Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012, Bob Brinker's Moneytalk Show Summary, Excerpts, Commentary and Discussion

February 12, 2012............................................................(comments welcome)

Bob Brinker took this week off from the show.  Lynn Jimenez was the substitute host. Lynn is an excellent business reporter.

Lynn Jimenez said: "When I'm not here, I'm business reporter for KGO San Francisco and author of  ¿Se Habla Dinero? The Everyday Guide to Financial Success (English and Spanish Edition)."

 STOCK MARKET..... Lynn said: "The market snapped a five-week rally.....the longest one since the beginning of last year -- "Deja vu......If you believe in this sort of thing, then the right team won the Super Bowl for investors....If a National Conference Team wins the Super Bowl, stocks are supposed to rise for the year.....And if you subscribe to the theory as January goes, so goes the market, January was good to investors as well. The market ended with a 4.7% gain last month, and that's predicted the direction of the market 73% of the time....So we have reason to hope this year." 

 Honey EC: Wow! Lynn must never listen to Bob Brinker's Moneytalk. He said it was the first five days of the year that were the indicator and then he  pooh-pooh the bromide on January 15th. Mark Hulbert, in a Marketwatch article,  called it an "old wives' tale." 

EARNING DOING WELL.....Lynn said: "About 68% of firms reporting earnings so far have topped profit targets.

 TREASURY YIELDS....Lynn said: "As stocks fled to safety, in other words, traders sold them and moved into bonds, yields on those fell. Not good for savers, as you know, but it is helping  to keep mortgage rates at or near record lows." 

 GOLD.....Lynn said: "Gold dipped  $15.90 to 1725.30." 

 OIL PRICE AND PRODUCTION: Lynn said: "Crude oil fell $1.17 to $98.67 a barrel. Still close to a hundred bucks a barrel even though we have ample supply in the U.S. Even though demand for gasoline is lower.....Prices are being kept abnormally high by Iran's threat. It says it will close the main gate, the Hormuz Strait from most of Middle East oil shipments. On top of that, overseas demand for diesel is up. So our refiners our exporting a lot of that, and a lot of gasoline overseas. And that's keeping our prices higher. The falling demand for gasoline here is also prompting refiners to close down to keep prices elevated. And if you have filled your car up lately, you know that gasoline is expensive -- most expensive January ever....So as we move forward toward Memorial day, that mean it could top four  bucks, moving into $5 a gallon out west this spring.

 JOBS....Lynn said:  "We got more positive numbers on jobs. That seems to be helping other parts of the economy....I don't want anyone to make a mistake and think job growth is blasting forward. It's not -- it's still slow...."

CHINESE LABOR COSTS GOING UP.....Lynn said: "China's government is promising to raise minimum wages there by 13% a year through 2015 and generate 45 million new jobs. And of course, you and I as consumers,  will be footing much of the bill for that, won't we?"

HOUSING MARKET....Lynn said: "Applications to refinance homes shot higher, up 9.4%. To buy, barely budged, just a tenth. Even the National Association of Home Builders is forecasting an improvement in the housing market. Of  course, improvement when you are talking about the housing market is all relative. We have to look up to see bottom right now."

Honey EC: Again, Lynn shows she doesn't listen to Bob Brinker.  Over the last several weekends,  Brinker has stated that the housing market is in the process of bottoming. 

BUDGET DEFICIT...Lynn said: "The budget deficit fell last month compared to last January -- down to 27 billion from 50 billion. Partly, accounting changes, but also, tax reciepts are up. The deficit will still top a trillion dollars though."

INFLATION: Holding at 2.4%. 

FACEBOOK GOING PUBLIC...Lynn said: "This coming week, Facebook may sell some of itself to the public. Are you going to buy in? I'd like to know that at 1-800-934-2221. The shares may be priced at $29.73 each. They could go up to 40 bucks each.

Honey EC: I never heard anyone call about Facebook today. 

"PIGGISH CEO'S: One of the topics that Lynn threw out to callers was how "piggish" CEO's get millions in bonuses even when  firms goes bankrupt on their watch.

MORTGAGE FRAUD SETTLEMENT:  Another topic Lynn threw out to callers: The so-called Mortgage Fraud Settlement -- there are five banks involved:  Bank of America, Wells Fargo, J.P. Morgan, Citibank and Ally Financial (formerly GMAC)

Honey EC: There is more to the Mortgage Fraud Settlement  than casually meets the eye and certainly a lot of questions come to my mind. Here are a couple of articles about it: The Washington Post -- Los Angeles Times.

Comedy line for the Day:  Lynn excitedly said: "Barbara Gibson is going to clean up your Facebook page, plan your good-bye party and make sure your trivet collection stays in one place."  

Lynn did a short interview with Barbara Gibson and gave out her website. There were several callers who said it sounded like fun. Barbara and Lynn seemed to agree. So if you want to have fun making sure that your "last wishes" are fulfilled, here is the website:
Lynn's third hour guest was William Cohan. He was Bob Brinker's guest April 24, 2011: Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World   [MONEY & POWER] [Hardcover]

KSFO 560 carries free Moneytalk on Demand. So if you missed the program, or want to hear the guest speaker, you can download it anytime over the next seven days. 


  1. Here are the dates that Bob Brinker has done Moneytalk since it was dropped to Sundays-only broadcasts:


    June 6th: Bob Brinker
    June 13th: Neale Godfrey
    June 20th: Bob Brinker
    June 27th: Bob Brinker
    July 4th: Lynn Jimenez
    July 11th: Bob Brinker
    July 18th: Bob Brinker
    July 25th: Lynn Jimenez
    August 1st: Bob Brinker
    August 8th: Bob Brinker
    August 15th: Lynn Jimenez
    August 22nd: Bob Brinker
    August 29th: Bob Brinker
    September 5th: Lynn Jimenez
    September 12th: Bob Brinker
    September 19th: Bob Brinker
    September 26th: Bob Brinker
    October 3rd: Bob Brinker
    October 10th: Bob Brinker
    October 17th: Lynn Jimenez
    October 24th: Bob Brinker
    October 31st: Bob Brinker
    November 7th: Bob Brinker
    November 14th: Bob Brinker
    November 21st: Bob Brinker
    November 28th: Lynn Jimenez
    December 5th: Bob Brinker
    December 12th: Bob Brinker
    December 19th: Bob Brinker
    December 26th: Spliced together re-run questions from prior programs (there was no announcement that it was not a live show -- don't call.)

    This is a list of the weeks that Brinker had fill-ins for 2011:

    January 2, 2011: Neale Godfrey
    February 6, 2011: Two hour program - third hour unannounced re-runs
    February 13, 2011: Lynn Jimenez
    March 6, 2011: Lynn Jimenez
    April 10, 2011: Lynn Jimenez
    May 29, 2011: Lynn Jimenez
    June 12, 2011: Lynn Jimenez
    July 3, 2011: Lynn Jimenez
    August 28, 2011 Program pre-recorded spliced-together calls
    December 4, 2011: Bob Brinker
    December 11, 2011: Neale Godfrey
    December 18, 2011: Bob Brinker
    December 25, 2011: Christmas, no show

    Bob Brinker's fill-in weeks for 2012

    January 1, 2012: Bob Brinker
    January 8, 2012: Lynn Jimenez
    February 5, 2012, Super Bowl Sunday: Third hour rerun calls
    February 12, 2012: Lynne Jimenez

  2. Well Honey, it has become very clear that Bob now makes extra money driving a bus full of tourists to Lake Mead and Hoover dam. He is on part time Sunday schedule, filling in when the regular drivers call in sick. Thus the irregular radio schedule. But it does bring in extra cash to replace a failing investment letter business.

    Home Gardner in So. Cal.

  3. Thanks for update Honey I appreciate your updates on Bob and also your comments.I feel also that this year will be good for stocks. I am investing in the energy and utility sectors as I like them the best. I like the big utilities like Excelon and Entergy as they have nuclear capabilities which i think will be the way to go in the future. Anyways if i am wrong they still pay a good divident. How are you investing? perhaps we can throw it out there and see how others perceive things..Thanks Again John

  4. Lynn faced her share of problems with bugs on the starship in the first hour. She had trouble hearing callers and at one time there was dead air followed by a cut to commercial. She said we had a few technical problems. Then she gave out numbers to call the five banks in the mortgage settlement only to find out that some of the numbers were wrong. In the second hour her segment with Barbara Gibson on last wish planning felt like a comedy routine on Saturday night live. The first two hours were entertaining. Her third hour guest William Cohan made some great observations on Wall Street. He noted that today's money managers are rewarded by performance and this gives them the incentive to take huge risks. He cited MF Global as an example of this.

  5. About DanG's TA pointers:

    I have recently been in communication with our good friend DanG. He told me he is having a health problem and has not been on his computer for awhile.

    I know we all wish him the very best.

    Here is a great charted TA analysis of the stock market

    T3Live February 13th

  6. All I can say is Lynn is a committed socialist. She consistently absolves people of personal responsibility and expects the Government to rig the system to compensate riff-raff for their own stupidity, ineptness, and laziness.. It is really sad to watch once great nation dragged down by her ilk. Sickening really.


  7. Home Gardener,

    LOL! I think it's more likely he is riding around in a golf cart most days. :)

  8. Hi John,

    Thanks for sharing your stock choices. I think you are probably right about it being a good year for the stock market -- being an election year and all.

    I've been gradually getting back into JNK, a high-yield bond ETF. Last year, with the market basically flat, my high-yield bond holdings (VWEHX) is where I made money -- even with the dip.

    And I also do a bit of mortgage REIT trading -- trying to catch the dividends in between.

  9. Jeffchristie,

    You covered a lot of territory about the show yesterday.

    Yes, Lynn and Barbara would have made a perfect comedy team rejoicing over Barbara's "brilliant" idea to fulfill her clients fondest wishes -- after they are dead. :)

  10. I like the idea of having a virtual funeral. Why not? Maybe a little animation to "liven" things up.


  11. TFB,

    You said it perfectly. It's too difficult and not worth my time to present her constant attitude of pro-Socialism and anti-personal responsibility.

    Not only that, she has a very negative attitude about investing in the stock market. I got sick of hearing her constant hammering "Wall Street" yesterday -- not much about MF Global or Corzine, though.

    Anyone who believed all the negative garbage she put out there yesterday (in spite of her January voodoo), would sell out this morning.

    Bob Brinker is asking for trouble having her broadcast his program KSFO.

    I predict it won't be long until he is dropped from there too. I bet he never considered that Lynn may be the reason so many stations are dropping or cutting back on Moneytalk. After all, she is on every month -- sometimes more.


  12. This was William Cohan's third voyage on the starship Moneytalk. He was the third hour guest on 20 March 2010 and on 24 April 2011. He deserves an up grade to first class for his frequent flyer miles. He should be seated next to Andy from Redwood city who holds the record for appearances on Moneytalk.

  13. This just in:

    Hobbes, the Market-Indicator Feline, just jumped onto the hood of the Nissan for an afternoon snooze.

    We interpret this as a bullish signal for Asia/Far East shares.

    -- Frankj
