* Brinker remains bullish and fully invested. He expects great things going forward and has raised his S&P 500 target range twice this year.
* In the January Marketimer, Brinker wrote: "We remain positive on the stock market outlook as we expect the S&P 500 Index to rally into the low-to-mid 1400s range this year."
* In the March Marketimer, Brinker raised that level to "mid-to-upper 1400s" and he extended the time frame out to one year -- which would take it into March 2013.
* In the April Marketimer, Brinker again raised the target range but was a bit vague about the time frame. He wrote: "This P/E ratio range leads to a 2012 Index price target range in the upper 1400s to low-1500s going forward."
* In the May Marketimer, Brinker's target range remained the same, but he extended the time frame on this projection from "going forward" to "within the next 12 months." Which again, extends to May of 2013.
The stock market dropped to a three-month low today and Marketwatch is blaming
it on worries about Greece. According to Brinker that shouldn't matter. However yesterday, Brinker may have begun to lay the groundwork for another
"exogenous event," which is his fail-safe excuse for when his
"timing model©" misses another major correction or bear. (In the Moneytalk summary posted just below, Jeffchristie
covered the Jamie Dimon - JP Morgan issue that Brinker talked about
extensively yesterday.)
But when the stock market has an up week, Brinker breathless gives you all the data - then rolls into a pitch for his rag.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBut when the stock market has an up week, Brinker breathless gives you all the data - then rolls into a pitch for his rag.
And when the market goes down he still pitches his rag. At the end of each of the three hours Sunday he plugged Marketimer and Moneytalk on demand.
"At the end of each of the three hours Sunday he plugged Marketimer and Moneytalk on demand."
ReplyDeleteYou say that like it's a bad thing. The entire purpose of the program is to sell his products.
Listeners have a choice, listen or don't. I see you choose the latter every weekend. Thanks for playing.
"Listeners have a choice, listen or don't."
ReplyDeleteSo, if I don't listen then I'm a listener who doesn't actually listen. That makes perfect sense for a radio show whose host is a market timer who doesn't actually time the market.
-- Timed Out
Here is another Quack peddling phony information about heart disease. Had his license revoked but that doesn't stop him
ReplyDeleteA Skeptical Look at Dwight Lundell, M.D.
Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Dwight C. Lundell, M.D. lost medical license in 2008. Since that time he has been promoting books that clash with scientific knowledge of heart disease prevention and treatment. His book, The Great Cholesterol Lie, invites people to "forget about everything you have been told about low-fat diets, saturated fats, cholesterol and the causes of heart disease." According to The Great Cholesterol Lie Web site:
Dropping your cholesterol levels will not lower your risk of heart disease, attack, or strokes.
During his career as a cardiac surgeon, he performed over 5,000 heart operations, most of which could have been easily prevented had the patients been given the right information.
"Heart disease has a cure . . . .You can beat it without harmful medications and painful, risky surgery."
The Great Cholesterol Lie . . . is "as close to a new heart as you can get without laying on Dr. Lundell's table."
Lundell "guarantees" that the book "can turn your health around."
This article tells why I would not trust Lundell's advice.
Dr. Quack, the only problem is all your evidence does is discredit the man and not his body of work nor theories.
ReplyDeleteTo be clear I am not a rah-rah guy for Lundell but at the same time I am not a rah-rah fan of the mainstream view which at times seems anecdotal at best.
And once again I am not defending him, I just suggest people review the information available to them from a cold detached perspective. What is considered a proper practice today is often discredited tomorrow.
Take the latest view on prostrate cancer and rectal screening for men. The view now is the treatment may be worse than the disease. The view now expressed is that the detection process may create more injury than is warranted by the detection rate. A huge shift in viewpoint in only a few years.
Years ago all cholesterol was bad, now we say some is good some is bad. Things change.
Lundell may be full of it, but I would prefer a point by point critic of his work rather than of his personal habits and medical reviews. I truly doubt any physician would appreciate all the actions and investigations that have taken place over their career revealed, much less a surgeon.
For example the link posted above reveal the following tidbits:
. He...produced a book... is different than every other book... is "a riveting yet straight forward discussion that challenges public consensus, explains the reasons for the epidemic of heart disease, and provides an easy to follow guide to eliminate heart disease."
...it advocates a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, low-dose aspirin, and fish oil and conjugated linoleic acid supplements for everyone.
So let's hear a discussion about the high protein low carb diet, low dose aspirin and fish oil discussed not his medical disciplinary record.
If anyone finds a link where they critique the body of his theory please post it.
"Lundell may be full of it, but I would prefer a point by point critic of his work rather than of his personal habits and medical reviews."
ReplyDeleteI have neither the time,the inclination nor the expertise to critically review the work of every fringe nutcase writing books or post on internet blogs.
Especially one who had medical license revoked and no longer even practices.
If you like medicine as practiced by outside the mainstream unlicensed doctors this may be your guy.
I just don't have the time for Quacks.
Where is Dan with his te3chnicalanalysis. Form what I understand of what he follows it looks like an Armageddon coming for a while. What is the Dan prognosis?
ReplyDeleteEver curious,
Hey,fuzzy wabbit! Here' my prognosis, for what it's worth.
ReplyDeleteI'm 100% in cash. I went to 100%cash in April as per Sy Harding's "seasons in the sun" signal.
But then when the market became SOOOO oversold last week, I took on a very small contra-trend long position in DIAmonds. Once more the market showed me that "the trend is your friend!" I was mercifully stopped out for a small loss yesterday, and once again am 100% in cash.
I plan on staying that way throughout the generally negative seasonal period, unless I see an opportunity to go short. My portfolio is (or was until yesterday) at an all-time high and I aim to keep it that way!
Many traders focus on how much they can make on a trade. As a defensive trader, I'd rather focus on how much I could lose. Hence I always use actual or mental stops except in my mutual funds (which I turned to cash also in April).
This strategy has worked for me, though I admit it's probably not for everyone. If something works, do it! Don't listen to Brinker, me, or anyone else! We all make mistakes. We should just try to keep them at a minimum.
"This strategy has worked for me, though I admit it's probably not for everyone. If something works, do it!"
ReplyDeleteSo market timing does work for you, at least for 40 years I think I read somewhere. LOL.
I just don't agree with those people who say it can't be done and you prove otherwise. At least for me anyways.