Bob Brinker's comments paraphrased, excerpted or summarized
STOCK MARKET - STAY FULLY INVESTED: Bob said that there is only one way to be during a market like this one and that is fully invested........We are starting the final week of first quarter and the S&P 500 Index is setting at 1397. The first quarter 12-week total return is 11 1/2% -- and from the beginning of the 4th quarter, a total return of 28%.
Honey EC: Bob's current projection is for the S&P to trade in the mid-to-high 1400s this year.
DOLLAR-COST-AVERAGE AT THIS TIME: Bob said: "We've had an incredible run in the stock market. The only word that works is a melt-up, since the beginning of October.....We have a dollar-cost-average approach recommended at this time."
INTEREST RATES: Rates remain very low. There had been a blip up after rates dipped below 2%, but have receded this week. Ten year Treasury at 2.23%, an historically low rate. Two-year at 35 basis points.
GOLD IN IRAs....Bob said that gold is speculative and should never be put in an IRA.
Honey EC: Bob still has gold (GLD) on his individual issues list, but he gives no advice on how much to buy or how much to pay for it. This list is never part of his performance record. It's just a list that actually only contains three individual stocks -- Microsoft and Vodafone that have been on it for over a decade, and Suncor.
LAKSHMAN ACHUTHAN - ECRI RECESSION PREDICTION...Caller Julio from North Carolina asked Bob about the recession prediction made by the Economic Cycle Research Institute in 2011. He pointed out the fact that very recently, Lakshman was interviewed by CNN and CNBC and said that they are standing by their call for a recession.
Bob replied: "Yeah, I'm familiar with the call. I think the call was an unmitigated disaster. And I think it resulted in the fact that the market got all the way down to the 1100 area in September of 2011. I think that without that call the market would not have gone all the way down to the 1100 area. I think it would have found support higher... But I'll tell what, I think that call was part of the reason that the market went down that low. I'm very happy to say that on September 22nd, through my investment letter, I issued a buy-signal on the the 1129 level."
Honey EC: Bob basically missed a 20% bear market in September 2011, but he doesn't admit to missing a bear because on a closing basis, the S&P bottomed with a 19.4% decline. Even so, it's clear that, no matter what, Bob always has his perennial "exogenous event" to fall back on. By the way: Even though Julio said that ECRI was founded by Geoffrey Moore, its co-founder and CEO is Lakshman Achuthan. Achuthan is also their public spokesman. * Figuring Out the ECRI Recession Call
LOCAL FISCAL PROBLEMS: The latest entry is a reported audit on Long Beach, New York. -- a credit rating train-wreck because the credit rating was cut five levels in December -- related to questionable practices in terms of the receipt of funds according to a city councilman. A couple of years ago, Vallejo, California declared bankruptcy. News about Stockton, California came out this month. Stockton is on track to become the largest American city to go bankrupt. Stockton pays 30 million dollars in annual pension expense, but they have less than 70-cents on the dollar set aside for this annual expense. We should know by the end of June whether Stockton will file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy.
UNEVEN UNION NEGOTIATIONS.....Bob said: "If Stockton, California decides to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy, that would allow the city to negotiate reductions in court in its outstanding obligations.....As I've said on the broadcast, if you want to look at an uneven negotiation, look at a negotiation that involves union representatives for public workers sitting across the table from municipal representatives....Invariably, you will see a dramatic imbalance in favor of the union representatives of the public workers and that is why the situation is the way it is today.....You have the union representatives coming in armed with demands for benefits. And you have the municipal representatives not really caring that much because in a lot of ways, they don't have any reason to bring passion to the table -- they're not looking to make enemies. It's easy to just give away the store."
WILL PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PENSIONS AND BENEFITS FULLY PAY OFF? Bob said: "We've had callers on the program, you've heard many of them over the years, talk about their pension income guaranteed for the rest of their lives. Well I wonder about that because I wonder how many of those pensions are going to fully pay off 100-cents on the dollar. I have to wonder about that when I look at this situation that is unfolding."
AMERICAN AIRLINES: They are planning to start a bankruptcy court process for voiding union contracts. They are trying to cut labor costs by 1 1/4 billion dollars a year and reduce headcount by 13,000.
STAY CAREFULLY TUNED IN TO THE MUNICIPAL MARKET....Bob said: "If you are in the municipal market, you want to be very carefully tuned to fiscal situations. Firstly, you don't want to own any fiscally troubled municipal debt. And secondly, you do not want to move into a locale that has fiscal problems outstanding because they are going to come to you and raise your local taxes to solve their problems. There is every reason to get out of those locations."
Honey EC: Bob never hesitates to recommend using the library rather than buy the books that he talks about on the show. However, what's good for other authors is not good enough for Bob Brinker. He pulled all the subscriptions to Marketimer from libraries over ten years ago -- right after his tragic QQQ trade went south. There may be some exceptions where you can find Marketimer in a library because sometimes librarians get subscriptions through some avenue not affiliated with the library and provide them for patrons.
Data coming out next week:Link to full economic calendar for next week
ECONOMY - GDP: Final figure for 4th quarter this coming Thursday. Expected to be close current 3%.
INFLATION- PRICE LEVELS: Personal Consumption Expenditure price index is expected to be at 2.3% year-over-year, and the core rate 1.9%.
DURABLE GOODS: Report on Wednesday, expected to be 3% higher.
HOUSING: Case Shiller Survey of Housing comes out on Tuesday and expected to show a monthly change in housing prices of -3/10 of 1%. If so, that would bring the year-over-year change to -3.8%. There is some modest deterioration in housing prices, but certainly have leveled off.
UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CLAIMS: Estimate 350,000 -- well under the critical 400,000 for months.
A CALL FROM THE FILE OF "YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP": HUSBAND GIVES WIFE DYING INSTRUCTIONS TO DO WHATEVER BOB BRINKER SAYS: Caller Dee from Pennsylvania said: "My recently passed and left me one million dollars to invest and he told do every (sic) the Marketimer that receive and to also listen to your program. And my question is, I'm torn towards the portfolio III or the income portfolio. Which one would you suggest that I go to?"
Bob replied: "That's a very interesting question. How old are you, Dee? (63) I think I would be going to the balanced portfolio which is model III.....Now you certainly down the road may skew yourself toward the income portfolio. But for right now I'd go with the balanced portfolio, that's going to include income securities as well as investments in the stock market. As for the stock market investments, at this point, I would recommend a dollar-cost-average approach in terms of putting new money into the market."
Honey EC: Aside from the absurdity of a dying husband telling his wife to trust a radio talk show host who hawks a newsletter on the air that at times has given risky and costly advice, incredibly, Bob did not ask Dee about her net worth, sources of income, expenses or anything else. I have quoted everything she said to Bob. Bob just eagerly jumped on another opportunity to talk about his wares.
BEST BRINKER QUOTE OF THE DAY....Bob said: "Your best chance of getting taken out today is by a texter -- and boy, you are gone. I think that texters are the major menace on the highways. I see them all the time. It drives me nuts."
Honey EC: Right on, Bob. Same goes for talking on cell phones while driving. People think they are in their living room.
Bob's guest author in the third hour was Carmine Gallo: The Apple Experience: Secrets to Building Insanely Great Customer Loyalty
Here are excerpts from the books introduction:
Apple's 5 Core Principles'Now in the Palm of Your Hand!Moneytalk on Demand and to go is available for free. You can listen and download this week's Moneytalk broadcast at KSFO 560. They archive the program for seven day.
Revealing the methods behind Apple's unparalleled retail success, bestselling author Carmine Gallo explains how business leaders can use them to drive growth and profits
Rounding out his Steve Jobs/Apple trilogy, Carmine Gallo reveals the iconic brand's five steps of service that all customer-facing employees follow to engage customers in a retail setting: Approach, Probe, Present, Listen, End with a fond farewell.
bob had a man on that wrote some books on apple and what a salesman,, isn't it funny that bob announced in last weeks show he owned Apple stocks and now he is hawking Apple and the company,, what a joke,, lets all help bob get more shares,, heh heh ,, and have you noticed how he is always hawking his newsletter? yeah because his subscribers are bored ,,, another brinker sales trip
ReplyDeleteLast week I wrote that Mr B's boast of investment in Apple stock over the last decade was suspect, not realizing that he possibly meant passive ownership via a total stock market fund. Of course that would also mean that he has been and currently is an investor in Citigroup, therefore Bob Brinker Sr has watched his stake in these shares fall over 90% since 2007.
ReplyDeleteI somehow missed the segment on Moneytalk when he admitted this dreadful result. Did anyone catch it?
I didnt even know Bobbie was still on the radio=out of curiosity I searched this blog, which I used to follow, to see what was going on.
ReplyDeleteI finally realized years ago Bob was a joke and had no clue. There are so many good advisors out there that know the real financial situation and can help people make a lot of money. I was sucked into his soothing voice for years and thought he knew what was going on. Wow was I wrong.
To think that anyone would listen to Bobbie is hilarious.
Well, anonymous, it may be your opinion that listening to Bob Brinker is hilarious and lots of people agree with you.
ReplyDeleteHowever, as long as he is on the national airwaves selling snake oil market-timing I will keep a record of his show so that the truth can be found somewhere on the internet.
"There are so many good advisors out there that know the real financial situation and can help people make a lot of money."
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure. The financial highway is littered with yesterday's heros who eventually failed. Ruff, Dines, George Miller, and even Bill Gross who is still suffering from a very bad call.
I can't think of one single "financial advisor" whom I would trust to make me a lot of money.
Honey I applaud your efforts in maintaining the record on here. As I mentioned I used to follow ur site all the time and the recaps are so helpful. My only point was that listening to Bobbie is such a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteWith reference to the advisors, you absolutely do not want to follow those TV (and radio) barkers like Gross, Ruff et al. They are just selling books and mutual funds.
If you do your research you will find numerous reputable advisors that invest in dividend payers, corporates, REITs, even dividend paying gold funds etc: all excellent vehicles that can make you a lot of money.....(unlike Bobbie who never mentions this type of investment.) And by all means stay away from Ameriprize/similar types who sell commission products and annuities.
I look forward to seeing any respones.
"If you do your research you will find numerous reputable advisors that invest in dividend payers, corporates, REITs, even dividend paying gold funds etc: all excellent vehicles that can make you a lot of money....."
ReplyDeleteAnd how do they "make you a lot of money" if they don't sell you something like a newsletter, book or mutual fund?
A hot hand is a lucky hand I say.
But the total market and forget about it. Ten years later you will still be in the same place...if you are LUCKY.
I had a basic question for caller Dee. She said she inherited $1 million from her husband. What form is it currently in? He sounded like a loyal Brinker subscriber so I would expect at least part of it to be in one of Bob's portfolios unless it was from life insurance.
ReplyDeleteCarmine the third hour guset is the first guest who said he was a long time listener and a Marketimer subscriber. You can't make this stuff up.
ReplyDeleteIn general, I have had bad experiences with "advisors." I prefer to make my own mistakes.
And yes, I invest in areas that Bob Brinker seldom or never recommends.
Jeffchristie....Your point about Dee's call and Bob's answer is a good one.
ReplyDeleteBob never asked her where the money was currently parked or invested.
I think if it had been life insurance, her wording would have been different. Didn't she say that her husband "left her" a million dollars to invest?
My first questions to her would have been what is your net worth and what other investments and income do you have.
Bob did not have a clue if this was her whole income source or not.
Jeff...Yes, I have never heard a guest kissing Bob Brinker's ring like this one did.... LOL!
ReplyDeleteOne of BB's comments when describing the purpose of the radio show, is for people to learn to be their own financial managers -- a concept I completely agree with.
Therein lies the rub. He wants people to gain the knowledge to manage their own affairs, but he also advertises his newsletter... in both advertisements, and by weaving in references to his own newsletter when the occasion arises during a call.
Where is the line between being your own manager and following the recommendations of a newsletter? I don't know. I suppose you could argue that subscribing to a newsletter is simply garnering another opinion to add to the mix.
But the caller whose husband told her to do whatever BB says to do with the one million $$ does not, in my opinion, fall into the category of "being your own financial manager."
This points to the importance of the "portfolio manager spouse" making sure the other spouse is up to speed on the plan.
Okay I am putting my flame retardant bunny suit on.
ReplyDeleteIn a nutshell there is a lot of BS out there, especially in regard to investments in stocks and the common man.
Let me put it this way, the wealthy tend to view stocks as a way to monetize their businesses, as a way to get rich if they are CEOs, or simply as a way to maintain the value of their assets.
What is absent from the above list - it should be obvious, they do not view common stocks or mutual funds as a way to riches, they look at it as a way to maintain the intrinsic value of their assets.
In other words they tend to view common stocks as an instrument to preserve the wealth generated by other means. And it does that job well overall.
Food for thought…
Brinker is on the Redeye Network (formerly the Midnight trucker network) no (Monday 12am)...hawking his wares.
ReplyDeletethe brinker on the redeye network post wss by tfb
ReplyDeleteHello from a fellow Santa Cruzan.
ReplyDeleteI thought you and your readers might be interested to know this. I invested $10,000 in the QQQ fund when Bob made his call. I held onto it all this time. Yesterday, for the first time, my investment finally broke even, closing at $10,100. All things come to those who wait?
I started listening to Bob about 20 years ago. I really do feel that he empowered me to be my own personal financial manager. I read books on his recommended reading list. I moved my money to Vanguard to keep my costs down. I roughly followed his Portfolio III. I rebalanced every year. I have done well. Bob is not perfect. He is a salesman. But he does help people educate themselves, follow basic conservative principles of investing, and avoid being ripped off.
Hi Gerry,
ReplyDeleteVery nice to hear from you and thanks for sharing your history with Bob Brinker's advice.
Yes, I give Bob credit for inspiring me to become my own financial manager and teaching about keeping expenses down.
I was in the "expensive" grip of a major brokerage house that had back end loads on all the fund I was invested in when I realized how much it was costing just to own their funds.
I hope you enjoy living in the Santa Cruz area as much as I do....
ReplyDeleteWould you send me a link to that "Redeye Network" that Brinker was on?
Red Eye Radio is a talk radio program currently hosted by Eric Harley and Gary McNamara. The program is syndicated nationwide by Cumulus Media Networks and originates from WBAP in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. The show traces its history through several predecessors, beginning with Bill Mack's overnight truck show in 1969.
Someone did it for me -
I see Schwab's total bond market ETF SCHZ, is down again today while the other total bond market ETFs...BND and AGG, are UP.
ReplyDeleteI knew I didn't like Schwab.
ReplyDelete"Doctor my son swallowed my pen, what do I do?"
"Use a pencil until I get there."
Bob had a caller Sandy from Illinois who wanted a tax credit to help pay for the high price of gasoline. Bob told her that we already got a payroll tax cut. Bob should have pointed out that almost half of Americans don't pay any federal income taxes so a tax credit would do nothing for them.
ReplyDelete"Bob should have pointed out that almost half of Americans don't pay any federal income taxes so a tax credit would do nothing for them."
ReplyDeleteA lot of those people not only do not pay federal income tax but they get a negative tax back from the government in the form of earned income tax credits.
A tax credit would increase the amount they get from the government.
Jeff posted:
ReplyDeleteBob had a caller Sandy from Illinois who wanted a tax credit to help pay for the high price of gasoline.
It's coming..............
Democrats: Free Gas for Obama Voters
Enter Michigan Rep. George Darany (D-Dearborn). He has introduced Michigan House Bill 5476: a bill which would provide a gasoline subsidy for people with incomes of less than $50,000. Payable via a state income tax credit, the subsidy would work like this:
Mr. Pig said
ReplyDelete"It's coming..............
Democrats: Free Gas for Obama Voters
Enter Michigan Rep. George Darany (D-Dearborn). He has introduced Michigan House Bill 5476: a bill which would provide a gasoline subsidy for people with incomes of less than $50,000. Payable via a state income tax credit, the subsidy would work like this:"
WOW that reminds me of the Pigford settlement (No pun intended). Will you have to be black to qualify? Pigford was aimed at Black farmers who were discriminated against but as long as you were black you could file if you ever planted anything. You didn't have to be a farmer. Did Dranay get the idea for this from caller Sandy on last weeks Moneytalk?
How big is Bob Brinker's Moneytalk audience? Even if it's 1/10 of this, he has a very large pond to fish in:
ReplyDeleteCumulus Media Networks has more than 4,000 affiliate radio stations reaching 121 million listeners in the 12+ demographic each week. Programs and services include ABC News Radio, The Mark Levin Show, The Michael Baisden Show, The Huckabee Report, Imus in the Morning, The John Batchelor Show, Red Eye Radio, MoneyTalk with Bob Brinker, The Larry Kudlow Show, Radio Perez with Perez Hilton, Kidd Kraddick in the Morning,