test in March was, actually it was less than 3% below the initial low established on January 22nd. So we are talking about a text-book testing process in that correction low that we looked at.
Unfortunately, unfortunately, and I’m sure you’ve heard this, there were a lot of people out there, and I mean a lot of people out there, who got it completely backwards off that correction low and that successful test……I’ve been telling people, going to, actually to February because we do this through the investment letter, of course, I’ve been telling people to actually use periods of weakness to buy into the market at specifically down in the low-1300’s or any minor weakness just below that level, which we got a little bit of there on March 10th and in mid-March, to take those opportunities to add to positions if you’re looking to add to positions – no mention, no thought of selling anything into this kind of weakness……”
Originally documented HERE
ReplyDeleteRe: HB's post on what BB said in April 2008.
Once in a while, someone will ask, on this comment board, "Why do you listen and track BB if you don't like him?" (Or something similar).
HB's post shows why.
The point is, how many people were put to sleep by this lullaby? How many stopped thinking for themseles and paying close attention?
Airing these major mistakes is a worthwhile activity. Thanks HB.
ReplyDeleteThank you for "getting" what I (and this blog) am all about. I know I'm a tadpole up against a Giant White Shark, but as long as that Shark is on National Radio snacking on innocent "baby seals," I will continue.....
How ironic that I actually have to say very little -- his own words do the talking. :)
Thank you for "getting" what I (and this blog) am all about. I know I'm a tadpole up against a Giant White Shark, but as long as that Shark is on National Radio snacking on innocent "baby seals," I will continue.....
ReplyDeleteI think it more like you are up against a parasitic lamprey, that latches on to its victim and slowly bleeds them dry to nourish itself.
Sorry but I have trouble seeing Da Brink as shark, put a parasite I can buy.
look out below brinker crowing about adding money that can't be good! I'm still not even from 2007 2008 mess.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know if Brinker is still bullish in his August newsletter, or if his S&P500 target is still 1400?
ReplyDeleteWell the House and Senate went for a little more junkie juice and upped the debt ceiling without insisting on meaningful spending reforms.
ReplyDeleteLong term the financial markets will not be happy with this decision. It was and is irresponsible.
"Long term the financial markets will not be happy with this decision. It was and is irresponsible."
It sure beats defaulting on US obligations including payments to Social Security and Medicare recipients.
The Teabaggers were the irresponsible obstructionists in this whole extortion scheme.
Investors do not seem to be buying into the debt-solution Kool-Aid. If the Dow closes below 12,000, we may well be in deep poop. Why?
ReplyDelete1) 12,000 is a psychological round number.
2) That's where the 200-day moving average is currently
3) It is also where the current "neckline" of the impending head-and-shoulders currently lies.
So IMHO, a breach of this level on a closing basis, especially with 3 months to go in the statistically seasonal unfavorable period, can only mean big trubs for the market.
We are currently at 12,001! Oh, the humanity!
This kicking the can down the road needs a bit of humor. Names changed to protect the innocent:
ReplyDeleteThis CHP (Ponch?) officer sees Honeybee driving on HWY 17 while knitting at the same time. After driving next to her for awhile he yells to her,"PULLOVER."
She yells back,"No a pair of socks."
On Sunday Bob had two callers who had problems with their property tax bills. Kurt from Portland said his homes value went down but his taxes went up by 3%. He called to inquire and was told that it would go up 3% regardless of the homes value. The other caller was John in Illinois. A few years ago the value of his home was assessed $50,000 higher. It has lost value recently and he said he was paying $9,000 a year. Bob told both of them it wasn't fair. He said some times there is a lag when values go down. Bob should have told them to move to Henderson Nevada. We have heard that Bob paid over $1,000,000 for a luxury condo in 2006. Bob's taxes can be paid for by 10 MARKETIMER subscriptions. This can be verified by searching public records.
ReplyDeleteThe Teabaggers were the irresponsible obstructionists in this whole extortion scheme.
ReplyDeleteI personally object to your use of that filthy term, along with the rest of the liberals calling the White Working Class and Senior Tea Party people "terrorists" and "putting guns to the heads of the democrats".
If you don't like the way things operate here, leave, and live off of the system in another country.
Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Co.) has apologized for the controversial “tar baby” comment he made on a local radio show last week while discussing President Barack Obama and the debt ceiling debate.
ReplyDeleteOn the 630 KHOW Capils and Silverman radio show, Lamborn said:
“Even if some people say, ‘Well the Republicans should have done this or they should have done that,’ they will hold the President responsible. Now, I don’t even want to have to be associated with him. It’s like touching a tar baby and you get it, you’re stuck, and you’re a part of the problem now and you can’t get away.”
On Monday, Lamborn sent a personal letter to President Obama “apologizing for using a term some find insensitive,” his office said in a press release.
Dan went to an all cash position earlier in the day. Sold everything.
ReplyDeleteAt least we got out in time to save some big bucks
Didn't he tell you guys?
The party's over, folks. The "fat lady" has sung! As of Dow 12,000 minus a few points, my new asset allocation is 100% cash.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you sent your announcement about DanG going to 100% cash ONE MINUTE before he wrote his own announcement.
Mr Pig eloquently said: "I personally object to your use of that filthy term, along with the rest of the liberals calling the White Working Class and Senior Tea Party people "terrorists" and "putting guns to the heads of the democrats".
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like the way things operate here, leave, and live off of the system in another country."
Mr Pig,
I also object, and if I hadn't been doing my share to deal with a family emergency all day, I probably would have edited it right away.
There seems to be a certain segment of people who just love to call names.
Bob Brinker called names several times on Sunday's show. And admitted that he could not use the language he wanted to or he'd be off the air -- use your imagination. No doubt the man has a dirty mind and a dirty vocabulary.
Jeffchristie said: "Bob should have told them to move to Henderson Nevada. We have heard that Bob paid over $1,000,000 for a luxury condo in 2006. Bob's taxes can be paid for by 10 MARKETIMER subscriptions. This can be verified by searching public records."
We not only heard that Bob Brinker paid over a million dollars for a condo in Lake Las Vegas (Henderson) Nevada in 2006, we have seen the public record of it.
Now that condo is listed on Zillow for sale at less than $200,000...
Looks like Brinker's real estate timing is even worse than his stock market timing. He bought that condo almost at the exact top of the RE bubble.
DanG said: "The party's over, folks. The "fat lady" has sung! As of Dow 12,000 minus a few points, my new asset allocation is 100% cash."
I do not own any stock now either. I still have a small position in AGQ and wish I had bought more at the bottom, but just didn't have the "intestinal fortitude" to do it. :)
I have sold all of my JNK and NLY and sitting in cash.
The only other ETF I own is a whoppin' 100 shares of the short-bond fund. YUCK! It's obviously a long-term hold. LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI laughed out loud at your joke...Thanks... :)
TFB said: "I think it more like you are up against a parasitic lamprey, that latches on to its victim and slowly bleeds them dry to nourish itself.
ReplyDeleteSorry but I have trouble seeing Da Brink as shark, put a parasite I can buy."
I had to look up the definition of a "lamprey." Yikes...that is one disgusting creature, sucking the life from his victims....Yes...very disgusting creature.
And it is very difficult to dislodge such a creature from its intended victims.
anonymous said: "look out below brinker crowing about adding money that can't be good! I'm still not even from 2007 2008 mess."
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you were so right, it was not good. :)
Frankc23 asked: "Anyone know if Brinker is still bullish in his August newsletter, or if his S&P500 target is still 1400?
If you read my summary, you will see what Brinker was saying two days ago. That was July 31st.
Do you really think that he would go into that hyperbolic rant about how he was bullishly buying stock then and change his mind in time to publish something different in Marketimer yesterday.
If you think he would do that, then you should subscribe to his newsletter.
But before you do that, you should know that he has been 100% invested and bullish since March 2003.
I am looking for an opportunity to buy some strong dividend paying stocks.
ReplyDeleteIn particular I would like to pick up oil while it is down, and I keep looking for opportunities in some fast casual dining concepts as well as health care related issues. So ABT, CVX and DRI. ON ht tobacco front RAI is starting to get in a range where it may be attractive again after a large run up. I bought tobacco heavily the last two years and have been very, very pleased. MCD is also on my list. I hope we will have a couple of more down days so I have time to assess.
As I mentioned before, I simp0ly cannot sell becasue I refuse to give one thin dime to Obama's regime unless I have to. I would rather burn my money than give that despicable, treasonous, scum a single penny. And the bulk of my investable assets are not tax sheltered.
I had to look up the definition of a "lamprey." Yikes...that is one disgusting creature, sucking the life from his victims....Yes...very disgusting creature.
ReplyDeleteYeah pretty apropos was it not?
I had to look up the definition of a "lamprey." Yikes...that is one disgusting creature, sucking the life from his victims....Yes...very disgusting creature.
ReplyDeleteWith a shark it is over quick, but with Da Brink, I mean lamprey they continue to suck you dry slowly and surely. The interesting thing is in most cases the victim doesn't even know what is happening to them. Hmmm, now is that the fish victim or the newsletter subscriber?
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete"As I mentioned before, I simp0ly cannot sell becasue I refuse to give one thin dime to Obama's regime unless I have to. I would rather burn my money than give that despicable, treasonous, scum a single penny. And the bulk of my investable assets are not tax sheltered."
Well, just sell those stocks where you have a loss. That shouldn't be hard.
And then you can claim a tax loss carryforward.
You would take a tax credit from that despicable, treasonous, scum wouldn't you?
Most rightwing teaxxxxxx never pass up a chance to avoid taxes.
[Honey here: Nasty word edited out. Please don't use that term on this blog.]
7:53 - I don't have losses on anything. And I am adamantly agaisnt loopholes etc. I never took a mortgage interest deduction on ethical grounds as I do not believe anyone else should subsidize my home.
ReplyDeleteIn my business I do take deductions for legitimate business expenses.
You are very right that harvesting loses is an intelligent strategy to offset liability on future gain though. It simply is not relevant to me.
And I am happy to see we agree on our characterization of Obama.
And I am not affiliated with a tea-anything. Frankly they are not militant enough for my tastes and I would not want to taint their movement by affiliating myself with them as the association would be detrimental to their cause.
FWIW, here's a copy of what I posted on another site a few minutes ago:
ReplyDeleteA very nice one-day-reversal has prevented a rare 9 straight day drop in the averages. So, is this the end of the correction? Not likely, I'm thinking.
Much damage has been done and it will take more than just a reversal day to reverse that entire correction...at least in my opinion. But it could spark a short rally and give traders an opportunity to go short in the area of the H&S neckline.
That's what I 'll be looking for, especially if the rally is on puny volume.
Thanks Honey bee for providing this site. Well here we go into a sell off, no one is going out of business like 08 not sure if this is justified. Hard to believe the sell off got worse after debt deal. I guess its time for governments to deal with their credit problems, but this has been going on awhile. What to do Now?
ReplyDeletethe brinker indicator is on target he says buy you must sell !!! If he even shows up for work sunday get ready for the baseball show or the energy show anything but the market show. TRUSTED ADVISER MY A>>>>s I bid $89995. on the condo do I hear $79? Looks like the snow is melting on mt. brinkmore
ReplyDeleteHi Investor,
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome, glad you found this blog where we keep track of "America's Most Trusted Financial Advisor" (or so Bob Brinker calls himself).
Three days ago, he said that the market decline was only 5% and was just "noise" and bragged about advising dollar-cost-averaging.
Well right now, Wednesday morning, the S&P 500 Index is down 10% from the high for this year.
That makes it, by Brinker's own standards, a bonafide correction. As in 2008, he is recommending keeping all stock market money fully allocated.
Now we know that his definition of a bear market is a decline in excess of 20%. We do not know if that will happen, but if it does, it will be the second bear market his "stock market timing model" has missed in four years.
[I posted this response here by mistake.]