Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16, 2012, Bob Brinker's Replacement for Vanguard High-Yield Fund

August 16, 2012....In May 2011, Bob Brinker added Doubleline Total Return Fund (DLTNX) to his Marketimer income portfolio.  On Moneytalk, Bob Brinker has called Jeffrey Gundlach the most talented bond fund manager in the world.

In June 2012, Vanguard closed their high-yield (VWEHX)  fund to new investors. (Those who own the fund can add to their holdings.) That same month Brinker  recommended Metro West Total Return Bond Fund (MWTRX) as a substitute for those who cannot purchase Vanguard's high-yield fund in his income portfolio.

Let's take a quick look at how these three funds have stacked up over the past year. Looks like DoubleLine, even though it is by far the most risky and less diversified of the three funds, has lagged the others.

Metro is not a typical high-yield fund. It holds a lot of Treauries and Fannie and Freddy. It is  not keeping up with Vanguard Fund  and it pays about 2.5% less dividends.

It seems to me like different subscribers to Brinker's newsletter will have different returns in the income portfolio. Not that it matters to him, he will continue to rate the portfolio with Vanguard High-yield fund -- and this portfolio is not part of his official performance record.


  1. It seems to me like different subscribers to Brinker's newsletter will have different returns in the income portfolio. Not that it matters to him,...

    It doesn't matter to Bob because neither one of them created the newsletter, the government and Obama did it. They didn't do it or build it.

  2. Mr. Pig,

    I'm sure that the Bob Brinker's will be very glad to know that. LOL!

    However, I have to agree with Obama when it comes to the Junior Bob Brinker. He did not build his business, his father's name built his business.

  3. Yikes! Facebook is still dropping -- getting close to $19.

    Yahoo Finance

  4. Would Google and other tech firms exist with out state gov't investments in the UC university system and infrastructure? That is the nutshell of the President's reasoning.

  5. Sinclap,

    One thing that Bob Brinker and Barack Obama have in common is a parade of sycophants who put their own interpretation on what they "meant to say," or what their "line of reasoning is."

    Here is what Obama said. Watch the video:

    "You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

  6. HoneyBee, I read and watched entirely. Gov't investments in infrastructure is the driving mechanism for a healthy economy. Saying otherwise is being deluded.

  7. And saying that hard-working people, including those who have started businesses, didn't "make that happen" that someone else did it for them, is pure Marxism and straight out of Bill Ayers handbook for young inexperienced men who want to be dictator.

    Look it up. You may learn something.

  8. Honneybee, do you have a reading comprehension? You site selected quotes with out the rest of it. And than you bring up Bill Ayers, what a moron you are. You have not gotten the memo, did you? We are already a socialist country, not a efficient one yet, but in patch form.

  9. Sinclap, just like all who believe in the tenants of totalitarianism, you almost immediately resort to personal insults since you cannot justify taking away the God-given freedoms that we have enjoyed in this country since its founding.

    You show the depth of your sewer-mind as you call me names (because I disagree with you) and sing the praises of government theft.

    It's quite obvious that you disciples of Socialism think you are going to be among the "more equal pigs," as our country disintegrates into a third world hellhole.

    Or perhaps you already are a more equal pig. If you're who I think you are, then you certainly feel entitled to all the goodies that Jerry Brown has sent your way.

    Now stay the hell away from my blog and from me!

  10. Thanx for that chart Ms. H.B.
    I must admit that after the financial crisis,VWEHX has come back quite well.Have a nice weekend Ms. H. B.

  11. And than you bring up...


    I thought your wife helped you get past all those flubs? Some people are stuck on stupid and will never crawl out of the sewer by themselves without more help.

    I sure hope you don't look as DUMB as you are. (as in your latest picture)


    I DID say that.................all by meeself.


    (Yes, Ms Honey, you can post his rambling customary whimpering jag after he reads the TRUTH here.

  12. what a moron you are.

    Please refrain from calling a lady a moron. If you persist then post your name and address so I can drop by and beat the shit out of you.

    You cretins need s lesson in manners. Women are the weaker sex, you should not disparage them in such a fashion.


  13. sinclap said...

    "Honneybee, (THEIR IS ONLY ONE "N" IN HONEYBEE) do you have a reading comprehension? (NOT A COMPLETE SENTENCE) You site (SHOULD BE CITE) selected quotes with out (WITHOUT IS ONE WORD) the rest of it. And than (SHOULD BE THEN) you bring up Bill Ayers, what a moron you are. (YOUR GRAMMAR AND SPELLING INDICATES YOUR LEVEL OF INTELLIGENCE) You have not gotten the memo, did you? We are already a socialist country, not a efficient one yet, but in patch form."

    Is English your second language? You should change your name from sinclap to claptrap.

    Queen of quibble.

  14. Mr. Pig...I think that you are talking about this person who often used "then" and "than" interchangeably and incorrectly.

    He couldn't spell and used illiterate grammar. I could post a dozen examples. From Silicon Investor:

    To: Greg Luke who wrote (2159)11/20/1997 9:54:00 AM

    From: Bob Brinker, Jr. of 42807

    ".....Of course today it is Y2K compliant, back than it was not......

    -bb jr.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Note to the person complaining because I didn't post more of his insulting stuff.

    No more of it here......The garbage you started got ended by someone else. Get over it.

  17. sinclap said...

    "Would Google and other tech firms exist with out state gov't investments in the UC university system and infrastructure?"

    Yes it would exist. The cofounders of Google got their PhD's at Sanford. I believe that is a private college.

    As to government building infrastructure, they can't do anything without money that comes from taxing corporations and workers.

  18. To Queen of Quibble:

    Way to go.

    -- Frankj

  19. You're nuts HB. I didn't start ANY garbage but I just didn't like the idea of that asshole tfb threatening anybody either.

    He gets away with absolute filth but if that's what you want they go for it. That just makes two assholes.

  20. To the Anonymous who made the last post:

    Okay, now you see how difficult it is for me to know who is who because I allow "anonymous" posts and just name signing.

    I will consider making some changes. It is very simple, even if you do not want to sign up for a Google account, to click on the link that says "name/url" and enter your name up front.

    I will be thinking about these changes as time allows and get back to it later.

  21. I apologize for my post then. I didn't expect you to post it so I take back what I said about you.

    TFB not so much.

  22. This must be the Twilight Zone?

    I apologize for my post then. I didn't expect you to post it so I take back what I said about you.

    Because the post is NOW public, you decide to apologize so that you don't appear to be a rude, crude, total MORON without any class or friends?

    How am I reading your bullshit wrong?

    Get lost freak, and take your pathetic apology with you. I bet you are a freeloading Obama supporter.

    BTW, if Ms Honey posts this..........I apologise (sic) for telling the TRUTH about you. HTH, but I don't GAF

  23. Frankj --

    What the h*** kind of screen name is "sinclap?" (Palcnis spelled backwards?) And is sinclap the same as the recent "anonymous" who doesn't seem realize that when you hit the Enter key, you are putting it out there for all to see. Jeez.

  24. but I just didn't like the idea of that asshole tfb threatening anybody either.

    Then stop disparaging women. Historically we venerate women and mothers in this country. That is part of the endemic culture this nation's greatness was predicated upon.

    The downslide started when we stopped appreciating the sanctity of the womb and the woman as the lynchpin transmission mechanism of morality for society.

    I do not tolerate people badgering women, and yes they do deserve a good thrashing. Not so long ago men would line up to administer it to such a cretin and society was a much better place.

    the are still nice communities like that in the U.S. Bastrop Texas, many pale in VA spring to mind, Amboy and a few others. Places were young men rush to open doors for ladies, step off the sidewalk to let their seniors pass and assist the elderly as a reflex action. They also change their verbiage and monitor each other not to speak course language around ladies.

    I don't apologize. Men who are abusive to women need to be put into their place.


  25. If you own California muni-bonds or are thinking of buying them, you will want to read this article. This is NOT good news for Californians:

    by CHRISS W. STREET 18 Aug 2012, 10:24 AM PDT

    The klaxon horn went off for California municipal bondholders when Moody’s credit rating service issued a report stating that the plummeting financial condition of many California counties, cities, school districts and other government agencies will soon result in large numbers of municipal bankruptcy filings.
    Concerned about their own potential liability for providing high ratings that encouraged conservative elderly Americans to invest in risky bonds; Moody’s announced they will undertake a wide-ranging review of municipal finances because of the growing insolvencies.

    The Moody’s report comes just two days after we reported California's sales tax revenue nose-diving by over 33%. Stockbrokers have often recommended California municipal bonds as very safe investments, due to historically low default rates and relatively stable finances. But Moody's said that outlook is changing after the Chapter 9 Bankruptcy filings of Stockton, San Bernardino, and Mammoth Lakes.

    Moody’s is especially concerned with the growing attitude among many cash-strapped cities that filing bankruptcy to avoid paying bondholders is politically more advantageous than cutting spending. As a result, Moody’s will re-assess the financial condition of all California cities, which issues about 20 percent of the municipal bond volume nationwide, "to reflect the new fiscal realities and the governmental practices."

    Read more: Moodys Warns of Mass California Municipal Bankruptcies

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Darn...I see that Google doesn't let me turn off anonymous posting without requiring you to have a Google account to post.

    I don't like that. I think that if you wanted a Google account, or wanted to join this blog, you would have already done it.

    But you can still choose to post your name IN THE LINK provided so that it shows instead of "anonymous."

  28. "I do not tolerate people badgering women, and yes they do deserve a good thrashing."

    Well there you go, a good thrashing now and then does wonders for a woman just like you say.

    No badgering though, just give'em a good thrashing.


  29. "biffbamm,"

    Your post is very funny, but please abide my request to put your handle in the title. Instructions are right there for you...Thanks.

    Also, please use the same handle for all of your posts. If I suspect you are not doing that, your posts will not be published.

  30. Well there you go, a good thrashing now and then does wonders for a woman just like you say.

    Actually I find if you keep the with a baby balanced on there hip, between the baby, cooking, cleaning, baking pie and keeping themselves pretty for you, they are usually too tired to raise a fuss that would warrant a thrashing.


  31. Bob always removes funds from recommended portfolios when they close to new investors. Nothing new here. One could choose to keep their investment in the fund, or move it to the new one. Of course recommending a fund that isn't available for purchase is not very productive for those who aren't in the fund.


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