For the first hour and 20 minutes, Bob Brinker's Moneytalk Show was spliced together re-runs of very old programs going back to 2010. But as usual, there was no disclosure from him or the station. And there was no disclaimer stating that some of the information was no longer reliable or accurate.
For example, in the recorded opening segment, Brinker said: "Another thing we've talked about on Moneytalk over the years is Inflation Protected Securities....We include a portion of our balanced portfolio in our investment letter and our fixed income portfolio in my investment letter, we include Inflation Protected Securities in that portfolio."
Brinker sold all Inflation Protected Securities from all Marketimer portfolios in January 2011. Also note that portions of today's recordings were from back when he still used the term
"fixed income portfolio." He changed that to "income
portfolio" after it was pointed out on this blog that the Wellesley Income Fund added in January 2011 contained about 35% equities.
KEEP MINIMUM OF 30% ALLOCATED TO STOCK MARKET....Caller Dave said that he and his wife were 75 years old and only 14% in stocks, the rest was in bonds and cash. Brinker replied: "I think you're light in the equity market.....14% is a very small number.....Obviously, at your point in life, you're going to be a balanced investor....Are you going to be a balanced investor that has at least some appreciable participation in the equity market. The bottom number I would use is 30%....Here in May 2012, if I was in your shoes, I would have 30% of your money in the equity market. You can do this easily by including balanced fund.....Vanguard has a fund called Vanguard Balanced Fund that's a very simple and low-cost way to include that kind of thing inside of your portfolio."
Honey EC: Brinker does not include the Vanguard Balanced Fund in
any of his model portfolios. Instead, Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund is
in his income portfolio and his model portfolio III.
IT'S FICTION: SELL IN MAY GO AWAY - SEASONALITY Brinker said "One of the things you're going to be hearing about going forward is about the seasonality of the market. This is one of the great myths of Wall Street....The facts do not bear it out and yet people continue to promote it as though it were true even though it is not true. The seasonality that I speak of is the seasonality that the market goes down from May to October every year. Of course, this is nonsense. I wanted to share some statistics with you on this. To prove the point. If you go back about six decades middle of last century and check the S&P 500 from the beginning of May to the beginning of October, and here's what you will find. On 60% of the occasions -- 6 out of 10 basically the market is either up -- usually up or else it is even. And in only 4 out of 10 cases was it down during that time. So you see, fiction is fiction is fiction."
WILL STOCK MARKET REACT NEGATIVELY TO FRANCE GOING SOCIALIST? Caller Stan from California asked Brinker: "I was wondering what you thought the markets will do in reaction to the election today in France and Greece."
Brinker replied: "I think Greece is a lost cause, a bankrupt nation. When you are paying 20% a year on your ten year sovereign debt, you're bankrupt nation.....I am dumbfounded by the early results of the election in France.....They show that the Socialist candidate, Francois Hollande, is going to win.....For me personally, I think they have made a big mistake for their country.....I will say this so that everyone hears it clearly: This is a great day NOT to be a Frenchmen."
Honey EC: So the French want their goodies, never mind their country is going down the tubes like Greece. There are already reports that "the rich" are leaving France. Are Socialists evil or just plain stupid? Are you listening Washington and Sacramento?
Brinker then answered Stan's market question: "The US market is a function of the corporate earning power of the companies that are primarily based in the United States....The present value of today's common stocks in the United States are dependent on the future estimates of their earnings and their dividends. They are not based on who the president of France is, Stan. That would be an absurd notion to say. What you are suggesting is that the US stock market depended on who's in the president's office in France. That's ridiculous....The stability of Europe is already in doubt. This is nothing new here....Believe me, the notion that the United States stock market is going to rise or fall depending on who the president of France is -- that is not what powers the US stock market."
Honey EC: Was Brinker blowing smoke? Stock market futures can turn on a dime, but tonight they are down BIG TIME.
FED DOESN'T CARE ABOUT SAVERS....Brinker said: "The priority at the Fed is to keep the interest rates down to stimulate the economy and create jobs.....I have to tell you straight out. They are not worrying about the savers. Those of you that are trying to get the most you can safely out of the income portfolio. They're really not focusing on you. That's the reality......They have a dual mandate that congress has presented to them -- to maximize employment consistent with low inflation."
Honey EC: It's amazing how little concern there is for those who work, save and pay their bills, including mortgages. Those are the people who pay most of the freight for all the free lunches that are growing by leaps and bounds.
Brinker's guest author was Lori Andrews: I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did: Social Networks and the Death of Privacy
Moneytalk on Demand is available for FREE at KSFO 560 for seven days after broadcast.
Jeffchristie's Moneytalk Final Exam Question of the day:
Bob Brinker thinks the absolute worst investment is:
A) Commodity futures.
B) Greek bonds.
C) Whole life insurance.
D) Nevada real estate.
Okay - Kudos to DaBrink for his opening monologue.
ReplyDeleteThe more I think of it, the more I am beginning to think he is right. I believe Brinker justifies his chicanery becsue he is very clear that you should be your own financial manger and that you should not trust propel because all they want is you money. My guess is he figures if you are dumb enough to subscribe to his voodoo hocus pocus nonsense or Binky's fixed income advisor after his disclaimer then you get what you deserve because if he did not fleece you someone else would.
Heck I may become real Brinker fan if he keeps this up.
The curtain was pulled when he took a first hour call from San Francisco and mentioned KGO, which no longer broadcasts the infomercial.
ReplyDeleteNo current financial info discussed, no mention of the jobs number released last week.
Keep moving along, folks. Nothing worth listening to here.
It really is funny when all the Brinker critics are first in line to listen each week and are really disappointed when Brinker doesn't show up.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny in a sad sort of way.
What the hay?! Now here at 2:20, Bob Brinker seems to be live?!
ReplyDeleteSpoke too soon. Mr B arrives late to work, shamed by reading Honey's comments about replaying old calls.
ReplyDeleteFirst his on-air time was cut from six to three hours weekly. Has it been halved again, down to ninety minutes?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad for that caller from KGO, otherwise some of you might have decided that Honeybee needed to get a grip. LOL!!!
I tried to call the program during the re-run time and the phone rang and rang.
ReplyDeleteI tried to call the program now that Bob Brinker is on live, and get a busy signal.
Anybody got any ideas how that happened that the lines could fill up that fast? How many people even knew that the first hour and twenty minutes Bob wasn't there?
I just tuned in again and heard him take a call mentioning the French election, so he must be live now. Maybe there was a slow group of golfers playing ahead of him at the golf course earlier today.
ReplyDeleteYep, Jim....I heard a definitely "click" when he came on the air after a break twenty minutes into the second hour. He started out giving the April jobs numbers, so I knew he had arrived.
ReplyDeleteYeah, he finally showd up. Maybe he slept in today.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, I was beginning to think maybe he had reached terminal velocity on the way to critical mess, just like my portfolio.
Disillusioned Doug
Yeah, he finally showd up. Maybe he slept in today.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, I was beginning to think maybe he had reached terminal velocity on the way to critical mess, just like my portfolio.
Disillusioned Doug
Yeah, he finally showd up. Maybe he slept in today.
ReplyDeleteI think it is far more likely that as he walking into the studio he saw a little old lady who did not quite tuck her billfold in her pocket book all the way.
Crime statistics reveal that most perps do all the charging they can within in the first 90 minutes of lifting a wallet.
When Brinker spoke of seasonality in the market he only mentioned one statistic to try and prove it's nonsense. He failed to compare the numbers to the other 6 month period though. He also failed to compare the average return between the two 6 month periods. Only by looking at all of these things can one reach an accurate conclusion.
ReplyDeleteI agree with anonymous he is right on. Why criticize brinker he is bringing you info that you would not have if you didn't listen to him. I understand Bob doesn't have vanguard bal fund in his prtfolio. That doesn't mean you can not go out and buy it on your own. You are your own personal financial mgr that is what he is teaching you. The idea is to have you do your own diligence and pick your own no load funds as your own advisor that way your responsible and learning at the same time... Ease up on Bob and use him as a tool not a punching bag..
ReplyDeleteBob Brinker told caller Stan:
ReplyDelete"What you are suggesting is that the US stock market depended on who's in the president's office in France. That's ridiculous....The stability of Europe is already in doubt. This is nothing new here....Believe me, the notion that the United States stock market is going to rise or fall depending on who the president of France is -- that is not what powers the US stock market."
What worries the US market is a major bank failure in Europe. It's another Lehman Brothers only this time it is in Europe and the Fed can't bail them out. Because of counter party risk, it would have a cascading effect on other banks in Europe and the rest of the world including the US.
I read on another site that they had to sober him up with pots of coffee, and it took over an hour.
ReplyDeleteIt's probably just some disillusioned bigmouth making up a story, but one never knows.
Just a messenger............
So John,
ReplyDeleteWhy are you criticizing me for simply stating that Bob Brinker does not have any weightings of Vanguard Balanced Fund in any of his Marketimer portfolios?
Are you saying that you do not appreciate the educational purpose of this blog?
I would like to dedicate this song to Sunday's Moneytalk.
ReplyDeleteYouTube - Memorex commercial Chuck Mangione Ella Fitzgerald
Honeybee does a great service in informing her readers. Please keep up the good work. I especially appreciate comparisons with what Brinker says and what he does, as well as comparisons of today's advice with yesterday's.
ReplyDeleteBig Al
that certainly was a waste of three hours.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Big Al; your blog is much more educational that Brinker's radio show. If he uses anymore hackneyed, trite expressions I will just read your blog as listening to him is quite boring. He is even running out of interesting guests!!
Keep up the fine work of informing us as to the real facts. Most of the comments are intelligent except those paid by Brinker. LOL!!
Thank you,
After getting put through the shredder in '08 while following Bob's advice to stay fully invested, I really dug into what was going on with the markets and found out that Brinker doesn't have a clue anymore. Could be at one time he did, but IMO he's been mailing it in for several years now... sometime after '03 and before '08, when markets were placid and we couldn't tell his perspicacity was going to hell.
ReplyDeleteBye Bob. My suggestion is to use the time you have left on this earth to break par. I remember how proud you were to announce you had broken 80 in the late '90s. Who knows, maybe you've already broken par...
Frankj --
ReplyDeleteBob launched verbal rockets against the caller who dared to ask if the election of a socialist in France could have an impact on US markets. And then he brought it up again, after the call had ended.
Well, didn't BB almost beg the question with his monologue of how he disapproved of the shift from center right leadership to the socialist leadership?
Also, BB has, for a long time now, mentioned globalization on the show. My take away from this is, "everything is connected." Maybe the election will not have a lasting effect, but it was mentioned today in various news snippets in regard to the stock market activity.
"I remember how proud you were to announce you had broken 80 in the late '90s."
ReplyDeleteBroke 80? Well, big deal. Last time I was on the green I broke 80 easily. And on the 2nd hole, I did even better!
As for Bob's nose-thumbing at seasonal tendencies in the market, I think it's a bit of professional jealosy and NIH (not invented here). It works, Bob. Get over it!
The seasonal strategy is a market-timing strategy. BB uses his own model (presumably.) So he is unlikely to acknowledge that a system requiring only a calendar could give good results.
ReplyDeleteThank you to David Korn for the links.
-- Frankj
I loved how one listener was "listeing to the Mighty KGO in San Francisco!"
ReplyDeleteHow long has he been off KGO?