Friday, August 10, 2012

August 10, 2012, What Will Bob Brinker Do If the Cyclical Bull Market Gets Long-in-the-Tooth?

August 10, 2012....Bob Brinker's Moneytalk has been on the air over 26 years. During that time, Brinker's shtick has always been "stock market-timing," both on the air and in his newsletter -- Bob Brinker's Marketimer.

So how many times has he actually timed the stock market by raising cash as opposed to remaining fully invested and simply riding the market up and down like a buy-and-holder?

Surprisingly, the answer is twice.   The first time resulted in his subscribers losing out on a lot of stock market gains. A complete documentation of Brinker's timing history is posted HERE.  Brinker talked about what was actually the second and last time (year-2000)  he raised cash on the  August 5 Moneytalk show. 

In July 2012, Brinker reviewed his four timing model indicators and concluded that they were all in favorable territory.  (Brinker's four timing model indicators are: 1. Economic Outlook; 2. Monetary Policy; 3. Investor Sentiment; 4. Equity Valuations.)

As of August 2012, Brinker's Marketimer S&P target range is still "upper-1400s to lower 1500s," where he raised it to in April -- the time frame was "this year." In May, 2012, he extended the time-frame to "within the next 12 months." Now it is simply "going forward." 

So the question is, will Brinker call an end to this cyclical bull, declare a cyclical bear and raise cash?  In the August issue of Marketimer, he dropped a couple of hints that he might. He commented: "We remain concerned that the 2012 S&P 500 Index correction of 9.9% did not produce the level of health restoration that we saw in July 2010 and September 2011." Then he recommended dollar-cost-averaging only during periods of weakness and said: "All Marketimer model portfolios remain fully invested for now." 

Here's my answer to the question above: Nope, I predict that Brinker will never again call a bear market and raise cash from his fully invested model portfolios.  Why? Because he never raises cash for 10-20% corrections and he always says never sells into weakness. So by the time the market has dropped 20%, following his own rule, it's too late to sell stock. 

Is it possible that the S&P could hit his target range and he would decide to sell all or part of his equity holdings? Yep, but consider this, when the market was near its all-time-highs of 1565 in 2007, he began predicting it would reach the mid-1600s.  And we know he raised his target range twice already this year, he could easily just raise it again if it continues to climb.  As Brinker says: "We shall know in the fullness of time." :)

FrankJ sent this picture of Hobbes before he lost two pounds. He sure looks happy to me.  Later, I will post a picture of Hobbes enjoying his svelte outdoor lifestyle along with his comments. :)


  1. You are absolutely correct.
    In reality Brinker is in the buy and hold camp

    He should just admit it instead of calling himself
    A marketeer

    In 2009 I cancelled my subscription to Marketimer after many many years.
    And BTW I took a substantial loss on the QQQ trade I guess around 2000

  2. I think Bob wil stay long on stocks and wait for the S&P to hit 1500 next year.Have a good day Ms. H. B.

  3. Interesting, Mr B a marketeer.

    Does that make Bob Sr, Bob Jr, and Mrs Bob Jr The Three Marketeers?

    I suspect Alexandre Dumas would say no.

  4. I too believe Brinker will fail to call the next bear market. He said it's getting long in the tooth, but let's look at his indicators. I don't see the Fed tightning anytime soon.I don't see rapid economic growth anytime soon. I don't see runaway inflation anytime soon. I don't see overvaluation anytime soon. So I don't see Brinker turning bearish anytime soon. So if we are long in the tooth with all his timing indicators not appearing anytime soon, he will most likely miss the moment to sell.

  5. H.B. - What will you do with yourself when he is gone and you won't have Brinker to kick around anymore?

  6. this is off topic but i must say the cost of living for those of us who need food and fuel has been going through the roof. not only that but i am very worried about social unrest in our major cities.
    when i hear our good friend tell us over and over again that inflation is very low,the hair on the back of my neck raises up.Maybe he draws a distinction between cost of living and inflation but as a grocery shopper for the last 30 years, i say the distinction is a false one!

  7. Inflation hasn't been a concern for years now. If groceries go up in some places, they go down in others but my total grocery bill has been about the same for a long time.

    I am more concerned about the low rate of interest paid on my savings than I am about the cost of living.


  8. Anon aks H.B. - What will you do with yourself when he is gone and you won't have Brinker to kick around anymore?

    More people would be interested in your answer to that question. What will you do with your worthless miserable, friendless life? Will it finally be the right thing? (not that anyone really cares)

  9. I took your suggestion and twittered neal ,, the geezer,, I asked her when the picture was taken?? 20 years ago?? I cannot stand this woman or her comments ,, go back to the desk neal and hide there,, you are boring and to block honeybee who tells the truth is really over the top,,, love u honeybee,,, buzzzzzzz

  10. they can also say the same thing when warren buffet dies ,,the trekies won't have an idol,, yo ho ho ,,, learn to invest your own money as brinker teaches,, mr pig,,,oink

  11. Anon aks H.B. - What will you do with yourself when he is gone and you won't have Brinker to kick around anymore?

    More people would be interested in your answer to that question. What will you do with your worthless miserable, friendless life? Will it finally be the right thing? (not that anyone really cares)

    Off the meds I see, Pig? Why all the anger? You and that TFB nutcase always seem le you want to beat on someone you don't even know. Seek help..

  12. Hey, "anon" who said: "Why all the anger? You and that TFB nutcase always seem le you want to beat on someone you don't even know. Seek help.."

    Now listen to this, Coward: You are the one who needs to seek help. You do not know me, but yet for some INSANE reason, you "feel the need" to beat up on me.

    I want an answer to Mr. Pig's question. When Brinker is gone: "What will you do with your worthless miserable, friendless life?"

    Will you still stalk me or will there no longer be a reason for that?

  13. Wimpy-Impy aks:
    Off the meds I see, Pig? Why all the anger?

    Projecting your worthless, irrelevant life onto others again, huh? How's that workin out for ya, along with all that Hope and Changey crap?

    It's getting worse I see. The meds usually lasted until mid-month. TSK TSK

    Can't you get 2 prescriptions, just like the 2 free cellphones and minutes that you get each and every month?


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