STOCK MARKET.....Brinker comments: Dow now at 19,827 and S&P at 2271 - very close to all-time-closing highs.....lacking volatility recently - going sideways. Investors are looking for changes in policy - a reduction in the corporate tax rates.....a possible reduction in individual tax rates....
Honey EC: Brinker told a caller today that he is still recommending dollar-cost-averaging on weakness for new money going into the stock market. He also said that he was watching all indicators very closely and his market outlook could change. We've been down this road before - Christmas and long vacations can get very expensive. :)
WILL 2017 BE A BEAR LIKE 2000.....Caller Mike from Glendora wanted to walk down year 2000 bear market memory lane. Brinker was happy to join him:
TWO REASONS FOR BEAR MARKET - ONE IS KNOWN.... BB said: The differences between the top in the first quarter of 2000 and right now. One is known and the one forecastable but unknowable in advance...You had historically high overvaluation in 2000. In fact, the S&P 500 was trading at close to 30 times earnings....Historically, the S&P trades in the area of 16 times earnings.....That was one of the reasons that we issued the sell signal in January of 2000....close to the all-time-high.....
SECOND FORECASTABLE REASON FOR BEAR NOT KNOWABLE.....BB continued: The other thing that was going on then was the impending recession in that happened in 2001....Right now, we are no where near 30 times earnings in the S&P 500, so the valuation disparity that existed then does not exist now. Having said that, the market is generously valued. It is not bizarrely valued like then.....Certainly not sitting on bargain table right now. The other factor, which is unknowable, but forecastable - right or wrong - is the recession.
NO ECONOMIC INDICATION OF AN IMPENDING RECESSION RIGHT NOW..... BB continued: That's where you have a real problem right now - forecasting a recession because you don't see in the economic data flow, you don't see the kinds of conditions that would bring about recession right now. So in the absence of a recession, it's more difficult to be looking at a bear....
BRINKER IS NOT TAKING HIGH RISK FOR HIMSELF.....Caller Mike (age 62) said he was 100% invested in stocks.
Brinker replied: That's a big number.....Why take on a high risk right now, I'm certainly not doing it....I'd be about 50 to 60% equities....What we have said is dollar-cost-average during periods of weakness. We also publish a model III that is 50-50 portfolio.Honey EC: If Brinker was being truthful about his own investing, one would have to conclude that he is not following Marketimer model portfolio I and II - which are both 100% equity funds.
PRESIDENT DON'T MATTER TO THE STOCK MARKET.....BB said: I have said this for 31 years: Investors have a tendency to attach too much importance to politics.....I think this business of attaching politics to the stock market is misdirected....I'm not saying ignore it, but in my opinion, it is not the driver of investment returns and that is what I care about.
MARKETIMER PORTFOLIOS BOND FUND SWITCH.... Caller Jerry from Florida said: "In your newsletter you actually switched bond fund from the DoubleLine, and I wanted to ask you what the reason for the switch was...."
Brinker replied: They are short term bond fund....We feel very strongly at the newsletter that this is the time to keep your duration short. We had a great year with an annual return of 4.7%....Here in 2017, we have further shortened our duration. Our duration is down to 1.3 years and that is the shortest duration we've ever had.....I have no problem with including some credit risk in there....Our primary credit risk holding 2016 did fantastically....Yes, you can invest in the bond market - keep your durations short. You can have credit risk as a trade-off to the low interest rate risk....And I think you are going to see the Federal Reserve increase interest rates if the economy remains on track.Honey here: Two weeks ago when a caller asked about why Brinker sold DLTNX in his income portfolio and his balanced model portfolio III, Brinker said he would talk about it "next week." Brinker then took two weeks off and Moneytalk was re-runs.
Clearly, Brinker thinks interest rates are headed up and the economy is going to do well. The cash from selling DoubleLine Total Return Fund was put into MWCRX in the balanced portfolio. In the income portfolio, there are now only three fund holdings - the cash from the DLTNX sale divided between them: MWCRX, OSTIX and DLSNX.
FEDERAL RESERVE DUAL MANDATES... a) Maximum employment b) Price stability.
Short clip by dRahme: Brinker explains how Fed views these mandates
HEDGE FUND THAT TRIPLED OVER 5 YEARS....Caller Ken from Carmel had a tax question about a hedge fund that he had owned for 5 1/2 years that had tripled in value. Thanks to dRahme, beginning at 3.20 in this clip, Brinker gives Ken a lengthy and negative answer.
Thanks to dRahme: Short clip of what's coming up next week in the "Canyons of Wall Street."
=> Existing home sales
=> New home sales
=> FHFA Housing Index
=> Jobless claims number - job market continues to improve
=> Leading Economic indicators - economy gradually growing
=> Busy earnings week - examples
Bob’s third hour guest on January 22, 2017 was David Smick, author of the recently published book, “The Great Equalizer, How Main Street Capitalism Can Create An Economy for Everyone.” Mr. Smick is the Chair and CEO of Johnson Smick International, a financial advisory firm in Washington DC. A previous book by him is, “The World is Curved,” written as a response to Thomas Friedman’s book, “The World is Flat.”
As to why he wrote the book, the guest said that half of the households in this country don’t even have $500 saved for something like a car repair emergency. And, there is a distinct lack of upward mobility today, unlike previous generations who were able to climb the economic ladder. The guest cited a lack of small business start-ups for this stagnation. “Goliath always wins,” was how he summed up the state of affairs in Washington DC today where the government has been taken over by corporate capitalists.
The conversation quickly turned to the new president, Donald Trump. The guest said that he is pretty good at the “top down manipulation of CEOs.” He said exports are only 13% of our GDP but did not expand on this or make a connection back to his statement about CEOs. Bob asked, “if you were a CEO who had off shored your work force, why would you bring manufacturing back?” The guest said they’re not doing it. Then he seemed to give some reasons why some “bringing back” might happen: corporate tax relief, lower health care costs, and that some jobs might be filled by robots.
He stressed that start-ups are the “equalizer” because they create jobs here whereas job creation by US multinationals takes place mainly overseas.
There was some discussion of the border adjustment tax in lieu of a tariff. The BAT is like a Value Added Tax and is therefore more compliant with the rules set up by the World Trade Organization. He said the Trump administration loves tariffs because they make a bold political statement, but if anything along those lines takes place it will likely be a BAT. Bob asked about “a box of widgets going from Indiana to Mexico and one coming into the US from Mexico.” The BAT would have more of an effect on the price of the Mexican widgets than the US-produced widgets.
You can find all kinds of references and discussion on this border adjustment tax by Googling those three words.
Moneytalk regulars might want to take note of the guests comments about the strong dollar. He said there is $20 Trillion in dollar denominated debt all over the world. If the dollar strengthens (and he thinks this is a goal of the new administration) this could prompt some defaults in emerging market debt. As well, it could affect equities in those markets.
Bob wrapped things up at about 3:50 pm.
Honey here: Thanks FrankJ - interesting interview. I know that you lost power for a short while during that third hour. The only thing important that you missed was when Mr. Smick said that if the dollar became too strong it would create problems for the Central Bank of Europe. That could cause them to put pressure on Chair Yellen not to raise interest rates.
Now wouldn't that be a fine kettle of fish for Brinker now that for the second time, he has done an all-out push for very short duration in all bond fund holdings.
Bob Brinker said if the economy takes off we will have a whole new set of:
A. Tools.
B. Books.
C. Gremlins.
D. Golf clubs.
Bob Brinker said if the economy takes off we will have a whole new set of:
A. Tools.
B. Books.
C. Gremlins.
D. Golf clubs.
Radio Stations:
710KNUS Denver
WNTK KION 1460 Monterey
Did not mention the presidents name in his opening.
ReplyDeleteNo, he didn't MikeE. But he slammed President Trump's policies surreptitiously, like a thug hiding behind a post and throwing rocks.
After 8 obama years and 10 trillion dollars of deficit spending (doubling national debt) bob is now eager for a balanced budget.
ReplyDeleteWhere does he find these callers?
ReplyDeleteThey must be paid!
sn: Yes, and he has said several times in recent years that we shouldn't worry about the national debt. He said, paraphrased: "No country ever pays down its national debt."
ReplyDeleteHaha, my, how things change.
Bruce, Bob has always advocated for a balanced budget. If you recall he says there is the National Debt and the Annual Deficit. He has long said we need a balanced budget so we don't run up the National Debt. You're correct in that he said No country ever pays down its National Debt but we can't continue to have it grow with an Annual Deficit. So, if you have a balanced budget there is no Annual Deficit thus the National Debt can be serviced without getting out of hand. Do you get it now?
DeleteAfter 8 obama years and 10 trillion dollars of deficit spending (doubling national debt) bob is now eager for a balanced budget.
ReplyDeleteBob reminds me of Paul Krugman! Krugman has now changed his mind about his whole deficit spending platform. For 8 long years he demanded Obama and Congress have trillion-dollar spending sprees. No matter on what. Just spend, baby, spend!
Enter big spender Trump, and Krugman has suddenly done a complete 180. Why? Trump has embraced his ideas! K abandoned his economics just because a Republican has decided to agree with him. Do these people have a lick of shame?
October 2016: “Why the debt scolds should be ignored: HRC should do years of deficit financed infrastructure spending if she can.”
December 2016: “After forcing destructive fiscal austerity when economy depressed, Rs turning to stimulus when it isn’t.”
One of you BB buffs should chase down two similar quotes for BB. I personally won't listen to him that long. I'm no hero.
Bluce asked (previously)...
ReplyDeleteMad: What state do you live in?
Bluce, California (I think).
But after today I may be located somwhere in the Pacific Ocean. Standing water surrounding the house now. Been raining very hard and constant for last 3 hours. Landline has been out for the past week - supposed to have a guy come out tomorrow. If he shows up he may need a canoe.
It's all Jerry Brown's fault!
ReplyDeleteMadashell....It's unbelievable here in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Several flash flood warnings this morning in the Felton and other areas - San Lorenzo River and some others overflowing banks.
Just before the drought began, I added several new ways to pipe water off my roof and down the side of the mountain my home sits on.
Needless to say, for several years, I thought I had wasted my money. Now I am VERY thankful for them.
Mad and Honey: I'm glad all is okay so far for you.
ReplyDeleteI've lived in the same spot since 1982. In 1989 I added on and put in a basement. I never put in a sump pump because I never needed one until 2014. That year and in 2015 we had several "Hundred Year Floods."
In May 2014 (the first flood) I had to go out and buy a sump pump because my basement was filling up with water. I live on a dirt road and I had to drive over 1/4 mile in water well over one foot deep. Not being able to see the road was a bit unnerving, to say the least.
In 2015 I put in several drains around the house and my barn. Of course, they haven't had much use!
ReplyDeleteGreat foresight on your part!
One thing we can say about the weather is that it is often unpredictable. This latest (of three storms) here is a very slow-moving system and consequently has picked up tremendous amounts of moisture in its travels.
A little bit of water is so nice and comforting.
ReplyDelete- We all drink it to stay alive
- Some get too much too quickly and it kills them
- Some wallow in it
ReplyDeleteBecause New England covered the point spread I made a few bucks. Thanks Tom Brady’
One of two horses running today came in second. A fairly nice purse.
I see that MWCRX has 1% in expenses. I thought Brinker liked low expenses?
ReplyDeleteYesterday, Bob mentioned the February Marketimer will be available on February 1. He seems to do this on the last show of the month. Might he really be taking next week off? He will probably do his annual superbowl show (third hour taped calls) on February 5.
ReplyDeleteSteve in Harrisburg
ReplyDeleteBonds did very well….equities slipped, however, international equities up a bit!
Pig said:
ReplyDelete"A little bit of water is so nice and comforting.
Bacon Boy, can we correctly assume that you are featured in that "snooze" pic? Now I am of the hetero-persuasion, but I must say that you are one handsome piece-O-pork! I wish you all the best in your modeling career!
ReplyDeleteThe market did well in terms of equities! Bonds gave back yesterdays’ gains.
-- Breaking News: History: Dow hits 20,000 for the 1st time ever. It's up 1,667 points since President Trump's victory in November.
ReplyDelete-- Breaking News: History: Dow hits 20,000 for the 1st time ever. It's up 1,667 points since President Trump's victory in November.
ReplyDeleteWill 20,000 hold!
ReplyDeleteOne more time for the person who is wasting his time sending comments about President Donald Trump:
This is not a political blog.
Fast Jack in Pomona said:
ReplyDeleteMaybe Brinker only gets paid when he's on the air live. If ad revenues or listenership are down, maybe corporate doesn't want to send him a check. They just rehash with reruns to save a few bucks. Maybe that's why they select god-like worship calls, to drum up some new disciples. Seems like he's always off the Sunday before the newsletter comes out, as if he's hard at work at the sweatshop banging out his bible.
This would have made an interesting call-in question for THAT Bob:
ReplyDeleteFrom MarketWatch:
"My drug-addicted friend signed away his $800,000 inheritance to his brother — can he get it back?"
ReplyDeleteThe Dow held!
Five (5) horses racing starting Thursday!
Managing Your Fixed Income Holdings When Rates Rise
By Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Rob Williams, managing director of income planning at the Schwab Center for Financial Research, discusses interest rates, bond prices and bond ladders.
Listen to podcast
Thanks for doing this blog service.
ReplyDeleteA second (2) place finish today!
Kreskin on the Las Vegas strip says:
ReplyDeleteNASCAR is at Las Vegas Motor Speedway (LVMS) on March 12. Bob will be taking the Sunday off, as well as the helicopter taxi (not joking) so as to not mingle with the unwashed masses who fight freeway traffic for parking, etc. Not kidding, check the links and partners at LVMS website. They offer helicopter taxis for not much more than a "party bus". If I was a roundy-round geek, I'd consider it.
ReplyDeleteMicrosoft continues to outperform………thank you Bob
"I lost my shirt on your QQQ call, Bob."
ReplyDeleteGee, thanks.
Bacon Boy
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWell, the Dow stayed above 20,000! Equities lost a smidge…..while bonds gained a smidge.
Horse #2…came in 4th. Small purse…$900.
ReplyDeleteBluce....I have some inside information that our one and only "bacon boy" may be unlaxing and having an oinking-good time.
ReplyDeleteIf memory serves, you took a bite of the AAPL in the mid-$90 area?
If you still have it that was a good purchase!
Honeybee said...
ReplyDelete"Bluce....I have some inside information that our one and only "bacon boy" may be unlaxing and having an oinking-good time."
Unlaxing??? Why would bacon boy have been laxing in the first place? Pigs should never need to lax. Well, maybe some Metamucil if they are getting up in years - but nothing stronger than that!
All this "unlaxing, "delaxing," and "x-laxing" got me to wondering how Bacon Boy is actually doing. We haven't heard from him in a while.
ReplyDeleteSo I contacted him and he's down in the proverbial dumps, seems to be having some real "laxing" problems. He sent me this pik of himself.
Any advice for the poor guy?
Kreskin added:
ReplyDeleteChecked the prices for Bob's helicopter taxi from Henderson to LVMS. He'll need to jump aboard at McCarran Air Center (next to the airport) unless he has some heavy juice to get picked up at Henderson Executive. Maverick Aviation wants $550 round trip, and Grand Canyon Tours charges $600. Seems like the best way in and out after the usual late-laps crash fest. Bob's gotta get home to work on his March Madness college hoop pairings and wagers, also known as "brackets". Obama used to mention his brackets each year. BUT KRESKIN SAYS: Kyle Busch will win because he slept in his own bed the night before. Ask any traveling salesman, it makes a big difference.
"Maverick Aviation wants $550 round trip, and Grand Canyon Tours charges $600".
ReplyDeleteThat seems reasonable. That's "walking around money" for Bob. Put another way it is Chump change for Bob (with the emphasis on Chump).
Bob (not THAT Bob): Isn't that a bit disrespectful using "Chump" and (the REAL) "Bob" in the same sentence?
ReplyDeleteSo what's the schedule? Is (the REAL, LIVE) Bob supposed to be on today?
Wow, I'm "Bobbed" out.
I expect Brinker to be live today. He may have a tough time avoiding political discussion however.
ReplyDeleteJC: Still hold Apple……..a great buy! Going on 3 years!
Gabe, I'm tech challenged so I don't have any Apple products, and still have my flip phone.