HURRICANE SANDY: Brinker called this 900 mile wide storm "the biggest ever," the "mother of all coastal storms." The New York stock exchange was closed Monday and Tuesday.
In Brinker's opening monologue he covered all of the stimulus packages over the past four years that have failed to bring the GDP up enough to increase employment. He repeated what he had said on his Red Eye Radio guest appearance:
Brinker said: "There have been about seven programs going back to 2008. Most of them by the Fed -- a couple of them by the federal authorities. But if go back to it, the first would have been the Fed taking rates to zero in 2008. Then you had the Fed announcing QE1, followed by the big stimulus package --$787 billion -- and some of that was good stuff like the tax cuts that were thrown into it. Then you had QE2 coming in there, and then you had the second stimulus. That's the one that expires at year end, Gary and Eric. That's the one that gave you the 2% payroll tax deduction. Then you had the Operation Twist and now you have the QE3.....Will all of this stuff thrown against the wall -- traditional stimulus such as monetary and fiscal -- look at the rate of growth in GDP in 2012. We're running just a little bit south of 2% annual, which is too slow to get the unemployment rate down."STOCK MARKET: Brinker did not talk about what it has been doing or what he thinks it might do going forward. However, based on his comments on Red Eye Radio Thursday (see summary here), Brinker is becoming more cautious than he has been for some time:
Gary asked: "Should we expect a correction in the market over the next 15 to 18 months, you think?"
Brinker replied: "I think we're going to have to keep a close eye on it. .....I think that, you know, here's the thing. We make projections in real time. We are subject to change our view at any time. As we speak here, we've been fully invested in 2012. We've enjoyed the fruits of this market. But as I said at the outset, right now, we are in what I would characterize a highly vigilant state of mind with reference to going forward."
Honey EC: Brinker is still recommending "dollar-cost-average on weakness," but at the same time, he has sold all Nasdaq holdings from his Marketimer portfolios and even closed the 12 year-old trade for those who were still holding shares of QQQ he recommended buying in October 2000. He moved most of that money into Vanguard Total Return Fund (VTSMX).
BOB BRINKER'S FIXED INCOME ADVICE: In the October Marketimer, Brinker said he has now returned it to 100% fixed income holdings, but that isn't true. There is still a 10% holding in Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund (VWINX).
Honey EC: I had family obligations today so this summary is short. However, I downloaded the program from KSFO Archives and have listened to the first two hours to see if anything new was said pertaining to investing, the stock market or other points that you would want to know. Brinker's main subjects today were:
Honey EC: I had family obligations today so this summary is short. However, I downloaded the program from KSFO Archives and have listened to the first two hours to see if anything new was said pertaining to investing, the stock market or other points that you would want to know. Brinker's main subjects today were:
- National Debt (will never be paid)
- Simpson Bowles (Brinker likes it)
- Will Storm affect energy prices? (no, because energy is global)
- Japanese banks in trouble (not surprised)
- House of Representatives after election (Republicans will keep it)
- California tax increases (if Jerry Brown's propositions pass, top brackets will be over 60%)
Brinker's guest-speaker was Jonathon Fenby: Tiger Head, Snake Tails: China Today, How It Got There, and Where It Is Heading
Moneytalk on demand is available:
A) at Wal-Mart.
B) on EBay.
C) at Bob
D) at the public library.
San Francisco, Ca. KSFO 560: 1-4pm (KSFO archives Moneytalk Free on Demand for seven days after broadcast. You can download and listen on the go.)
ReplyDeleteYa mean I can't attack brinker, or da udder brinker (not that NOONE would know the difference between them from their results or published 25 years success ((===zero)) ).
Please put this thread on PAUSE again.
:--) :--) :--)
Mr. Pig,
ReplyDeleteWhen did you EVER attack Bob Brinker?
I thought they (both of them) were your best friends every. :)
Let's see if the "pause that refreshes" helped. If it didn't, I might do it again.
I didn't get cover this subject in my summary, but may go back and do that next week.
ReplyDeleteThis man, Boca Pete, has been a Bob Brinker sycophant for over a decade and he wrote this tonight:
"I have to observe that your YouTube link to "The Slinkey School of Economics" was not only hysterical, but was certainly much more profound than the Brinker denials late in the second hour of today's Moneytalk Program that tax rate reductions do not lead to increased government revenues given the past experience from the Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush administration tax rate reduction programs.
Moreover, Brinker's implied blaming of the Bush tax rate reduction program (extended in the current regime until this year-end) for the huge national debt increase under the current regime reflects extraordinary amnesia in my opinion about the source of our current economic challenges - the CREDIT COLLAPSE (which had nothing to do with tax policy!). Despite what the mainstream media and leftist current regime says, THE CREDIT COLLAPSE arose out of the huge amount of financial institution dodgy loans to unqualified borrowers resulting from the political pressure of leftist politicians pandering for votes from minorities starting in the mid-1970's forward.
It was compounded by such politicians lowering legal loan documentation standards, government threats of discrimination lawsuits against financial institutions resisting such dubious lending, government passing laws that enabled bad loan originating financial institutions to resell such bad loans (hot potatoes), laws allowing Wall Street to bundle and resell such bad loans on a Global basis, and poor government supervision of rating agencies responsible for over rating bundles of dodgy loans resold Globally.
Talk about Bernie Madoff being a criminal! The enablers of this Global Economic Disaster deserve the firing squad in my personal opinion. And the current regime wants even bigger government?
Apparently, based upon today's program, I get the sense from Brinker's comments that he still doesn't get the above, despite having interviewed numerous book authors on his very own program guest segment that explained this to him and his listeners multiple times.
JMHO, but my valuation of Brinker's commentary took a significant hit today!
Best wishes,
I found BB's comments on the various "stimulus" programs in recent years to show him to be confused at best.
ReplyDeleteHe pretty much refuted Keynesianism, yet he still embraces the basics of it -- last I knew anyway.
Of course, as in the past, when he does a 180 on anything he will bury the past and deny he ever held the previous position.
But in this case, it appears he just doesn't know what he's talking about.
Off topic, but kind of funny, if not purely hypocritical.
ReplyDeleteMs Honey, didja know that on some sites, one sewer in particular, you have been the topic of discussion for quite a few years? These people knock what you say, and what you think, and even go so far as to report when comments here are turned on or off.
It's like a live comedy routine, with instant updates, like the weather channel. (((ROAR)))
Here's the best part..........they actually mention how long you have been reviewing Brinker, and say how distasteful it is to them ( I wonder why?) while thay are doing the exact same thing for a decade or more to you.
NOOPE..............NOONE can make this crap up!
Pig said: "Here's the best part..........they actually mention how long you have been reviewing Brinker, and say how distasteful it is to them ( I wonder why?) while thay are doing the exact same thing for a decade or more to you."
ReplyDeleteMr. Pig,
Really? Still? That's hard to believe. Why "review" what I am doing? I don't sell anything. I'm no competition for Bob Brinker.
I simply report the facts on a public person who is on national radio purporting to be "America's Most Trusted Financial Advisor."
And I CERTAINLY do NOT ever insult Bob Brinker on a personal level.
I guess this person (s) don't realize that stalking and harassing a person who is NOT a public figure is a FELONY.
To the Redeye Radio comments:
ReplyDelete"We are subject to change our views at any time." Nine years and counting.
I slept soundly last night assured that Bob is "in a highly vigilant state of mind."
To Honey:
Sorry to hear that some sad individual is causing you grief. I have enjoyed your commentary concerning The Starship for years before contributing some well deserved jabs at Mr B's market timing prowess and some (mostly) lame attempts at humor. Nothing malicious or damaging. Those who do engage in such negative practices are to be pitied.
Think about it. If you are happy in life (career, family, community) you have neither the time nor inclination to harass others. The anonymity of the internet brings out some strange behavior.
ReplyDeleteFriends like you more than make up for any "grief" that sad individual causes me. For the most part, I am able to ignore him by simply deleting what he sends without reading it. It only takes a split second.
I've always been very curious about how far back you have been a blog follower. Did I know you at Suite101?
I keep getting the feeling that we were great friends in a previous "Brinker" life. You don't have to explain. A simple yes or now will suffice. :)
ReplyDeleteMs Honey, didja know that on some sites, one sewer in particular, you have been the topic of discussion for quite a few years? These people knock what you say, and what you think, and even go so far as to report when comments here are turned on or off.
Mr. Pig, the HottieBee's radiance and sensuality permeates cyberspace. the people you reference are obsessed with her and fantasize about her, but they know that they stand not a chance of gaining her favors. Hence their bitterness as they sit in their mother's basement, one hand in a bag of Fritos the other manning the keyboard as the toggle between the forum of the HottieBee and viewing each other's spycam videos of their mothers showering.
ReplyDeleteI never cease to be errr.....impressed.... with your spicy sense of humor. Luv you too....
ReplyDeleteIt really is amazing when you think about it. All you do is convey the actual record of Da Brink and yet you are constantly subjugated to these venomous attacks.
No man is abusive to women, hence you are dealing with someone or someones who are less then a man/men.
You are a mature, dignified woman of elegance and grace, that always comes through (well and hot as all heck - yummy in fact). It seems you are dealing with someone who has a mother fixation and sees you as a mature woman figure, a mommy if you will and one whose approval they can never gain. It seems pretty obvious you are dealing with a sicko, who wants his mommy's approval and instead finds his hand continually slapped for telling fibs.
Did the freakjob girlie boy have any sweet comments about me? (((ROAR)))
ReplyDeleteMr. Pig,
ReplyDeleteEveryone loves you, especially me.
That's all you need to know. :)
The Brinker Clan may be going back towards GNMAs. In the October 2012 Fixed Income Advisor (I got a copy as a result of a marketing mass mailing) it advises a mix including a VFIIX weighting of 15% (Agressive) to 30% (Conservative) while eliminating Fidelity Convertibles Securities Fund and Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund from the fixed income model portfolios entirely.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said:
ReplyDeleteThe Brinker Clan may be going back towards GNMAs. In the October 2012 Fixed Income Advisor (I got a copy as a result of a marketing mass mailing) it advises a mix including a VFIIX weighting of 15% (Agressive) to 30% (Conservative) while eliminating Fidelity Convertibles Securities Fund and Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund from the fixed income model portfolios entirely.
If Jr, eliminated the Wellesley In come Fund from HIS newsletter, this could explain where the mistake in Marketimer came from. By mistake, I mean 100% Fixed Income. Suppose Jr, actually writes up Marketimer. Maybe he mistakenly thought that since he totally eliminated that fund from HIS newsletter, he thought Dad had done the same with his. Just a thought.
As for the increase in GNMA? I know the Fed is buying mortgage- backed securities. Maybe the Brinkers think if it's good enough for the Fed, it's good enough for them. Who knows? Again, just a thought.
Regarding the Brinker Fixed Income Advisor (Jr's newsletter), Anonymous said: "(I got a copy as a result of a marketing mass mailing)"
Thanks for the info. Which issue did they send to you? Wonder why I didn't get one. LOL!!!
Jim said: "If Jr, eliminated the Wellesley In come Fund from HIS newsletter, this could explain where the mistake in Marketimer came from. By mistake, I mean 100% Fixed Income. Suppose Jr, actually writes up Marketimer. Maybe he mistakenly thought that since he totally eliminated that fund from HIS newsletter, he thought Dad had done the same with his. Just a thought.
BINGO!!!! It will be interesting to see if Bob Brinker, host of Moneytalk, corrects this error in the November issue of Marketimer.
Hopefully, I will have time this evening to do a front page article on this subject. But I wanted to wait until I was sure that the Brinker's had already published the November issue before writing it.
Although, it has been previously mentioned on this blog and they watch it like a hawk, so may have already been tipped off.
This has happened many times in the past -- his errors are written about here and he corrects them on Moneytalk and Marketimer.
Honey wrote: "This has happened many times in the past -- his errors are written about here and he corrects them on Moneytalk and Marketimer."
ReplyDeleteYou do charge for this service . . . right?
You do charge for this service . . . right?
ReplyDeleteI promise to be good...
...I promise to be good...
...I promise to be good...
TFB...Of course you are..... :)
ReplyDeleteI wish. LOL!
Regarding the Fixed Income Advi$or mass mailing I received. They sent me the October 2012 issue. I got it about the 25th of October. I guess they tried to be current, I was surprised.
ReplyDeleteI note that they cleverly user $ in Advi$or but they don't use at all in the subscription offer. How would it look: Annual $ub$cription (12 i$$ue$): $99 (foreign addre$$e$ add $10; Colorado re$ident$ add 2.9% $tate $ale$ tax)
Anonymous said: "Regarding the Fixed Income Advi$or mass mailing I received. They sent me the October 2012 issue. I got it about the 25th of October. I guess they tried to be current, I was surprised.
Would you please send me an email? I would like to ask you a question "in private."
Jim said:
ReplyDelete"If Jr, eliminated the Wellesley In come Fund from HIS newsletter, this could explain where the mistake in Marketimer came from. By mistake, I mean 100% Fixed Income. Suppose Jr, actually writes up Marketimer. Maybe he mistakenly thought that since he totally eliminated that fund from HIS newsletter, he thought Dad had done the same with his. Just a thought.
As for the increase in GNMA? I know the Fed is buying mortgage- backed securities. Maybe the Brinkers think if it's good enough for the Fed, it's good enough for them. Who knows? Again, just a thought."
You are, as usual, quite prescient about the Brinker's.
Here is the "mistake" you referred to that likely shows that Bobby Jr writes Marketimer as well as his own newsletter: Marketimer, October, 2012, Page 7, Paragraph 1: "On October 9 this portfolio will return toa 100% weigthing in fixed-income securities."
As of October 9th, 2012, THE SAME DAY THAT MARKETIMER MADE PORTFOLIO CHANGES, Bobby Jr made similar changes in his newsletter.
As you "suggested" Bobby Jr. eliminated ALL holdings for Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund, but Marketimer left a 10% holding of it in the "income fund."
No doubt, Bobby Jr is the one who also said Marketimer model portfolio II totaled 105%.
My conclusion: The Brinker's sell two newsletter with very similar recommendations, both written by Bobby Jr. Game, set and match.