STOCK MARKET....Bob Brinker said: "2012 was really a very good year for investors.....There was a lot of money to be made...The S&P 500 Index in 2012 was up over 15% in total return for the year...."
INCOME INVESTING....Brinker continued: "There was also money to be made in income investing as well....The painful place to be was in short-term investments, money market funds, cash equivalents, places like that....The rate of return in that area was very close to zero."
HISTORIC CYCLICAL BULL MARKET....Brinker comments: The cyclical bull market that we are in that started back March of 2009, now ranks as one of the nine greatest of all time. An amazing run....which has now seen the S&P Index rise more than 100%. That's only the 9th time in history that we've seen a gain in over 100% in a bull market......As we look at it right now with the S&P Index sitting in at 1486, when you compare that to the starting date back on the 9th of March, 2009, when most investors seemed to think the banks were going under and it was over, S&P, at that time, trading at the 676 level, so it's more than doubled in less than four years time."
Brinker continued: "It closed last in 2012 at 1426, having closed the prior two years, it closed out 2010 and 2011 at the 1257 level. So we had the S&P at the 1257 level at the end of 2010, also again at 2011, no change in the index that year, small dividend add-on, couple of percent. But then in 2012, the total return over 15%, index itself up 13%, plus a couple of percent dividend and finished out around 1426 in 2012. So for the ninth time on record, we have a bull market in which the S&P 500 has risen more than 100%. That is historic."
Honey EC: Brinker hammered the point that this has been an amazing three-year cyclical bull market and he said that there was "a lot of money to be made" in 2012. But if you have been a Marketimer subscriber and had actually followed Brinker's advice, did you make a lot of money in 2012? Not unless you count re-gaining your losses as "making lots of money."
Brinker's Marketimer model portfolios have been fully invested for the past ten years. Therefore, those portfolios were cut in half from the October 2007 high to March 2009 and it took three years of this cyclical bull market (until August 2012) for Brinker's Marketimer model portfolio I and II to return to the same value they were before the bear market began.
Why didn't Brinker ever mention on the air that he was happy that his followers were finally made whole from his devastating bear market blunder? In my opinion, he doesn't give full disclosure to the audience because it would become clear to the audience that, even though he's a good teacher, market-timing is not his strong suit.
TARGET MATURITY DATE BOND ETFS....Mike in Denver asked Brinker about them and said it was a new type of investment tool. Brinker didn't seem to know much about them. All he said was that being new was "scary," and he would reserve judgment until they have a chance to show how they would react if rates were increasing.
WHAT DOES DURATION MEAN TO INTEREST RATE RISK: Brinker explained the concept of duration again: "Duration is the amount of time over which the interest payments and the final return of principal are received That gives you a duration computation and the duration computation gives you an indication of the price change risk that you are taking with an investment. For instance, if you have an investment portfolio of income securities with a duration of 3, what that means is that if the average interest rate on that portfolio goes up 1%, then the net-asset-value on that portfolio is going to decline about 3%."
FISCAL CLIFF DRAMA.... Brinker said: "We told you on this program in advance that the entire drama over the fiscal cliff was just a drama. And that when all was said and done, with the exception of high-earners, the tax bracket would not change and they did not change in terms of the personal income tax brackets....The high-earners don't come in to play until they are making over $400,000 a year in taxable income."
MORE FISCAL CLIFF THINGS TO KNOW....At the beginning of the second hour, Brinker continued discussing the Fiscal Cliff. His comments summarized: The estate tax remains at $5 million, adjusted yearly for inflation, so 2013 it's $5 1/4.....Annual gift tax exclusion is now $14,000 -- twice that for a couple.....Capital gains tax basis of assets acquired from a decedent will be the fair market value of the property at the date of the decedents death....IRA charitable rollover has been re-instated for 2012 and 2013. If you are 70 1/2, you can roll over up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified charity with no Federal Income tax....A rollover made by the end of this month can be counted retroactively for the 2012 tax year....You have to check for any state ramifications....
IRA TAX CODE CHANGES: Brinker said: "The limit on IRA has increased...In 2013, you are allowed to put away up to $5,500 in your IRA. This applies to traditional IRA and to the Roth.....If you are 50 years or older, you are additional contribution of $1,000....What does IRA stand for? IRA stands for Individual Retirement Arrangement....."
DEBT CEILING MAY BE GONE AWAY FOR NOW....There is a vote scheduled for Wednesday will extend debt ceiling for three months with no demand for any spending cuts included. March 27th is the deadline for new spending cuts or the government will "shut down."
BRINKER SITTING IN VEGAS....John from a California coastal town (he didn't say where) talked about how it might decide it was worth paying the outrageous state income tax to stay in such a beautiful place near the beach, instead of being out in the desert. Brinker replied: "John, sitting here in Vegas on a day when we are looking at 65 -70 every day this week. Perfect golfing weather. Sitting here in Vegas talking to you about this right now, I'm biased, so don't ask me."
Honey EC: John laughed out loud at Brinker's reply, and so did I -- because Brinker must not realize that we here on the California coast have year-round weather like he is experiencing this week -- with a few days off for some much-needed rain to water the TREES that Vegas (and most of Nevada) does not have. Let's compare weather in July, Bob and you can tell us about the dry tumbleweed.... :)
KEY TO SAVING MONEY...Brinker's comments: Get started and save as much as you can, but make it a minimum of 10%. Follow the rules and you are on your way to the Land of Critical Mass.
HOW TO GET STARTED INVESTING: Brinker recommends John Bogle's Common Sense on Mutual Funds. It's a great way to go down the learning curve and learn a lot of fundamentals of investing. Bogle writes about the benefits of keeping expenses low with no-load mutual funds, the value of diversification and asset allocation. (See the link in the right column on this blog.)
Brinker doesn't usually pre-announce his guest speaker, but in the first hour, he announced that his third-hour guest would be a former FDIC Chair, Sheila Bair -- and said he was "very excited" about it.
Bull by the Horns: Fighting to Save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street from Itself
Caller John a pilot who lives in California mentioned the Barrett Jackson classic car auction that took place this week in Scottsdale. Bob Brinker said he had no interest in owning the Batmobile. The original Batmobile used in the TV series sold at the auction for:
A) $25,000
B) $100,000
C) $1,000,000
D) $4,200,000
ReplyDeleteI just fixed them -- and fixed the links on the sidebar too.
ReplyDeleterasputin here: So, have we learned anything new yet?
ReplyDeleteras: You can also use:
ReplyDeleteThere is a link to Chicago's MIGHTY WLS on the front page.
ReplyDeleteBob is now talking to a caller about Target Date Bond ETFs and it is apparent that Brinker has never heard of them.
ReplyDeleteHe has no idea what they are nor how they work. He says he will reserve judgement until he can study them.
He should pack it in.
How ya' doin', Honey?
ReplyDeleteWe lost one of our kitties. Nikko the Abyssinian. 15 years old. Just before Christmas. But the good news is we got a new kitty last weekend. Same bloodline. No name yet. Beautiful male Abyssinisan.
ras: Bob now talking about how sure he was that everything was gonna' be fine and dandy relative to the "Fiscal Cliff". Sheesh, he was freaking out a coupla' weeks beforehand. He was cool (sanguine, as he would say) at first, then not cool(i.e. freakin'. Now he's all cool again. Yeah, that'll work.
ReplyDeleteras: This caller has $2.7 mill and owns a vineyard. Nice. Trying to get to a 60-40 (stocks to bonds mix). Hey, that's where I am. 60-40, not 2.7.
ReplyDeleteHi Ras...I've enjoyed your comments about the program!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear that you lost a cat, but glad you got a new one.
If you will send me a picture of him, I will post it on the blog.
Ras.... LOL! Yes this woman has two "lovely properties" one with a vineyard in Santa Rosa. and (if I understood correctly) $2.7 million in investments that she wants to get to 60/40.
ReplyDeleteThose properties alone are probably worth millions.
And all of that critical mass is "thanks to you, Bob." As Chgo Bob used to say: "ROAR"!!
All due to Bob. He blushes as he wipes off the slobber and simply says, "Noblesse oblige."
ReplyDeleteHoney, send me an e-mail address through facebook. You're one of my 11 friends. And that's the truth. People laugh when I say I only have 11 friends. Of course I say, "Hey, I'm not that f-ing friendly."
ReplyDeleteRas....I think I know what your real name is on Facebook, but I'll just give my address here to be sure:
Don't know if this works. But this is the first kitty. Nikko
And this would be the new kitty. Again, no name yet so any suggestions for a boy Abyssinian would be appreciated.
Ras...Yes, they do work....Gorgeous cats! I'll post Nikko's picture when I post the summary. :)
ReplyDeleteGuggenheim investments offers those target date bond ETFs. Maybe others as well but I first heard about them looking at their stuff.
ReplyDeleteIts an easy way to build a bond ladder. Surprised Big Bob never heard of them.
-- Frankj
Kitty name:
ReplyDeleteThe kitty looks intelligent and a bit regal, since it is an Abyssinian and therefore theoretical Ethiopia in origin, how about Sudan (a border of Ethiopia)?
It sounds slight regal and masculine and has a sound a kitty will respond to and fits the theme.
Frankj here: Guggenheim not the only one, there are others offering the target date maturity ETF.
ReplyDeleteBob Brinker's guest speaker today was Sheila Bair, former FDIC Chair. Brinker was all excited, but this is what he said in 2009:
ReplyDeleteFDIC and SHEILA BAIR: Brinker said he was "stunned" by what FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair said, and felt that she was very irresponsible because (in his opinion) it is not true. Brinker quoted Bair as saying: "The FDIC insurance fund could be wiped out in 2009 unless new fees on the banks and thrift companies are raised."Brinker "guesses" they will extend the $250,000 limit on FDIC insurance beyond 2009 because they "won't want a run on the banks."
Listened to the first hour archive and thought Mr B was off his game. As Frankj noted, he was unaware of the Target Date Bond ETFs.
ReplyDeleteThe final caller stated his 401k stock market options were limited to the S&P 400 and 600 indexes so he chose the latter for more diversification. Bob found it strange that the 500 or total market were not available. He then ignored the question (Is the 600 close to the 500 in performance?) and did not explain the small cap portfolio, nor that the 400 is a mid cap fund. Given those two choices, a 50/50 split might make sense.
I will write this off due to rust from his two week, health restoring vacation.
I have some advice for caller John in California. He can have his cake and eat it too. He should buy property in Nevada and establish it as his principle residence. Keep his current home in California as a second home. Property in Nevada is still fairly cheap. He can buy a place in Henderson at a fraction of what Brinker paid during the real estate bubble. But, I suspect he might be more interested in the lake Tahoe area. He just needs to make sure that he spends less than 180 days of the year at his home in California. I wouldn't be surprised if many wealth people in California wined up doing something like this.
ReplyDelete"He should buy property in Nevada and establish it as his principle residence. Keep his current home in California as a second home"
ReplyDeleteI prefer Alaska/Hawaii homes. Your prinicpal residence is in tax-free Alaska and your winter residence is in wonderful Hawaii.
There are now direct flights between Honolulu and Anchorage.
Hi Honey; Thanks again for the post. I am in agreement with you Bob is a good teacher and as was mentioned on this blog he always reminded us of shark attacks.I also am disappointed in Bob as he didn't come clean when we hit the bear market.No one knows what THE MARKET WILL DO and Bob is among that group but failing to apologize and own up to his mistake caused a lot of hardship and him a lot of business. Bob would have been a better teacher if he said he blew it and made the wrong call. I like your cats picture I would just call him kitty as they all respond to that name..
ReplyDeleteI ran out of time last night when writing the summary and didn't cover Bob Brinker's good point about Jerry Brown and the new "outrageous" retroactive to 2008 tax on businesses in California.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia seems to survive in spite of the liberals in power here doing everything in their power (and they have it all now) to destroy it.
CALIFORNIA SCREWS SILICON VALLEY Entrepreneurs And Angels Socked With Absurd Retroactive Tax
Birdbrain wrote:
ReplyDeleteListened to the first hour archive and thought Mr B was off his game. As Frankj noted, he was unaware of the Target Date Bond ETFs.
The final caller stated his 401k stock market options were limited to the S&P 400 and 600 indexes so he chose the latter for more diversification. Bob found it strange that the 500 or total market were not available. He then ignored the question (Is the 600 close to the 500 in performance?) and did not explain the small cap portfolio, nor that the 400 is a mid cap fund. Given those two choices, a 50/50 split might make sense.
Yes, I also posted a paragraph on the Target Date Bond ETFs in the summary. Brinker was clueless, but did a great job of sounding like he was giving an answer.
Also, thanks for writing about the S&P 600 question. It's great when things that I let fall through the cracks are picked up by you guys and gals.
ReplyDeleteHawaii and Alaska would be great if you like to surf and ski. :)
ReplyDeleteThere used to be a multi-millionaire named Allan that owned almost all of Homer Alaska and also lived in Hawaii. He was a real nice guy.
I don't think he posts or reads here, noomore. :--)
Well, Mr. Pig....For the first time ever, that would make you WRONG:
ReplyDeleteAllan Coleman's Best of Breed Refugee Forums
RE: Allan Coleman's Best of Breed Refugee Forums
ReplyDeleteLOL. Thanks for the laugh!
He's clearly talking to himself. Most of the hits not his look to be the bots from the search engines. I remember he was the guy who believed Brinker's nonsense that we were in a secular bear so he bought real estate and owned almost no stocks between 2003 and 2007. He told everyone who would listen how much money he was making in real estate during the whole bubble.
Then when Bob Brinker declared that the secular bear ended "a year ago"... Allan went all into stocks just before the market peaked. He was hammered in his equities and real estate investments. I wonder if he can still afford to live in two places and play the tax dodge game with Hawaii....
Given how Allan worked to get your negative comments eliminated from the old 101 boards before they collapsed without exceptional moderation, I'd say Allan and Brinker deserve each other.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Alaska and Hawaii:
ReplyDeleteThis is VERY important to your portfolio so pay attention.
Both states have an all-time record high temperature of 100 F.
I wonder why Bob Brinker does not mention when he plans not to broadcast. One time, he became angry when a listener approached the topic I for one would like to know of his planned absences so that I may prepare not to listen if I choose .
ReplyDeleteSecondly, does anyone know of an alternate mutual fund of Vanguard that would match Double line and his other fund Metro. I would prefer to remain in Vanguard funds.I thought the Intermediate Investment grade fund was a possibility.
i do not recall bob ever mentioning the end of the secular bear mkt. when di he announce that? thanks
ReplyDeleteWow...Apple Stock is really taking a beating.
ReplyDeleteOn Moneytalk, Bob Brinker said he had owned it for a decade, and it was one of his best performers.
He has never said if he sold any of it, so your guess is as good as mine.
I think he probably sold AAPL the day after he said he owned it on National radio.
Here's the article I wrote about Brinker and AAPL in December:
Bob Brinker's Views on AAPL
Latest for Jim Roger's fans:
ReplyDeleteJim Rogers: Commodities ETFs to Benefit from Monetary Easing, Supply Issues
Mickelson: Sorry, I'll keep paying
ReplyDeleteGolf pro Mickelson walks back his provocative comments on his tax rate, but his tone about how much is fair to pay still resonates.
My hero, the Rescue Pig:
ReplyDeletePast MoneyTalk guest Alan S. Blinder might be making another appearance soon to discuss his new book, After the Music Stopped.
ReplyDeleteYes, another book about the financial crisis. Blinder is a former vice chair of the Fed.
A review by David R. Henderson in the Jan 19-20 Wall St. Journal calls it one of the best books yet about the financial crisis. The reviewer does find some fault though with some of the content.
-- Frankj
Anonymous ask...
ReplyDeletei do not recall bob ever mentioning the end of the secular bear mkt. when di he
announce that? thanks
That is a great question. It will be on the Moneytalk final exam this coming Sunday. HINT the answer can be found in this Blog.
Does anyone know why Brinker's website does not carry the Dow index? Also why he does not say when he is taking a vacation beforehand?
ReplyDelete"Does anyone know why Brinker's website does not carry the Dow index? Also why he does not say when he is taking a vacation beforehand?"
ReplyDeleteI believe Bob doesn't quote the Dow is because he believes in the much broader indexes. For instance, the total stock market index.
As for not telling us when he won't be on, I do believ that's a courtesy to his substitute so they won't be tuned out before they start.
Those are just my opinions...but they are very, very true! :)
I was sitting here in Chicago listening to WLS and started wondering what ever happened to BB. S I decided to check out Honeys site which I used to read every week. To my amazement BB is still babbling on the radio...... I stopped listening at least five years ago, maybe more, after I realized he is a total waste of time. I transitioned into trading and then into dividend investing and am D--- glad I did. I think Brinker is devastating.
ReplyDeleteStill holding APPL and happy about it.
ReplyDeleteI guess I was more fortunate. I reached critical mass.
ReplyDeleteIllinois’ credit rating downgraded; state drops to worst in the nation
ReplyDeleteIllinois’ credit rating has taken another hit. Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service downgraded the state from an “A” rating to “A-minus”, making it the worst in the country.
The New York ratings firm’s ranking means taxpayers may have to pay tens of millions of dollars more in interest when the state borrows money for roads and other projects.