STOCK MARKET Bob Brinker quotes today: "For someone who is near retirement, I'd be near the 50 to 60% in the stock market at this time." "Those who have used index funds over the years, have benefited great because they are very efficient."
BOB BRINKER'S STOCK MARKET VIEWS TODAY.....BB said: "Remember, my views are subject to change and they have changed in the past. But for a long time, we have taken a fully invested position for many, many years in the stock market. And we have maintained that position with the knowledge that we have the option of making a change in our stock market allocation if we believe it is necessary to do so. We certainly did that back in January of 2000, and we certainly can do it again. But we are not going to do it in a market that has favorable characteristics - and we've had favorable characteristics in the market especially since 2009 where we have seen the market more than triple during that time."
Honey EC: It seems incredible that Brinker hearkens back SEVENTEEN years to find a time when he actually raised cash from the market (65%). The only other time that he ever raised cash was in 1988-89 and that was a disaster because he missed out on huuge gains before getting his subscribers fully invested again. And that's it folks. He has never again raised case. Marketimer just rode that 2008 bear down until it bottomed 57% lower. It took a few years to recover losses - beginning in 2009.
INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS VEU AND VEA....BB said: "There is a slight difference between them.....we matched that up with the holding in the model portfolios. If you take a look at the underlying fund in portfolios I, II and III (Vanguard FTSE ll-World, VFWIX), and the active/passive, you will find that that international fund now matches up with the VEU recommendation on page 7 in the individual issues section identically now. The difference between that and a developed ex-North America Fund following the FTSE Index....Whereas VEU is an all world ex-US.,,,,The most obvious difference is that if you X-out North America, you X-out Mexico and Canada....along with the United States....Also if you're using developed countries, you're not using non-developed countries.....The All-World X-US would include Mexico and Canada and all the other country markets.....It's not a dramatic difference, but it is a difference."
VTI COMPARED TO TOTAL STOCK MARKET INDEX.... BB said: "If you take the total stock market index no-load fund and compare it to VTI, you will see that the performance is close to identical....The major difference is that the exchange-traded-fund (ETF) is traded during the day, whereas the no-load fund is priced at the close and that's the only time it is priced."
WHAT IS SHORT SELLING....BB said: "For the uninitiated on short-selling, what happens you sell a stock short because you think it is going to go down in price, and you will be able to buy it back at a lower price and make the difference. If you sell a stock short at $20 and you buy it back (which is called covering the short) at $10, then you just made $10 a share - or 50% on your money.....But in order to sell it short, you have to borrow the stock....."
INTEREST RATES....BB expects higher rates going forward and is maintaining low duration bond funds in Marketimer......FOMC did not change interest rates or Fed policies this week.
MARKETIMER BOND FUND INVESTMENTS... BB said: "If you check the investment letter, you will see this - what we've done on the bond side of the portfolio, we have managed our interest rate risk by keeping our durations down, The bond portfolio has done very well without taking interest rat risk....Our average duration in our bond fund is close to the 1 1/2 year area....Why take that interest rate risk when you can sidestep a large part of that by keeping durations down and by having some credit risk in the portfolio. And the credit risk has worked out extremely well for us in the portfolios."
Honey EC: Here are Brinker's Marketimer bond funds that he explained so extensively: (DLSNX, MWCRX, OSTIX)
INFLATION....BB comments: "...inflation is very, very low."
FOOTBALL IS GOING AWAY, HE SEZ.... Brinker called football a "game of insanity," and said that "it is going away." In essence, he recommended now as a good time to sell any football teams you own - while you can still make some money. Here is a Forbes article published yesterday: "The Study that Could Kill Football"
NO POLITICS, HE SEZ.... Brinker said: "Here on Moneytalk, we do not have anybody's talking points - Democrat or Republican."
Honey EC: That was Brinker's laugher of the day!
Here is the third hour guest summary: " ."

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