STOCK MARKET....Brinker said: "The individual investor is making out like a bandit. The S&P has ridden up into the mid-1400s. We have a double digit gain on the books. Investors are doing great....."
LOVE, ERRR..POLITICS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.... Brinker said: "Politics hasn't played much of a part in this....Anybody that has made investment decisions based on politics, what are they doing? They are sitting around earning next to nothing. I don't think you can make investment decisions solely on politics....Don't ever let your politics skew your investment approach.....And remember the S&P 500 hasn't gone up because of who's in the White House. The S&P 500 doesn't care who's in the White House. Index has gone up because corporate earnings have gone up.....And that's the key, with low inflation, low interest rates, rising corporate earnings. That's what's given you this great stock market run. And to those Moneytalk listeners who've been fully invested during this run, congratulations to you."
Honey EC: Brinker's Marketimer model portfolios are fully invested, as they have been for over nine years. As usual, he is recommending dollar-cost-averaging "on weakness" for new money. Brinker said he "wouldn't be surprised" to see Marketimer's projected 1.5% to 2.5% real growth forecast "remain intact through next year," but would adjust if the economic outlook changes.
ETFS ARE MUTUAL FUNDS....Brinker said: "An ETF is a mutual fund. Why people try to separate them, I don't know."
Honey EC: There has been a lot of comparisons done between ETFs and mutual funds. Here is a Seeking Alpha author who does an analysis.
WILL THEY PATCH THE AMT? Brinker said: "I'm going to make a guess on this because I have no way of knowing. My guess is that they will try to patch it. Now whether it passes, I can't tell you because we have a dysfunctional congress....I think there will be an attempt to put a patch on the Alternative Minimum Tax again this year, and then it will come up for a vote."
QE3 and VANGUARD GINNIE MAE FUND (VFIIX)....Caller Rob from Portland asked Brinker how QE3 would affect Ginnie Mae Funds. Brinker replied: "Ginnie Maes are mortgages. This is a program to mortgage securities. Ginnie Maes are the highest quality mortgage securities of all.....The bottom line is if the Fed is in there buying $10 billion a week, roughly, of mortgage securities, that creates demand for existing mortgage securities. And if you own them, you like people buying them.....So this is a positive for mortgage securities, including Ginnie Maes."
QE3 IS OPEN-ENDED PURCHASE OF MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES....Brinker said: "The big news of the week came Thursday when the Federal Reserve announced it will expand its holdings of long-term mortgage back securities with open-ended purchases on a monthly basis and an indefinite term of $40 billion a month. This is being called QE3, the third round of Quantative Easing, but the difference this time, it's open ended. It's going to remain in force until it's changed.....The Federal Reserve is interested in creating jobs and providing liquidity, but also supporting the housing market with low mortgage rates....
HOUSING MARKET....Brinker said: "Long-term rates are now down under 4%. This is one of the reasons we have been seeing a better tone in the housing market."
FED CREATE NEW JOBS? Brinker said: "The Fed chair says quote, 'we are looking for ongoing sustained improvement in the labor market. There's not a specific number we have in mind, but what we've seen in the past six months is not it.' unquote. Unemployment has been above 8% since February of 2009, and the Fed Chair has called this a 'great concern.' The Fed will continue to hold rates near the zero level, and they state now they'll do it at least through the middle of 2015. But we all know that that is a movable feast....If the economy should pick up steam and cause inflation worries, the Fed would be forced to take another look at that. But right now, they are taking an aggressive stand with regard to monetary policy....."
Honey EC: At the risk of sounding sarcastic, when did the Federal Reserve take over the whole United States economy, including creating jobs and managing the housing market? That's a lot of power in the hands of an un-elected group of people with one man at the top. What happened to free markets?
ACTUAL JOBS GROWTH....Brinker continued: "The focus on jobs growth is understandable. Net jobs growth in August 96,000 -- July 141,000. So while congress twiddles and diddles and blathers, the Federal Reserve is taking action."
FED ACTION TO SPUR ECONOMIC GROWTH.....Brinker continued: "In fact the Fed said, quote, 'The committee is concerned that without further policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions.'"
WHAT TO EXPECT FOR UNEMPLOYMENT....Brinker continued: "And by the way, they are not expecting unemployment to get down into the 6 to 6.8% range until 2015. Which gives you some idea what the Fed is looking for in terms of the unemployment situation."
POLITICIANS SHOULD STAY OUT OF MONETARY POLICY....Brinker said: "We need the politicians to stay out of the serious business of monetary policy.....In this country, we have already given the politicians in Washington full responsibility to manage the nation's fiscal affairs.....Congress appropriates all the money....Now we all know what's happened. They've turned the fiscal situation into a national train wreck. Now imagine the gall of these same politicians who want to interfere with monetary policy which they basically know nothing about."
LET ME KISS YOUR RING, BEN.... Brinker continued: "So we can be grateful that we have an outstanding Federal Reserve Chairman in Ben Bernanke. And all the credit goes to those who have appointed him....and that starts with George W. Bush. The finest appointment of the Bush Administration and the original appointment several years ago. Because of Bernanke's work on the Federal Reserve, that's a major reason that we have seen some growth in the economy in recent years..... I think he's one of finest chairs that we've ever had....I think he's elevated himself in the past three years to rank right up there with Paul Volcker."
BEN COULD HAVE TAKEN EASY WAY OUT....Brinker continued: "Ben Bernanke could have take the easy way out this week. He could have waited until the December Federal Open Market Committee meeting after the election to announce QE3. It would have been easy to do. Unlike many in Washington who dither and blather incessantly while they ignore the problems and do nothing about them. Bernanke announce QE3 just seven weeks before the general election because he thinks the economy needs further action. He knows congress is a do-nothing congress. If Bernanke have waited until December, he would have avoided all of the political grandstanding going on out there.....The reality is Bernanke, who was appointed by George W. Bush.....there's no evidence that he favors either political party. Never has been......By the way, Bernanke said the Federal Reserve did not take into account the upcoming presidential election when it made its meeting decision....."
Honey EC: In all of Brinker's enthusiasm above, he completely disputes what he said last week. Last week, as it shows in my September 9th summary, he said QE3 would likely do very little for the economy. And he said that if Bernanke waited until December to do more easing that would indicate a political move. Now Brinker is all excited about how Bernanke will single-handedly save the economy, housing market and create jobs -- and how waiting to December would have been the "easy way."
WHEN WILL QE3 END? Caller Mike from Littleton, Colorado (Home of Marketimer and BB Jr's newsletter) asked when Bernanke might start and then stop buying mortgage bonds. Brinker replied: "He's going to start buying bonds this month......He's been very specific about stopping it. He says he will stop it when he sees the economy where he wants to see it.....and the employment conditions sufficient to curtail the program....As it stands right now, the program has no end date.....He has been ordered by the United States Congress, his mandate includes low inflation, we have that, and maximize employment. We don't have that."
EXACTLY WHAT WILL THE FED BE BUYING? Brinker said: "He hasn't told us exactly which ones (Fannies, Freddies, Ginnies) he will buy, but we do know he will buy Mortgage Backed Securities for now with this new money.....Remember there is already a program in force where he is buying Treasuries. That's at a rate of $45 billion a month, and that one expires at year end."
ECONOMIC GROWTH AFFECTED BY DEFICIT....Brinker said: "There are many powerful forces that enter into the course of the economy, not the least of which is our $16 trillion dollar deficit. Because eventually, that could lead to a huge interest cost. It's not right now because of the low rates."
Honey EC: Brinker misspoke. He meant the $16 trillion national debt. The yearly deficit is over a $trillion.
FISCAL CLIFF TAX WOULD BE BIGGEST IN WORLD HISTORY....Brinker said: "We've talked about the fiscal cliff becuase it's a big deal, and getting closer and closer. If it were to happen on New Year's Day, it would be by far, the largest tax increase in the history of the world. In fact, it would be so big, about a $500 billion dollar tax increase, that there wouldn't even be a close second in the history of the world. That's because there are so many taxes scheduled to go up. All of the tax breaks, all of the tax brackets are scheduled to rise in January. Everybody that pays taxes will be paying a higher percentage of their income."
Honey EC: Brinker again reviews all of the scheduled increases in the second hour opening monologue. You can listen or download the program at KSFO -- see the link below.
CHANCES OF TAXES GOING UP FOR ANYONE BUT HIGH EARNERS IS SLIM AND NONE...Joey from Texas whose income was $85,000, asked if he should make some portfolio changes based on the upcoming fiscal cliff. Brinker replied: "You are not subject to the new 90 points Medicare payroll tax, which is uncapped. You also are not subject to the new Medicare tax on capital gains, dividends and rents and royalties and passive income because you need to make over $250,000 to be subject to that.....The only thing you have to worry about in terms of income would be if all of the tax rates goes up and no deal is made to keep them down for everybody but the high-earners. And I would say that the chances of that happening are slim and none.....I would defer to next year if you can, and I'll tell you why. It looks like your rate will be the same."
BRINKER'S MOST SURPRISING QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Next time around they (Democrats) might look to Hilary Clinton if she's available and willing....She would be a strong candidate for president, in my opinion."
POLITICS....Honey sez: Even though Brinker got on his soapbox about how politics have nothing to do with the stock market or investing, he devoted a lion's share of today's program to talking politics. I won't waste my time and bore you by covering his views again. He still claims to be non-partisan. I flat out don't believe him. If he believes that, he's either delusional or using his "money talk" program to demagogue. Or a third possibility is that he simply wants to sell newsletters rather than actually give investing advice on the broadcast, so he's just filling time while callers praise him for critical mass. Oh, and there's one more possibility -- that is, he's retired on the job. :)
Jeffchristie's Moneytalk Final Exam Question:
Which one of the following best describes Bob Brinker's feelings toward Ben Bernanke?
A) Bob agrees with the state senator who called him a traitor.
B) Bob is upset that Ben Bernanke has refused to be a guest on Moneytalk. Bob thinks he doesn't want to appear because he is afraid of his tough questions.
C) Bob thinks Bernanke is one of the best Fed chairman and the best appointment George W Bush made.
D) Bob Brinker feels he is smarter than Ben Bernanke because his SAT score was much higher than Bernanke's.
(Answer: "C")
Brinker's guest-speaker today was Jason Kelly: The New Tycoons: Inside the Trillion Dollar Private Equity Industry That Owns Everything (Bloomberg)
San Francisco, Ca. KSFO 560: 1-4pm (KSFO archives Moneytalk Free on Demand for seven days after broadcast. You can download and listen on the go.)
Calling Bob Brinker non-partisan is like calling Bill O'Reilly an independent or Bernie Sanders an independent
Newark CA
"So we can be grateful that we have an outstanding Federal Reserve Chairman in Ben Bernanke. And all the credit goes to those who have appointed him....and that starts with George W. Bush.
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney says Bernake is no good and would not re-appoint him. So I guess Mitt disagrees with Brinker and Bush.
Frankj: BB is probably happy that the Fed acted now, because that gives a bump to the market NOW, vs. waiting until their next meeting later in the year.
ReplyDeleteIt makes sense that he'd applaud any activity that would boost the 2012 returns of his newsletter portfolios.
Brinker has made enough money for his family by lending them his name to use for the newsletters that they are also above critical mass and generations of little Brinkers are probably well set as well with money properly put in a trust. The kids and their kids can either manage the newsletters for income or manage the trust for nice trustee fees and be set for life and not worry the economy is ruined by excessive spending and debt for anyone working for a living.
ReplyDeleteBrinker and his family are well above "the 1%" so they are set for generations unless they actually take his advice to buy QQQ and TEFQX or buy more than the one Lake Las Vegas condo at the top like Sr did.... I think QQQ and TEFQX were Bobby Jr's idea as he tried to take over Marketimer when Bob Sr. wanted to retire.... They went down in flames so Bob Sr. gave "junior" a fixed income letter where he couldn't do as much damage to the name. All in my HUMBLE opinion, of course.
Bob mentioned that QE3 is a positive for GNMA funds in terms of demand for the holdings in the fund. That should maintain a floor under NAV.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Bob completely neglected to discuss other important factors such as mortgage refinancing which is a big negative for GNMA Securities. Mortgage prepayments are a well known problem for these funds if rates drop.
The fund is forced to reinvest in lower yielding securities and the dividend payout will decline. Over time the income stream is the largest component of total return.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your accurate analysis of Bob Brinker. The facts are documented to back up most of what you have said.
All that I would add is that Brinker often talks about how much money can be given away without tax consequences.
In my opinion, Brinker is giving the max to his "young sprouts," and his not so young sprouts, as well. The Jr Brinker is now in his mid-40's.
As you said, the name was leveraged into a fortune by the son, who seems to make an effort to be mistaken for the talk show host.
I was LOL with BB's shameless support for "The Bernank."
ReplyDeleteBob, obviously a Keynesian, also supports the failed idea that a man (or men, as the case may be), well-groomed, in a nice suit and plenty of sheepskins can successfully determine and set the cost of money for a sixteen trillion dollar economy.
Earth to Bob! Central planning was shown to be unworkable when the Soviet Union collapsed over 20 years ago!
>>>Honey EC: ... That's a lot of power in the hands of an un-elected group of people with one man at the top.
ReplyDeleteAlthough Fed is an un-elected body, it's created by Congress. Our elected officials chose and approved Fed BB, who has congressional mandate to keep unemployment low and inflation at bay. While QE3 may not be perfect, is sort of "insanity" -- by Einstein definition as doing the same thing and expecting different result, I can understand Fed BB can't stand idle and risk re-recession. He's got to act while the responsible body refuses to. He may just want to buy time while "our" representatives are back to work for the interest of common American people. "Our" representatives have the fiscal power to help, but refuse to exercise -- recall the Congress super committee were unable to agree on how to cut $1.2 trillion in government spending -- thus let country face so-called fiscal cliff.
BB action reflects American spirit as Winston Churchill observed, "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing—after they’ve tried everything else."
"Earth to Bob! Central planning was shown to be unworkable when the Soviet Union collapsed over 20 years ago!"
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think the Federal Reserve Board should do Bluce? Or are you one of those Ron Paul types who want to abolish the Fed altogether?
I think you should read a little about booms and panics before the Fed was established.
I was thinking the same thing if Mortgage rates go down, that is not good for GNMAs, people will refinance duh!!!
Newark, CA
If you want to know what happens without a Federal Reserve, (The Fed was established in 1913 after a series of financial panics like 1907) you only have to look no further than Europe to see what happens with no central banking authority that has any power. If there were a central banking authority and a fiscal union, the Euro would not be in crisis mode. The Fed gave stability to our currency. These nuts who think there should be no federal reserve are crazy ( is that redundant?)
ReplyDeleteThat said QE3 is insanity, and hurts the middle class more as the likely outcome will be inflation.
Newark, CA
Fed's Lockhart: Inflation risk from QE3 'remote'
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - There is only a "remote" risk of an outbreak of inflation as a result of the Federal Reserve's third round of asset purchases, said Dennis Lockhart, the president of the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank on Thursday. Lockhart voted in favor of QE3 last week. His views are seen as close to the center of Fed policymakers. After a speech in Kansas City, Lockhart told reporters that he decided more asset purchases would help the economy, according to Reuters. He said the risks associated with the purchases were not severe and were manageable.
Atlanta Fed is liberal. I would feel far more comfortable with the St Louis Fed, though I think they were okay with QE3 also (though I do not know). St Louis Fed has always had a very strong anti-inflation stance ala Volker.
My understanding is that all the money manipulation is devaluing the dollar. It explains why the price of gas and gold have soared.
ReplyDelete"My understanding is that all the money manipulation is devaluing the dollar. It explains why the price of gas and gold have soared."
ReplyDeleteWhat does that mean? Who is "manipulating" the money and how are they doing it?
Bill Gross has some advice that Bob Brinker likely would not agree with:
ReplyDeleteBill Gross, the famed money manager behind the $274 billion Pimco Total Return Fund, did some hard selling today, saying the time is ripe for investors to dump popular bond ETFs and simply go for the best; namely, the $2.7 billion Pimco Total Return ETF (NYSEArca: BOND) he himself manages.
Specifically singling out hugely popular exchange-traded funds such as the Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (NYSEArca: BND) and the iShares Barclays Aggregate Bond Fund (NYSEArca: AGG), Gross told attendees of IndexUniverse’s Inside Fixed Income conference that he and his team at Pimco watch BOND, AGG and BND obsessively, and that the better of the three funds is clear.
“If you have clients in BND or AGG, get them over [to BOND],” Gross told the audience of financial advisors. “I don't care about the fees. Just bring them over because you'll be helping them out. I can't guarantee it … but I think it's a pretty good bet.”
Gross was referring to BOND’s relatively pricey expense ratio relative to the Vanguard and iShares ETFs he singled out. BOND costs 0.55 percent a year, while iShares’ AGG and Vanguard's BND cost 0.20 percent and 0.10 percent, respectively.
He said beating indexed bond funds is still achievable, but the task is growing harder as BOND grows bigger. The fund, which launched on March 1, 2012, is the second-fastest-growing ETF in history, after the SPDR Gold Shares (NYSEArca: GLD), the $74 billion physical gold ETF.
Gross highlighted how BOND is not constrained to index rules like BND and AGG.
“So AGG and BND basically have to buy 40 percent Treasurys and the Treasurys yield 90 basis points. I look at the numbers compulsively, like I told you, and I see the volume and the total capitalization of $15 billion here and $15 billion there, and then I look at $2.7 billion of BOND, and even though it's a raging success, I say, 'Are these people crazy?’ Where is this $30 billion and why isn't it immediately being transferred into BOND? Their universe is basically a 40 percent Treasurys universe yielding 90 basis points. You can't produce return out of that type of yield.”
You can read the rest of the article here
I guarantee that Bob Brinker will NOT talk about this next Sunday:
ReplyDeleteSchwab Cuts Fees On All Its ETFs
By Olly Ludwig | September 21, 2012
(Developing ...)
Charles Schwab, the discount broker known for its low-cost ETFs, took the battle in fees to its arch rival Vanguard by cutting prices on all 15 of its ETFs ranging from 25 percent to 60 percent, resulting in each of the ETFs being cheapest in their respective Lipper categories.
As an example, the Schwab U.S. Broad Market (NYSEArca: SCHB) will now cost 0.04 percent, compared with its previous expense ratio of 0.06 percent.
"We're not going to stop here," Walt Bettinger, president and chief executive officer of San Francisco-based Charles Schwab, said in a monthly telephone conference with journalists and financial advisors. He stressed the price cuts weren't a temporary measure.
“It’s good for them and it’s good for Schwab,” Bettinger said in response to a Schwab colleague as to whether the company was making money on its ETFs. “What we’re doing today for investors is great.”
The move raises the bar on Vanguard, whose whole reputation rests on its low-costs funds. What Vanguard chooses to do remains to be seen. It’s clear that Schwab’s low-cost strategy is working every bit as well as it is for Vanguard. Schwab, which launched its first ETFs in November 2009, had $6.33 billion in 15 separate ETF assets as of Sept. 20, 2012, according to data compiled by IndexUniverse.
Read more
Thank you for the sensible critique. Me & my cousin were just preparing to do some research on this. We got a book from our local library but I think I learned better from this post. I’m very glad to see such great info being shared freely out there…
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ReplyDeleteIf I did, you can bet your last dollar that I would not be promoting companies that are for islamic shariah law.
Much as I appreciate all of you clicking on the ads (that is the only compensation I get for the work I do here), I would prefer you NOT click on those ads.
Personally, I have not seen them. If someone would send me a link to one, I would appreciate since I cannot click on ads on my blog.
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