Written by Jeffchristie:
Welcome to Intergalactic Moneytalk where it is all about the money. Well the Klingons continue their massive deficit spending with no end in site. The Vulcan's are working on another bail out package. Klingon 10 year bonds are yielding 30% while Vulcan 10 years are at 1.8%. How are the Klingons reacting? There are riots in the streets on the Klingon home world. I played golf with a Ferengi last week
and he gave me an ear full. If it was up to him he would throw the Klingons out of the Federation.
From the beaches on Risa to the far reaches of the Alpha Quadrant Intergalactic Moneytalk comes to you each and every week. We are here to answer you questions from anywhere in the galaxy. Call into Starfleet command on subspace using frequency 2221.
Rom is on the line from Fereninar. Hi Bob thanks for taking my call. Long time listener and newsletter subscriber. You told us that Gold is a great hedge. The Grand Negus is saying that Latinum would be even better. What is your view Bob?
Well Latinun is another speculative metal just like gold and silver. I don't have a problem with that. You could use the exchange traded fund symbol LAT that trades on the Ferengi stock exchange. Appreciate the call.
Galron is on the line from the Kllngon home world. I do not agree with your views on the Klingon economy Bob. You have insulted the house of Mogh and I demand satisfaction. Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Translation "Today is a good day to die". Well we will have to agree to disagree. Call terminated.
Topol is on the line from Vulcan. Hi Bob I appreciate your program. I am buying a second home on Risa. The bank is offering me a 15 year fixed loan at 4.5% and a 30 year loan at 4.25%. What is your recommendation Bob? Well how old are you Topol? 112. Well since the average Vulcan lifespan exceeds 150 I don't have a problem with the 30 year.
Kirk is on the line from Riverside Iowa. Bob I am currently home on shore leave. I am going on a 5 year mission to boldly go where no man has gone before. I will be too busy to manage my own money. Is there some place where I can put it safely for that time period? Well Kirk it is hard to find a place for that long that would be safe. You could put it in CDs insured by the Federation. Another option would be the Federation Interplanetary total stock market index fund at Fidelity or Vanguard but that wouldn't be without risk. Good luck on your mission.
Stay tuned for our special guest in the third hour. The Grand Negus will explain the Ferengi rules of acquisition. We have used many of these though out the years in marketing our products here successfully. Stay tuned.
Ferengi are a unique species. Their religion is commerce and their society is determined by profit.
The Ferengi believe that the universe is held together by the Great Material Continuum, also known as the Great River. The Ferengi believe that each part of the universe has too much of one thing, but not enough of another, and it is through the continual flow of the Great River that wants and needs can be fulfilled, if one navigates the River with sufficient entrepreneurial skill.
Remember Intergalactic Moneytalk on demand is available through subspace communications. You can download it to your tricorder and take it with you.
Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition
1. Once you have their money, never give it back
2. You can't cheat an honest customer, but it never hurts to try
3. If you can't break a contract, bend it
4. Anything worth selling is worth selling twice
5. Anything worth doing is worth doing for money
6. A deal is a deal ... until a better one comes along
7. When the customer is sweating, turn up the heat
8.. Never take the last coin, but be sure to get the rest
9. The vast majority of the rich in this galaxy did not inherit their wealth; they stole it
10. Free advertising is cheap
11. Praise is cheap. Heap it generously on the host
12. The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife
13. Never admit a mistake if there's someone else to blame
14. Enough is never enough
15. There is a customer born every minute
16. Greed is eternal
17. Buy, sell, or forget
18. Never trust your customers
19. Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit
20. Never give away for free what can be sold
21. Tell them what they want to hear
22. There's a sucker born every minute. Be sure you're the first to find each one
23. A warranty is valid only if they can find you
24. Never question luck
25. Satisfaction is not guaranteed
Frankj, transmitting to the Beehive Buzz, via a coded burst transmission, using solar-flare capture technology to boost my signal:
ReplyDeleteGood job, JeffChristie, very original.
Stardate 2375.
ReplyDeleteThis is the wife of Grand Nagus Rom of Fereninar.
"A contract is a contract is a contract, but only between Ferengi"
Put that Romulan Ale away, or are you smoking it?
Mr. Pig's link: :)
ReplyDeleteRomulan Cannabis Seed
Mr. Pig....I think you may like this better. :)
ReplyDeleteThe drink the Federation doesn't want you to have!
Delicious, berry flavored, energy drink - in proper Romulan Ale blue.
84 mg of caffeine per can.
Sold in 6 packs, just like they sell on Romulus.
Romulan Ale Star Trek Energy Drink
No mention of my favorite Borg:
ReplyDelete"40 of D"?
I mean "7 of 9", yeah that is what I meant. :)
See 40 of D here
We need an Alec Baldwin speech from Glengarry Glen Ross channelling the starship chronicles of brinkerdom..!
ReplyDeleteI was going to make a comment about Brinker and the stock market but I don't want to interrupt the silliness here.
ReplyDeleteI'll check in next week.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness. What happened to your sense of humor, sour puss?
It must be a barrel of fun to be you.
ReplyDeleteYes 7 0f 9. I believe she was part of a successful plot by the BORG to take over the US government back in what would be your early 21st century
Back in 2004, when Obama was a small-time State Senator from Illinois and running for a U.S. Senate seat, his GOP opponent was Jack Ryan, a super-wealthy businessman who was actually favored in the contest -- and who had gone through a messy divorce from ... Jeri Ryan.
The divorce was a slapfight of Hasselhoffian proportions, and Jeri's allegations that Jack had forced her to go to sex clubs in New York and Paris -- and wanted her to have sex with him in the clubs -- completely ruined Jack's campaign ... and Obama went on to win the seat. And became the one in the Oval Office.
jeffchrisite. the think that did Jack Ryan in was:
ReplyDelete1) He lied to the Republican party before he announced and was rounding up support for his campaign, i.e he was asked bout what allegations might surface due to things in his past
2)It is interesting he was in trouble because he wanted to have sex with hs own wife. the problem is the way he wanted to do it. IF he wanted o do some risky public sex,, a quickie in the elevator, a bj in the auto in a parking garage no one would have cared, after all she was his wife! But what he wanted was her down on her knees, submitting to him in full view of everyone, showing not only his trophy wife off but having her publicly submit to him. That was the issue with many voters male and female. It spoke to a level of ego that was deeply disturbing to many and the fact he could not get that was equally disturbing.
In the end the GOP brought in Alan Keyes s a carpetbagger to run against Obama. Btw Obama was predicted to lose by wide margins against Ryan, Ryan had paved teh way well, having been successful businessman who then left walls street and began teaching in inner city public schools to minority children.
I covered the Keyes Obama debates and they were decisively one sided engagements, all in favor of Keyes. Obama was not great or even good s an orator and Keyes picked him apart. It remains about the worst intellectual beating I had ever witnessed. But it was not to matter, the debates were poorly attended and and only on third rate TV and radio stations(I was there representing one).
YO, KGO, just don't come back at all, and you'll feel 100X better.
ReplyDeleteJust like us.............
Giving females the right to wear clothes so they can leave their homes.
ReplyDeleteStar Trek, Sexism is bad business