STOCK MARKET....No changes in Brinker's dollar-cost-average advice or 50-50 asset allocation for those in retirement. Brinker commented to Bob from New Hampshire: "There is no stock market weakness right now. It's only down about 1% from all-time-highs."
DOLLAR COST AVERAGE, BUT ALWAYS BE WORRIED.... Caller Marie from Chicago wanted to know if her son should just dollar-cost-average into the market at these levels and not worry about it,
BB agreed with this exception: "I think you should always be worried.....I think if people are not worried at the world they are looking at today they are not paying attention.....Where we get on this is complacency. If we are just going to take the don't worry-be happy road, then we are complacent. And I think that is a dangerous state of mind to be in....DON'T GET COMPLACENT ABOUT MARKET... BB continued: For example, occasionally you will hear someone call the program and say, hi Bob, I'm retired and have 80 or 90% of my money in the stock market.....To me, that is the definition of complacency. And any time the market takes a hit, you have a chance to reevaluate your risk tolerance. Any time the market is under pressure, and there have been plenty of times it was under pressure in the last decade, that's for sure......Are you truly comfortable with what's going on in your portfolio at any given point. What happens when you see your portfolio take a hit. Does that bother you? Or do you say, I didn't know that stocks can go down in value.
LAST GOOD SIZE CORRECTION? BB continued: "We had a really good size correction, if you back to 2015 - 16. Remember that correction. It started in mid-2015 and continued to February 10th 2016 when it bottomed out in the low to mid-1800s. Now we were fortunate enough there to trigger a buy signal - and outright buy-signal. Upgrading the market to attractive for purchase at that time....We were certainly grateful for that opportunity.....Such opportunities don't occur every day and this market has been on a run from the spring of 2009 - the likes of which has rarely been seen. So the idea that you are going to watch a market more than triple in price in 8 1/2 years, you certainly don't want to be complacent."
Honey EC: I have to research my old Marketimers. I do not recall a buy signal in 2016 - and even if there was, it was just as useless as horns on a brass monkey (or however that old saying goes). Brinker has not raised cash for ANY corrections since year 2000.... Yep, that's YEAR-2000. It's always ride it down - ride it back up, unless you happen to have some spare cash lying around the house.
IN EDIT: I have been informed by reliable sources that Brinker actually did issue a buy-signal in February 2016 - as he stated. But as usual, no cash raised for it in advance.GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT ESTIMATE UPGRADED: Q2 estimate is now at 2.6 - new estimate is now at 2.8%....If that happens, the annual rate which is now 2.0% will go to 2.1% - which is "closer to the average GDP growth."
FEDERAL RESERVE....BB comments: The Jackson Hole confab is now in the record books. Monetary policy was not discussed.
LUMP SUM VS MONTHLY PAYOUT FOR MULTI-MILLIONAIRE.....Bob from New Hampshire - net worth $2.6 million - said he was "nearing Critical Mass" and wanted help choosing between a lump sum payout of $417,000 and $2272 monthly payout. BB advised him that if he took the lump sum, that would increase his net worth by about 20%, but that the monthly payout yield was about 6 1/2%. He seemed to encourage the caller to take the lump sum.
MULTI-MILLIONAIRE WORRIED ABOUT MARKET:....JayJay in New Haven, "Sitting on $2 Mill" net worth .....with asset allocation at 60-40 and worried about "market overheated." BB told him he recommends 50-50 for those in retirement, depending on risk tolerance.
BRINKER'S POLITICS....BB waxed on with his speculation about what was going to happen after Congress goes back to work on tax reform and a few other things. He made the usual point that they are "dysfunctional" and a few other insults that probably made him feel good, but may not have helped investors very much. You be the judge:
=>TAX REFORM, WHAT'S IN, WHAT'S OUT, WHAT'S UP, WHAT'S DOWN. dRahme's audio clip from opening monologue.
LOTTERY WINNER....BB had some fun advising Ms Wanczyk about how she should have acted after winning a lump sum payment of $480 million. Seems that she did it all wrong, according to BB she should have gone into hiding and not told anyone.......Massachusetts state lottery officials named Mavis L. Wanczyk of Chicopee as the winner of the $758.7 million Powerball Thursday in a press conference.
LOTTERY WINNER....BB had some fun advising Ms Wanczyk about how she should have acted after winning a lump sum payment of $480 million. Seems that she did it all wrong, according to BB she should have gone into hiding and not told anyone.......Massachusetts state lottery officials named Mavis L. Wanczyk of Chicopee as the winner of the $758.7 million Powerball Thursday in a press conference.
BRINKER'S CORRECTION FROM LAST WEEK.....BB very subtly corrected what he said last week about mortgage interest deduction being on the table for possible elimination, He only said it once with no explanation about why he said just the opposite last week. (Too embarrassed?) I did the research and proved that it wasn't. Did he read the facts here? Why so little concern for misleading (and in some cases) scaring, audience members?
HONEY'S QUIZ: WHO CAN GUESS BB'S FAVORITE NEW INSIDE JOKE WORD......BB uses this word several times on each program now when talking about political issues. Can anyone guess what it is? First person that guesses it, I will post here with their handle/name.
==> Two hours later: Biker said...OK, I'll bite. I noted the use of the term "Donnybrook" several times when describing the expected deliberations over tax reform. Not sure why that would be considered an inside joke, though.
August 27, 2017 at 7:17 PM
HONEY HERE: That didn't take long. That's the answer. Anyone who knows Brinker's sense of humor sees a big watermelon-eating grin on his face every time he announces some upcoming government issue will be a "donnybrook." His own inside joke against the President.
OK, this interview was pretty lackluster in my opinion, so I am going to default to bullet points:
- · The Fed reacted quickly to the 2008 meltdown and the US began to recover before the UK and Europe.
- · Super Mario (Draghi) is doing the best he can, given the politics he has to deal with.
- · There is no deposit insurance in the Eurozone.
- · Of the Fed’s QE efforts, QE1 was the most successful, 2 and 3 were less successful.
- · The Fed has to be very careful when unwinding its balance sheet to avoid anything like the taper tantrum that occurred in 2013. Communication is important.
- · Our current $600 billion in deficit spending might be viewed as fiscal stimulus. The deficit should shrink in relation to the economy as the economy grows.
- · Spending $100 billion per year for the next 10 years on infrastructure: “won’t help that much,” the real benefit will be the productivity boost that results in, later.
- · He agreed with Bob that interest rates have been too low for too long.
- · US tax policy needs to be simplified to help small and medium sized businesses contribute to growth.
- · Our $20 trillion in national debt is a time bomb (my words) if interest rates begin to “normalize.” Each 1% rise in interest rates adds $200 billion to the interest owed.
Honey Here: Thanks Frankj....I agree that this guest did not add much value to Moneytalk today, but your summary is interesting, as always.
=> THE CANYONS OF WALL STREET NEXT WEEK: Thanks to dRahme, here is BB's report.