STOCK MARKET....Friday, the Dow closed just a few points under the famous 13,000 mark. The S&P closed at 1365.74 and the Nasdaq closed at 2963.75. Bob said nothing about the stock market today. One caller mentioned that he is a Marketimer subscriber and is aware that Bob recommends dollar-cost-averaging new money right now.
February 2012 Marketimer, Bob Brinker wrote: "Given the substantial increase in stock prices that has occurred in recent months, we prefer a dollar-cost-average approach for new stock market investing at this time. All Marketimer model portfolios remain fully invested."Honey EC: Yes, Bob's model portfolios have been fully invested for nine years now -- since March 11, 2003 when he returned what was left of the 65% cash reserves back to the market. At that same time, Bob added Vanguard Total Stock Market Fund (VTSMX), and changed the majority of the weightings in his model portfolios from managed funds to index funds.
INTEREST RATES, BOND FUNDS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT...Caller Paul asked Bob if he should dollar-cost-average money that he wanted to put into the bond market. Bob said: "I think there is the risk down the road of normalization of interest rates...The question is when......If you see normalization of interest rates, then you are going to see a decline in bond funds....It can be completely avoided by putting together a ladder of fully insured FDIC certificates of deposit."
GOLD AND SILVER, PRECIOUS METALS MARKET...Caller Marty form Rochester asked Bob about silver. Bob said: "I view silver as a speculation....It's going to simply depend on how popular silver is in the marketplace. We first mentioned silver on the program last year. It was trading around $27 at the time -- through the Exchange Traded Fund, which as far as I'm concerned is the only way that you would have any silver....The symbol on that fund is SLV.....Now trading in the low $30s, it's done pretty well....From my point of view, if you're going to speculate in precious metals, I would prefer to use GLD. That would be my first choice. The GLD shares, which are backed by gold bullion, a very inexpensive way to own a gold investment.....That's what I'd be inclined to do, if I was inclined to put on a hedge of gold in the first place."
Honey EC: Bob made it sound like he might have recommended SLV last year when it was lower -- that never happened. He simply answered a couple of caller's questions about it being used as a hedge like gold. But more important than that, he changed his tune completely about "preferring GLD." Here are two examples of Bob saying that SLV was an exact hedging-equivalent to GLD.
* November 7, 2011, Bob said: "As far as silver is concerned, I think it could be considered as an alternative form of hedging in a portfolio......The preferred way for those who wish to have a silver hedge in their portfolio would be the Exchange Traded Fund that holds the silver bullion -- that trades under the symbol SLV.....the Ishares Silver Trust.PRICE OF OIL AND THE ENERGY SECTOR.....Bob said: "It's all about oil production....Gasoline is derived from oil. So if you are talking about a company that has barrels of oils in the ground....Then you're talking about an increase in the net-asset-value when oil goes up....Obviously if oil prices were to double overnight, you could get to a point of diminishing returns....using would decline dramatically....One of the things going on right now with oil, and oil has moved modestly higher. West Texas Intermediate is a little over $109 a barrel. Brent crude, which is used in Europe and Asia, is around $125 a barrel. This is about Iran....As long as this is out there, wondering about what's going to happen with Iran, then you're going have people coming into the oil market to get supply."
* March 2011, Brinker said: "I've made it very clear that I regard silver bullion as an alternate to using gold bullion for those that want to have a precious metals hedge.
Honey EC: In May 2009, Bob added Suncor, a Canadian oil company to his Marketimer off-the-books list of recommended individual issues. This is his only oil or energy stock recommendation. It's now listed as "attractive for purchase" below $33.00. This company is planning a large-scale increase in production over the next several years.
EUROLAND AND THE GREECE SOVEREIGN DEBT....Bob said: "Well they came to an agreement on the second annual Greek bailout. If you are a bond-holder of Greece sovereign debt, you are taking a major bath......You're getting creamed....First thing that happens is your face value is being reduced 53%....Somebody sitting with a $10,000 bond of Greece just has $4700 left.....And worse....The new coupon has been slashed and the coupon on the bonds that are going to be exchanged for the existing bonds is going to be three and a fraction....So you get a real present value loss of 75%.....Remember, there's a lot of risk out there if you buy the sovereign bond of a country that doesn't pay up.....Has Europe thrown another 175 billion dollars into the black hole known as fiscal irresponsibility in Greece. We shall know this in the fullness in time....
The immediate disaster of a Greek default has apparently been diverted......The fiscal police are going to be sent to Greece to monitor everything that goes on in the fiscal situation in Athens....Remember annual Greek bailout number one? .......Now they need a new deal....The new interest is going to be 2% before it is scheduled to rise down the road." There are other countries in Euroland that may need assistance....Portugal, for sure...Everybody is hoping it doesn't get to the level of Italy and Spain, the third and fourth largest economies in Europe, because that would be a much bigger deal.....It's a colossal mess..... They must be very sorry that they took Greece into the Euro back at the beginning of the last decade."
** You can keep track of bond yields by country here: Government Bond Yields, List by Country
Here's the problem, the people who are making policy in Washington right now really do not have a background in investing...And the notion that a president would propose a minimum capital gains tax rate of 30%, after what we've just been through, just proves that he has no idea whatsoever on the subject of investing. That's the reality. That's my opinion."
GIVING $MILLIONS AWAY...Bob said: "This is the last year under current law for the deal that was struck in December, 2010 between President Obama and congressional leaders on tax-free giving. They struck a deal that was unique. And that deal was -- and I realize this will only apply to a hand-full -- that deal was to allow you through the end of give away up to $10 million dollars. So somebody sitting out there with a ten million dollar gift account, would be able to give two million dollars each to five children. Now they don't have to be children, but most people don't give that kind of money to the next person walking down the street....It's very doubtful that this exclusion will be extended....There are already proposals to reduce this provision starting next year....Separate from this, you also have the annual giving limit -- no tax of any kind -- of $13,000 to anybody you wish. A married couple can give $26,000."
IF INFLATION PICKS UP WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO INFLATION-PROTECTED BONDS?....Caller Bob from Pennsylvania asked Brinker about Vanguard Inflation Protected Fund (VIPSX) and TIP (an ETF), and wanted to know if their net-asset-value would go up if inflation picked up and "everyone piled into them."
Bob replied: "My expectation would be if you saw the base rate, which is now near record lows, start to rise, then you would see an inverse relationship in the net-asset-value...You would see the net-asset-value decline....This is what we've seen in reverse. We've seen the base rate go down into negative territory on many of the short or intermediate term TIPS bonds and that's what pushed the net-asset-value up."
Honey EC: Later in the program, Bob said what he has been saying for some time, that he does not recommend Inflation-Protected Bonds at this time. He sold all of the holdings in model portfolio III and income portfolio in January 2011.
** Bob is likely right about dumping TIPS, based on this article: "Why TIPS Make a Terrible Inflation Hedge"
** Bob is likely right about dumping TIPS, based on this article: "Why TIPS Make a Terrible Inflation Hedge"
SAFELY GET 10% INTEREST IN INDIA? Caller Joel said he had some friends getting 9 - 10% on money in India. Bob said, "I have not checked rates in India lately, but I'll tell you this much. When you are investing in any local currency, you are accepting currency risk. So what you make up in yield on the one side, you can potentially give back on the other side....If you are a U.S. investor, and you go abroad and put your money in a debt instrument abroad, you are then going to be investing in the local currency. When you bring that money back into the dollars....You spend dollars....You don't spend Indian currency, that means when you bring that money into dollars, what exchange rate will apply....If you live and work in India.....that's a different deal."
** There may be another way to avoid the currency risk. Read about it here: A New Tool in the Hedge Shed
RIDICULOUS CALL OF THE DAY: Caller Ken from Connecticut (who said he was 45 years old and married and hoping to retire at 62) said: "I've been listening to you since day one and I am a very happy camper. I started out with $5,000 and now I'm worth $800,000. So thank you very much for a job well done!"
Ken explained that he was about a year away from paying off his $260,000 home and had a $35,000 college fund going for his eleven year old daughter -- and was still putting $700 a month into this college fund. He asked Bob if he thought it would be okay to take a five-year hiatus from contributing to his 401K (which was at $700.000) so he could upgrade to a custom-built home worth $400,000 to improve their quality of life.
Bob replied, "Ken I would have to go along with a five-year hiatus so that you could afford this upgrade in terms of your housing. I vote yes."
Honey EC: Bob replied after he sang Ken's praises like a loud Halleluiah Chorus. LOL! But Bob never once asked Ken how he made all that money in the first place. So let's do some math: In order to believe that caller, you have to believe that he started listening to Bob when he was about 18 years old and had $5000 to invest, which he turned into about a million dollars in assets all thanks to listening to Bob Brinker.
And Ken did all that while either getting a college education or going to work with just a high school education. He also married, had a child, saved a tidy $35,000 for her college in eleven years -- and all the while, paid the lion's share of a quarter million dollar home while growing an IRA into $700,000 (who knows where the other $100K that he said he had).
It's no wonder Bob didn't ask Ken about his profession or how much money he makes. Bob surely didn't want to make Ken look like a liar, a fool or a politician after all the smooching he had done on Bob. Or worse yet, Ken might even have said he inherited some of the money he gave Bob credit for.... LOL!! I hope someone will do the math on this caller's fairy tale. :)
COMEDY SKIT OF THE DAY: Caller Kevin from Albuquerque said: "About a year or two ago, I got involved with the Moneytimer......I'm just trying to make it grow a little bit faster. How do I get out of what my investments are -- there's only about $53,000 -- How do I benefit from using the Moneytimer? I mean by using the programs. Just sell a few things and buy what you are suggesting or what?"
Bob replied: "The only way, unless they match, unless they're identical to what's in the Marketimer investment letter....If it matches what's in the investment letter, you're already there, right? But with reference to holdings you want to make a change on, then the only way I know would be to liquidate those holding and take the proceeds and re-invest those proceeds in the securities that are recommended in the investment letter that you wish to add to your portfolio. I mean, that's the only way that I could think of that that would work out."
Honey EC: Bob never misses a beat when it comes to touting his newsletter, no matter what the "subscriber" calls it. :)
Bob Brinker's Moneytalk on Demand is FREE on KSFO560. Shows are archived for seven days after broadcast.
I just heard a caller say he began with about $5K and is now worth $800,000 and he owes it all to Brinker. He invested in Brinker's funds and suscribed to his newsletter.
JReality said...
ReplyDeleteLMAO! The guest on Bob's show was also saying he's a songwriter and was plugging a web page with his songs!
Also I have to laugh at Bob's supposed call of going long at SPX 1129, because I don't recall him calling to go to cash beforehand!
February 26, 2012 12:53 PM
Honeybee replied
JReality said: "Also I have to laugh at Bob's supposed call of going long at SPX 1129, because I don't recall him calling to go to cash beforehand!"
Hi JReality,
Nice to hear from you. Yes, the guest was hilarious. I had hoped to find time to do a short review of the hour, but it didn't happen. However, I hope enough was said to inspire those who were interested to download the hour from KSFO and listen to it.
And as for your comment about Bob Brinker never selling, but continually tooting his horn about issuing a "buy-signal" at 1129:
When one thinks of the audacity of him having done this repeatedly over the past nine years, it boggles the mind.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of Moneytalk listeners, and all recent Marketimer subscribers, have a difficult time finding out the truth unless they read this blog.
It's a lead pipe cinch that Bob Brinker depends on a constant stream of new subscribers to keep the big newsletter-bucks rolling in. The proof is in the fact that he is still working many years past retirement age.
The only time that new issues of Marketimer EVER mention Brinker's prior market timing calls is when one finally makes him look good.
February 26, 2012 2:06 PM
Instead of "guru" timing calls, perhaps one would be better off using SPX weekly moving average crossovers (I won't mention my favorite), or a monthly SPX close above/below the 10 month moving average as a signal to get in and out of the market. Granted there are times one will still get whipsawed, since no system is perfect, but at least there are no subscription fees involved.
ReplyDelete"he owes it all to Brinker."
ReplyDeleteDid he use Brinker's timing calls as a contrarian indicator? ;-)
Thanks for the update honeybee. Again you are doing a terrific job exposing brinker for what he is a shark in sheeps clothing.
ReplyDeleteSome of his rhetoric defies explanation and only a complete fool would know after listening to him for years that he is all over the map. He has no idea where the market is heading and to publish a NEWS LETTER and ask for money for it defies logic..As the old saying goes there is a sucker born every day and brinker will reel him in if he listens to him... Thanks again JOhn
Here in SoCal, KFI just signed on with Ric Edelman for the Sunday 2-4 timeslot. This will compete with Brinker that is on KABC in the same time slot starting next Sunday. When KABC brought Brinker back a few months ago they only picked up the last two hours of Bob's show and from 1-2 they run Nick Vertucci's real estate investing hour infomercial ( which used to be on Saturday from 1-2.
ReplyDeleteRob in Pasadena, CA
Let's assume Ken from CT turned 18 on Jan 1 1985 and celebrated by investing $5K into the SP500 Index. If he left it alone, reinvested his dividends, didn't pay any management fees (lucky guy), and checked his balance on his 45th birthday (1/1/2012) he would have $71,836. In order to have $800K today, he would have had to invest an additional $8,400 on his birthday each year. $1M would require $10,700 each year.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI just heard a caller say he began with about $5K and is now worth $800,000 and he owes it all to Brinker. He invested in Brinker's funds and subscribed to his newsletter.
I would like to dedicate this song to you and the caller.
Jeffchristie, What a great old record player and song. LOL!!!!
ReplyDeleteHere's your hyperlink:
Frank Sinatra - "Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you"
ReplyDeleteGreat song dedication.
"if you should survive to 105, look at all you'll derive out of being alive..."
If Ken from CT survives to 105 AND there is a Brinker to provide advice, the sky's the limit!
Pink Floyd: Money.
Cindy Lauper: Money Changes Everything.
ReplyDeleteI was really hoping someone would do that math on that.
You may know that math is not my strong suit, and certainly not when it comes to compounding like you did.
So now we know what he would have had to invest, but we can only speculate about what he actually invested in.
Since he gave Bob Brinker all the credit, I would like to have asked him if he followed all or part of Brinker's advice.
If he didn't follow all of it, how did he choose which to follow?
If he did follow all of it, we know that there were several 20% bear markets that he rode down, plus a 57% bear in 2008 that is just now getting back to the same level it was in 2007.
Also, did he put 50% of his cash reserves into QQQ in October 2000? Those are still underwater from then.
Did he put a chunk of money into Firsthand Fund, TEFQX? It's way down from where it was when Brinker raved about it on the air and in Marketimer.
Just a few questions that I'd love to ask Ken from Connecticut.
Abacus is correct. Ken of CT could easily reach 800k in 27 years. I assume he's been lucky to have full employment. He contributes maximum to 401k plan at work, takes full advantage of employer's matching contribution, also puts extra in IRA each year. Especially he may have sidestepped the market in 2001 following Bob's call and re-joined in 2003, and stayed away from QQQQ debacle.
Q said: "Especially he may have sidestepped the market in 2001 following Bob's call and re-joined in 2003,"
Why exaggerate when you know I will not allow it to go uncorrected?
Bob Brinker PARTIALLY side-stepped the 2001 bear market. Here's proof:
Marketimer August 2000, Bob Brinker wrote: New equity allocation guidelines: Cash 65%; USA 25%; Europe 5%; International Growth 5%
So he remained 35% in equities throughout that bear market.
I did not quite understand Brinker's advice to Paul about choosing CD's over bonds. A month or two ago someone called about DCA into his income fund and he told that caller to just put the money in. Does Brinker think his income portfolio will not go down with rising interest rates?
ReplyDeleteI think he should have asked Paul whether or not he needs current income, because CD's won't provide any.
Hi Bob
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking my call. On February 8th 2008 you issued a buy signal in the low 1300's.
Now it is four years later and the S&P is in he mid 1300's. You no longer have the market rated a buy but suggest dollar cost averaging. Are you less bullish than you were four years ago?
"Now it is four years later and the S&P is in he mid 1300's. You no longer have the market rated a buy but suggest dollar cost averaging. Are you less bullish than you were four years ago?"
ReplyDeleteJeff are YOU saying that the market is the same as if was four years ago or are you just looking to take a crack at Bob Brinker?
Your rhetorical question serves no other purpose IMO.
andya whimpers and whines:
ReplyDeleteJeff are YOU saying that the market is the same as if was four years ago or are you just looking to take a crack at Bob Brinker? Your rhetorical question serves no other purpose IMO.
Exactly what is your point? Are you an internet cop, and stalking Jeff and what he says? Is he not allowed to say that?
Mebbe you have an answer, instead of just sniveling?
Jeffchristie...Thanks for that dose of reality. Your link took me back to my original archived blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing thing to read what Bob Brinker was saying about the stock market and the economy as the 2008 megabear was just getting started.
I wrote on February 13, 2008:
On January 20, 2008, he removed his "attractive for purchase at mid-1400's" buy-signal which he has advised each month since August, 2007, and advised only dollar-cost-averaging into the market. At the same time, he said he was looking for a new market bottom.
As of February 10th, Brinker has issued a new buy level in the "low 1300's." This is not only way below the prior buy level of mid-1400's, it's below the one prior to that--which was "1380 or lower."
Brinker now says that we may not see any new stock market highs until 2008 or into 2009. That is quite a change for him because he has been predicting new highs ahead for at least 8 months...
He has also changed his recession views. He formerly was saying there was zero chance for one. He now says there is a chance of a mild and brief recession -- during the first half of 2008.
Pity the people who might have come into a large chunk of money during the last couple of months of 2007 and sunk it into the stock market on Brinker's advice, just to ride it down almost 20% intraday and 16% on a closing basis...."
And "America's Most Trusted Advisor" continues to play this same broken record over and over and over and over.
His latest buy-signal was in September 2011 at 1129. This one is looking good, so this one is the one he talks about.
Mr Pig,
ReplyDeleteI think "andya" would like to "pretend" that the market isn't "the same" as it was four years ago -- in the 1300s.