Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2, 2012, Bob Brinker's Moneytalk: Summary, Excerpts and Commentary

December 2, 2012...Bob Brinker hosted Moneytalk today.......(comments welcome)

STOCK MARKET: Bob Brinker's comments today did not include any discussion of the current stock market.

Honey EC: It's been several weeks since Brinker  talked about "how great the market is doing this year." Perhaps he is silent because he doesn't want to mention that the  Nasdaq had its best November in three years -- he sold all Nasdaq holdings in Marketimer.  Here is what Brinker said on Moneytalk on November 18th:
Brinker said: "In early October, we sold all of our Nasdaq direct exposure. So that meant that we sold our mutual fund that was invested in the Nasdaq 100....That came out of model I and model II and we also extended that to QQQ shares, which are also invested in the Nasdaq 100. We also sold any QQQ shares that subscribers held. All of those share in the Nasdaq 100, whether they be in the mutual fund or in the Exchange Traded Fund were sold in early October. So they're out of there. There's no more direct Nasdaq exposure anywhere in model I or in model II or anywhere within newsletter subscriber positions. We sold them out in early October. I felt at that time, based on all that I had seen in the Nasdaq that that was an opportunity to sell that index and that's what we did." 
ECONOMY IN DUMPSTER AND INTEREST RATES....Brinker said: "Even more important than the operation twist effect is the economy.....If for any reason, the economy were to take off, that would put upside pressure on rates. Period. If the economy stays as it's been, which is slow, then the economy does not put pressure on rates......As long as the economy is in the dumpster, I don't think you are going to see much movement in rates....major movement. What's the dumpster? We're in the dumpster."

ECONOMY AND UNEMPLOYMENT.....Brinker said: "The economy is so low that we can't get unemployment down.  It's so low that under-employment is on the moon -- in the mid-teens."

BRINKER'S MARKETIMER PORTFOLIOS AND NET ASSET VALUE OF BOND FUNDS...Brinker said: "So as we speak, I'm not that concerned about the net-asset-value of a bond fund. Especially the kind of bond funds I recommend in the investment letter where we have very reasonable durations. Especially in the aggregate. When you take for example the income portfolio or you take the duration of the fixed income portion of the balanced will see they are very reasonable. So I'm not that concerned about that aspect....But if you thought the economy was going to pick up, or was picking up, then you might see some pressure on rates......That is not what we are looking at right now."

Honey EC: Brinker is right about his income portfolio. The weighted average duration of the five holdings is 2.8% and the average maturity is 4.9 years. The average yield is 3%.  He has sold all Vanguard High Yield Fund and replaced it with 25% weighting of Metro West Total Return (MWTRX).  The portfolio also contains a 25% weighting of DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund (DLTNX).

 So in my opinion, the only possible conservative fund in this portfolio is the Vanguard Ginnie Mae Fund (VFIIX).  If you check a comparison chart between the high-yield fund, DoubleLine and Metro, you will see that the high-yield fund has outperformed over the past year and six months.

INFLATION AND THE HOUSING MARKET....Brinker said: "You can't call what's going on in housing now inflation. All you're seeing in housing so far is a partial recovery of the losses of the last few years.....It's just in its early stages....If you see the economy grow rapidly, then you could start to look for inflation pressures....I think one of the reasons that you have not seen inflation pressures so far is that the economy has been so lackluster....I've been very surprise at the number of people who came out and forecast high inflation...It's been complete fiction up until this point."

NATIONAL DEBT AND DEFICIT...Brinker said: "We now owe over 16 trillion dollars in national debt and we continue to accumulate national debt at an annual rate of a trillion dollars."

FISCAL CLIFF TAX  INCREASE PREDICTIONS...Brinker said: "There are so many tax increases on the table right  now, it's hard to keep track. Let's talk about current law since nobody has any idea what's going to happen. The only thing I'm sure of is one thing -- that if all the rates go up on New Year's Day, congress will vote to lower the rates on all but the high earners in the first quarter retroactive to the beginning of the year. That's the one thing that I am certain of -- that all of the people that earn less than $200,000 taxable as individuals....$250,000 as joint filers.....all of those people, I am certain of this, my opinion, that their rates will not change....The top 2%.....I think they're going to see a tax increase above the 35% current level, up to a maximum of 39.6......It's going up. No question about that. Just like the capital gains rate is going up from 15 to 20% and then the 3.8 is added on for the high earners making it 23.8 capital gains long-term.....For high earners, get out your wallet."

Honey EC:  Two weeks ago, Brinker did a thorough review of the impending January 1st tax increases and what deductions are on the table for elimination. I transcribed what he said in the November 18th Moneytalk Summary HERE 

ESTATE TAXES... Brinker said: "We have this bizarre situation through the end of this month only....where the lifetime exemption is $5,120,000 per person. That's $10,240,000 for a married couple. But that exemption drops to $1 million on New Year's Day, and the rate above $1 million per person goes to 55% under current law."

(SOCIAL SECURITY) PAYCHECK  CUTS ....Brinker said: "There's the question, do you give everybody in the country that works a 2% pay cut up to $113,700 in taxable income next allowing the payroll tax holiday to expire on the employee portion of that tax? This is roughly 10 billion dollars a month. Almost all of that money goes into the consumer economy. What do you do about that in this type of an economy.....There is no way of prediction what will happen with that."

ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX.....Brinker said: "About 30 million additional taxpayers will be hit by the alternative minimum tax if it is not changed as part of any deal that occurs. My intention is not to cover every nook and cranny of the tax law -- it's just too much. These are the major items in my opinion subject to this discussion in Washington."

OPERATION TWIST.....Brinker said: "Operation twist is scheduled to end at the end of December, so what is the Fed going to do about it? That we will learn at the conclusion of the two day meeting this month."

FED GETS ALL THE CREDIT FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH SINCE 2008....Brinker said: "It's only because the Federal Reserve has been active that we have any growth at all in the economy. If the Federal Reserve would have taken a hike back in 2008, it would have been Teddy Ballgame right there. The Federal Reserve is the only operation in Washington doing its job.....If the fed would have checked out in 2008, it would have been Katy bar the door."

ONLY A "CERTIFIED, DOCUMENTED FOOL" CRITICIZES BEN BERNANKE...Brinker said: "The only person that would criticize Ben Bernanke would be a person who is so clueless about monetary policy and role of the Federal Reserve as to have nothing better than the lowest possible of education on the subject of economics....Anybody going after Ben Bernanke is a certified, documented fool....It's more like a comedy team if you're criticizing Ben Bernanke....If your not a comedian, you are totally ignorant and a complete fool....This is Moneytalk. "

ALL MAJOR CURRENCIES PRINTING MONEY....Brinker said: "The reality is, all of the major vendors are printing money....They're printing Euros, they're printing Yen and dollars.....It can go on until it can't go on."

WARREN RUDMAN: Brinker gave a glowing eulogy to Warren Rudman, the former Senator from New Hampshire,  claiming that he gave warnings before the 9-11 murders. He said that even though Rudman was a Republican, he was not just a "party hack for either side."  Brinker said Rudman was a war hero and actually "earned the kudo of a great American."

LAND OF CRITICAL MASS? Caller Jean from Florida asked what it means. Brinker told her the land of critical mass is when you can generate enough income from all sources, including your investments that you don't have to work -- whether or not you want to work.

TIME TO BUY MUNICIPAL BOND FUND?  Brinker said: "If rates stay the same or slide a little bit, you will do alright. But if rates go up in a municipal fund, you're going to see the net asset value depreciate.

TAKING LONG-TERM CAPITAL GAINS IN 2012.... Brinker said: "A lot of people are looking at their long-term capital gains in 2012 and wondering whether they should take them. Suppose they want to continue with a given position in a company, well there's no law against that. You are allowed to take long-term capital gain before the end of the year and pay the 15% maximum federal long-term capital gain tax rate that remains in the law books through the end of this year -- right through Monday, the 31st at the market close. You could pay that 15% and if you wanted to,  recreate your position.....The point would be if you think those tax savings are worth realizing. Because the fact is, starting in January, if you are a high-earner, you are going to pay a 23.8%....Here's the rub, do you want to make the new capital gains tax rate retroactive to all the money that you made on  a long-term gain? That's the issue.....Do you want to give the government 23.8 when you can give them 15....And you can recreate the position."

BOB BRINKER GETS POUNDED AND TRASHED FOR BEING FISCAL CONSERVATIVE: Brinker said: "I am roundly criticized for being so conservative on fiscal matters. And that is what this program is. This is a money program. We talk about fiscal issues and money. And I've always been balanced budget oriented. Let's get toward a balanced budget if we can....We've always maintained that for 27 years on the broadcast. And I get pounded and trashed for being so conservative."

Honey EC: Does anyone know how or where Brinker is getting "pounded and trashed" for being fiscally conservative? I'd like to ask him a few questions about why he no longer talks about the stock market on Moneytalk. 

NAMES BRINKER CALLED CONGRESS TODAY: "Dysfunctional...outstandingly incompetent....fools.... joke....unbearable."

Jeffchristie's Moneytalk Final Exam Question:

Bob Brinker's position on the Federal Reserve printing money is:

A) It will stop when Ben Bernanke is replaced as Fed chairman.
B) It will stop when they run out of ink.
C) It will go on until it can't go on.
D) If something can't go on forever it will stop.

Answer: C...It can go on until it can't go on.

San Francisco, Ca. KSFO 560: 1-4pm (KSFO archives Moneytalk Free on Demand for seven days after broadcast. You can download and listen on the go.)  


  1. Kirk Lindstrom wrote:

    On Friday, Nov. 30, 2012, the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI), a New York-based independent forecasting group, released its latest readings for its proprietary Weekly Leading Index (WLI). In the latest release, ECRI's WLI rose for the second straight week.

    ECRI's website continues to say we are in a recession: "Indicators used to determine official U.S. recession dates have been falling since mid-year."

    ECRI Says Recession Began In July, Rising SPY Could Point To A Recovery Ahead

  2. "ECRI's website continues to say we are in a recession: "Indicators used to determine official U.S. recession dates have been falling since mid-year.""

    They say we've been in a recession since last July but nobody agrees with them.

    These people are quickly becoming the laughing stock of the trade. Some are saying they don't even have entertainment value anymore.

  3. Though much legitimate criticism toward Mr B has been expressed in this blog, his claim of being "pounded and trashed" for conservative fiscal policies exists only in his mind. I doubt that anyone on his show, caller or guest, ever exclaimed "You are wrong, Bob. This country needs to continue deficit spending."

    Has a national writer called him out for espousing fiscal restraint?

    No. It was simply a sad display of self importance.

    Roundly criticized? Examples, anyone?

  4. the best thing that bob did is to telool us about us saving bonds,,, I bonds,,, good investment ,, yeah he did get us out of the rydex fund,, probably because of the 2013 capital gains ,,

  5. Maybe ECRI was correct. Contraction in manufacturing:

    ISM Mfg Index contracts to 49.5

    Readings on the manufacturing sector have been bumpy and are a little bit more bumpy following the ISM's sub-50 reading of 49.5.
    This indicates monthly contraction in general business activity -- a contraction following two months of slight expansion and returning to the contraction of the three prior months.

    New orders show only fractional growth relative to October with backlog orders showing an increasingly severe draw. Inventories are down significantly in the month in what is further evidence that businesses are taking a guarded view of future demand. Employment is especially weak in this report, showing the first monthly contraction in more than three years.

    Maybe we can borrow more money and get out of this mess! LOL How well does that borrowing more work for household budgets that are in trouble?

  6. Hi Ms. H.B.
    Have a nice Holiday.

  7. Jim Rogers wrote a book about investing in China (Bull in China). That market has fallen over 60% since. Just hit a 4 year low a couple days ago - while the rest of the world has doubled - ouch.

    Rogers has been wrong on bonds for over a decade.

    Probably a good time to buy more bonds.


  8. Jim Rogers is one of those guys who rests on his past laurels. Anybody following his advice for the past few years has not done so well.

    Walter H.

  9. Walter H. said...

    "Jim Rogers is one of those guys who rests on his past laurels. Anybody following his advice for the past few years has not done so well."

    Walter the same can be said of people who followed the advice of that arrogant buffoon Bob Brinker. Over at Bob it states:

    5 years ended 12-31-2011 for all Model Portfolios:
    Portfolio I: 4%
    Portfolio II: 6%

    The numbers speak for themselves. Portfolio I had an annual return of less than 1% while Portfolio II has an annual return of just slightly over 1%. Brinker is definitely resting on his past laurels.

  10. ONLY A "CERTIFIED, DOCUMENTED FOOL" CRITICIZES BEN BERNANKE...Brinker said: "The only person that would criticize Ben Bernanke would be a person who is so clueless about monetary policy and role of the Federal Reserve as to have nothing better than the lowest possible of education on the subject of economics....Anybody going after Ben Bernanke is a certified, documented fool....It's more like a comedy team if you're criticizing Ben Bernanke....If your not a comedian, you are totally ignorant and a complete fool....This is Moneytalk."

    One person who comes to mind to me is that guy who looks like a ferret.

    Battle of the Beards

  11. The records of financial gurus like Brinker, Rogers, and Paulson (2nd bad year in a row) remind me of active mutual fund managers who have good and bad years depending on luck and whether their investment approach worked for them in a particular year. In other words, it is a crapshoot.

    The key is longevity. Stay in the game and eventually you'll be right, either for the first time, or again.

    I read Krugman only because I think I should know what the people who are wrong are saying. Without that Nobel prize he would not get as much ink in my opinion.

    My beard is scraggly like his, although when asked just now, my wife says I look like a bear.

    -- Frankj

  12. Birdbrain posted:

    "Though much legitimate criticism toward Mr B has been expressed in this blog, his claim of being "pounded and trashed" for conservative fiscal policies exists only in his mind. I doubt that anyone on his show, caller or guest, ever exclaimed "You are wrong, Bob. This country needs to continue deficit spending."

    Has a national writer called him out for espousing fiscal restraint?

    No. It was simply a sad display of self importance.

    Roundly criticized? Examples, anyone?


    EXACTLY! I have never heard anyone even be vaguely negative about Bob Brinker being fiscally conservative.

    And if he expected listeners to believe that he makes himself available on the phone, via mail or on an internet sight (as himself) for anyone to "pound and trash" him, then he must really think we are stupid.

  13. Dav....Thanks for the nice wishes. I hope the same for you!

  14. It's been several weeks since Brinker talked about "how great the market is doing this year." Perhaps he is silent because he doesn't want to mention that the Nasdaq had its best November in three years -- he sold all Nasdaq holdings in Marketimer.

    I wonder how the TIP funds are doing for baby brinker boy? They are at a historical low right now, aren't they, and he's sitting in the catnip seat again.

    Whatta brilliant newsletter writer this one is!

  15. Surprise, surprise, surprise!!

    Now that the election is over, the "reported" unemployment rate shot up like a rocket to 8.3%:

    U.S. Unadjusted Unemployment Shoots Back Up

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. unemployment, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, was 7.8% for the month of November, up significantly from 7.0% for October. Gallup's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate is 8.3%, nearly a one-point increase over October's rate.

  16. "It's been several weeks since Brinker talked about "how great the market is doing this year."

    Indeed. When was the last time you heard him talk about Intel? I just posted an article about it today: "Intel Bob Brinker's Favorite Trading Stock"

    If you remember him taking a call about Intel in the past five years and what he said, please send me an email with what he said.

    To me, it seems missing the last TWO bear markets (remember we had a 20% intraday bear last year) has left Brinker deflated and much younger people, like Jim Cramer, with more energy have taken over the airwaves while Brinker's show was cut from 6 hours a weekend to 2 hours plus an hour of interviewing a guest on less popular radio stations.

  17. Kirk,

    Bob Brinker never talks about anything that doesn't serve his goal of selling newsletters.

    He hasn't mentioned owning Microsoft or Vodafone for many years, but they are still on his recommended issues list.

    Most of the items on that list (which is off-the-record-books) are not discussed because they are all dogs -- except the big indexes like SPY, VTI or DIA.

    Suncor has basically gone nowhere since touted it on Moneytalk.

  18. Since this is the Christmas season, it would not be complete without this haunting rendition of Holy Night. Stunning!

  19. Intel is not a great buy, there are many issues including the fact investors are being given a snow job as to what is really ailing the tech giant.

  20. Sorry, Dan. I could only take about 50 seconds of that.

    But this one is wonderful by Carrie Underwood:

    O Holy Night

  21. "Sorry, Dan. I could only take about 50 seconds of that"

    Ohhhhh, too bad HB! You missed the best parts. Can that guy sing...or what!

  22. HoneyBee said, 
    "Surprise, surprise, surprise!!"
    "Now that the election is over, the "reported" unemployment rate shot up like a rocket to 8.3%".

    Any negative data that comes out for the next 6 months will be blamed on Sandy.

    POTUS, Ben, Nancy, Harry, Tim, and California's Jerry will never be blamed for anything. They are, after all, the saviors of the Middle class.

    A. U. Ric

  23. Bob Brinker claims Jeffrey Gundlach is the best bond manager in the world and uses DoubleLine Total Return Fund in a couple of his model portfolios.

    Do you trust someone this arrogant?

    Gundlach Throws Party in Building of Firm that Fired Him

  24. Since Rogers brought his tablets down from heaven to short bonds, bonds across the yield curve are up nearly 1% (in less than a freaking week). LOL.


  25. "Do you trust someone this arrogant?

    Gundlach Throws Party in Building of Firm that Fired Him"

    Your link doesn't work but Gundlach's party doesn't have anything to do with his skill as a bond manager.

    The party marked the end of a long and nasty court fight which Gundlach won and if he want's to gloat a little what?

    I would be more concerned about his views on the FED which he thinks should be abolished like that nutty Ron Paul.


  26. Lakshmann Achuthan video interview on CNBC today:

    Lakshman talks with Larry Kudlow, who knew ECRI's founder, Geoffrey H. Moore. They discuss how many of the indicators used to determine official U.S. recession dates for almost a century have now been falling since mid-year.

    ECRI Coincident Indicators Say in Recession

  27. Lakshman is about the only person who says we are in a recession right now.

    He says that hardly anybody recognizes the recession because of real-time data showing positive growth in GDP and jobs, and the lack of a recent salient shock.

    That would include most mainstream economists that I've heard or read.

    Lak is starting to make himself look silly IMO.


  28. AAR34...Bob Brinker is in the tank big time for Jeffrey Gundlach and his DoubleLine Total Return Fund, but he hammers Achuthan for saying we are in a recession. Looks like Gundlach said the same thing. Go figure?

    September 28, 2011,
    Jeffrey Gundlach: ‘We’re in a Recession Right Now’

    The country is already in a recession, according to bond manager Jeffrey Gundlach, who predicted “there’s going to be a big loss in Europe.”

    The much-watched head of Los Angeles-based DoubleLine Capital addressed a crowd of roughly 100 financiers and reporters at the New York Yacht Club this afternoon. Surrounded by miniature model yachts and clad in a red tie and grey-plaid suit, Gundlach reinforced his often dark views about the status of the U.S. economy and future for Europe.

    “We’re in a recession right now,” Gundlach said, as he reviewed a hefty deck of slides with dreary data. Statistics on the polarization of wealth in the U.S., dim headlines about sentiment in locales abroad and the European bond market were among the reasons Gundlach cited for his dour forecasts.

    Read more at WSJ

  29. UR Ric,

    I'm sure you had tongue firmly planted in cheek when you wrote those comments.

    They were published because they go to show how stupid and uneducated the slight majority of voters really are...

    This country needs a miracle or it will be bankrupt soon.

  30. Bob Brinker is always singing the song that government jobs are being cut while private sector is growing.

    You're wrong, Bob:

    ( Seventy-three percent of the new civilian jobs created in the United States over the last five months are in government, according to official data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    In June, a total of 142,415,000 people were employed in the U.S, according to the BLS, including 19,938,000 who were employed by federal, state and local governments.

    By November, according to data BLS released today, the total number of people employed had climbed to 143,262,000, an overall increase of 847,000 in the six months since June.

    In the same five-month period since June, the number of people employed by government increased by 621,000 to 20,559,000. These 621,000 new government jobs created in the last five months equal 73.3 percent of the 847,000 new jobs created overall.

    73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government


    Read more:

    FYI: I hear the govt likes to hire worthless kids that never held a real job, especially if they are stone liberal suckups. HTH
