Sunday, May 14, 2017

May 14, 2017, Bob Brinker's Moneytalk: Rerun Monologue and Spliced Old Calls

May 14, 2017....Bob Brinker is NOT live today.....


Radio Stations:
710KNUS Denver
KION 1460  Monterey


  1. His spliced calls sure are chopped up and butchered today.

  2. Sure makes sense for BB have a recorded program today.
    Can't go more than 3-4 Sundays without taking another day off.
    BB not very consistent, as some live shows will make market comment, while others ignore, and go over general stuff. That's a clue the show is a recording?
    Today's opening with municipal bonds was a clue it was a recording spice and dice for the next 3 hours.
    Might be time for retirement BB?
    Otherwise, show will continue to lose listeners and sponsors pull the plug.

  3. Mike: Yup, in the first few minutes you could hear the audio shift. I think it was when he started talking about munis.

    Heh, more multi-millionaires and their financial problems today.

  4. "Brink" musta been off on Mother's Day to visit his mom, who passed away years ago. Bless her.

    Darn, the multi-millionaires and their "problems" are getting boring. Does the production team really think it engenders more listeners, especially younger ones? Or are they clinging to any older fan, hoping they might have some wealth?

    If it's "worth by association", BB must be auditioning to be the guiding hand of the "rich and un-famous". The next time I hear some Midwest farmer, with millions, call in to ask Bob if he should go all-in on gold, I'm gonna explode, right after BB.

    This show used to be sponsored by huge corps., such as Vanguard, et al. As Dylan sang, "the times, they are a-changin'"

    What we really need is more CALPERS retirees with six-figure pensions calling in with their "problems". That'll get the fur flying.

    -Wild Willy, Phoenix

  5. John from SF said:

    Hey we all work as hard as da Brinker. We deserve the days off as well. After the rerun alert from Honey I went for a walk in the sunshine.

  6. Bluce said:

    Heh, more multi-millionaires and their financial problems today.


    I've been wondering if THAT Bob's callers get residuals when their calls are used on his weekly mixtape reruns.


  7. JC: I am one of the old callers, we get discount on our annual
    subscriptions. No residuals.

  8. A nice run up today!


  9. My heart goes out to all those multi-millionaires that call in to Bob Brinker week after week with all their woes and no clues as to do with all that money. Perhaps they could donate it to a worthy cause or person, I will be happy to provide a postage paid envelope to send all that cash. Not to mention all those overpaid CALPERS retirees with their thousands of dollars in monthly pensions. My heart bleeds for all of them; I worked for decades for a useless bureaucracy that pays me LESS than what an SSI recipient receives who never worked 1 day in their entire life. Who is stupid? NEVER AGAIN.

  10. Brinker bummer when you wait all week, WLS Chicago has time after sports to "return to regularly scheduled programming'' and then hear repeat shows. Back to Alex Jones down the dial, live and crazy. SHIFTY in Skokie

  11. Anon: Honey has a few links on the front page so you can always stream BB live, and they rarely preempt him for sports. Between them, one of them will have BB.

  12. i think that's more accurately 'stream the canned BB as it is resurrected for your enjoyment
    . . ' (or something like that)(actually, i don't listen every week, and i don't get upset if he is live sometimes and canned sometimes . . . [since i have Honey to catch me up] - days off are part of most people's jobs . . . )

  13. "b": Yes, of course it isn't always BB "live." But I meant that anon can always hear the program -- as it is -- instead of being preempted by sports or whatever.

  14. Seems like Bobbie is retired on the job. So am I to some extent. Since Bobbie is unlikely to ever take my question I will ask the experts here.

    How do you know when to take the leap into retirement? How did others do it? Think I have enough but once retire it will be very hard to ever go back.



  15. Retail...

    Looks like mall anchor tenants aren't the only retailers feeling the squeeze. New 5/16/17 $RUT 52-week lows charting from @bespokeinvest adds some fresh faces to retail perdition.

    All hail to Emperor Bezos!


  16. My opinion on mall closings, and this is an original opinion so if you see it somewhere else -- they stole it from me.

    For 20-25 years I've wondered about all the malls going up. They just got fancier and fancier -- one in my area that was built in the '90s has glass panels for a roof. It was something to see back then, although there were probably a lot of them built since. It has since gone bankrupt and remains empty AFAIK.

    I kept thinking: Where is all this money coming from? Most mall stuff is overpriced, yet they always seemed to have a lot of people walking around (all I ever did was get coffee, maybe a cookie, and roam around the tool section in Sears).

    So I kept thinking that something is out of balance, and this extravagance cannot go on forever.

    It didn't: The correction came in 2008. Online shopping has maybe put a dent in the "mall race," but I think the realities of the financial crisis and "free money" had more to do with it.

    But nobody talks about this, everybody just talks about Amazon, etc. as being the cause. As I posted previously, people (including me) still want to go out in the real world and do real shopping.

  17. rasputin here. Gabe I'm ready to go on the "Gabe correction watch". Just say when.

  18. rasputin: Well...let's wait till friday and see whether President Trump leaves or does not leave for his overseas trip!


  19. Good test today of my theory I wrote 15 days ago if money comes in to stabilize later today:

    "I'm changing my mind on selloff if no tax reform.

    Based on great earnings this quarter and projected earnings the market will do fine regardless of whether tax reform goes anywhere.

    I was of the belief that if tax reform failed we would see a significant Fibonacci retrace on the gains thus far. Vapor coming out theory."

    Market fear trade is current political issues may delay or derail primary initiatives of tax reform and growth initiatives.

    Dow down 235 and nasdaq comp down 99 as I write this.

    Crystal ball is blinking.


  20. Bluce,

    Just another opinion,

    I agree your with view of the malls, takes a lot of money to buy and keep up a large retail space. Amazon just changed how people buy, granted they were very good at it. Anybody that wants to survive in retail must have a online presence. I think brick and mortar will survive if they go to a niche business model with an online component. Also, there will always be people who don't want to shop online. This group will be a minority but the need will still be there.

    Last time I went to a Mall, I think a coffee and cookie were my only purchase. The thing I noticed was the amount of food service as compared to retail shops.

  21. Bruce: But nobody talks about this...As I posted previously, people (including me) still want to go out in the real world and do real shopping.

    Yes. Some retail has great value right now, paying fat dividends, just like MCD did years ago at $20. But retail stock price is not reflective of reality because of the anti-mall meme. With rent going down, profits will continue to go up. Always buy at the point of max unpopularity.

  22. After huge gains the market was looking for any excuse to sell off. I think Brinker would agree that we were due for a correction. I think this will eventually blow over and the market will be fine. Comey potentially in bigger trouble than Trump IMO.

  23. Bluce said...
    (all I ever did was get coffee, maybe a cookie, and roam around the tool section in Sears).

    Sears had tools? You learn something new everyday. I never got past the pony ride by the front door. (or was that K-Mart?)

  24. Tentative asks: How do you know when to take the leap into retirement? Think I have enough but once retire it will be very hard to ever go back.

    The old saying might apply. "If you have to ask, you're not ready." In many cases, when you are definitely ready, you really don't care.

  25. Beloved Bacon Boy: I never sore no ponies here! (Excuse please, I'm practicing my Boston accent). What state do you live in??

    As for coffee and cookies . . . I forgot about pretzels! Yikes, Imma lovin' them fresh soft pretzels. Too bad the nearest mall is 30-some miles away or I'd go get one right now. But the amaretto has just hit me a bit, I'm probably better off staying home and fantasizing about BACON.


  26. Bluce said:

    So I kept thinking that something is out of balance, and this extravagance cannot go on forever.

    Great point, Bluce. And I must admit that AMZN is a model of no-frills cost-control and efficiency, bar one:

    Jeff Bezos - Current net worth: ≥ $83,000,000,000.

    Yo Buddy, ha' ya gotta dime?


    PS: I have bought merch from Amazon on several occasions, but the sum total of those purchases is about $30 - $40. Basically, hard to find items that were not available locally.

  27. I think BB thinks we're due for a correction but just because the bull market has been going on so long. Who knows what his indicators say, probably still green. I think we're due for a correction.

    Today's activity was in the category of white noise.

    My local radio station gets things screwed up by playing stale sound bite "market reports." They routinely give the day before's closings w/o saying it was "Yesterday." Today they said the Dow closed down 2 points. (Uh, that was yesterday.) Then a few minutes later the report was that it closed down 372 points.

    Seattledoc asked a serious question.

    Start evaluating income sources in retirement. Pension, Soc Sec, 401K or IRA, savings.
    Start evaluating expenses in the future. All the routine ones plus the question which ones will go up and which will go down. Where you live in retirement matters if you're a trekkie. If you're in Seattle, that's a nice place, I used to live there but the politicians in Seattle are pushing for higher taxes. Also, property taxes are probably pretty high there.
    Try one of those simulations that Vanguard, TRPrice and others will do.

  28. JC: I was at Wally's today, among other places, enjoyable all! Got 'mater, parsley, and basil plants; spinach seeds, groceries, etc. Jeff Bezos can't match that experience -- he can go urinate up a rope. But I'll still buy books and doo-dads from him, as I have since 1997.

    frankj: LOL @ your local reporters screwing up market reports. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that the vast majority of "reporters" don't know what a stock index is, and know even less about the (much larger) bond market or a bond index. They're just readers, like most other reporters. But you already knew that.

    And the world turns . . .

  29. tentative,

    This may be of interest:


  30. Honey, and other CA residents: Did you see what your wonderful gubner thinks of you?

  31. I appreciate the advice so far. I guess I was looking to hear from retirees on this blog about the how what and why they left their job and retired. Did they transition or just quit? I'm just interested in the personal experiences of the transition. Did you have a plan with hobbies travel el etc. Perhaps I need a therapist not a CPA.

    To Mr. Pig. I'm concerned that you have not been paying close enough attention during Professor Brinker's 3 hour class held these days once or so per month. Has not the Professor discussed topics related to your comment,"If you have to ask, you're not ready." ?
    It seems to me that he used to talk about retirement lifestyle with the example "if you want to live like THE DONALD..." Well for me not like THE DONALD but certainly not like the Bernie either. (cheap suit, yellow teeth, and seemingly never to have fun).
    For those of you who have slept during class I am told there will be a Moneytalk final exam. Hint- I suggest you study which states have no income tax.

  32. @seattledoc
    I retired from my company (Hi-Tech) and then traveled the world for 6 months. I traveled to shake by brain up a bit because I had been working for 40 years. I would like to say I had hobbies but I really didn't, it was more like just interests. Fast forward, I got offered a contract in hi-tech, part time for 6 months. It went full time immediately and that was a year and a half ago. Its a great gig but I'm ready to fly again. Forget the therapist, just jump in the water. I use this line with future retirees:

    There will never be enough money or the right time to retire.

  33. Well...Dow gained about 12% of what it lost yesterday!


  34. Blogger Bluce said...

    JC: I was at Wally's today, among other places, enjoyable all! Got 'mater, parsley, and basil plants; spinach seeds, groceries, etc. Jeff Bezos can't match that experience

    Bluce, Jeff has opened a test grocery store in Seattle...probably just a matter of time until they 3-D print and roll out tens of thousands more. "Old-style" grocery stores - yet another industry doomed for obsolescence - resistance is futile!

    I hope he has some sort of grand plan for all the displaced people who have, currently are, and will be losing their jobs.


  35. Bluce,

    I forgot to put this link in the Amazon Go message:


  36. I own IEMG and couldn't figure out why EM ETFs were under-performing so badly yesterday (and again today).

    Looks like Brazil is (once again) the major culprit currently pulling down EM ETFs. Could be worse - hopefully no one here owns a Brazil-only ETF such as EWZ. YIKES!


  37. JC: I just had a lengthy response, but the damned page refreshed and I lost it. You'd think I'd learn by now to compose elsewhere then copy and paste, but I'm getting dumber in my old age. Grrrr . . .

  38. Just want to compliment the contributors to this forum. Their interesting comments about trending business, investing, retirement and, oh yeah, Brinker, makes for some interesting reading. It's much better than the "opinions" I get in the break room at work. Thank you all.
    Stan in Rio Linda

  39. If and when Amazon gets into the prescription meds business their stock will skyrocket. They are still at the initial stage in this endeavor


  40. The market appears to be adjusting and getting its sea legs re: possible derailment of growth initiatives passing Congress. Political stuff is worse today than yesterday with Mueller Special Council appointed yet money rolled in to stabilize the fear trade.

    Bogle STC is operative till recessionary conditions start to show. Earnings and growth win over fear/panic.

    The ouchie yesterday was not as bad as many feared, it will take me 2 more days like today to get me back to my portfolio highs.

    Let's light this candle.


  41. Businesses (some probably regional) in my lifetime:

    - Kodak rose but is a fraction of what it was.
    - Same for Xerox.
    - JM Fields rose and fell.
    - Noah's Ark rose and fell.
    - Two Guys rose and fell.
    - K-Mart rose and has nearly fallen.
    - Sears rose and has nearly fallen.
    - Walmart's has probably peaked out, and will likely start to decline within the next generation.
    - Frontier Communications (my phone and DSL provider) is deservedly sliding off the cliff, presently selling at $1.30.
    - Amazon is on the upswing, but will someday also fall.

    Businesses typically have lifespans like actual living things.

    The takeaway? "There is nothing new under the sun." -- King Solomon

    ZZZZZ . . .

  42. A few thoughts on Amazon:
    I don't own individual shares of Amazon (probably do in Mutual funds) but I greatly admire Jeff Bezos. Successful companies bring disruptive ideas to market which Amazon has done. Amazon (and all the others) are not marketing to us old guys. The young people are the ones spending the money. There are many people who "shop" at brick and mortar then go to Amazon to buy the same product. If the price is within 5%, I will buy it from Amazon, no driving, no looking and it shows up on my doorstep. What Amazon doesn't have, I find on Traditional retail stores and especially food stores need to reinvent their business or die on the vine.

    But forget Amazon retail, AWS is the big elephant in the room. AWS has totally disrupted hi-tech. They are the undisputed king in cloud services with Microsoft (Azure) a distant second. AWS is also the fastest growing sector of their business.

  43. Moe: I own individual shares of AMZN.......I am waiting for it to enter the RX arena and its shares will sky rocket!


  44. To Gabe:
    AMZN also entered the exotic underwear business (think Victoria Secret). High margins.

    My favorite Jeff Bezos quote: "Your margin is our opportunity"

  45. JC: Some emerging market funds and ETFs have a component of developed countries in their holdings. For example, IEMG has just over 30% of its holdings in developed countries, almost all of that being Taiwan.

    VWO which is Vanguard's emerging market fund has 17.5% in "Asia Developed," which seems to be South Korea.

    This probably doesn't matter to a lot of people. It may depend on which benchmark the fund or ETF is following. Some benchmarks treat So. Korea as developed, some do not.

  46. Well...only lost 10 grand (paper loss) this week! Not bad for a terrible, terrible day this week.


  47. Honeybee, you may wish to abstain from reading this, but if you insist - then be sure you place an ice cold compress under your bonnet first!

    Re: California SB 562

    Paraphrasing...and updating

    $370 billion here, $370 billion there - pretty soon you're talking real money."

    Honeybee, if this BS gets any worse I may need to do a reverse mortgage on the house just so I can pay for all the freebies for our lovely illegals who our state and city representatives love.

    This makes me Mad as HELL!

  48. Bluce,

    There are a fair number of "senior" companies still in back to 1752! Here are some:

    Caswell-Massey (1752)
    The Hartford Courant (1764)
    Baker's Chocolate (1765)
    Ames (1774)
    King Arthur Flour (1790)
    Cigna (1792)
    Dixon Ticonderoga (1795)
    Jim Beam (1795)

    BTW, the Caswell-Massey Presidential Soap Collection is available on (my favorite retailer)!

    Oh, and when I was in the 6th grade, a classmate jabbed a Dixon Ticonderoga pencil into my left hip. The lead is still there! (I forgot to ask for the pencil as a "souvenir").

    Also, I imagine some of us here have sampled a snort of Jim Beam from time-to-time. Yo! Bacon Boy - you out there?


  49. Beloved Bacon Boy: I never sore no ponies here! (Excuse please, I'm practicing my Boston accent). What state do you live in??

    Mostly in the state of total confusion. I think it was a phony pony. It was on a big metal post and the dopey thing just went around and around for about 4 minutes after somebody put a coin in the slot.

  50. My thought is that if Pres. Trump does well on his overseas trip, the Market will recover next week and should go higher barring any significant revelation coming out of Washington!


  51. JC: Note that I never write in absolutes, cuz there are no absolutes except for the statement: "There are no absolutes."

    Quoting myself: "Businesses typically have lifespans like actual living things." Italic added; the word "typically" makes the statement not absolute.

    Haha, okay, enough of that, just jerking yer chain. FWIW: I read a few years ago that the oldest company in existence was Lloyds of London. But I don't know for sure, and too lazy to Google. And yes, I've sampled some Jim Beam once or trice, er. . . thrysh, umm . . . tlice?

    Beloved Bacon Boy: Aha, now I know the "ponies" of which you speak! The nice thing about them was they never seemed to sweat.

    Which "slot" in the pony did you put the money in?

  52. The market lost steam on latest leak re: pressure drop on Comey fire and it was a dozzy but did not fail closing up 141.82 on dow only 52.29 off the high of the day.

    If the read on this is correct and market is discounting growth initiatives out of D.C. and instead is focusing on earnings growth as I speculated, it is another data point in support of this theory.

    Monday's action should give us a better view of this. A big selloff and my theory is wrong if stable to up it supports the theory.

    choosing STC


  53. it's the brinker police on the case again no need for you to listen you know every thing you've heard all the questions you have all the answers i'm looking forward to your show bb jr........ ps i hear it will be out the5th of NEVER

  54. Honeybee,

    Our "esteemed" goober-gubner is the government official who should be impeached, indicted and prosecuted (along with all of his tuckus-smooching lackeys)!

    Also, upon reading the article, I see that the libs (Politifact and Capital Public Radio) have "ruled" California Republican State Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez's insightful charges as "mostly false." No surprise there, right? UGH!!!, UGH!!!, UGH!!!

  55. rasputin here. Gabe, you think markets will rise next week. Do you want me to start the "Gabe buy signal watch"?

  56. rasp, Put your money on my prediction: The market will be higher (or lower) next week. I've never been wrong yet!

  57. Ras: Will follow Trump's experiences and futures tomorrow.


  58. Investors that are influenced by media hysteria will lose, Avoid the daily drama of politics. The economic bench marks of the economy are more important as well as the mega trends. Ask yourself if the U.S. has an economic environment that is more dynamic and has the ability to adjust to markets? Does the U.S. have a better financial and legal system? Less corruption? Do we currently have a elected constituency that is less radical and more common sense? Representatives that more or less understand the limits of government and the benefits of private sector solutions? Our U.S. companies in the fore front of latest technology? Will this technology move the country to a brighter future given the growth of the economy and the diminishing percentage of debt to GNP.

    So, what I read is a giant opportunity to capture larger markets per solutions of energy, transportation, supply chain, food production, and international trade. Our country need only axe the simpleton solutions of inferior ideas such as public ed or organised labor and central control solutions/products. We need to be creative, smart, and cause no harm. Yes, to be careful, but allow maximum creativity without government fisticuffs to enshrine the winners and losers.

  59. Bluce said Aha, now I know the "ponies" of which you speak! The nice thing about them was they never seemed to sweat.

    I was on some larger ones at local carnivals and the horse that I was riding never got passed by the others. Maybe Gabe should consider some of those?

  60. rasputin here. Gabe do you ever foresee a scenario of putting out a buy and correction alert at the same time?

  61. LOL @ Pig's idea!

    Now that I think about those horses, I don't remember any of them leaving any muffins behind either.

  62. Ras: gut feeling is that this market might trade in a tight range this coming week. Political drama might set the stage one way or another. Interesting to hear what Bob has to say tomorrow!


  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. MAD: Haven't you ever heard of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps?

  65. Mad: I, too, was confused!



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