Firstly, where were we: The all-time-high for the S&P 500 Index was on January 26, 2018 at 2872.87.
Secondly, what happened: It then declined to 2581 on February 8th. Friday, April 6th, the S&P closed at 2604.47 and the Dow closed at 23,932.76 - just under 24,000.
Howard commented: "Oh, and Honey, we also got a S&P close at 2581.88 on Apr. 2. I guess that's not close enough for a 're-test" buy signal."
Honey sez: evidently not for Brinker. :)
What did Brinker predict: So after Bob Brinker predicted volatility and an "off-presidential" correction since September 2017, it has finally happened.
What does Brinker expect: Brinker is still looking for that retest to confirm the correction low so he can issue a buy signal for whoever may have money to take advantage of it while remaining fully invested and constantly dollar-cost-averaging new equity money in - as per his advice.
Is Brinker looking for a Bear market: Brinker is not "forecasting a bear market in excess of 20%" in the foreseeable future.
Argh! A previously-aired program today.
ReplyDeleteBut you'd think they'd have caught what sounds to me like a mistake: caller Veronica had $1.1 million in an IRA, largely comprised of municipal bonds that decreased in initial value from one million to $800,000. Their income, however, generated about $300,000 leaving the account worth $1.1 million. Twice Bob referred to that as a one percent gain. Wouldn't it be a ten percent gain?
Still, there's value in educating the masses about why a tax-privileged accounts should contain more generous (read: not tax-exempt) securities and the importance of knowing what the broker is getting for the privilege...
Have a great week --- let's all do something nice for someone! Why? Because we can.
That would be 10% over a period of 5 years or something like 2% on an annual basis.
ReplyDeleteAnon #23879330: As I listened to that, I was running the numbers mentally and they didn't sound right to me either. I think you are correct.
ReplyDeleteMaybe dRahme will post a clip and we can see for sure what was actually said.
ReplyDeleteBluce....Nobody works on this blog - except for what little I do - on days when Bob Brinker sneakily plays re-runs and deceives most of the audience into thinking he's on live.
We won't help him fool the folks into thinking they are getting what they pay for....
ReplyDeleteBluce and all:
Instead of the Starship Moneytalk, these are days we have the Bob Brinker Gravy Train Express.
Brinker goes golfing while recordings sell Marketimers and Moneytalk on demand - Lies about the broadcast by omission.
Why does he do that? Why does he lie by pretending to be there?
November 26: Re-Runs
December 10: Re-Runs
December 24: Re-Runs
December 31: Re-Runs
January 14: Re-Runs
February 11: Re-Runs
March 11: Re-Runs
April 8: Re-Runs
Here is a talk-show directory when you can also find Mr. Brinker's show streaming. They have several sources. I'm using WLS, Chicago.
I know y'all don't want to miss the repeats! joel in Dallas
LOL @ the "Bob Brinker Gravy Train Express."
I checked the blog and saw it was re-runs so did not listen. What did the Brinkster say about having muni bonds in an IRA?
ReplyDeleteBluce....I left off the Caboose: Brinker just did an ad for his son's fixed income rag. But of course, only advertised it as the "Brinker fixed income advisor."
I guarantee that it was done with the clear intent to deceive people into think it is his own - and it succeeded by about 99.9%.
Beware everyone: It's a SHARK ATTACK. The jr. newsletter salesman doesn't offer anything you can't get online every day of the week.
Trillion dollar deficits are back. How long before the dollar tanks?
ReplyDeleteGold is looking good!
ReplyDeletefrankj said...
I checked the blog and saw it was re-runs so did not listen. What did the Brinkster say about having muni bonds in an IRA?
He said something that made me laugh...
After saying that the tax benefits of muni bonds are not needed in an IRA, since an IRA is already tax deferred.....
He then said that investment is in the Department of Redundancy Department !!
(or something to that effect)
then BB had a number of unkind words for the so called financial adviser who recommended and made these investments for the caller.
he criticized very strongly this investment in muni bonds inside an IRA, and spent quite a bit of time on that.
Bob Brinker reminds of the show, "American Greed"
ReplyDeleteI have just opened an inherited traditional ira brokerage account at vanguard and if has 35,000.00 of new money in it. Any idea what I should invest? I will also somehow need to arrange for automatic required minimum distributions from it. I have no ideas. If I bought vti at what limit price? Hmmmthankyou. Natasha
ReplyDeleteZERO. . .
ReplyDeleteOh, and Honey, we also got a S&P close at 2581.88 on Apr. 2.
I guess that's not close enough for a 're-test" buy signal.
Natasha: Do as Bobby advised a caller today: Look at ALL invested monies "from the top down." Don't view any of it as a separate piece by itself.
ReplyDeleteFor ALL your invested money, figure out an asset allocation that you are comfortable with depending on your age, your risk tolerance, and your goals. 75% stocks, 25% bonds, 60/40, 50/50, whatever fits your situation and insert new money to fit within that structure.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I am working my way from a 100 % laddered CDs to a 10 % stock/ 90% bonds and cd ladders. I am not quite at 10% in stock yet. So thankyou. This is very very helpful.
And stocks, I believe are not ALREADY tax advantaged as far as I know, so they should be just fine in an IRA. I will call Vanguard and ask how to arrange stocks and RMD's in the IRA, Yes!!! onward.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I am working my way from a 100 % laddered CDs to a 10 % stock/ 90% bonds and cd ladders. I am not quite at 10% in stock yet. So thankyou. This is very very helpful.
And stocks, I believe are not ALREADY tax advantaged as far as I know, so they should be just fine in an IRA. I will call Vanguard and ask how to arrange stocks and RMD's in the IRA, Yes!!! onward.
Congrats to blogger Karl for "predicting" that Brinker would be not-live today. Good job. That's why I scheduled my transplant for today. I trusted your data. (See last week blog by Karl)
ReplyDeleteSome folks speculated that Brinker would be lamming in order to examine the final round of the Masters golf tournament up close and personal with his duffer buddies at one of the 3 or 4 golf watering holes near his home while, spoiler alert, the leader won.
Lots to see and hear while watching paint dry so let's get some raspy-voice cigar-swilling grandfathers together to add to the mayhem, all the while dressing down the youngster players' inability to putt right or dress right for that matter, like Arnie and Jack used to. "What's with the tight slacks and white belt?" "Dunno, maybe going fishing later, for some ladies!"
Golf is probable, but still gotta believe that Bob is a closet motorhead, despite his denials. It's a classic case of someone denying their most potent foible.
Out at Las Vegas Motor Speedway a national drag race was hosted on a newly re-made dragstrip which facilitated 4 dragsters blasting off at the same time. It's a compelling spectacle for anyone, even Dr. Milktoast, so BB just had to view it once in order to say he didn't.
The reserved seats were sold out for Sat and Sun so Bob either lined up early on Fri like he did to get his first iPhone and Prius, or he was juiced-in as an invited guest because he's an influential local power broker. He eventually departed in a limo or a helicopter, take your pick.
Of course, I hope I'm wrong. It might be as simple as his adopted faith has its high holy day the weekend after Easter, hence Karl's data. If so, I apologize.
-Hurley, NYC
There’s way too many negative comments for someone that’s taught me a lot...I’d been eaten by many sharks if it were not for Bob Brinker.
ReplyDeleteI really like this site but let’s give some credit to a very unselfish expert on many subjects.
This is a great site & appreciate the weekly summaries.
Honey, ya just HAD to tell me, dintchya? Okay, S&P down about 9% from its high this year. I'm anticipating worse. But when I'm getting clobbered I ignore my 401k, keep dollar cost averaging and tell myself the end of the world is probably just around the corner anyway.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous...I put your unsigned comments through because I wanted to make a snarky comment to you:
Get this buster - like the handle I assigned you? - I do not count positive vs negative posts.
If you do, you need to send in your job application. I'll look it over just before I dump it.
My thought is we need to get down to low of 2532.69 for the S&P Feb 9th before we can say there was a test of the bottom and we get a buy signal. But what do I know, just my guess.
ReplyDeleteNatasha: You're welcome.
ReplyDeleteThere are tons of books out there, and online info, that will help you set up an asset allocation for your specific needs. I can't think of the book titles right now (I'm old and senile) but maybe others could post them.
ReplyDeleteWonderful snarky post!
Thank you and frankj for all that you do!
Natasha: Schwab has a good guide to inherited IRAs of all types, whether you are a spouse or a non-spouse (the rules are different).
If this doesn't work then Google "Schwab inherited IRA"
Good luck and stay in touch.
Thank you very much. Whenever that »retest of low » and « buy » call comes I am going to keep enough out for a rmd and dump it in vti. Also I will look at all my investments as one pocket. I am impatiently waiting finally after not being patient earlier this year and buying vti at an average134.4. But now I am determined to be patient.
DeleteAlso I will look up Larry Kudlow so I can follow these conversations. Bye all natasha
NFL quarterback buys $15 million in diamonds, but are only worth $6M
ReplyDeleteSHARK ATTACK! Only a shark would suggest anyone invest in diamonds to diversify the client's investment portfolio.
P.T. Barnum is alive and well.
Good gain so far today S&P up +1.71% as I type.
ReplyDeleteS&P Low volume 820M not even 1 billion with 3 hrs left in trading day.
csaw mkt.
bought Fri. - which was also low volume. absence of bids.
standing pat today
Up exactly what it was down Friday. The machines are on auto pilot
ReplyDeleteOh never mind Honey. Marketwatch has last weeks close on their website when I looked. Don't post my last two comments.
ReplyDeleteJ.Wales....I was not sure what you didn't want posted.
If you choose, you can delete your post.
Good news that the Larry Kudlow show is continuing with guest hosts. Michelle Caruso Cabrera has great knowledge and familiar guests. Can still get prime finance/talk radio on the weekend Irwin In Skokie
ReplyDeleteMarketwatch sometimes pops up old closes during the next day. They said that was the worst last hour of trading in 6 years. But hey it was still green.
ReplyDeleteGood catch 'flymorenow'... i was watching closing lows.
ReplyDeleteCNBC mini futures looking very strong for Tuesday
ReplyDeleteat 945pm central:
Dow implied open =up 334.90
S&P 35.29
Nas. 106.91
Russl. 19.84
ReplyDeletewasn't sure this got posted the first time:
CNBC implied market open for Tue (mini futures as of 945pm cntrl)
Dow---up 334.90
S&P---up 35.29
Nas.--up 106.91
Russl-up 19.84
Agree with Irwin about the continuation of Larry Kudlow’s show with guest hosts. Besides, who knows how long Larry will be able to hang in with the unpredictable Donald?
ReplyDeleteWell, it's earnings season again - a season to cheer and/or dread.
ReplyDeleteThere is a great article on Seeking Alpha regarding stock volatility pre/post earnings announcements. (Many investors shy away from taking new positions during that time period - for good reason!).
I can't give you a link because the articles come to me via email. But if you are interested, you can put the following text in your browser search bar - you should be able to get a link:
Bespoke's Most Volatile Stocks On Earnings: April 2018 Edition
Yoyoma! Anybody alive here????
ReplyDelete10-4 Bluce---I was thinking the site had froze up--glad it's still working!
ReplyDeleteYes, and I am as mad as hell!
ReplyDeleteNo moabo!
ReplyDeleteThis is a little more than a snarky comment to "anonymous" who keeps sending his political shxt to me.
You are taking my time to delete, but it's only a fraction of a second.
Can I get this through your pea-brain, you COWARDLY reject from the Asylum for Mentally-Midgets? I do not give a FIG about your political opinions.
Now go away CREEP!
Honey: Is "Gawd" acting "ungodly"?? Or Don Lane?
ReplyDeleteBluce: No, he's too cowardly to even use a phony handle.
ReplyDeleteI have a Free! "Light Punching" Promo this month. I will hold an open dance card for the punk. (Spit Bucket and Ambulance costs are not included in promo).
ReplyDeleteIf you can't take the heat, get out of the Kitchen!!
ReplyDeleteMad as Hell.....I published the comment just above for you to see. I'm sure there is enough there to identify who wrote it. It's not difficult!
Have at him - whatever you do, I don't care and don't want to know.
ReplyDeleteFox Business stock market for this week:
Stocks declined on Friday amid strong bank earnings that failed to impress investors, but the market secured weekly gains as Wall Street shook off concerns over U.S. trade.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 122.81 points, or 0.5%, to 24,360.24. The S&P 500 fell about 7.69 points, or 0.3%, to 2,656.30. The Nasdaq Composite was down 33.6 points, or 0.47%, at 7,106.65.
The major indexes were up at least 1.8% for the week, driven by a rebound in technology stocks and a strong run for energy companies in reaction to higher oil prices. Investor optimism also got a boost from easing trade tensions between the U.S. and China and news that a missile strike on Syria wasn’t imminent.
Wells Fargo dropped more than 3% after confirming in its first-quarter results that regulators have offered a $1 billion fine to resolve auto insurance and mortgage lending abuses. It did not disclose whether it would agree to settle with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Mad as HELL's part-time job?
ReplyDeleteAmazing news:
Number of People Receiving Unemployment Benefits Running at 44-Year Lows
- Washington Examiner
According to the latest numbers from the U.S. Department of Labor, the number of individuals on unemployment benefits is at its lowest level in more than four decades. “Low jobless claims are a good sign for the economy. They suggest that layoffs are rare,” Joseph Lawler writes.
It strikes me as humorously ironic that a troll who loves being a troll is hesitant to use a fake handle because it might seem "dishonest", so he defaults to using no handle!
ReplyDeleteAfter the extended laughter and the tears of joy, the analysis proposes:
-The troll is lazy
-The troll is scared
-The troll is worried that psychological tracking might find him
-The troll is worried that ISP tracking will find him
-The troll gets a serious thrill out of trolling
-The troll likes to see others flustered
-The troll wants to be famous
-The troll wants to remain anonymous, at all cost
-The troll ( submit your data here )
I haven't checked Amazon but maybe I should author "Trolling For Dummies." That's how I learned to fix my Subaru and my Packard-Bell.
But it's Saturday night so nobody will read this. It's just another throwaway, like a receipt simply tossed into the trash.
--Jack, corner of Sunset and Gower
ReplyDeleteJack....Today the Troll has gone to a lot of work sending comments that hit the trash bin almost instantly. I smell him now, so I can almost immediately dump his crap.
However, I am on the verge of requiring an account to post comments. Most everyone has one already.
Honey, if you do that I fully support it. There is no reason you should have to put up with harassment.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bluce. Perhaps you and others that have done it can help me explain how to do it.
I never had to because when I set the blog up that took care of it for me.
Honey: I know a little about the inner workings of the web, but absolutely nothing specific about Google blogs. I assumed it would be something simple and easy, and that you already knew how to do it but just hadn't decided to do it yet.
ReplyDeleteNot so?
Honeybee, I fully support whatever you decide to do about us setting up accounts, keeping us honest, etc. too. Perhaps your doing so will put to rest any preoccupation that, for instance, I am anyone other than one person who has only ever posted on this Brinker-related blog and that here I have only used this one particular Google account nik and no other. Not sure it will, of course. But at least it's worth a try.
ReplyDeleteOutstanding point gawd...
After having slept on it, I am 99% sure that is what I am going to do, starting today.
I'll reserve the other 1% for a few more hours.
ReplyDeleteBluce....It's certainly simple for me. I was referring to what it took to set up a Google account, as you have done.
I just have to push a button to make changes. I have complete control over comments that are published. I can cut them off completely, require a Google Account, or allow completely anonymous posts - as I have always done.
Allowing anonymous posts, even with signatures takes more of my time than I am willing to give going forward.
There are some who believe the number of comments are indicative of the popularity of the blog and the number of hits. That is totally FALSE.
So my allowing mostly free-flowing discussions here has zero effect on the number of people who read the blog or visit the ads.
So when I post my Summary this afternoon, there may be changes on how to get comments published.
For those with accounts, there will be zero change.
LOL, sorry Honey. I completely misunderstood your previous post. As soon as I started reading your reply, the light went on! I can imagine what was going through your mind when you read MY post!
ReplyDeleteIf you "flip the proverbial switch," and someone wants to post here but can't figure out how to set up an account . . . well, I don't know, too bad I guess. Tell them to ask their grandkid for help.
I second the motion to require accounts for log in.
ReplyDeleteI certainly empathize with your dilemma.
But would it be possible to exempt or "grandfather" those of us have frequently used well-known names on this board?
If not, I for one would need to cease posting here. Call me paranoid and/or crazy, but the fewer touchpoints that I have with "The G-Machine" the better. I imagine others might have similar views also.
(Hopefully, not my final post. But if it is - I understand and thank you for the opportunity to post up until now, and good luck to all!)
JC: Wow Jerrod, I hadn't thought of that. I totally understand about staying as far away as possible from Google/FB/MS/Yahoo, etc., although I have NOT done that myself.
ReplyDeleteI hope Honey can figure out a work-around so we don't lose posters like Jerrod!
ReplyDeleteJerrod...that is not an option that I am offered as blog moderator.
I do not think there are any known hazards to having a Gmail account, but I respect your decision on that.
I will offer you special service in that I will personally publish your always worthwhile comments for you, if you will just send them to me via my email address:
(If anyone else would also like this same service, send me an email - let me know what handle you have been posting under - and we will discuss it.)