Bob Brinker did not host Moneytalk today. KGO810 radio business reporter, Ms. Lynn Jimenez, was at the Moneytalk microphone.
Lynn is an excellent business reporter and she gave a comprehensive review of the financial marketplace. Here are the topics she covered in the opening monologue:
Lynn said: "Fewer people signed contracts to buy existing homes in July and that's not a good sign for future sales.....The S&P 500 Case Schiller home price index rose this spring - up by about 3.6%. Prices are still about 6% lower than last spring."
Lynn said: "And then there's the biggie, Consumer Confidence....It fell to a two-year low -- down nearly 15 points. A quarter of the people who were polled, spontaneously registered a negative reaction to the debt limit debate. They're pretty ticked off at congress."
Lynn said: "And the biggest worry that everybody had was jobs. In fact a recent Gallup Poll shows 31% of people polled fear they're going to lose their jobs soon. And worries about jobs had an impact on the market last week."
Lynn said: "Markets rose Monday. First on relief that hurricane Irene wasn't worse than it was.....The market ended lower on Friday on all that jobs data we discussed. The Dow fell 253 points -- 2.2%; Nasdaq fell 2.5%; the S&P also fell 2.5%. Overall, August was not a great month for stocks."
Lynn said: "The Dow was down for five of the last six weeks. Wonder why? Let me give you a list: They had that debt limit debate. U.S. debt was downgraded by Standard and Poors. The same that firm gave securities packed with sub-prime mortgages triple-A ratings. So go figure. Europe's banks are threatened by big levels of national debt. We had an earthquake on the east coast, Hurricane Irene and no new jobs -- that was just one month. I'm not surprised the markets, and for that matter, the economy, are wobbly......."
Lynn said: "Treasury prices surged in the middle of all this. The ten year yield is just 2.12%. Treasuries from zero to twelve months are giving zero. People would rather get no interest to hide in the safety of U.S. debt."
Lynn said: "Gold held its own. Up $47.80 on Friday, to $1876.90."
Lynn said: "Crude dropped because of the jobs figure, but it's likely going to rise because of the gulf hurricane."
Lynn said: "The week before, investors yanked $3.2 Billion out of stock funds. They pulled $610 million (did she mean billions?) out of foreign funds, but that was after pouring $34 Billion into them in the first place. But I guess you can see how nervous people are. Are you? I've been nervous."
Lynn said: "For the month, stocks lurched up or down by a full percent -- one percent, in fourteen of the last 23 trading days -- six up, six down. Well, that doesn't quite make fourteen, does it? But anyway, closing with losses of about 5.7%."
Lynn said: "Now long-term investors are riding this bronco out. But those who think they will need the money in about 5 years, seem to be getting off the horse."
Lynn said: "What's ahead? Sorry to break it to you, but since 1945, stocks have fallen 45% of the time in September. Aren't I little sunshine here? Of course, given the miserable August, stocks retrace losses. They could go back up. And that could be true because we've got corporate cash piles that hit an eleventh straight quarterly record. And profits are expected to rise again in the third quarter. So the market may just have its head this month, barring any huge shocks."
Lynn said: "Instead of just thinking of all the negatives too with the market, think of this. If you believe the actual value of companies, including all that cash has dropped as much as their stock prices, well I guess you can be pessimistic. But they're still functioning and they are still making profits. It's possible that the pace of profit growth may slow after the third quarter. But so far, they're at all-time record highs in the S&P's price ratio at 13.9, when it's usually, you know, around 15.9."
Lynn said: "If you do some careful shopping and you have lots of patience, you can get some big rewards in the future. Remember, even if you retire in five years, that doesn't mean that your investing stops. You need to grow your money to keep up with inflation. And even if you've pulled cash out of the market to retain it and get over the humps, think about re-entering the market with what you can spare. What you're comfortable with, to insure your money grows over time."
Lynn said: "Okay, we are a lot closer to a double-dip with the weak job market. Should lawmakers take action or let the market work it all out. Can we wait that long?"
Honey EC: The remainder of the program was mostly about creating jobs. I didn't actually listen to it, but a good friend did and briefed me on the whole program. I did listen to the third hour guest, David Brin, a self-proclaimed "futurist." He was so blatantly biased that even Lynn interrupted him one time to tell him that the program "tried" to remain politically neutral. That must have been her joke for the day.
I'm sure there will be some comments about this abuse of a "money-talk" program to promote left-wing ideology. And if there is interest in knowing more about this guy, I can do a brief summary of what he had to say -- and Lynn's chirping reactions to him.
The last time that Brinker made any serious stock market comments on Moneytalk was July 31st, before the correction got down to business. Here is what he said:
Brinker said: ".....we had a caller when the market was at 1268 at the end of June who asked whether he should sell out of the market because of the debt ceiling debate......Of course, the market is now at 1292, a couple of percent higher than when that call came in at the end of June. So this is what happens. If that individual would have sold out at 1270 at that time, he would be faced now with either sitting it out or re-entering at a higher level."
Brinker continued: "And certainly we've seen some nice dollar-cost-average opportunities this past week in the market. I must admit on Friday I was taking advantage of some of the bargains that were out there with the market in the 1200's, reacting to this hyper-drama out of Washington DC. I know many of you also have been taking advantage of the dollar-cost-averaging opportunities on short-term weakness - and certainly it's minor. I mean, 5% is really noise when you look at the market over time.......If you've been listening to this broadcast, we have not been part of the panic-brigade here on Moneytalk.
Honey EC: As of today, all of Bob's Marketimer model portfolios remain fully invested. His target range remains what it was in January, 2011. He predicts the S&P 500 Index will reach the low-to-mid 1400's going forward. Although, he has now extended the time frame from 2011 to 2012. As usual, he continues to recommend dollar-cost-averaging for new money.
Bob said: "And then when you look at interest rates, you say, wha' happened? Who let the dogs out? Three month Treasury Bills 0.1? Say again? No, I don't want to hear that number again. That's too low. Six-month Treasury Bill 0.7? These are annual yield boys and girls. One year Treasurys 1/10 of 1%? You mean I have to own a Treasury for a whole year to make 1/10 of 1%? Yes.....Two year Treasurys, 2/10 of 1%. Five year Treasury, under 96 basis points.....These are rates to write down, they are historic."
Honey EC: Earlier in the year, Bob sold all of his model portfolio TIPS and lowered the Vanguard Ginnie Mae Fund (VFIIX) holdings and Vanguard Short-Term Investment Grade (VFSTX). He increased Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund (VWEHX) holding in his "income" portfolio.
Bob said: "What they (the Fed) are expecting here is slow growth. Now many of you know I've been expecting slow growth. In fact, in the August investment letter.....we said that we had reduced our growth forecast to 1 to 2% for 2011.....That's very slow....It's not that it comes as a surprise, we already expected that we'd have slow growth. The surprise element is that the Fed would go out and say, basically for almost two years, they are going to keep rates close to zero."
Honey EC: Yes indeed, Bob did reduce his growth projections. In the July Marketimer, Bob projected the US GDP will grow by 2 to 3 percent in 2011..... "slightly more conservative than the revised Federal Reserve forecast of 2.7% to 2.9% growth in 2011."
Good old Lynn is out defending her illegal aliens buddies again, this time trying to promote the idea they are our salvation. At the same time she rallies against unemployment when any honest read would note the unemployment rate approximates the number of illegal aliens in this nation. The solution is obvious, start deporting the illegals, which will create jobs that can be paid for by seizing their assets. Curtail the welfare programs except for the mentally disadvantaged. Either work or die - pretty simple. They can always adjust upward with more redistribution programs if needed wage wise, but given the numbers of illegals here and the unemployment we really should have no unemployment. It is An unfortunate but necessary matter to readjust people’s employment expectations.
TFB comments on jobs.
ReplyDeleteI might add my own two cents.
There is a story circulating the internet about Jared Pinsker and his plight of having been laid off. Jared Pinsker, who worked at Borders Inc's Ann Arbor, Mich., is suing.
My take on his plight: - - - I wish him luck. He can get in line with thousands of others owed money by bankrupt Borders. Workers like Jared think they are owed a living and free suckling for the rest of their lives. I can see why so few companies are willing to hire anyone. Here in America if you need a worker, you can’t just hire him you have to “adopt” him.
ReplyDeleteYes, tfb, Lynn did not like it when someone called and used the term "hordes."
The program sure has a different pace when she hosts, not smooth. She told one guy she was going to have to stop him because a break was coming then she proceeded to palaver for a while.
I think she told two guys she would hold them over so they could talk to the 3rd hr. guest, a futurist, and then I never heard them after that.
Speaking of the futurist, why didn't she or any caller ask him about the market?
They did lots of talking about improving the economy, but the Futurist must not be up on the fact that one way to get things going would be for the US Patent office to clear its backlog of about 700,000 patents.
They are seeking approval to hire more people, which they could do if they can raise their fees. They are one of the few self-supporting depts in gov't.
There is a so-called jobs speech coming up this week. The president is dumb if he doesn't mention this, and the Republicans are dumber if they don't bring it up the night before in their debate.
Honeybee: tie a scarf around your head before you listen to this show, so your head won't explode. We don't want to lose you.
Fluffy and Frank,
ReplyDeleteI didn't listen to the first two hours of the program. Can you tell me which hour this happened about the "illegal alien buddies"?
What I heard in the last few minutes of the third hour almost made my hair catch on fire. LOL!
I though the futurist was giving us the keynote speech for next years democratic convention. He said Keynesian economics works sometimes but supply side economics never works. Too bad Milton Friedman isn't still alive to debate him.
ReplyDeleteThen he claimed that the people running the republican party have instructed the speaker to not work with a democratic president. Who are these people that run the Republican party? He sounded like another conspiracy nut. He also said it doesn't matter who is elected president. Tell that to the 1,000 people hired by Boeing in South Carolina or the people in Louisiana who used to work in the oil industry. Lynn made the most outrageous comment of the show. She said that this program tries to remain politically neutral. Obviously she is not a regular listener to Moneytalk.
"At the same time she rallies against unemployment when any honest read would note the unemployment rate approximates the number of illegal aliens in this nation. The solution is obvious, start deporting the illegals, which will create jobs that can be paid for by seizing their assets. Curtail the welfare programs except for the mentally disadvantaged. Either work or die - pretty simple."
ReplyDeleteThank God we still have laws and courts in this great land of ours so none of your cockamamie ideas will ever come to fruition.
You would make a great glassy eyed soap box orator.
After over thirty months as President with unemployment over
ReplyDeletenine percent, lower wages due to both underemployment and underutilization of skills, now Mr Obama will speak about jobs in this country? What's the rush?
On that topic, because my life has become quite busy of late, I'm taking applications for a personal shopper. Since Mr B boasts of finding "bargains" at S&P 1290, he need not apply.
Cantankerous-Anonymous said:
ReplyDelete"Thank God we still have laws and courts in this great land of ours so none of your cockamamie ideas will ever come to fruition."
So deporting illegal aliens is a cockemamie idea, eh? Last time I checked, illegal aliens are...listen closely...ILLEGAL!
So frankly I like TFB's "cockemamie" ideas. Yours I could do without!
from CNBC:
ReplyDelete"European shares fell sharply on Monday amid renewed fears over the euro zone debt crisis and a warning from Deutsche Bank’s CEO on the outlook for banks.
The DAX led the losers, falling by more than 5 percent, while stocks in London and Paris also fell sharply."
OK, now I wish I'd held SDS over the long weekend. But that's 20-20 hindsight.
There's an old saying about "a bush in the hand saves nine...or something like that. It was profound...really!
Y'all have a nice weekend...all except Cantankerous-Anonymous, that is!
Yikes Dan! 5% is some spicy meatball, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI'm wishing I'd bought SDS too, but didn't. "He/she who hesitates is lost."
OTOH, "Haste makes waste." Tough choice sometimes. :)
BTW: If two of you ever agree that you don't want to be bothered with "Cantankerous Anonymous' "stuff" here, that will be the end of it.
I usually, not always, let him have his say because there MIGHT BE someone out there who actually agrees with him. LOL!
And unlike Brinker, I don't call screen out anyone who doesn't agree with me. :)
I usually, not always, let him have his say because there MIGHT BE someone out there who actually agrees with him. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI say let him stay because he's so much fun to keep slapping around.
There aren't too many people DUMBER than me to slap around, ya know.
But, I may not be able to post and slap him around if these post get any longer, and there is no quick link to get to the posts, if ya know what I mean.
HB, I wouldn't want you to silence ol' "Cantakerous". First amendment and all that constitutional stuff, ya know. So let him talk all he wants. Just don't publish it! (kidding).
ReplyDeleteUnless something changes drastically today or overnight, tomorrow will be very ugly. You may just want to sleep in for a few days!
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ReplyDelete"Who determines who is "legal"?"
ReplyDeletePerhaps it's hard for you to grasp, Charles, but our LAWS determine who is legal.
(Whew, dumb as a post!)
Google searches:
ReplyDelete"illegal aliens" 14.5 million hits.
"illegal immigrants," 38.2 million hits.
"illegal workers," 5.35 million hits.
"undocumented aliens," 402,000 hits.
"undocumented immigrants," 3.54 million hits.
"undocumented workers," 3.94 million hits.
It looks like those whose goal it is to obscure the truth through the use of language, have their work cut out for them.
Undocumented sounds so much softer than ILLEGAL.
Undocumented sounds like there was just a mix up in the paperwork that will be soon be corrected.
Illegal is the correct word to describe people in this country who are here without the permission of the government.
"Perhaps it's hard for you to grasp, Charles, but our LAWS determine who is legal."
ReplyDeleteThat's just a technicality Dan. The laws may say a person is an illegal alien but if the government is not going to deport them what difference does it make?
The Obama administration announced it will no longer actively seek to deport illegal immigrants who don’t have criminal records and that it will review all existing deportation cases involving non-criminal immigrants on a case-by-case basis.
Also, these immigrants are eligible to apply for work permits while remaining in the country but that is not new since undocumented persons have always had the opportunity to request temporary work authorization.
So technically Dan, a person may be labeled an illegal but it doesn't make any difference if they will not be deported and can legally work here.
Got that Dan?
All your rantings and ravings does not diminish the fact that the total number of criminal illegal alien invaders approximates the number of unemployed in this country.
ReplyDeleteThe knowingly and willingly crossed the border and deserve no consideration and neither do those who knowingly employ them as they are criminal too.
Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)
"Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."
Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):
A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:
* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or
* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or
* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.
This is actually very easy. Immigration is a legal process that involves paperwork therefore you cannot have an illegal immigrant as immigration is a matter of law and you have fill out paperwork so there are no undocumented immigrants.
ReplyDeleteThe correct term is illegal alien and the are criminals.
Pig said...
ReplyDeleteI usually, not always, let him have his say because there MIGHT BE someone out there who actually agrees with him. LOL!
I say let him stay because he's so much fun to keep slapping around.
It seems to me that we had this same discussion about 10 years ago at Suite101. The moderator ask if a certain poster should be banned. The great majority of us said no. If I remember right this guy posted as MarkJ. He lost a bet and stiffed a charity. Could this be the same guy?
Immigrants are eligible to apply for work permits while remaining in the country but that is not new since undocumented persons have always had the opportunity to request temporary work authorization.
ReplyDeleteAlso, these immigrants
ReplyDeleteThat is criminal illegal alien invader.
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ReplyDeleteAh, so now the "law" is only a technicality, meaning nothing! Interesting theory.
ReplyDeleteMeaningless only to the Bozo in the White House! And his stay is only temporary. Soon law and order will reign again!
But I digress. what I really came to say was that the Dow futures are now down 285 points. Apparently not much investor confidence in "The One's" upcoming jobs speech!
"Good old Lynn is out defending her illegal aliens buddies again, this time trying to promote the idea they are our salvation."
ReplyDeleteWell, yer salvation is gonna cost ya! And that goes for Honeybee, DanG and the rest of you.
Just check this out. You people in Cawleefornia (as Ahnold calls it) are on the hook for some big bucks. You will be even a greater magnet for illegals.
California lawmakers send Brown bill granting college aid to illegal immigrants
Read more: Click here
May God help you and your bank accounts and pocket books. You are going to need it.
Crusty Old Ex-Cawleefornian
Before the last hour guest, Mr. Brin, there was an excellent guest that explained why the BLS makes such sizeable adjustments to employment figures. That guest said that the Treasury has near daily information on FICA payments and could know the number of employees.
ReplyDeleteWho was that great guest?
Bob Brinker told Becky the Babysitter she should consider her salary a gift and avoid taxes.
ReplyDeleteLynn from KGO fills in and supports ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the sanctuary city of San Fran.
This gets supported on a national radio show that plays years old informercial calls as if it were live commentary without a care it was deceptive to their audience.
Is it any wonder the country is such a mess?
Heart? Really - so you think you have a big heart if you systematically rob a developing country of the most talented, industrious and hard working citizens. Do you think you have a big heart when you systematically deprive other nations of their best and brightest resources.
ReplyDeleteWhat the United States is doing is acting as a pressure relief valve to other countries and depriving them of needed agents of change.
Other countries need to face up to their problems now and we do to. Immigration and migration is an exercise in stupidity. Resources and political system grow in linear fashion, populations grow exponentially. All immigration does is temporarily mask a systematic population problem. Modern medicine, vaccines etc have brought a new problem about and migration of people and immigration simply has masked the problem.
Instead of acting like every one who is opposed to open borders or even legal immigration is some sort of racist dunderhead, you might want to consider they may be well versed in the topic and looking at the world decades ahead.
Actually I am in the only State worse than California in the Union.
Can someone figure out if we are in a new bear market or a correction?
ReplyDelete"Can someone figure out if we are in a new bear market or a correction?"
ReplyDeleteIt depends on who you ask. IBD says we're in a confirmed rally.
I'm still betting on correcton, but if we make a new correction low, I'd call it a bear. The closing low so far has been 10,720.
The futures are not helping the bullish cause tonight, though the Dow futures have stabled out at down around 250.
But that's just my opinion. There are others here who may have differing opinions (I can think of one in particular!)
Investor asked: "Can someone figure out if we are in a new bear market or a correction?"
Let's see what the market does tomorrow and then I will ask my personal mathematician, Jeffchristie, :) to figure the percentage drop from the high and then we will all know if we are in an "official" bear market.
Charles Waldman said: "Honey, those "racial slurs" are in quotations meaning terms used by some of the types venting their spleens on your website"
ReplyDeleteWhat website, Charles? This is the only website that is "mine," and there has NEVER been a racial slur posted here that I am aware of.
If you believe there has been, simply post a link to it. Otherwise, I'd appreciate it you would refrain from making accusations that are not true.
Charles also said: "At least to her credit, Honey allows fools like me to express my views and her summaries of Bob's shows are superlative."
Thank you.
HB, I figure the Dow must close at or below 10,246 to be considered an "official" bear market (20%). That's a thousand points away from Friday's close.
ReplyDeleteSo even with the futures taking a beating tonight, that's not likely to happen tomorrow.
I haven't calculated numbers for the S&P, but will defer to Jeff Christie's calculator for that number. I doubt they would differ substantially from the Dow figures, but I suppose it's possible.
10-year yield hits a new low
ReplyDeleteTreasury prices rise, pushing 10-year yields to a record low, as U.S. stock futures point to a much lower opening and investors seek safety.
I guess those bond shorts like Gross are getting killed here. Serves them right.
What website, Charles? This is the only website that is "mine," and there has NEVER been a racial slur posted here that I am aware of. If you believe there has been, simply post a link to it. Otherwise, I'd appreciate it you would refrain from making accusations that are not true.
ReplyDeleteSo very typical of the Libs. Firstly this person throws out the name calling, and labeling. Then she posts an OUTRIGHT LIE, and the LIE will stay posted and visible. Now throw in a few paltry "attaboys" to the owner (commonly known as suck-ups) while the scummy LIE is never addressed.
Without an apology to YOU (Ms Honey) or some proof, I say ban the freaky girlie-boy again. sHE's used to being BANISHED anyway.
Can someone figure out if we are in a new bear market or a correction?
ReplyDelete2011 Intraday "Correction" Statistics 09/06/11
S&P500 Chart
Last Market High 05/02/11 at 1,370.58
Last Market low 08/08/11 at 1,119.28
Current S&P500 Price 1,144.51
Decline in Points = 226.07
Decline in percent = 16.5%
Max Decline = 18.3%
=>This means the decline from intraday high to intraday low is 18.3% and we are currently 16.5% off the peak.
=>The decline in the S&P500 from the closing high to the closing low was 17.9%
Today QQQ is $52.05 which is down 40.8% from $87.87, the highest QQQ was while Brinker was recommending it for up to 50% of cash reserves.
For the person who asked who was the first guest on the program Sunday. It was Charles Biderman
ReplyDelete(Thanks Jeff.)
Just FYI, you cannot trade futures in your ordinary stock brokerage account.
ReplyDeleteIn fact you cannot use Schawb to trade futures at all. You must use a futures broker and meet certain minimum financial requirements.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the market-correction update.
Bob Brinker is probably praying to his beloved "church of buy and hold" for the market to turn around this week so he isn't embarrassed into silence next Sunday.
First time I listened to Lynn. She's no Bill Flanagan. She is nowhere near the average BB listener. How many callers did she cut off?
ReplyDelete"First time I listened to Lynn. She's no Bill Flanagan."
ReplyDeleteRight, she's alive.
Y'all going to say the same thing when Brinker retires and you have some gold bug/penny stock promoter shouting at you.
Brinker's forgotten more than most of the posters here will ever know.
Bob's suck-up or the ego himself wrote: "Brinker's forgotten more than most of the posters here will ever know."
ReplyDeleteYeah, like how to fool people as he sure never knew how to time the markets!
Didn't know Flanagan had passed. I hadn't listened for many years. He was solid.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, who sounds suspiciously like our old friend, Don Lane/Mistertopes, said: "......Y'all going to say the same thing when Brinker retires and you have some gold bug/penny stock promoter shouting at you."
I don't think that Bob Brinker will be retiring any time soon. He's been threatening for at least thirteen years. Of course that was before Bobby Jr. left the computer/IT field and followed in daddy's footsteps.
Remember this? Bob Brinker wrote it:
From: mister topes Sunday, Apr 5, 1998 11:35 PM
View Replies (8) | Respond to of 20900
Your point is very well thought out. We can only hope Brinker never reads these boards to see how many people like caller Jerry are making it a fulltime job to try to catch him making a forecasting mistake. He would be very wise indeed to just pack up his bags and walk out of ABC forever and never again have to face the likes of Jerry or anybody else like him.
He does not need this and he certainly does not deserve this. And then, at that point, everybody who follows his advice can go back to guessing which way the market is headed and when. Meanwhile, Brinker can sit in front of his computer and enjoy the investing process he has taught us for so many years.
I very much doubt we are going to have Brinker to kick around for much longer. Look for him to be gone sooner rather than later.
Silicon Investor
I thought Flannigan was a stand up guy. This is what Don Lane/Mister Topes said about him and those of us in the listening audience who aren't subscribers to the newsletter. Here is what he said:
ReplyDeleteTo:Boca_PETE who wrote (3395)
From: mister topes Sunday, Feb 15, 1998 10:50 PM
View Replies (2) | Respond to of 20900
Your comments are salient to say the least. Last year I counted the
weekends I was forced to endure the likes of William, the Earl of
Boredom, Flanagan and Neale, Did You Buy My Latest Book, Godfrey,
and the Motley, Greater than all, Fools. It came to a grand total
of nine weekends without The Brink's on air presence. Assuming his
new contract includes nine or ten weekends off, I would say the
odds of him being on vacation during a sell signal are very good
to excellent. Wouldn't it be neat to see Brinker issue a sell
signal while on vacation from radio, have his subscribers sellout
at or near the top, and then see the market collapse with all
the radio freeloaders left to fend for themselves when he returns
only to tell them the horse is out of the barn and they are on
their own! Would not surprise me in the least. Poetic justice!
please refresh how long has it been since s+ p 1500 + every time brinker say's this is the time I know it's time to do the opposite. the guy is a punch line the only thing the laughs are on dopes like me that followed his advice the air is really thin on brinker mountain. cds would have beaten this guy yours truly the hiker lost on brinker mountain ps if the S+P makes his target this year you can count on a full head of hair on bernanke !!! oh yeah remember NO INFLATION hiker
ReplyDeleteBrinker's forgotten more than most of the posters here will ever know.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to see you are finally acknowledging what is apparent to most of us; He is senile.
ReplyDeleteThat post really shows Bob Brinker's true opinion of the radio audience.
Here is another one that shows what a bully Bob Brinker is. He posted this ANONYMOUSLY as "donlane = mistertopes."
To: Thomas M. Carroll who wrote (4601) 4/15/1998 12:20:00 AM
From: mister topes Read Replies (4) of 42822
Your post regarding the content of Model Portfolio Two is a direct violation of the copyright act. Please cease and desist such violations immediately or face the consequences.
Investor's Lament
ReplyDelete(sung to Yankee Doodle Dandy)
I read Brinker's Marketimer
I subscribe every year
Following portfolios one two three
Fully invested up to here
But since '07 Bob's been slipping
My IRA is down big time
Because of him there is one question that I need to ask you
Brother, can you spare a dime?
Stay tuned for more releases including Hey Bob (sung to Hey Jude) and the country tune You're a Two Timing Market Timer.
I have challenged him to give an example to back up his claim that there has been racist name-calling on this website.
ReplyDeleteSorry to be such a pest about this, but I really, REALLY REALLY hate this Liberal trick of making a serious accusation, then just leaving it hang, AS IF IT WERE TRUE. "It's the accusation that counts", and not the retraction to them.
I suggest deleting all of his notes the refer to racism and name calling.
I just can't see you being sweet talked with a few LIES and bamboozled by a CONFIRMED LIAR and STALKER AND TROUBLE MAKER.
A very wise Pig made some outstanding points and I have acted accordingly.
ReplyDeleteThanks for showing me the proper perspective about what had REALLY happened.
Sometimes I get too close to the forest and miss the trees.....
Thank you, Birdbrain!!!! Perfect....
ReplyDeleteHere's the music to your lyrics:
Yankee Doodle (Dandy)
I'll be looking forward to your new releases.
what a joke this lynn is ,,miss "ON" with her bright ms sunshine personality,,, boooring,,, the show is to political and not about money,, I can't believe old brinker can't do one day a week when people pay for his newsletter... obama is a joke.. hope and change,,, suckers bought it,,,yo ho ho,,, yeah hope..hope he leaves soon,,, so their will be a change,,,,,thats the name of that tune,,
ReplyDeleteda Brink wrote:
ReplyDeleteYour post regarding the content of Model Portfolio Two is a direct violation of the copyright act. Please cease and desist such violations immediately or face the consequences.
Wow, what a wuss. There was a chick in that John Wayne movie True Grit that use to threaten people with legal action all the time too. IMO, sort of faggoty and all coming from someone who masquerades as a man.
Is this a good time to be buying AGQ? Is it on sale today?
ReplyDeleteWhat are you buying AGQ for, long-term or trade?
ReplyDeleteIf you are trading, you missed the buying opportunity at the open. Don't fret, so did I. Kicking myself...
Bartee said: "what a joke this lynn is ,,miss "ON" with her bright ms sunshine personality,,, boooring,,, the show is to political and not about money,, I can't believe old brinker can't do one day a week when people pay for his newsletter..."
ReplyDeleteHi Bartee....We haven't heard from you in awhile. Thanks for writing.
Yes, Lynn is certainly "Ms Sunshine" unless you challenge her political views, then it's "I'm not going to stand for that, good-bye." :)
Bob Brinker only does one day a week, but isn't on every week. He averages about three out of four weeks a month.
As for people paying for his newsletter, in my opinion, that is the sole reason he still does the program.
He is keeping his name (which is the same name his son is know by) in the public eye.
That way, they both sell their newsletters as "Bob Brinker," and many, maybe most, believe that the Moneytalk host publishes both of them.
Ask yourself why an obscure guy whose education is in the computer/IT field, who starts writing a newsletter would immediately be carried by Mark Hulbert's Financial Digest?
And why would this same obscure guy have over 4000 "followers" on twitter, if he wasn't "Bob Brinker"?
Interesting tidbit: Jr has blocked me from following him. Anyone want to bet that I am the ONLY ONE he blocked? LOL!!!!!
That's unbelievably petty because it doesn't prevent me from reading his Twits, it just prevents me from recieving them and forwarding them from my own Twitter acount: Honeysbuzz.
Interesting tidbit: Jr has blocked me from following him.
ReplyDeleteMost libraries have internet access. Register there and have the tweets go to a new e-mail account also registered from there. You shoudl then be able to set up that e-mail account to either forward automatically or to alert you when something comes in.
Mark Hulbert Moneyshow Interview:
ReplyDeleteWhat Insiders Are Doing
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips, but I can read Jr-Twits Tweets by simply bookmarking the site and checking in once in a while.
I do know that several of the people that follow him, also follow me. I find that rather amusing, especially since I only Tweet about once a week. LOL!
They did a good job in getting Perry to bad mouth social security. Social security being the third rail of politics. Remember it was the obama network. Their objective was to "GET" Perry and Romney.
ReplyDeleteWednesday's debate was Bachmann's chance to show she had come up with some sort of plan to regain some semblance of momentum. And despite a strong performance in past debates, she let the opportunity pass her by. While Perry and Romney sparred, a subdued Bachmann failed to get in any memorable lines and looked like a footnote who belonged with the also-rans, not the contenders.
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ReplyDeleteMost of the Republican candidates except Bachnmann and Cain played into the Democrats hand and beat each other's records and attacked each other instead of outlining how they were different than Obama.
ReplyDeleteGreat way to drag Republicans through the trash without Obama having to raise a hand. The fools may blow this yet.
"Great way to drag Republicans through the trash without Obama having to raise a hand. The fools may blow this yet."
ReplyDeleteWhy do those Republicans allowed themselves to be maneuvered this way?
It doesn't say much for their ability to think on their feet.
I think Obama is going to win.
I don't think we are well served by these so-called debates. Too many candidates too little time. And the questions are of a "gotcha" nature, with questioner seeking to make himself or herself look good.
ReplyDeleteWhat we get is a gladiator contest where they tear each other down, then as soon as one gets nominated, we're suddenly supposed to forget all the negative stuff said about the candidate by the also-rans.
I would like to see someone like George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Victor Davis Hanson, or Thomas Sowell, or all four of them, interview 2-4 candidates over a three hour period, in depth. That would be interesting in my opinion.